Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

You know it's bad when a Utd fan is the voice of reason in a Liverpool thread.

And he's right, if Suarez, Carroll or anybody else actually finished the huge amount of chances created in the past few games, the team would be 2nd or 3rd. How much of that can you blame on Dalglish if he has set the team up to create as much as they do every game? And that with his "shit" signings aswell. The team has hit the woodwork in every game. Maybe the team needs a real finisher like a Van Nistelrooy type. Neither Bellemy, Suarez, Carroll or Kuyt are real finishers, despite their qualities, which is a critism you could level at Dalglish as both Suarez and Carroll haven't been accurate enough this season.

But generally the team has played well and created a lot...they just aren't finishing it off.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I think you are missing a couple of star players. No doubt you need to support your coach now but what is your position with him? At this point, do you see Dalglish as the guy to take you back to the final stages of the CL again or the guy in between Roy and maybe Rafa or Ancelotti in the future?
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I think you are missing a couple of star players. No doubt you need to support your coach now but what is your position with him? At this point, do you see Dalglish as the guy to take you back to the final stages of the CL again or the guy in between Roy and maybe Rafa or Ancelotti in the future?

Well, as tik said, i don´t think we miss that much to chainge a game except to score from chances we create...against Norwich we could have scored 7 goals if not more.. we are pretty wastefull despite creating a lot of oportunity´s to score... I think Suarez is not worse in taking all his chances than Carroll, giving the fact Carroll was not playing in some games he should i think. Nevermind, before we spend money in January, wich i think we will, i think we should find a way to score from the chances we create.. then there would not be such draws against small teams..

and to your question, i do see Dalglish as coach to take us back to top 4, as said, he does his job well, it´s up to players to score the goals we definetly should..we could have been 4 points higher now... The league is very tight again this season.. so to predict the outcome today is plain stupid...especialy to predict who will make it in to top 4...Becouse currently i see 4 teams fighting for that spot.. from wich any have chance to get it..
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

If, finishing is the only problem. That can change in a minute once confidence set in . Swanese is a very good team that had more possession to most teams they play. Holding the ball is their style they didn`t create as much,but they kept the ball moving. imo both keepers made the match 0-0 even if both scored from their clear cut chances it was heading for a draw and i didnt see the match just highlights .

I really thought Liverpool would be in a higher position ,not playing in Europe. Now, I`m convince at this stage rotating players n playing lots keeps everyone more sharper, if the squad is applicable. Stokes is struggling due to their squad, While Liverpool is not really struggling just getting the attackers to gel. I think the biggest problem in the new players is the reasoning ....Liverpool don`t buy titles and ppl expect the puzzle pieces to be the final piece and it`s not. Arsenal bought £12m on a player that doesn`t play times are different. Robin cost £3m (Highbury times) n worth much more today! it took years.

If you can ignore City`s short term achievements w/ money the better you will except you lots don`t support a a short term club. £100m is not the answer to buy you need £385m to win :P So, don`t talk about buying like you lots spend more ...Aquero won`t go to Liverpool for £30m unless you were willing to pay £200k a week:SMUG: .Point is each week you lots will get better something will give and then you can say I remember how fickle i was. I hated Song w/ a passion and today I love him the most :COAT: same with Fabregas after Paddy left.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

we are wastefull at our chances... need to improve in finishing..

I think yesterday Swansea were wastefull at their chances to be honest.

Apart from that a load of bollocks: only in England players like Henderson, Downing and Adam are hyped up and afterwards after a couple of months wrote off. They are all 3 very good players.

It's just that Liverpool don't have enough of a winning mentality. Man Utd are winning title after title with 6 or 7 players in their team who have less ability as Henderson, Downing and Adam. Give them a chance and they will be fine (i'm not speaking about Caroll however...).
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

the money our managment invested is high, but it has it´s reason... we needed to invest becouse we lost our key team members, to good we didn´t lost Reina thanks god.. We could afford it becouse we had the money from selling players.

United had Ronaldo money and they also invested HEAVILLY in young players with Jones for example.. nobody is criticising them for doing that.

City invested without making the money themselfs, they are out of discoussion..

