Modern Warfare 2

yee ha I have a makro card.

Alarm set for 6am :)

174 in stock at glasgow, what are the odds I will be number 175!

People will probs start queing up from 4-5am onwards tbh blats obvious if Makro run out off to trade WAW and pay the rest on top at my local blockbuster!
People will probs start queing up from 4-5am onwards tbh blats obvious if Makro run out off to trade WAW and pay the rest on top at my local blockbuster!

4-5am? Really, for the sake of saving twenty quid?

I will be on the way to work anyway, but if there is a queue of plukey youths I'll leave it and pick it up later :)
4-5am? Really, for the sake of saving twenty quid?

I will be on the way to work anyway, but if there is a queue of plukey youths I'll leave it and pick it up later :)

They might not have much stock tho compared to the likes of Asda and Tesco? They probs bought one batch in bulk and leave it at that.
Swung by Makro as its on my way home, no one queing up yet but seeing as my store only has 53 PS3 copies I'll be heading out at 6ish to bag a copy and quick!

EDIT: Bought a copy for £20 arguably bargain of the century where I didn't have to trade anything in!
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Cancelled my pre-order and will not be buying due to them butchering the PC version. I urge you all to read up on what they did to the PC version and not buy it, don't even pirate it.


i'm gobsmacked...

was gonna buy this today for pc because i'd rather play these games using a mouse/keyboard, especially online. your comment made me google the pc version and i came up with this...

WOW! that's all i can say. think i'll stick to the xbox version...

how the hell can they not have dedicated servers!!!! this is 2009!!! never mind all the other crap they have ditched or forced upon pc gamers...


To sum it up

We thought the lack of dedicated servers was bad, but now we can add the lack of console commands, the inability to have a say in who hosts the game, a lengthy pause while the game migrates to a new host if the currently selected host quits, no leaning, no option to record matches, and no way to kick or block trouble players, hackers, or cheaters.

You have to wonder if there are any actual PC gamers working at Infinity Ward, as it will be a challenge to find any member of the PC gaming community that will stand up for any of these omissions, not to mention all of them bundled together. At launch, this will be one of the most locked-down, inflexible, and gamer-unfriendly game ever created.

It won't stay that way, of course. The pirates will have the game up on the torrent sites soon, if they haven't already, and the code will be ripped apart and modded to allow everything gamers want. How quickly will dedicated servers pop up for these pirates? It's hard to say... but we have a feeling it won't be long. Those that buy the game legally will have no choice but to play exactly how the developer and publisher want them to.
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Have to say I agree with a lot of the comments below that article about how the PC users have pirated themselves out of the game. Unfair to generalize I know and I'm sure there are a good number of legitimate users on the PC, but its not like the majority ruined it for the minority. Someone said in the comments that Activision have said that half the copies of MW being played online on PC are pirated.

The pirates finally won, stayed ahead of the developers like the community demands and now only have themselves to blame. Very sad I used to love PC gaming, and FPS gaming on consoles is certainly far worse in anyone's mind than the PC equivalents.
£25.99 in Morrisons too. I haven't really got the money for it but I'll get it anyway and struggle on for the rest of the month :(
Well I cant be arsed anymore, seems sold out everywhere locally. It dont really bother me that ive not got the game more so that it will be more expensive when it comes available again!

Littlewoods have only dispatched my copy today so I wont receive it until tomorrow or Thursday. Im going to go pop down to Blockbusters in a bit and grab a copy for PS3 from them. £44.99 but when I get my copy from Littlewoods I will go and return the Blockbuster one and get my money back. Feckers. They have a big advert on their shop windows saying 'WE WONT BE BEATEN ON PRICE'. Yeah right. £44.99! Are you having a laff? :LOL:
Thats bad Coopz!

Think Im going to order from amazon for £32 and wait for 3-5 days, I probably wont be able to get it locally now until Friday and pay around £40-£45 anyway

Not as bad as ringing up to sort it out and they say its not theirs :LMAO:
They have a big advert on their shop windows saying 'WE WONT BE BEATEN ON PRICE'. Yeah right. £44.99! Are you having a laff? :LOL:

That means they'll match the lowest high street price.

Go in with a bit of proof that x shop is selling it for x amount and they'll give it to you for the same.

Just noone ever bothers to do that.
I have one copy from Makro bought for £20 and that is mine

I have one copy bought from Sainos for £26 my mother snapped it off my hand for £26 as my cousin wants it for Xmas, now off to Morrisons to snaffle another 2 copies for £26 :D
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