Microsoft Xbox 360

Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Never ever had one error with mine. The only time I got the "red lights" was when I forgot to plug a video cable in.

This talk of it being related to Ghost Recon has me a bit shaken up though.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

I've had the disc is dirty or sumat error...but a magic blow sorts that out. It's amazing how that has always worked :lol:
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

I work at Tesco and luckily got someone to hold onto a copy of GR for me. I havent played it that much but after readiing about the crashes, I'm having second thoughts...
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

My game never crashed. I finished it, most levels twice (hard and normal)... and play on live almost daily. No probs at all.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Lol... well if it breaks dont do what these guys did! lol

they waited in line for 55 hours, bought the xbox 360 just to smash it up in front of the people waiting for it!!

Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

maybe there was another 360 unit plugged into the scart at the back of the tv and the signal was coming from that?
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Yeah, it's entirely possible the guy has a real 360 hooked up to that TV as well. But the hack will come at some point, especially given the games are DVD. Microsoft aren't going to suffer so much in terms of piracy because they pretty much have unlimited funding, but Sony's decision to use only Blu-Ray for it's PS3 games will mean their system is far more piracy-proof than the 360 off the bat.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

ClassicD said:
Microsoft aren't going to suffer so much in terms of piracy because they pretty much have unlimited funding

hmm...I wouldn't say that mate. Maybe not to the extent of the rather fragile Sony, Microsoft are placing a lot of reliance on the success of the 360. Piracy is a huge huge blow for MS
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Kenny M said:
maybe there was another 360 unit plugged into the scart at the back of the tv and the signal was coming from that?

If that was the case the disc would have stopped spinning a long time before, thats why he kept the cam on the disc for so long to prove it. Also the Live service apparently still works aswell. But it was always gonna happen, I doubt piracy will ever be stopped.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

rockykabir said:
hmm...I wouldn't say that mate. Maybe not to the extent of the rather fragile Sony, Microsoft are placing a lot of reliance on the success of the 360. Piracy is a huge huge blow for MS

I think Sony will suffer a bigger blow than MS with Blu Ray. Many users know about Xbox Live and piracy, and I doubt many will risk it like they did with Xbox. Sony have Blu-Ray, which is harder to hack and more expensive, so I assume people in many Asian countries will NOT buy the PS3 until hacked. But then in a few years loads of people will have a bluray drive and all the consoles will be hacked.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

ClassicD said:
Yeah, it's entirely possible the guy has a real 360 hooked up to that TV as well. But the hack will come at some point, especially given the games are DVD. Microsoft aren't going to suffer so much in terms of piracy because they pretty much have unlimited funding, but Sony's decision to use only Blu-Ray for it's PS3 games will mean their system is far more piracy-proof than the 360 off the bat.

no its definately hacked this time. Ive been following the specialists work on hacking dvd firmware for some time and its only been a matter of time not if, it would be hacked. By coincidence the exact same hack worked on the xbox first! Its just a hole that MS had no idea about before and simply over looked

And as soon as blu ray burners are available then its only a matter of time before the ps3 would be hacked.

edit: in a massive turn of events it looks like the whole thing could be set up!!! If it is then its a huuuge set up.

look here:

Hmm as it goes, these images are being shunned now as the hacking team in question can back up there video with technical data.
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Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

that a reflection of another xbox360 is showing the display.

although now it seems to be all backed up by data evidence
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Thats not a 360 ffs lol...look at the size of it...looks more like a ps3 :lol:
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

lol,anyway is very pointless all these pics and vids are all fake,just go out and buy the game its alot easier
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Why would someone keep a console facing the TV? cuz thats what the "2nd x360" is doing.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Now that I think about it, they could have easily had a second console behind the tv and plugged that in using component cables. That way, people would assume that the cables used at the front of the tv are the ones that are displaying the image on the tv (which is connected to the 'hacked' console).
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

RuneEdge said:
Now that I think about it, they could have easily had a second console behind the tv and plugged that in using component cables. That way, people would assume that the cables used at the front of the tv are the ones that are displaying the image on the tv (which is connected to the 'hacked' console).
that is proberly how they did it,ive heard that topspin 2 has been brought back i wonder when the realease date for it is?
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

yes well like i say - its now confimed and backed up by data that they have actually done it. these guys who have been in the scene for a while have nothing to gain form a fake video at all.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

only1tevez said:
that is proberly how they did it,ive heard that topspin 2 has been brought back i wonder when the realease date for it is?

Topspin 2 is out on the 7th April as well as the new Tomb Raid (I saw gameplay videos of this on Gamespot and it actually looks pretty good.. the graphics look incredible)
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

nice thanks for the info noted,if its like vitua tennis 2 it will be amazing
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

fatlip180 said:
yes well like i say - its now confimed and backed up by data that they have actually done it. these guys who have been in the scene for a while have nothing to gain form a fake video at all.
One word: Darkfader.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

but these guys arent saying that they are going to release it though. also, there isnt a way for joe bloggs to do this yet.

This will come though and someone will design a way to change the firmware via a pc. And then yes there will be some clott like a 'darkfader' who will attempt to sabotage and cause damage. I could see places like team executer offering a postal firware change though. Get it done through trusted places and all will be well.

Its all in early stages though as of yet and other hackers are still trying other methods to break into the xbox360.

Remember, the hack in the video will only let you play one game! what good is that? Also, this hack is for playing backups only, so no homebrew either.
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Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

I think the idea of it being a firmware hack rather than a modchip excites me the most.

But I'm also worried I might brick my console if Microsoft do something during one of their firmware updates via Live.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Guys don't flame me on my noobieness on this (we can't connect our consoles onto the uni network to play Live so I haven't actually used it yet :( )

1) Does Live consider inexperienced players? i.e. I want to play against other beginners on Halo or something - and not get thrashed by some supernut who plays the game 24/7. Is there some sort of ranking?

2) I want to connect up my XBox wirelessly using the Wireless adapter and connect to my router (Linksys WRT54g)...will there be lag? Is this not recommended?
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