We are still in rebuilding time.. we are searching for our own playing style identity...imho 442 is not the right answer, especially not with Adam + Lucas in midfield.. we need to keep 3 players in midfield and play on 2 wingers and one striker.. Carroll isn´t that striker, as he is more usefull in 442 formation with a SS behind him... he can´t do much alone, but he can score if he get´s lot´s of assist´s... he´s the type of player like Koller was for BVB or Czech NT...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

The problem with the CL places is the competition. Liverpool are alright, but I genuinely don't see them having a better team or squad that City, Chelsea, United, Arsenal or Tottenham.

They spent heavily this offseason at a time when Arsenal and Tottenham did not, and I still don't think they've overtaken them. That would suggest that they need to spend again next season/ January to make the jump up, but I can't see Harry going two off season without major buys, nor can I see Wenger not strengthening given a bit more time. You'd also figure even SAF's blindness to midfield can't last forever, so expect United to dump £15-£20m into a midfielder at some stage too.

It's just really difficult these days. In the past 12 months City and Chelsea have both easily spent over £100m. So even if Liverpool spend the same, how do they make up the starting gap?

I think Fergie realises that United can't compete in obtaining established continental stars - Barca/ Real/ City/ Chelsea are just too financially powerful. Therefore they're forced to buy, like Liverpool, youngish, British talents from the prem. And let's face it, why should we expect a £20m Downing to offer as much as a £39m Aguero?

I think Henry/Daglish is doing the right thing - buying young talent and hoping it gels in the team. I'd love to see updated wage figures for all the teams, but I would wager a lot it goes: City, Chelsea, United, Arsenal, Liverpool, Tottenham - and with Tottenham having the benefit of a settled squad I can see them pipping Liverpool.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Arsenal actually spent 60mil in the summer with their last minute buys. Liverpool 69mil. Although they got 35 mil for Cesc, not sure Liverpool got much, if anything from their sales mind. Utd 58mil spent, not sure how much they got in sales either, 20mil?.

Spurs were the real bargin basement dealers with 5,6mil spent.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Well Nasri + Clichy both went too! I think w/ all that came in and went out. Arsenal is still w/ £40-50m sitting in the kitty .
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Arsenal actually spent 60mil in the summer with their last minute buys. Liverpool 69mil. Although they got 35 mil for Cesc, not sure Liverpool got much, if anything from their sales mind. Utd 58mil spent, not sure how much they got in sales either, 20mil?.

Spurs were the real bargin basement dealers with 5,6mil spent.

Those fees are in Euros, but yeah point still stands. I was including the January transfers in my opinion (as lots of big spending was done then: Carroll, Suarez, Torres, Luiz, Dzeko, Kolorav etc.

Spurs have done well, but also have been big spenders in the past few seasons, this summer was really the exception for them. But they have a much lower wage bill than the other big 6.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Massive over-reaction by some in here as usual.

The season is far from over and those players aren't chumps like some make them sound to be. They're good players. Just not great. And yeah Liverpool are expected to get the 3 points against newly promoted teams like Norwich and Swansea and it is disappointing that they didn't, but it's hardly the end of the world! And they didn't lose. Just a draw and they could've won. Maybe they'll beat much better teams.

And yes Kenny will be held accountable at the end of the season if things aren't going well. Right now, it's too early and team has done okay enough and had they been a bit more lucky or more clinical they could've been where they should be. Things will pick up but like Ryan said, it's not easy to get in CL any more and it's not about one summer spending big. You need to do it consistently and keep your best players.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I don't understand why there wasn't more competition to buy Parker...

Probably becouse our board decieded to bring young players to the team ahead of old ones as short term solutions.. We bought such and we wanted to buy some we didn´t had the luck.. again i would say the race for the 4 th place is still open.. Players like Henderson, Coates were bought for future...Players like Kelly, Robinson, Spearing, Shelvey, Flanagan, Coady were given new contracts becouse the club aims to hold on to them for years to come... Kuyt,Gerrard,Maxi,Carra,Bellamy are all 30 and older... so the team needed young blood and in case of the players mentioned, i think the club did a great job with young players, at least Shelvey, Kelly and Henderson might be future england senior NT players.. we still have some very bright prospects in the reserves with Coady, Sterling and Suso..
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

This is why Liverpool should’ve looked into the future rather than back to the past.

