Microsoft Xbox 360

Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

RuneEdge said:
I think the idea of it being a firmware hack rather than a modchip excites me the most.

But I'm also worried I might brick my console if Microsoft do something during one of their firmware updates via Live.

from what i understand it will be a cat and mouse game with MS. The hack will allow you to play games on live, however, all MS need to do is like a patch and your xbox would be banned. Would this allow for a modchip producer to make some kind of switchable firmware chip? (idon tknow if thats possible or not?)

However, if MS changes your dvd firmware again, then it would be a case of just reflashing your firmware again to counter attck ms, just cat and mouse.

It does appeal more to me with a firmware hack rather than a modchip. Although there is not a way to do it yet this is how i can see it working (the hack for us that is)
A program on your pc with the modified firmware hack on it.
You would take your xbox360's dvd drive and connect it to your pc. The program will rip the current firmware from your xbox dvd and remove the unique key from it, and then input that key into your hacked firware and then put the modified firmware back on your drive. Then put dvd back in xbox and away you go.

I think we are still a while away from this as the current firmware only allows one game to be played (PGR3) so work is needed on the hacked firmware code first. Also the program allowing the firmware to be altered via a pc is also a while away from being finished, although they are quite close as someone has made a program that will allow your xbox360's firware to be dumped on a pc already.

However, if something like a software hack isnt available then its going to be damn near impossible to do. Apparantly getting anywhere near the chip out from the back of the dvd is damn near impossible.
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Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

rockykabir said:
Guys don't flame me on my noobieness on this (we can't connect our consoles onto the uni network to play Live so I haven't actually used it yet :( )

1) Does Live consider inexperienced players? i.e. I want to play against other beginners on Halo or something - and not get thrashed by some supernut who plays the game 24/7. Is there some sort of ranking?

2) I want to connect up my XBox wirelessly using the Wireless adapter and connect to my router (Linksys WRT54g)...will there be lag? Is this not recommended?

Halo 2 had a so called ranking thing that meant you were put in a game with similar ranking players, now while this looked good on principal, it was something I NEVER had work in reality, sure they werent uber skilled and loads of rankings away, but being a rank 1 useless player, the lowest I squared off against was a Rank 4, and lets say they pwnd me.

The Wireless Adapter is great, just make sure your walls arent too thick or you have other annoying things that would disrupt the signal, i.e. fridges or anything big and electronic between you and the router. I've had a mixed time with the wireless adapter, but I have kept it for times when I move my 360 to upstairs where it appears to work better.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Think the video is fake to be honest I reckon as someone mentioned there is another 360 that we cant see thats running PGR3 somewhere along the lines..... Anyway in the last 3 weeks ive had just 1 Error Code 74 and 1 red light lit. Its odd because before this I was having it more frequently.... anyone want to hazard a guess as to when my 360 is going to die?

Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

apart from the fact that all their findings have been posted on their forums. they have also posted the original video with out the soundtrack. in this video apart from being in higher quality, you can hear the drive spinning and reading the disk. also if you look the laser arm is reading the disk as well.

just try and put a backup in without a mod. it will read for a few secs and then spin down.

i believe that they have actually done it, however at the moment a lot of work is needed to get it to work with any game. and as it is - its useless to anyone (unless you have a willem programmer and good assembly skills)
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

thinking of PES that comes to 360. how are we gonna get option files ect in the game? and does this hacking and modding the 360 help gamers some usefull way or is it just way to get viruses and shit to mess up my 360?
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

We can get option files into the game now... as Datel have released the ability to transfer saves to and from the Xbox 360 using an Official Memory unit plus the usual Datel USB connector and software (like they did with the original XBox) so that should sort that problem out :)

Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

djdavedoc said:
We can get option files into the game now... as Datel have released the ability to transfer saves to and from the Xbox 360 using an Official Memory unit plus the usual Datel USB connector and software (like they did with the original XBox) so that should sort that problem out :)


thanks. haven´t had xbox before 360.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

thats the one :) sorry I didnt post up a link to's shop as its on sale now :)

Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

I've been thinking about this since I picked up GRAW last week, how happy are you with your 360s just now? I got mine at launch and one game (PGR3), and that aside there is just nothing on the system I felt worth buying. I know it's early days, but the more worrying thing for me is there's practically nothing on the horizon that I simply must buy for 360. In fact the only reason I'm not punting my machine is the Live sub I've paid for until November.

