Microsoft Xbox 360

Re: XBox 360 - Halo 3 announcement trailer on Live

djdoc360 said:
Ok it depends on what you want to stream, if its just music then your fine with a standard PC plugged into your network with the 360 and using Windows Media Connect which is a free download. If you wanna stream video im afraid its not as simple as that and you need a PC running Windows Media Centre Edition 2005 and you need to follow the configuration instructions that the 360 gives you.


So i couldnt be using XP and stream media?

Would i need a HDD to do it?
I think you might do im not 100% sure about the HD, but you cant use XP to stream video mate, you need Media Centre Edition 2005 to do that.

Its not worth it. You can soo easily 'uck up your DVD drive if you dont know what your doing or you get it wrong. I personally wont be bothering with any mods on this incarnation of Xbox.

I had a modded xbox but I also had a normal Crystal un-modded xbox so I could play on Live with.

There is no need to mod now as the 360 does everything I want it to.

djdoc360 said:
There is no need to mod now as the 360 does everything I want it to.

Including the removal of 50 sheets from your wallet everytime you buy a game. :)

Personally, if I was going to do it I'd probably buy a second 360, and not until the price dropped and/or there was a slew of top-notch games available for it to be worth doing.
I only buy about 1-2 games a month, so I dont mind spending money on them every once in a while. I'd only mod it if there were loads of games out but couldnt afford them all at once.
ClassicD said:
Including the removal of 50 sheets from your wallet everytime you buy a game. :)
You get 1 pound notes in Soctland :lol: :lmao:

Mmmm... interesting, I hope this leads to XBMCesque coming to 360. I really want to get one to watch videos on it via the USB, and don't want to use my PC/also install MCE.
tbh if it was a good mod (first ones are usually unreliable) then it would make me take the machine out of its wrapping.

I always find you're willing to try new games when they can be 'bought' for the price of a blank dvd ;)
There is nothing wrong with Game's 10 DAY return policy to let you try out new games. Last thing on 'trying before buying guys'
Im pretty sure the Prices of 360 games will come down to a more acceptable level than £50 a new game. Especially as more titles do come out because otherwise they wont sell as many games as they would want to.

LemonJelly, where have you been getting them from for them to be that low in price?

the only games ive seen anywhere near that price is NHL 2K6 and NBA 2K6 from 2K sports at £39.99 in my local GameStation...

Could someone tell me if a game is "region-free" by devs choice, does that apply to Live too?

ex. if I we/pes turns out to be region-free and i import it, i should be able to play on Live right?

look in asda or morrisons im in a town at my local morrisons sell xbox 360 games for 35.99
rockykabir said:
AFAIK, it is up to the dev to make it region free. The EA sport titles are region free methinks.

No EA games are region free.
jumbo said:
Could someone tell me if a game is "region-free" by devs choice, does that apply to Live too?

ex. if I we/pes turns out to be region-free and i import it, i should be able to play on Live right?


Region free games work on Live from any xbox.
rockykabir said:
Details on the possible pricing of the XBox360+HD-DVD package. Possibly cheaper than the PS3 20GB.

Microsoft played this well. Rather than forcing it down people's gobs, they are giving the option. Already, many have brought the original 360. Those who have HDTVs and the such - if they want to watch HD-DVDs, they'll only have to invest in another couple of bucks. People will prefer to pay in parts rather than in one whole lump sum(!)

Yeh very true.

But in the long run I think they will suffer. Especially when the PS3 goes down in price, and HD-DVD/Blu Ray become mainstream. I cant see people being too happy having to buy an add-on to play movies.

We got a price today regarding the HD-DVD drive and at the moment its £129.99. Obviously that could change, but I expect it to stay like that. Comparisons arent great right now as I expect both versions of the 360 to drop in price soon, but the total would therefore be £410.

If it does retail at that then it makes the PS3 prices look very reasonable ;)

And theres also the lack of success every type of add-on has had over the years. Not even Nintendo could pull it off when they were the only choice for gaming.
It does have to be successful - it is only for people who want it to watch movies.

Not everyone wants hi def films (as maybe they don't have a HDTV - myself included). This gives them the choice - should they need it. You don't need it to play games.

Scenario: Kid wants a console. Not really interested in movies - which one to go for? Both have similar is far cheaper
Another Scenario: Movie geek wants a console. He already has an amazing setup with the best Bluray/HD-DVD player on the market with extra audio/video outputs. Would he want a subpar HD-DVD/BluRay player for that price?

M$ has hinted (aka slipped out) - but in not so many words - that they *might* release a Bluray drive if that is what people want in the future. It doesn't matter as it's all via USB anyway ;)
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The only thing I care about is how ugly it'll look sitting on top of your X360.
About the HD-DVD for X360.
I get this strange feeling that within a year or so that games will ship on a newer form of media than DVD's. Many of the first wave games themselves push the storage limit of DVD's and will only become larger as the console continues. Take the PS2 for example. When the system launched, most games were still on CD's being 700MB or lees. Now at the end of the PS2's life, every game besides budget games are on DVD and weigh in at an avg. of 3GB. Thats roughly triple the size. This is mostly caused by using higher quality audio, higher quality video, and padding files. I believe most launch games for the PS3 will still be on DVD's unless the developers pack in 1080p Cg movies(which I find no need for as I feel at this point all "movies"within games should be done with the game engine). Later in the console life I feel that will change though. I get this sneaky suspicion that M$ will eventually force you to have the HD-DVD upgrade.
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M$ have categorically stated that games will not come on HD-DVD or Bluray. The HD-DVD is only a media attachment if you want it for watching films.

But you bring up a good point that games will perhaps rely less on CGI movies and use their own engine as the graphics power improve.

But Sony has stated that all of their games will be in the Bluray format - this is to push their own format really. I mean, it's not a new thing - Sony have been pushing the expensive Memory sticks for their cameras even though the other cards provide just as much memory (if not more) for a much cheaper price.
rockykabir said:
M$ have categorically stated that games will not come on HD-DVD or Bluray. The HD-DVD is only a media attachment if you want it for watching films.
They also stated over and over again before the 360 launch that the HDD would not be required for any games and from what I understand, Final Fantasy XI on 360 needs the HDD............
But Sony has stated that all of their games will be in the Bluray format - this is to push their own format really.
If $ony knew how to run a proper business they wouldnt place games that are under 9GB on a more expensive form of media. That doesnt push the format either. It doesnt matter what media the games use, it matters what the movies use. By placing games that could fit on a DVD on a Blu-Ray disc, $ony is doing nothing but wasting money.
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