Modern Warfare 2

How do you unlock the flag emblems (e.g. the Union Jack)?

I've read they're unlocked from the start but they're not for me.
Especially when you get the same 3 maps over and over and over and you can't get going cos your ranked 5 and everyone else is at least 20. :(
I was getting the RRODs a week ago, left the console off for the night and fine the next day. Just got up to rank 7 on this (which unlocked the flags by the way, don't know if it was the ranking up or something else), and suddenly everything went a bit trippy. Green flashing lines and pink splodges everywhere.

Now, I get instant RRODs when I turn the 360 on. And it's out of warranty by TWO PESKY MONTHS. :(

Don't know what to do now, I'll give the Xclamp stuff a go I suppose...
I was getting the RRODs a week ago, left the console off for the night and fine the next day. Just got up to rank 7 on this (which unlocked the flags by the way, don't know if it was the ranking up or something else), and suddenly everything went a bit trippy. Green flashing lines and pink splodges everywhere.

Now, I get instant RRODs when I turn the 360 on. And it's out of warranty by TWO PESKY MONTHS. :(

Don't know what to do now, I'll give the Xclamp stuff a go I suppose...

What 360 version u got? Falcon, Jasper, Zephir or Launch?
Am I the only one not really enjoying the SP game? Have played through nearly all of the Acts now on normal and it just seems to go from one tangent to another, with some incredibly frustrating levels (constant pressure/respawing) and some levels that were rather dull and very linear. The controls are also frustrating at times i.e. the reloading times on some guns, the melee animation which takes an age to complete. Also, why is it not possible to perform two melee attacks or more in quick succession/or shoot whilst on a ladder/ledge? This game really needs a cover system aswell, the slums level right after the airport level took me ages to get through purely because it was difficult to progress through horde after horde of enemies when you are unable to find safe cover.

The atmosphere, sound effects and graphics are all very impressive but I can't say I've been bowled over by it. It seems like yet another over-hyped game and although it's main strength in it's multiplayer it still suffers from the old control system.
Completed the single player. Overall it was much better than COD4. There were some exciting parts and it was less silly then its predecessor but I suppose thats not saying much. The multiplayer is simply fantastic. Both Spec Ops and Competitive. A step up over COD4 and WAW with the new maps, weapons, custom killstreaks, unlockables and third person viewpoint option (for some gametypes). Is it GOTY? No. Thats still Uncharted 2 without a doubt. But nonetheless its still a great FPS with a brilliant multiplayer component.
Am I the only one not really enjoying the SP game? Have played through nearly all of the Acts now on normal and it just seems to go from one tangent to another, with some incredibly frustrating levels (constant pressure/respawing) and some levels that were rather dull and very linear. The controls are also frustrating at times i.e. the reloading times on some guns, the melee animation which takes an age to complete. Also, why is it not possible to perform two melee attacks or more in quick succession/or shoot whilst on a ladder/ledge? This game really needs a cover system aswell, the slums level right after the airport level took me ages to get through purely because it was difficult to progress through horde after horde of enemies when you are unable to find safe cover.

The atmosphere, sound effects and graphics are all very impressive but I can't say I've been bowled over by it. It seems like yet another over-hyped game and although it's main strength in it's multiplayer it still suffers from the old control system.

I hate how the AI know where you are at all times even if you run behind a wall go through a house and sneak round another wall. They all know where you are and will be targeting you as you walk around the next corner. Uncharted 2 had it done perfectly where even if the enemy are in full force hunting you down - if you go out of their view they don't know where you are.

Only had 1 MP game so far and enjoyed it. I like the revenge messages and the new options and weapons. No idea how long it will last me but it's a hell of a lot of fun.
Am I the only one not really enjoying the SP game? Have played through nearly all of the Acts now on normal and it just seems to go from one tangent to another, with some incredibly frustrating levels (constant pressure/respawing) and some levels that were rather dull and very linear. The controls are also frustrating at times i.e. the reloading times on some guns, the melee animation which takes an age to complete. Also, why is it not possible to perform two melee attacks or more in quick succession/or shoot whilst on a ladder/ledge? This game really needs a cover system aswell, the slums level right after the airport level took me ages to get through purely because it was difficult to progress through horde after horde of enemies when you are unable to find safe cover.

The atmosphere, sound effects and graphics are all very impressive but I can't say I've been bowled over by it. It seems like yet another over-hyped game and although it's main strength in it's multiplayer it still suffers from the old control system.

I'm not enjoying it so much either, it looks sweet but it seems rushed and as you say always seems to be a mass horde of baddies you never get that sense of anticipation and fear of what's round the next corner, it's just another 50 guys...:JAY:
The trophies are still buggered on this then? I got a trophy a couple of days ago on a Special Ops mission, yet when I go to my trophy list, MW2 isn't even there. Trying to sync my trophies returns an error. I've deleted the 1.03 patch and reinstalled it but it hasn't changed anything :CURSE:

The PS3 release of MW2 has been a joke, frankly.
There's a defined number of enemies, there's NO respawing !
I don't know how you can be frustrated with that.
The trophies are still buggered on this then? I got a trophy a couple of days ago on a Special Ops mission, yet when I go to my trophy list, MW2 isn't even there. Trying to sync my trophies returns an error. I've deleted the 1.03 patch and reinstalled it but it hasn't changed anything :CURSE:

The PS3 release of MW2 has been a joke, frankly.

I've just manually synced my trophies and MW2 is there and i have the update installed.
Just tried the fix which was to delete the patch, go into the game and decline the update, get to the main menu and back to the XMB, then start MW2 again and accept the update.

Worked okay after that but a lot of unnecessary fucking around.
I hate how the AI know where you are at all times even if you run behind a wall go through a house and sneak round another wall. They all know where you are and will be targeting you as you walk around the next corner. Uncharted 2 had it done perfectly where even if the enemy are in full force hunting you down - if you go out of their view they don't know where you are.

I'm finding this too, which is extremely annoying. I'm playing through it first time on Hardened and some of the levels are just frustrating with certain sections. It's a case of die repeatedly until you manage to make it through. Not fun. Especailly with certain checkpoints where if you dont make it through first time, you respawn and are a sitting duck right for the masses of enemies in that section already looking and shooting right at you. :BLINK:
Plus those random sections of open space with chaos going on around you can be ridiculous for dying over and over again, even with just sprinting towards your target and trying to keep your head down.

It's still not too bad, but I can imagine playing it on Veteran is going to be... fun...
I just hate having to resort to edging around corners and shooting guys in the leg until they die. :(
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