Hmmm, November, what comes out in November? ;)
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

yeh ive been thinkin that for some time now, however then GRAW, top spin2 and oblivion are all coming out very soon, but yeh, after that, nothing much.

Apart from maybe pes, but you may as well buy that on the xbox anyway knowing konami
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

I'm very happy with my 360 purchase, and no not just cause of PGR3 either, for me the whole 'Live' thing is my main element. I dont have as much time to play games anymore, so mainly it's in an online Competitive manner with abit of banter is how I like to play now. Even if you playing something else, on Live you can chat away to mates without being in their game.

GRAW has just made my purchase even better, sure some games are duds, Tiger was poor, and I have a few other games I could probably sell now, but overall I'm pretty happy, and believe me I've come along way from the XB laughing person I was a few years ago, it was really PGR2 back then that made my mind up about that console and the whole actually getting on Live.

As for Subs, so far I'm paid up until July 2007 and I think I have paid a total of 49 quid since Feb 04. :D
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Delighted with my 360 and glad I reversed my decision to wait for one in many ways. GRAW is fantastic and a great showcase of what the 360 can do for you. PGR3 shows you that the future of 360 Racing Titles is also very good. Only really FIFA and Tiger Woods and PDZ let the 360 down right now. Cant wait to see details of THE next gen PES :) and also Top Spin 2 will be one of my essential purchases on April 7th.

Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

It's probably not such a big thing for those who use their 360 as their main source of gaming action. For example, GRAW and Elder Scrolls will be on PC soon, as will Tomb Raider Legend and all with comparable graphics to the 360. If the 360 was my only avenue of playing these games then yeah I would be more into it. I still think GRAW is a very flawed game though, there is very little stealth action in the single-player which I thought was the entire point - "Ghost".
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

I need something more luring than GRAW for my 360. I want more story games (MGS style)that will suck me in. GRAW was incredibly short, and could get a little repetetive.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Splinter Cell?

It does look all a bit arcadey atm...but I'm thinking thats the way its meant to be in the beginning...bring out flashy, arcadey games to attract the casual gamers and then eventually bring the deeper games out.

I can't see how things will be any different with the PS3 tbh...most of the launch titles would be those readily available for the 360.

As consoles become more advanced, people's expectations are greater. Titles will take longer to develop.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Aye Classic I know what you mean, the earlier Ghost games were probably more stealhy, though 2 and Summit Strike are similar to this. The main thing for Ubisoft is that they have Rainbow and Splinter Cell, so only so much Stealth you can do, though Rainbow probably isnt too Stealthy either.

It's horses for courses I guess. My PC is my t'internet and ipod machine, and thats about it, I didnt get a HUGE spec PC because I've always been a console gamer, not since Champ Manager 2 and Duke Nukem have I played anything much on my PC. I like the simplicity of buy your game and play, no need to know spec or until recently no need for patches :( which is something I dont like, but downloadable content is a bonus, if it's free ;)

I'll prob stick my name on a PS3 pre-order list and see, no one knows the price yet or what the launch line up will be, but I reckon you'll be getting similar to the XB360 Launch, Madden, Tiger, FIFA, Fight Night R3, Medal of Honor, Need for Speed next name, NBA, maybe a dodgy Bond game, and a Burnout if we're lucky. Titles which will probably be on the 360 and maybe not looking that much better in all honesty.

EDIT : See Rocky beat me to the Splinter Cell thing. And on his comment, alot of games probably feel arcadey as they maybe were easier to code that way. I mean Full Auto just looks like a cross between Crazy Taxi and Burnout with Mashed/Supercars weapons thrown in. Oblivion certainly has depth, 200 hours of gameplay if whats to be believed but as Classic says it's coming to a PC near you.
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Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

I agree the PS3 will probably have similar launch title problems, although because of the timescale it might have the likes of a next-gen WE/PES to help. However it already has games on the way that I cannot wait for, stuff like Metal Gear Solid 4. You know it will have new versions of Final Fantasy, GTA, Gran Turismo, Devil May Cry and the like.

