Microsoft Xbox 360

deftonesmx17 said:
If $ony knew how to run a proper business they wouldnt place games that are under 9GB on a more expensive form of media. That doesnt push the format either. It doesnt matter what media the games use, it matters what the movies use. By placing games that could fit on a DVD on a Blu-Ray disc, $ony is doing nothing but wasting money.

Finally, Kutaragi announced that all PS3 games will come on Blu-Ray discs, in order to help combat the software piracy currently associated with standard DVD media. This strategy is in opposition to the launch of the PS2, which did allow developers to release early PS2 games on CD instead of DVD media.

Maybe a good reason to charge higher for games? It doesn't matter anyway as 360 titles are sold at £49 anyway....I doubt they'll be stupid enough to charge more than that (extortionate already) price.
@ rockykabir I heard the exact same thing, Im pretty sure that will change though, as Deftones said the DVD Storage Medium will soon be surpassed as games get bigger.

They're gonna have to try make up their losses somehow(!)

Well, it's all speculation as they haven't really made an announcement about the game prices anyway...but yea, I wouldn't be surprised if they use that excuse to justify the high prices.
plus Blu Ray discs are expensive arent they :) So I reckon they will cost £60+ a game!!

Probably make money up on accessories

Games i cant see being more than £49.99
rockykabir said:

Gears of War looks absolutely amazing....I thought it was all CGI. Check out the gameplay after the guy's Q&A

Is this a 360 exclusive right? If so, it can actually be the killer app title. I love the "CNN run"!

Your link is just for Evo-Web mate, you may want to update it.

The game does look fantastic. I think it is 360 exclusive, however it might be PC bound too.
Depends if Microsoft Gaming Studios have anything to do with it, if they do it will never see the light of day on PS3. Same as any PS titles which have affiliation with Sony Computer Entertainment Europe or International never see the light of day on Xbox.

Is Gears of War a FPS or a TPS. There's seems to be a little confusion between what the videos show and what the websites write.

Some websites report GOW as a FPS..?
i think its going to show us a little what halo 3 will look like its basicly the same genre game but it looks really good, any news about rockstar table tennis on play you can buy it for 26.99 wondering if GAME or gamestation are doing it the same price cheers
Its apparently a "Budget" release so you should find it on the High Street for about 30 quid
Download queue for dashboard update?
Rumours suggest a very pleasing addition to Xbox 360 functionality will be added later this month.
According to online reports Xbox 360 owners can expect a major Dashboard upate towards the end of May that will add expanded download functionality. The system will allow users to tag six downloads from the Marketplace that will then be downloaded by the console in the background while you attend to other tasks such as playing games.

The download manager will be aware of the bandwidth needed to play games and use the chat functions, throttling back downloads in a smart manner when needed. Should you turn off the console your downloads will continue next time you switch it on.

With a huge increase in Dashboard content this would be a very welcome update if true. One hopes that Microsoft also takes a look at the way downloads are organized as there are long lists there that make searching difficult.

Source: Xboxic
jay666 said:
Download queue for dashboard update?
Rumours suggest a very pleasing addition to Xbox 360 functionality will be added later this month.
According to online reports Xbox 360 owners can expect a major Dashboard upate towards the end of May that will add expanded download functionality. The system will allow users to tag six downloads from the Marketplace that will then be downloaded by the console in the background while you attend to other tasks such as playing games.

The download manager will be aware of the bandwidth needed to play games and use the chat functions, throttling back downloads in a smart manner when needed. Should you turn off the console your downloads will continue next time you switch it on.

With a huge increase in Dashboard content this would be a very welcome update if true. One hopes that Microsoft also takes a look at the way downloads are organized as there are long lists there that make searching difficult.

Source: Xboxic
That is funkin fantastic!! looks as if MS are doing something good with 360 to go along with the bad they are doing with Windows XP and this whole Genuine Advantage Validation Tool!!! Pirated users of Windows XP be aware! your machine will soon tell you your copy of XP isnt genuine!!

Flawl3ssCowb0y said:
Its £25 on Gameplay, I have it pre-ordered (Table Tennis that is). Can't wait, hope it doesn't turn out crap cause it looks brilliant! are doing an offer where if you try their online dvd rental system, you'll get a £20 voucher, so you could get it even cheaper on there.

Feel free to edit this post if I'm not allowed to post up the link.
jay666 said:
Download queue for dashboard update?
Rumours suggest a very pleasing addition to Xbox 360 functionality will be added later this month.
According to online reports Xbox 360 owners can expect a major Dashboard upate towards the end of May that will add expanded download functionality. The system will allow users to tag six downloads from the Marketplace that will then be downloaded by the console in the background while you attend to other tasks such as playing games.

The download manager will be aware of the bandwidth needed to play games and use the chat functions, throttling back downloads in a smart manner when needed. Should you turn off the console your downloads will continue next time you switch it on.

With a huge increase in Dashboard content this would be a very welcome update if true. One hopes that Microsoft also takes a look at the way downloads are organized as there are long lists there that make searching difficult.

Source: Xboxic

What they didn't tell you is that the main purpouse of this update is to fix the dvd drive hack. ;)
Stealth131 said: are doing an offer where if you try their online dvd rental system, you'll get a £20 voucher, so you could get it even cheaper on there.

Feel free to edit this post if I'm not allowed to post up the link.

Yeah, but you have to sign up to ScreenSelect to get the £5 voucher, and I'm already a member :(

And as for the dashboard update, I've seen that news posted around a lot so its more than likely true. But tbh, they're just adding stuff in which should've been in from the start IMO. Better late than never though!
djdoc360 said:
Windows XP and this whole Genuine Advantage Validation Tool!!! Pirated users of Windows XP be aware! your machine will soon tell you your copy of XP isnt genuine!!


I've had this message on for the last couple of weeks now.
I want to get the 360 for my birthday, but no idea what games to get. I want to get like 2 games, PES5 and XBox Live suscription. I have Burnout 4 on PS2, and I love it, is there any point of getting that on 360 as well? And is PGR3 more simulation or arcadey, because I like GT4 (simulation but would get bored playing it online, too real like). And its either between Kameo, COD2, PDZ and anymore? I like Kameo, is it like Prine of Persia/Spyro style game right?
I personally wouldn't touch Kameo with a 10ft barge pole but that's just me ;)

GR:AW is what I went for....PGR3 is v good (prob my second choice) - I'm in the same boat in that I thought GT4 got extremely extremely boring after a while. I absolutely love Burnout 4 but if you've already got it, it may not be worthwhile getting it again. Don't know much about the other games tbh...but I did end up getting a lot of XBox games on the cheap. Not next gen, but fun regardless ;)
the achievements looks really good for table tennis so im defently getting this game
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