Microsoft Xbox 360

BumperMan said:
with so many doubts do you even have a 360?

ThomasGOAL should read that comment then, seeing he thinks I'm the biggest MS fanboy ever............

That is just the early autumn games coming in Sept early Oct, there is loads of others I'm looking forward too, I'm just saying dont get fooled by........... yes you guessed it, check the Sig.
Saints Row looks like a blatant GTA-clone. It holds no interest as even if they pull off the act of copying the GTA3 series, not easy in it's own right, it's already been done anyway so what is the sodding point? It'll be shite anyway, IMO.

Test Drive, has there ever been a good Test Drive? The demo was a tad shabby and they have time to improve on it, but an online, car-based RPG isn't my cup of tea anyway.

Not into American Footy at all, NBA is slightly more appealing but the only basketball game I've ever truly loved was NBA Jam on the Mega-Drive, not a fan of the sims.

I've given up on Rainbow Six games, FPS on a pad, URGH! At least GoW will be 2nd/3rd person ala the RE4 view.

The original Forza was boss except for it's shitey framerate, so I'll lap up the same game with 60fps and nicer gfx.

Splinter Cell, meh. Ok the original was interesting, the rest have introduced feck all new. One could argue the same thing about MGS, a series I love, so I guess it's down to taste. That, and the fact MGS has an epic storyline and is an infinitely better executed, stylised and superior game than Splinter Cell. ;)

Sorry, but I don't see this 'stunning' 360 line-up happening anytime soon. I don't see anything on PS3 I want either btw. New PES and Forza/new PGR will do me for a while.
For me im looking forward to the following on 360.

Dead Rising
Forza 2 and the steering wheel thats coming out for it
Thats about it really. I do like the look of Saints Row and its getting good things said about it but ive played other GTA Sorta Clones like True Crime and they were fuckin shite! Especially True Crime Streets of LA! what a load of bollocks that was! So I wont get my hopes up too much for Saints Row. Im pretty sure PES, Dead Rising and Forza will do me till next year.

ClassicD: Being a bit of an F1 Fan and having liked the Getaway series for being authentic London with authentic Cars im looking forward to see how the new ones shape up on PS3. Other than that nothing else makes me want to spend £425 on that..... Maybe in 2 Years time if it has games the 360 doesnt and hopefully the price will be much lower and more acceptable.

cant wait for PES6 thats the only games im going to buy on its first day out saints row looks good but if its a multiplayer demo ill just play the demo and not buy the game :).
the xbox has been out for around 7 months depends when your bought it,what is your faveorite game so far and why??
Mine has to be G.R.A.W i wasnt going to buy this game but finished Fight Night so i fort ill sell it,didnt think it would be good there was alot of hype around it when it came out,but this was my 3rd game and i still have it,play it most days and the online is amazing :applause: especially when we were playing with kevano and that
Saints row looks the business,I must say.

To compare it to gta 3 is ludicrous.

I tell thee,this WILL be a gta beater.

Do a search for trailers,and watch the developer interviews.

Worryingly,gameplay website has pes 6 (360) due for release in January !!!
jambotommy said:
Saints row looks the business,I must say.

To compare it to gta 3 is ludicrous.

I tell thee,this WILL be a gta beater.

Doubt it mate. GTA will get a massive overhaul. Also if it is great Rockstar can see what competition is. Only thing it may have over it is online
Im excited about the prospects for GTA on 360. I think it will be the nuts! :)

Cant wait for GTA IV.

If I did get an Xbox 360 I'd get...

Halo 3
Pro Evolution Soccer 6
Gears of War
Alan Wake
Dead Rising
Lost Planet
Resident Evil 5 (whenever the fuck that's out)
Forza 2
Ridge Racer 6

If I got a PS3 I'd get...

Heavenly Sword
Metal Gear Solid 4
Resident Evil 5
Pro Evolution Soccer 7
Devil May Cry 4
Virtua Fighter 5
Ridge Racer 7

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Ridge Racer 6 is ok, its arcade fun ive just got it again to complete it. If I was you Nick I would get a 360, Resi 5 apparently is out in October from what I last heard.

Dead Rising is a title which excites me! so many different options and cool things to do whilst trying to get good photos of whats going on and trying to survive/escape from the mass hordes of Zombies!

lol well jay666 as I said mate there will be hordes and hordes of zombies! so you will have great fun trying to gain that achievement!

Dead or Alive 4 is pretty shite I think, I found the controls to be unresponsive and kept getting my ass kicked! Graphically though I thought the game was good.

In my opinion, DOA is a game you will play for five minutes, then never again. Obviously this is just my opinion, hell I think £200 is not expensive, so don't bother listening to me at all actually!

There we go, fixed! :D
Slickhenry said:
DOA is a game you will play for five minutes, then never again.
:lmao: Thats so true. I bought DOA when if first came out. I played it for about 20 mins max, and havent played it since.
I bought it, then very quickly did a u turn after playing it for about 10 mins tops and got my money back from GameStation.

It's suposed to be a "hardcore" game, similar to Virtua Figher... Well, i think it's not as good as VF, and definetely not as good as the Tekkens.

The only thing DOA has in its favor is graphics and boobs.
lol and I think even the boobs have been over done at times. More Emphasis on those and less on making a decent fighting game. Im more an old skool Tekken and Soul Blade fan. I can remember spending hours unlocking Devil Kazuya on Tekken 2 and Even longer getting Soul Edge on Soul Blade!

Bargains at Play right now, Table Tennis and Top Spin 2 down to 18 quid each, also Amped is at that price and The Outfit if you want cheap new games..
Looking forward to play Saints Row demo tomorrow. Developers have said if this game sells there will be Saints Row 2, where we can expect to see bikes airplanes and all the stuff they didnt have time to put in Saints Row.
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