is back...but for how long?
Re: Manchester United Supporters Thread.
This is so funny, Keane acting all high and mighty and sweetness and light. This comes from the guy who openly admitted deliberately trying to injury an opponent, in probably the worst tackle many fans have ever seen.
There is always two sides to every story, Gary Neville must have said or done something to rile Vieira into taking some action, but this of course is over-looked.
And why does Keane insist on protecting poor defenceless Gary Neville? He is a grown man FFS!! Plus he seems to be able to stick up for himself on the pitch so whats the difference off the pitch? You can just see it can't you, Neille going back into the dressing room in tears saying "Keano, that nasty Vieira has called me fergie's gimp again, and I can't take it anymore, sort him out for me?". Can't fight your own battles eh Gary? My advice to you is, if you can't take it, don't dish it out.
This is so funny, Keane acting all high and mighty and sweetness and light. This comes from the guy who openly admitted deliberately trying to injury an opponent, in probably the worst tackle many fans have ever seen.
There is always two sides to every story, Gary Neville must have said or done something to rile Vieira into taking some action, but this of course is over-looked.
And why does Keane insist on protecting poor defenceless Gary Neville? He is a grown man FFS!! Plus he seems to be able to stick up for himself on the pitch so whats the difference off the pitch? You can just see it can't you, Neille going back into the dressing room in tears saying "Keano, that nasty Vieira has called me fergie's gimp again, and I can't take it anymore, sort him out for me?". Can't fight your own battles eh Gary? My advice to you is, if you can't take it, don't dish it out.