There’s a section of Liverpool fans who will stand-by Kenny Dalglish regardless of how he performs as manager. That’s laudable really, especially in an age where fans are more fickle than ever. However, John Henry must surely be starting to doubt the wisdom of installing Dalglish, because the pricey team that’s been assembled grows more underwhelming by the week.

It’s interesting to compare the treatment of Dalgish by the Liverpool fans with the comparative relationship between Arsene Wenger and the Arsenal faithful. One heralded as a saviour regardless of contemporary results, and the other derided because of them. The past is Wenger’s enemy, whereas for Dalglish it’s a saving grace. Arsenal and Liverpool are currently level on points.

Can you imagine how Anfield would’ve reacted to a Roy Hodgson team that failed to beat Swansea, Norwich, and Sunderland at home? Or how the fans might have responded to getting humiliated at White Hart Lane?

The problem John Henry has, is that anytime you appoint a club legend as manager you complicate the situation. Getting rid of Dalglish, should he ever want to, is almost impossible given the fans emotional investment in the man himself. Sacking someone like that would put the ownership in direct opposition to a considerable percentage of the fanbase – and owners do that at their peril.

Some may argue that even talk of dismissing Dalglish is premature, but since when is this kind of form acceptable to a club of that stature? The Champions League grows a more remote objective by the week, and you could certainly make a case for saying that Liverpool are currently – on form – the seventh best side in the league. That’s not good enough for Liverpool. It’s definitely not acceptable when you’ve spent an absolute fortunate on putting a team together.

At times, and apologies for this being a laboured point, Andy Carroll looks little more than a Championship player. Stewart Downing is a mid-level player at best, Charlie Adam – for all his much-heralded set-piece qualities – is a passenger in that midfield, and Jordan Henderson has done so little in a Liverpool shirt that you can’t really have an opinion. Luis Suarez is a fantastic player, but he’s actually limited by what goes on behind him.

That’s an awful lot of money for very little product, and on the basis that you can’t eat out on the 1980s forever, there eventually has to be some accountability for how this team is performing. Trouble is though, how much of that accountability can John Henry put on his manager?

excellent article
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

That article is very subjective... i´m not even bothered to write my view on it..becouse to compare Hodgson´s LFC with the one of Dalglish, especialy the style of play is ridicilous..either you didn´t watch any matches of both managers or you are simply not able to recognise how our game chainged since Dalglish came..

It's just that Liverpool don't have enough of a winning mentality. Man Utd are winning title after title with 6 or 7 players in their team who have less ability as Henderson, Downing and Adam. Give them a chance and they will be fine (i'm not speaking about Caroll however...).

Ferguson had 6 years to build that winning mentality/squad..

6 years.

And the competition for title back then was not even comparable with the competition now..

I think Dalglish deserves to have a chance at making it in those 3 he signed for.. + The competition for points this season is biger than any other season, biger than season before... 2 or 3 wins and we are in top 4 if other struggle for points.. any subjective rant post´s are just ran´t without any brain or thinking in them..
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

As a neutral, i must say that this article makes some valid points, things i've been thinking too. I think that it is too harsh on the new players however. Judge Henderson, Adam, Downing and yes maybe even Caroll after one full season where they have played lots of matches...isn't that what the fans did with Konchesky, Jovanovic and Poulsen too?

Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

As a neutral, i must say that this article makes some valid points, things i've been thinking too. I think that it is too harsh on the new players however. Judge Henderson, Adam, Downing and yes maybe even Caroll after one full season where they have played lots of matches...isn't that what the fans did with Konchesky, Jovanovic and Poulsen too?


as far as i know, fans NEVER writed Jovanovic off, he simply was not played by Hodgson from unknown reason as any manager would not play a player he didn´t signed in first place...Jovanovic was Rafa´s player..

Konchesky and Poulsen were Hodgson´s signings, they were meant for first 11 and they were simply not good enough, both close to their 30´s...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Ferguson had 6 years to build that winning mentality/squad,

6 years.

