Microsoft Xbox 360

Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

It's on there, I play it. Don't download the updates and maps though or it throws a complete wobbly, and then you have to delete your saves and downloads and play it from the start again.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

I've not heard anyone speaking over the mic who's giving anything to the experience though (apart from the PGR nights I've been involved in from here). Most of the time it's just "arsehole, shit, bastard" or "you're dead". That doesn't add anything, to me, it detracts from the experience if anything. I think the only way to get any decent players saying anything of any use (such as "he's behind the truck to the right") is to join a clan or something, but thankfully I'm not that sad yet.

Maybe I'm just being pompous but I really don't see the attraction in hearing someone swearing and threatening whilst driving around in PGR (and I'm glad of an option to switch it all off). I plug my headset in for Evo-Web PGR nights but that's the only time I can ever see myself using it.

Now with the PS3 they're talking about having live webcam feeds of everyone you're playing, Christ, I can just see all the scallies/chavs putting their fingers up and dangling their knob at you while shouting "yer fuckin' crap you are, yer shit'ead".

I really don't see the point. :|
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Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Maybe they should put censors on it lol! I have the odd session on PGR3 normally when a bunch of sad twats are on it and I usually find its Americans who lose it (no offence guys but all I can hear is you guys over the headset cursing and having a go) I just turn the headset down. I also remember its only a game! if someone does it to you and you know full well they have done it on purpose just keep cool and then when you see an opportunity to get back at them make it good! Like on the Birdcage London track, some nob head rammed me into the first corner barrier when I was originally taking a nice line and going into the lead up the inside of lots of other cars when suddenly THUMP im hit, I look round and see who it was and whilst im recovering from 7th place back to 2nd as it was I made sure I side swiped him so he hit the middle monument and got stuck! that will teach him I thought. I dont tend to get mad these days... I get even! :)

Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

The best games on the 360 so far in my opinon (for graphics, sound AND playability) are GRAW, PGR3 and Oblivion. Games like Perfect Dark Zero, Burnout and even Fight Night get boring after an hour.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Yeah, Perfect Dark I think wow'd me at first cause it was the first 360 game I played, and I didn't want to admit that it was just pretty average rather than excellent, it being the sequel to Perfect Dark and all.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Perfect Dark Zero I found very average, I soon got bored with it and got rid of it. Yes Fight Night can get rather tedious but I keep going back to it every now and then. I spend most of my time on GR:AW and im just trying to complete NFS MW so I can get rid of it lol its got very boring like I said before in previous posts....

Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Perfect Dark was and probably still is BOLLOCKS

Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

I don't want to keep seeing the same old titles rearing their old heads (GTA etc). That is why Oblivion is so refreshing - I wish games companies stop relying on the same franchises for the same consoles - I didn't buy the 360 for Halo and 20+ Tom Clancy games - I want to see new, innovative material.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

The original Goldeneye on the N64 owns all the Perfect Dark games!
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

The problem is Ninjabreakz innovation isnt too easy to do these days when you have got such classics as Halo and GTA series and PES. Once big titles come out other titles tend to get ignored. Its like im ignoring Oblivion because its an RPG and ive never been into all this energy bars and magic spells sorta stuff I never liked Final Fantasy games for that reason.

Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

ninjabreakz said:
I don't want to keep seeing the same old titles rearing their old heads (GTA etc). That is why Oblivion is so refreshing - I wish games companies stop relying on the same franchises for the same consoles - I didn't buy the 360 for Halo and 20+ Tom Clancy games - I want to see new, innovative material.
Thats what Nintendo are there for. ;)
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Anyone see this?:


The 360 is being sold for £97 in Japan with the games being £15(!) :shock:
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

There's nothing wrong with sequels, it doesn't matter if the series is moving on enough and it's a good franchise.

It's Elder Scrolls Four, btw, just to prove the point about it being nothing to do with being a sequel if a game isn't innovative or new.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

cheers for that ClassicD, yeah unfortunately the japs all want Sony and Nintendo they arent interested in Xbox 360 so hence shops are trying to get shot of them :(

Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

RuneEdge said:
The original Goldeneye on the N64 owns all the Perfect Dark games!

Blimey, I find myself agreeing with Rune on something. Think I better go get to the doctors and get myself checked out! ;)
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

I agree with Rune, I always thought GoldenEYE Owned over Perfect Dark on the N64. Cheers for the info Jay, was wondering about BF2 for the 360.

Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

I only played Goldeneye once (and it was multiplayer) and it was amazing. Perfect Dark and Timesplitters never reached the same height even though they were from the same developers (I think).

I played Halo and Halo 2 for the first time a few days ago (yes, I never played Halo before! I got it 2nd hand for the 360). The multiplayer on that is amazing - has evo-web got a clan about btw?
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

I thought the last Timesplitters had a good singleplayer. The comedy in the story was good at times too.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Even multiplayer on Timesplitters was hilarious! we had a brick throwing multiplayer session back in the day :) a few mates huddled round a 21" TV and some beers..... those were the days!

Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

lol :) you just did it yourself. Anyway back on topic hands up who is getting Top Spin 2 on 7th April?

Me for starters

Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

me as well,graphics look good just the xboix 360 version of virtua tennis which was amazing.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Ok :) besides PES 360 (October?) what games are everyone else waiting for?

Me Top Spin 2,Resident Evil 5, Dead Rising & Saints Row :)

Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

nice find,those screenshots do looks good,im getting topspin2,saints row,dead rising (maybe)
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

yep they are off of which is an ace site. I tracked the 360's progress through out the course of last year using C&VG

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