Modern Warfare 2

That's £47m in revenue?

I wonder what the cost of producing this game was? I guess they covered their costs in one day! Even so the price hike was pure profiteering by Activision and took advantage of the fans. This franchise is a licence to print money especially with all the map packs on the way.
it made 47m in one day!

i hope nobody has pirated this game, because we wouldn't want those poor developers to be in a position whereby they're unable to feed and clothe their kiddies...

it's a FUCKING disgrace that they charge so much for games...

keep in mind thats only UK... Wordwide, its been said they sold over 7m copies!!!

This is what they project after the 1st week:
Knew this sodding game would make me turn into one of "them".

I used to think these kind of games were for the kind of people who call themselves "professional gamers", wear army clothes to bed and own a collection of knives.

The bad news is i've bought a few t-shirts with skulls on since i've started doing this, and had a few friday nights in where i have decided to PWN some people instead of mingle amidst drunken mid-twenty something lasses which i should be doing....but i don't have a collection of combat knives yet. So i'm ok.

Brother's in Arms: Road to Hill 30 was the best single player fps I've played. It was all about using cover, laying suppressing fire and flanking the enemy. You couldn't run-and-gun through that game.

That game was superb, i was also a fan of Full Spectrum Warrior although it wasn't really a first person.

Perhaps they might work on a Ghost Recon/Rainbow Six game and tweak the cover system for that but i'd like to see it in a proper war style fps instead of a special ops kind of game which those two are.
COD now includes a 3rd person multi-player mode so a transition between the two should be able to be done with the engine.
Aye Dags. I don't mind being a Street Fighter geek because it's probably the game that got me into gaming in the first place, and it kind of went hand in hand with my clubbing adventures in days gone by as i always seemed to find a machine in the pub or chillout room where-ever i was.

I know shit about that game you're not supposed to admit to; Like invincibility and recovery frames of certain moves. Whether something is + or - frames on block :lol

COD though, please shoot me for real if i start saying. "Tangos are on the way, alpha team go weapons free and engage. Over".

I'll settle for using phrases like "I crossed him up with j.MK, d+MPxxsuperxxultra after he whiffed an SRK reversal". :D
Aye Dags. I don't mind being a Street Fighter geek because it's probably the game that got me into gaming in the first place, and it kind of went hand in hand with my clubbing adventures in days gone by as i always seemed to find a machine in the pub or chillout room where-ever i was.

I know shit about that game you're not supposed to admit to; Like invincibility and recovery frames of certain moves. Whether something is + or - frames on block :lol

COD though, please shoot me for real if i start saying. "Tangos are on the way, alpha team go weapons free and engage. Over".

I'll settle for using phrases like "I crossed him up with j.MK, d+MPxxsuperxxultra after he whiffed an SRK reversal". :D

I did that yesterday playing with Joe. I went round a corner or something and shouted,

"Someone's shoot- I mean, I'VE BEEN COMPROMISED!!" :LOL:
it made 47m in one day!

i hope nobody has pirated this game, because we wouldn't want those poor developers to be in a position whereby they're unable to feed and clothe their kiddies...

it's a FUCKING disgrace that they charge so much for games...
I think we have to bear in mind that MW2 is an exception. There's only an elite few titles that sell over 2m units total.

Developing a next-gen game is expensive. Usually at least two years of dev, sustaining the salaries and operating costs of the dev studio, all the pricey equipment needed, and then marketing the game during release (which runs into the £millions on its own for any well-marketed title).

So yes, MW2 will clean up, but it is exceptional success that few other games come close to.
i appreciate all that. especially the time frame and the sheer number of individuals who are required to make it all happen...

i don't begrudge paying a reasonable sum, in this case, i paid £26 for mw2, but when i go into places like pc world and see games marked up at £45 quid, it makes my blood boil!
This game could well be the only game I play for a year, it's that good in terms of multiplayer. Muting all the randoms in a room REALLY helped the atmosphere. Apart from that one knobend we found who was on our team but still insisted on trying to rip us a new one. :LOL:

Mind your Mum.

EDIT: And btw,

28 kills - 1 assist - 1 death :SMUG:
Yeah mute button for the win!!! That munchpop guy, what a fucking cunt :LOL:. Why do people go online in a game just to be pricks?!
Yeah mute button for the win!!! That munchpop guy, what a fucking cunt :LOL:. Why do people go online in a game just to be pricks?!

Cannot believe he took me down 1st in the next game too :(

Was a good sesh last night though, great fun. Not normally a big fan of the team stuff, usually play straight up 'Free for all', but really racked up the XP last night :)
It was my first go online last night, so for the plane map that I played with you guys I'll apologize for camping. I was trying to learn the map, and happened to find a good spot (though I got got more kills when on the move).
Definately up for some more (tonight?), especially as I've ranked up enough to get my clan tag. It's a bit strange playing in a team against people you know :)
:LOL: Don't worry about it mate, we all camp from time to time! I'll be on tomorrow evening for a bit, before UFC 105.
Yeah mute button for the win!!! That munchpop guy, what a fucking cunt :LOL:. Why do people go online in a game just to be pricks?!

Ok for you lot, I had to listen his crap as I was never in your team :(

I think we kicked him in the end though :)
You can just press the back/select button and go through everyone in the game to mute them, regardless of which team they're on.
Probably a good job you couldnt hear our team you were getting so much stick!! :LOL:


Ha Ha :)

One game I killed the entire team :)

This is my first shooter Ive played on the xbox, but I love it and will get better :)

As you go up the rankings does your gun handling get better? when I shoot the kick back seems to force my gun up and off target.
I think one of the perks is that you get less recoil, although you should try different weapons as the recoil varies between guns :)
Fucking Awesome last night!!

I loved how Tim was moaning at the start then he got it into his head that this isnt Rainbow Six, and ended up whoring it all night with us haha.
You wanna get on hardcore its much more fun

Then you dont have to pummel people with bullets only for them to kill you with 1 shot somehow and you can kill people from range who are running plus its more tactical and more Vegas style due to you being killed by a couple of shots so you creep around more
Loving it, to me it's the equivalent of trashy TV. You know it's not a masterpiece but you still laugh your tits off.

I've set EVO as my clan tag in-case I'm ever online at the same time as anyone else (I had a few good games with Jumbo last year which was random). :)
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