I think Dalglish deserves to have a chance at making it in those 3 he signed for.. + The competition for points this season is biger than any other season, biger than season before... 2 or 3 wins and we are in top 4 if other struggle for points.. any subjective rant post´s are just ran´t without any brain or thinking in them..

The line you quote wasn't meant to criticize Kenny Dalglish..but i'm glad of your response, because what you are writing now is almost literally what i was saying exactly a year ago...i think Dalglish deserves a litle bit patience, but so did Roy...

The thing i agree mostly with in the article that disturbs you so much is, what is saying about the way the fans see the longer term (not now, it's too soon to judge Dalglish) this may prove to be a big problem. I think it's not good to name a club legend as manager..that rarely works and in the end if that legend gets sacked (what happens with every single manager except with Ferguson) the club looses both that legend and the the long term it's a no-win situation IMO.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

The line you quote wasn't meant to criticize Kenny Dalglish..but i'm glad of your response, because what you are writing now is almost literally what i was saying exactly a year ago...i think Dalglish deserves a litle bit patience, but so did Roy...

The thing i agree mostly with in the article that disturbs you so much is, what is saying about the way the fans see the longer term (not now, it's too soon to judge Dalglish) this may prove to be a big problem. I think it's not good to name a club legend as manager..that rarely works and in the end if that legend gets sacked (what happens with every single manager except with Ferguson) the club looses both that legend and the the long term it's a no-win situation IMO.

Again, you can´t say Roy deserved patience with our team being almost in relegation zone with no concept what so ever... You simply can´t...i wonder if LFC fans have short memory or what? but the games with Hodgson´s "tactics" were incredible borring, we lost half of squad mentally, we lost Torres (we still had Meireles) but Reina was on his way out definetly.. Also Roy managed the club during the time the owners and whole board basicly chainged.. the new people gave him time, maybe even more than needed, but they wanted something else, they needed to get the team to go up and move from then... What Dalglish did is not just he took over and made us move up, but he did what you said we needed to do, he gave us not just winning mentality, but also tactics together with his assistent manager... Today´s LFC is far better than the one of Hodgson, FAR better, we create a lot, our game is more solid, defence is solid now.. We have some midfield problems, but this is also becouse Gerrard now should have been healthy and start this matches, wich is big concern.. We lack only luck upfront of´s not as if we played badly to draw or loose, we play good but we simply are wasefull to much.. this is not manager´s fault and i´m sure all the fans see the difference between us now and under Hodgson...

Heck, how is Villas Boas an amazing manager many are making him to be..? what he did with Chelsea game style? Did you watch them play against QPR? or now that they won 1-0, or other teams winning 1-0.. Yeah, 3 points are more than 1, but the difference between the teams who won and us is just this one goal scored... we will be ok if we continue creating chances...the goals will surelly come..
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Well said / quoted (as per usual) fella.

And @ PLF - Yes, a massive over reaction by some... again.

I tell you what, let's just appoint a new manager every few months and slag them off all the time. I despair. Fans my fucking ass!!
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Pipa, i agree with you on your assessment of the current situation...Liverpool will be OK, but this season they will not reach a CL's place...i'm pretty sure of that.

To me both Manchester clubs, Chelsea, Arsenal and Spurs are certainly better than Liverpool and right at this moment Newcastle is a better team too (but i think Newcastle will not continue to win point like they do now...).

My point is that Liverpool fans are not objective about Dalglish: they expected to become contenders the moment Dalglish took over (of course not for last season, but certainly for this season). Now they don't criticize Dalglish because he is Dalglish...any other manager who "created" (inadevertendly) the same degree of expectation would have been slaughtered by now...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Again, you can´t say Roy deserved patience with our team being almost in relegation zone with no concept what so ever... You simply can´t...i wonder if LFC fans have short memory or what? but the games with Hodgson´s "tactics" were incredible borring, we lost half of squad mentally, we lost Torres (we still had Meireles) but Reina was on his way out definetly.. Also Roy managed the club during the time the owners and whole board basicly chainged.. the new people gave him time, maybe even more than needed, but they wanted something else, they needed to get the team to go up and move from then... What Dalglish did is not just he took over and made us move up, but he did what you said we needed to do, he gave us not just winning mentality, but also tactics together with his assistent manager... Today´s LFC is far better than the one of Hodgson, FAR better, we create a lot, our game is more solid, defence is solid now.. We have some midfield problems, but this is also becouse Gerrard now should have been healthy and start this matches, wich is big concern.. We lack only luck upfront of´s not as if we played badly to draw or loose, we play good but we simply are wasefull to much.. this is not manager´s fault and i´m sure all the fans see the difference between us now and under Hodgson...