Basically, I thought the PS2 had far more games I liked than the Xbox did, and that's very likely to continue in the next console war.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Again it's Horses for courses, MGS4 while looks nice doesnt appeal, I never got into 2 and 3 is still in its shrink wrap, same as DMC3 and GT4.

GTA while appealing wouldnt be my 'must have' to make me buy the machine, I'm sure there will be 'new' titles we have yet to see which may sway me, but after the craziness of the 360 pre-orders and selling out, PS3 will be doubly mad and that I will guarentee.

Back in 360 land, E3 will be a big deal this year I reckon, cause it should show the '2nd Wave' or 360 titles, and no doubt there will be something of interest to be shown.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

I love the MGS series, the stories are great. I also really enjoy games such as KOTOR and Riddick, which had solid stories and great gameplay. Splinter Cell series, I think, are great games, but they all feel the same and are short like all Tom CLancy games.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

I agree with the viewpoints here.

I loved MGS1, FF7, Gran Turismo 1 and 2 on the original PS1. Devil May Cry was wicked as well.

But I don't know what happened after that. MGS3 was a disappointment and was way too short. FF8->10 weren't as enthralling. GT3 was just boring imo. And the DMC sequels didn't live up to DMC1. By then, the games that kept me on the PS2 were PES and GTA (well tbh, what else do you need anyway?). I will say however, God of War was amazing.

But when PES and GTA were released on the XBox, I didn't see any point staying. I heard Halo and Half Life 2 were really good. PGR2's arcade style reminded me of what I loved of Ridge Racer Revolution on the PSX. Much of the other games were multiplatform. I loved Splinter brought back memories of MGS1 again.

But thats the thing - as Holio has said, things appeal to some whereas other things don't. As long as we agree to disagree, its all good ;)
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

rockykabir said:
But thats the thing - as Holio has said, things appeal to some whereas other things don't. As long as we agree to disagree, its all good ;)


But Im with Holio on what goodies E3 holds for the 360.

The 2nd/3rd wave of game shown should take some shine off some big PS3 announcements. Fingers crossed they're amazing, because at the moment Im still looking for a reason to own a 360.

It was supposed to be TopSpin 2 but after an early play Im not so keen. After the PS3 launch date announced Im in two minds to whether to save up in the mean time for it and get a better HDTV, or finally get a 360.

I'll know the answer after E3 ;)
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Still pleased I got a 360 (or lack of, still haven't got it back yet). There's a lot of games coming out that I wanna get. Battlefield 2, Football Manager 2006 (for the online mode), Top Spin, Far Cry...

Agh! And thats just in the next month! I need more money!
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Has anyone else had problems with Xbox Live today? I was using my 360 this morning and suddenly it said "Disconnected From Xbox Live" since then for the last couple of hours my 360 wont sign into Live... any ideas why?

Everything else works fine.

Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

djdavedoc said:
Has anyone else had problems with Xbox Live today? I was using my 360 this morning and suddenly it said "Disconnected From Xbox Live" since then for the last couple of hours my 360 wont sign into Live... any ideas why?

Everything else works fine.


360 arrived back this morning, yay!

And funny you should say that. Me and my mate both couldn't sign into Live due to our MTU (coincidence? I think not) failing in the 'Test Connection' screen. I pissed about with my router settings and everything is fine now
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

There was scheduled maintenance today it was down for about 2.5 hours. It's all running again now.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Nice one cheers JayD, means when I get home tonight it should be working again ok, I had the same MTU prob which obviously had something to do with the maintenance they were doing. I was worrying thinking the net card in my 360 was dead! lol

Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

What does everyone think of me putting a list of the downloadable Arcade games and a list of currently available games with a 1 word review in the 1st Post.

A good idea or a huge waste of time?
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

djdavedoc said:
We can get option files into the game now... as Datel have released the ability to transfer saves to and from the Xbox 360 using an Official Memory unit plus the usual Datel USB connector and software (like they did with the original XBox) so that should sort that problem out :)


You CANNOT transfer xbox save yet!

Lik-Sang have tested it

Sorry guys
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Dead Man? so why have codejunkies released it???!!!!

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