Microsoft Xbox 360

Check the Top Spin 2 thread, its a game you need to learn, dont expect to boot up, play an exhibition match and win straight away. It's hard at the start, you would be better starting a career and learning the shots, sure it's slow when you are learning, but you get into the game more and pick up alot more about how to play it. I never played it on Live yet, so not sure how good it is on it.
The more ive played it the more ive liked it ive even made a character ID that looks a bit like me in some camera shots :)!!

Top Spin 2 is excellent. Its alot like Pro Evo in the sense that, the more you play, the better you get and thus, the more you start to love it.

Live play is also excellent. 9 out of 10 games have no noticable lag, this goes for doubles matches aswell which are superb and can have 20 - 30 shot rallies.

Really great game IMO
deftonesmx17 said:
Since you get sick of people making misleading assumptions, would you care to explain why Obliovion has some slowdowns on the X360. I already know the answer, but lets see if you really do.........

Possibly RAM limitations.
Top Spin 2 is good fun once you get into it, but I had to trade it in for Fifa as I am a bit skint after dishing out for a new tv. Coming up to the WC id rather be playing a footy game with my mates than a tennis game, get into the mood of the WC and all that!! Plus it aint half bad.
If it was a choice between Top spin or GRAW I would choose GRAW, but if you only want one shooter then I would choose COD2.Oh and Ash dont spend your money on PDZ, its utter pish. Save yourself a trip back into town when you return it.
A good review from IGN, basically what I expected. It sounds like an excellent game, just not one with many features. But for £25 you can't moan and I'm hoping the online play (tournaments!! :D) will keep me coming back for more
It is a fair review - I mean, the lack of depth in one player mode is a bit of a disappointment...but in terms of gameplay, it is top notch - and that's all that counts. I only imagined it being good as a multiplayer game anyway. Will need to play the demo first though :)
Sounds about right, the original box suffered from similar things. MS should release a defrag tool.

Cheers guys, PGR3 and Top Spin 2 it is! Now PES5 + XBox Live Starter kit..... Anyone? :)

And will Superman Returns game come on XBox360, and will it be better than PS2 version, or just port? Same with Xmen III
I like the motoGP demo it allows you to play online for unlimited time. Its pretty hard to drive first but after a while it starts to get fun.
I'm with you APX, its a really enjoyable game, sure it takes a little getting used too, but I really hope people dont get put off by it's trickiness.
Hey guys I need ur advice! I've been saving money for some time now and finally got enough to buy an X-Box 360 premium pack plus at least two games!! Well I've been a Sony PS and PS2 fan(I own both consoles to be precise!) but I'm planning to switch boat to join that of the 360. Only two things to ask- Is the 360 worthwhile and do u think it is better and will offer better games than the Ps3?? One last thing-How do u rate the quality of actual games(those u r playing or following closely). Thx!
Personally, there isn't much between the 360 and the PS3 in my eyes. The 360 has got some corkers coming out for it too (Halo 3, Gears of War, Forza, Splinter Cell) aswell as hidden gems that always pop up. I dunno if it'll offer better games as most games come out on all platforms these days anyway, but the exclusives it has are generally on par (and usually better IMO) than the PS3s equivalents.

I can imagine Live will be alot better than the PS3s online service having been around a lot longer, but you never know what Sony will pull out of the bag.

What I'm saying is, in my opinion, there isn't enough difference between the two consoles regarding games and whatnot at the minute to warrent a £150 price difference. Take my comments with a pinch of salt though because obviously, the PS3 isn't out yet ;)

Just my two cents
Flawl3ssCowb0y said:
Personally, there isn't much between the 360 and the PS3 in my eyes. The 360 has got some corkers coming out for it too (Halo 3, Gears of War, Forza, Splinter Cell) aswell as hidden gems that always pop up. I dunno if it'll offer better games as most games come out on all platforms these days anyway, but the exclusives it has are generally on par (and usually better IMO) than the PS3s equivalents.

I can imagine Live will be alot better than the PS3s online service having been around a lot longer, but you never know what Sony will pull out of the bag.

What I'm saying is, in my opinion, there isn't enough difference between the two consoles regarding games and whatnot at the minute to warrent a £150 price difference. Take my comments with a pinch of salt though because obviously, the PS3 isn't out yet ;)

Just my two cents
Im sure the number crunching, lots of cells loving whores will disagree.... and PS3 Fanboys too :)

Forza Motorsport 2 for all us petrol heads who want a game "More Realistic" than Gran Turismo's Shitty physics and lack of depth.

djdoc360 said:
Forza Motorsport 2 for all us petrol heads who want a game "More Realistic" than Gran Turismo's Shitty physics and lack of depth.


Hahahaha lol. Speaking of fanboyism. Hypocrite a little? ;)

You mean how you can change your rims and put the same exact spoiler on every car...........damn thats depth. The only depth was that it had 900+ cars with like 40+ skylines :roll:
No offense to GT fans as I used to be one, but Forza and GT4 were not even in the same league. Forza was the only reason why I ever bought an xbox................aside from all the homebrew emus and XBMC.
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