retired :)
- 21 June 2007
Of course they do. Nearly every town in Europe/ROTW has a football team now.
You telling me all the guys at Evo-Web who 'support' Barcelona AND Arsenal AND 'flavour of the month team' don't have a team playing where they live?!
Anyway, we're all off topic.
City v Villa tonight. COME ON THE CITTTYYYYY!
so what?! lol... your teams would be nowhere without players from different countries for example..if they stayed home, what if people support any clubs that they like? i support hockey in my town - country, but not corrupted shite football with nothing to look on.. that´s why i support best league team since i liked players that played for it in past and started to follow..your ideas seriously are a little bit like communism.
i can support whatever team i want..even english fans can´t afford to go to view matches because high ticket prices... so if they don´t follow the team in stadium means they are not true fans?... then why your teams make summer tours to all around the world? Also lot´s of english fans from different towns like London support different town´s teams..so according to your theory i have to be resident of the country to support only team from my country or i have to have approval in my ID that i´m from same town that my club is

grow up.
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