Microsoft Xbox 360

rockykabir said:
I personally wouldn't touch Kameo with a 10ft barge pole but that's just me ;)

GR:AW is what I went for....PGR3 is v good (prob my second choice) - I'm in the same boat in that I thought GT4 got extremely extremely boring after a while. I absolutely love Burnout 4 but if you've already got it, it may not be worthwhile getting it again. Don't know much about the other games tbh...but I did end up getting a lot of XBox games on the cheap. Not next gen, but fun regardless ;)
Your a Tom Clancy fan :roll: :shock: :lmao: Kidding.
What kind of game is GR:AW, I don't get it form the reviews. Is it like a army game like Call of Duty/Medal of Honour?
Tom Clancy rules! Love his books...his games are just as good.
It is a military game like COD/MOH but set in modern days...v v realistic - especially if you like that sorta thing.

I did compare it to MGS but tbh, they are two different games. MGS was closer to fantasy with some outrageous characters (some extremely camp!) whereas the Tom Clancy games had far more realistic (boring?) characters in comparison. There is no end of level boss in them for example ;)

I love em both but the latest Clancy games have definitely improved a lot (albeit a bit short). Multiplayer - although I haven't tried it yet - looks quite good in GR:AW.
Cheers :)
I think I'll be getting PGR3, so its more arcadey than GT4 right?
Anyone else have views on Kameo?
Kameo? not for me not a big roleplaying game fan, dont like all this magic spells and power bars stuff.

There is a whole host of demo's on the Live Marketplace Ash, you wouldnt need to buy too many games yet, just DL the demos and try them out, but if it's part of a bundle your getting, or getting money of the games, PGR3, GRAW; FNR3, BF2 & COD2 if you aint played them are decent games too. But all of those have demo's on Live, as does PGR3 and GRAW. PGR3 is true arcade, but it's great fun. Jack Bauer and Flawless love Burnout, but they have HDTV's I think and thus are getting the most out of it.
djdoc360 said:
Kameo? not for me not a big roleplaying game fan, dont like all this magic spells and power bars stuff.


Kameo is a platformer u dolt. ;)
It was between PGR3 and Burnout 4, PGR3 it is! Love arcade.

I haven't played a good platform for ages, when I was small :-\" I used to love Spyro!

I have no idea where to get my console from, any good deals on for the Premium anywhere?
RuneEdge said:
Gamer points whore. ;) :lol:
lol im not but i want achivements that i want to do not like ones in GRAW like play 8 hours straight etc...
I have no idea where to get my console from, any good deals on for the Premium anywhere with games?
jumbo said:
You're right. I'd rather play Oblivion on X360. I heard it's an amazing slide-show.
Since you get sick of people making misleading assumptions, would you care to explain why Obliovion has some slowdowns on the X360. I already know the answer, but lets see if you really do.........
ashmufc said:
I have no idea where to get my console from, any good deals on for the Premium anywhere with games?
well they should be in all shops like Game and Gamestation but i would look at argos Pc World is good and toysrus
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