Microsoft Xbox 360

I find Table Tennis more fun than Topspin 2, but yes for Single Player Career Modes Topspin 2 wins hands down.

rockykabir said:
Got my Wireless bridge today....the biggest anticlimatic moment of any purchase I made. Cost £60, plugged it in....and that was it :(


What exactly were you expecting mate? Fireworks to shoot out the back of your 360 and explode into a sentence in the sky that says, "CONGRATULATIONS AND WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF WIRELESS INTERNET!"

... actually, that WOULD be pretty cool!
LoveFootball appeared on the Japanese marketplace.

It can't be played on Euro/US consoles though due to region locking.

According to people over at teamxbox.
Is Love Football a Jap only title? will it ever see the light of day over here?

Played love football last nigh on a jap console, crapola.

If you want to see what its like then go have a look at

Fifa is actually quite good if you try and ignore the fact that its NOT pes and never will be :)
Right for all your Backwards Compatible Lovers who play Forza Motorsport and dont like its Chopiness or the fact you cant play it in High Def here is what I did last night which worked a treat to solve 2 problems.

1 I use a HD VGA Cable with the 360 and its set in 60HZ mode so that I can play Top Spin 2, 2 I set the resolution to 640x480, and the screen mode to normal as opposed to Widescreen.

I was pleasantly suprised with the results! the game moves along a bit better and the graphics are decent as its running in HD :)

i finally got the 360 today.

i can't fuckin open the controller battery thing. i press the thing and pull but it doesn't come off.

everything hooked up and i cant do shit :)

little help?
ya, no tape on the battery thing.

it's fuckin stuck or something.

how hard are you suppoused to press the thing? is it suppoused to click or sumthing?

i dont wanna break the thing.
You must have a dodgy release catch it aint that hard and it shouldnt be either.


turned out i was doing it wrong. holy shit im retarded.


what hte hell is up with the Table Tennis box?

i can't get the f disc out. :)
jumbo said:

turned out i was doing it wrong. holy shit im retarded.


what hte hell is up with the Table Tennis box?

i can't get the f disc out. :)

Ask the Nurse to help you out mate, its what they're there for
whilst we wait on Jumbo's first impressions ;) , my first observation was how it felt remarkably like the Dreamcast - the XBox 360 startup looked a lot like the clean and simple DC startup. No jaggies about which was kinda nice.

The controller took a while to get used to (had a PSX and PS2 since selling the DC) but it was v comfortable. I've yet to properly use it with PES yet though :eh:
When I first touched the 360 controller it felt like the Xbox Controller S but improved some what, I loved it and when I first saw the boot up screen (During the MTV Show May Last Year) it sent a tingle down my spine!! I had a feeling right then that this was going to be the bootup screen and thought it looked amazing!

Well yes, I tracked its progress throughout the entire of 05 and it has produced exactly what I hoped it would. Now im just waiting to see what Capcom and Konami can do with this machine :)

Also not forgetting Forza Motorsport 2 at the end of this year.

PGR3 & other Live content dates
A magazine advert features some details of future Xbox Live Marketplace content.

It looks like Microsoft is going to keep Live users more informed of future content via magazine articles. We have some PGR3, Ghost Recon, CoD2 and Kameo content on the way.

Still no sign though that PGR3 woefully small areas are going to be expanded to match Metropolis Street Racer. If only Bizarre would add the streets south of the river Thames and unblock the route down Millbank.

In a scanned image I’ve just seen the following content is shown:

Street Fighter 2: HFE (June)
Xbox Live Arcade

Perfect Dark Zero (July)
Map Pack #2 (Large Maps

PGR3 (July)
Package & Five Cars
Cat & Mouse Game Mode
Proximity Based Racing Mode

Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter (July)
Maps & Co-Op Scenarios

Kameo (July)
Hardcore Package
Harder versions of SP & Co-Op
New Leaderboards to Support New Versions
New Skins for New Harder Mode
New Co-Op Game Type with Competitive Elements

Cloning Clyde (July)
Xbox Live Arcade

Call of Duty (July)
New Multiplayer Maps

Frogger (July/Aug)
Xbox Live Arcade

Lumines Live (Aug/Sep)
Xbox Live Arcade

Roboblitz (Aug/Sep)
Xbox Live Arcade

Pac-Man (Aug-Sep)
Xbox Live Arcade
rockykabir said:

You really like the 360 don't you(!) :eh:

Lol,it is a great piece of kit though mate,as I'm sure DJ has already stated.

And without sounding too much like Bumperman(lol),I'm really getting sucked into world cup 2006,absolutely brilliant game:applause: (much deeper than I thought to be honest).

I feel a little dirty now,so I'm off for a wash.
As far as the console, I'm liking it alot. My console is running cool and no freezing / problems so far.

The controller is pretty good.

My only complaint right now, is lack of games. Besides Table Tennis and Oblivion tehre's isn't many good games out.

Could any of you guys tell me where to check to battery level in dash?
Press the centre controller button once, the left hand side of the screen the blade comes up, on the top left area of that blade is a battery meter.
In agreement with you Jumbo, the only thing im not happy with is the lack of a title library but its only a matter of time before lots of very good games come out for the 360. Ive had my 360 since december and besides the Odd E74 error message (which I now know what is causing that and I can prevent it) it works fine, and the odd freeze when im on Xbox Live and I ask it to do something with the Centre Button but thats just my stupidity :)

at the mo im playing

WC 06 online (Only footy game on 360)
Moto GP 06 (I know someone said they didnt like this but I think its amazing!)
Table Tennis (Good fun, need to get back on it to get more unlocks done)
Top Spin 2 (Career mode is going good, enjoying the game)
PGR 3 (Good fun to have a spin on Live every now and then)

If anyone who has the headset and live wants to have a game? then add me and we will have a game sometime.

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