Manchester City Thread

I have to question Robinho's move.

I don't keep up with Spanish football but I have heard he is a great player over the last few years, just been looking at some Robinho videos on youtube and, to my dissapointment;

I see that theres a lot of clips of him with lots of skills and dribbling into the box, then the clip finishes (presuming he blasts it over the bar?), seems to me how a certain C. Ronaldo was a few years back.
Fuck me! They must've offered him so much that he literally can't refuse it. Thats already in the top 10 of the world.

I still disagree with his ethics. To leave Santos for Real, he went on strike and stopped playing. To leave Real, he went on strike and called a press conference. People like him completely destroy the definition of contracts.
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I still disagree with his ethics. To leave Santos for real, he went on strike and stopped playing. To leave Real, he went on strike and called a press conference. People like him completely destroy the definition of contracts.

Yeah Milanista it's the kind of slavery mr. Blatter said.
Modern day football is going down the shitter, Platini was saying something about the transfer sytem and big clubs in debt. But nothing will get sorted any time soon.
I have to question Robinho's move.

I don't keep up with Spanish football but I have heard he is a great player over the last few years, just been looking at some Robinho videos on youtube and, to my dissapointment;

I see that theres a lot of clips of him with lots of skills and dribbling into the box, then the clip finishes (presuming he blasts it over the bar?), seems to me how a certain C. Ronaldo was a few years back.

he is awesome, incredible talent. scored some crackers at madrid.
Torres said that playing in the Prem is a Joke? let me see the qoute :DD and who are these other bunch of players?

I think he was refering to the pace of the league and the fact it is totally different to other leagues around the world. So it is natural for alot of players to take time to get used to it.

How many German teams were in the Champions league final last season? How many German teams were in the Semi Finals last season? (Same with Serie A :DD)

I hate it when people spout bullshit with no facts to back it up :DD

Oh so cause of last season 3 team in the prem wer in th semi's mean the prem is the toughest league and the best one?

how many english club where in he semi's of te UEFA cup?

Your talking about the champion league when Im talking about your issue that the league is PHYSICAL and player from other league cant adapt...or are not strong enough to compete physicaly...LOLL

robihno will tear apart the prem this season.
Oh so cause of last season 3 team in the prem wer in th semi's mean the prem is the toughest league and the best one?

how many english club where in he semi's of te UEFA cup?

Your talking about the champion league when Im talking about your issue that the league is PHYSICAL and player from other league cant adapt...or are not strong enough to compete physicaly...LOLL

robihno will tear apart the prem this season.

No one said that players can't adapt - Just saying it takes a bit more time to adapt usually.

Torres/Berbatov and maybe a couple of others didn't - but on the whole it takes a foreign player a few months to adapt to the different style of play. Like it does with any player from a different country going to play in another country.

Robinho is a small player and technically a very skillful player - who is used to time and space. Usually with these things taken into the equation and with the pace and physical nature of the Premiership (That everybody acknowledges apart from you) - then the chances are more than likely that he will take a bit of time to settle in.

But there is also a chance he is great from the start. nobody knows for sure.

You have a big chip on your shoulder in regards to the Premiership - It might even be a whole Potato!!
my god first SWP can dribble & was he doing in Chelsea then??? And btw congrats getting Robinho!! Lets see how he plays in EPL!! exciting times & premiership does throw some curveballs from time to time!!
it will be very interesting to wacth city now with SWP and robinho...
im looking foward to see if robinho can finnaly show all his potential in the EPL(although its technicaly a not friendly league for him), casue i still think he hanst shown 70% of what his capable of.
if so, write this down: man utd, will be sorry that they didnt agree with the initial offer from madrid for C.Ronaldo(suposely it was robinho plus tons of cash).
I think we're still better off with Ronaldo. Robinho will find it a lot harder than Ronaldo did cuz he's a lot smaller, plus (correct me if I'm wrong) slightly older too.
hmm im going to be in lisbon in october, so how big is your house? :)


i want to know that too.. :lol:
i know the odds of making what i said are small..but i think he has more potential than c.ronaldo.

Thats just my opinion airjoca, u dont need to discuss this since its very subjective and we would never get to an solution since we are talking about potential.

Robinho is 24 btw, 1 year older than ronaldo. i think he will peek at 26-28.

haha i knew some portuguese would come after me after i posted that! :lmao:
40 goals? i dont know...
but i would take 25 goals and 20 assists over 40 goals every day. im more of a team player guy(althoug robinho is not:lol: )

ronaldo had assists too mate... ronaldos sheer size speed and strength have really helped him in the prem, and there are plenty of teammates on united willing to give ronaldo the ball... he is certainly a fantastic team player
I remember when Messi and Robinho were going to be the next big thing. Messi turned out to be maybe one of the top three players in the world. Robinho, in my opinion still has a lot to prove.

brunnoce, I too think he still has more to show us, but I don't know if he's mentally able to come through. That's the difference between great players and legends.

I just love guys who are superstars and work harder than everyone else and want to win every single game. (snif, I miss Michael Jordan...:) Ronaldo seems to have this mentality too, only sometimes he acts like a spoiled brat...)

Anyway, the EPL is looking better and better, makes me enjoy the weekend afternoons more. ;)
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No one said that players can't adapt -
You have a big chip on your shoulder in regards to the Premiership - It might even be a whole Potato!!

The premiership is my favorite league to watch but I just dont like spoiled people that say that the premiership is the ULTIMATE test to see if a player is good or not.

Anyway lets quit this topic=p

Manchester city will turn into a new chelsea??
I dont know,they certainty have money now but they dont have mourihno.
I almost pissed myself when i opened the browser and there it was a "140M € bid for Ronaldo"...
How the hell did they get that HUGE amount of money for a kid? Btw, could this still happen?
I remember when Messi and Robinho were going to be the next big thing. Messi turned out to be maybe one of the top three players in the world. Robinho, in my opinion still has a lot to prove.

brunnoce, I too think he still has more to show us, but I don't know if he's mentally able to come through. That's the difference between great players and legends.

I just love guys who are superstars and work harder than everyone else and want to win every single game. (snif, I miss Michael Jordan...:) Ronaldo seems to have this mentality too, only sometimes he acts like a spoiled brat...)

Anyway, the EPL is looking better and better, makes me enjoy the weekend afternoons more. ;)

great post!
agree fully, except here EPL is in late mornings here. ;)
I'm with you on this.

I really can't see Robinho wanting to battle with defenders to score goals. He's not an out and out striker, and City don't really get service to their strikers anyway.

yeh, i see you guys point..and i cant argue with that...facts speak for it self...
i just have the hope robinho will finally become a MAN cause right now hes still a kid..just look waht he did to get out of madrid, that for me is childish.
And its the second time he has done that, first was with Santos.

I think he can be magical, but like u guys said, will he ever have the mental strengh/wiseness for that?? right now i think chances are low.

i think this discussion can evan open up a bigger one, that is to analize the diference between the promissing players from argentina and from brazil right now...u can cleary notice the argentinians have much better mental preparation, a lot quicker than our(brazil) boys... im comparing with argentina cause thats the country that most resembles our society.

but thats is a subject for another thread ;)
where will you lot play him? Petrov on the left and SWP on the right and where does Robinho slot in? I think you lot have just bought an expensive white elephant.
where will you lot play him? Petrov on the left and SWP on the right and where does Robinho slot in? I think you lot have just bought an expensive white elephant.

i think robinho is a lot better than both...but im thinking they will problaby change their playing way to suit robinho more.
imo SWP will definatly be in too.
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