Heck, how is Villas Boas an amazing manager many are making him to be..? what he did with Chelsea game style? Did you watch them play against QPR? or now that they won 1-0, or other teams winning 1-0.. Yeah, 3 points are more than 1, but the difference between the teams who won and us is just this one goal scored... we will be ok if we continue creating chances...the goals will surelly come..

In fact, André is an extraordinary coach, and I guess Roman appointed him to clean up the house and bring in some fresh blood to the Bridge. What he achieved with Porto talks for himself, you could say to win with Porto is, statistically, an easy task but, as we are seeing right now, with the likes of Benfica and Sporting growing and becoming stronger and stronger, André did a quite good job. I've seen almost every Chelsea games and I must say, the way he wants the team to play, is very entertaining, they just have to improve their defense and waste less scoring chances. Are they going to win the league this season? I doubt but one thing is sure, Chelsea is building a bright future.

All said, all comes down to patience. So I don't think Roy was that clueless coach at all, had he have some more support thing things could have gone other way, but this is just speculation, my point is, if you beg patience for Dalglish than Roy certainly would deserved that too.

I'm with Gerd in that point. I feel there are some kind of a blind faith (well, unnecessarily to use the adjective "blind" coz faith is already blind but ok) in your beloved King Kenny. And trust me, faith is reason's most ferocious enemy.

Btw, great discussion around here so far with valid points from both sides.
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Pipa, i agree with you on your assessment of the current situation...Liverpool will be OK, but this season they will not reach a CL's place...i'm pretty sure of that.

To me both Manchester clubs, Chelsea, Arsenal and Spurs are certainly better than Liverpool and right at this moment Newcastle is a better team too (but i think Newcastle will not continue to win point like they do now...).

My point is that Liverpool fans are not objective about Dalglish: they expected to become contenders the moment Dalglish took over (of course not for last season, but certainly for this season). Now they don't criticize Dalglish because he is Dalglish...any other manager who "created" (inadevertendly) the same degree of expectation would have been slaughtered by now...

I think we can move both Manchester teams out of discussion, becouse they will be definetly in top 4.. The top 3 and 4 place is battle between 5 teams atm. - any of this teams can place in 3-4 place.. from wich i can´t predict how the outcome will be, it´s a battle about each point..

Liverpool are team in building process, it´s not going to happend in a half season, no sane fans would expect uss to win every match from now on..but i think the fight for the 4th place is open..lot of this depend on january signings... big blow for us is Gerrard injury concerns, that should have been sorted by now..

I still don´t get why LFC fans should criticise Dalglish if we are at the same point level as Arsenal and he (Dalglish) has been here a year or less.. Let´s just wait and judge his achievement as well as players achievement after the season, or at least in Spring, when we know if we have any chance for the 4 spot, wich is our main aim.. the aim of club overall.. then we can move from that point further..

The only degree of expectation that Dalglish created is assure fans that the players will give maximum to win games, he didn´t said we want to win the league, or that winnign it is our realistic aim, becouse it´s not...our aim is to battle for the 4th CL spot and that´s what i think we are capable of achieving..with luck as well, we didn´t have luck to win our last two matches with big difference, as we should.. maybe it will turn good for us in next matches..
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Personally I think the only thing that is certain is that Man City will be in the top 4. They're the only team I see with the strength in depth to confirm it.

Chelsea - For me, always seem to be 2 games from a massive unbeaten run, or two games from a disasterous, manager-firing implosion. Could win the league at a canter, could drop out of the top 4. No stability.

Arsenal - Terrible, terrible start, and if they lose RVP could plummet...BUT...when Wilshere and Vermaelen are back they have a very, very good first XI. Depends on injuries.

United - Have no midfield to speak of, 1st choice defense play together 1 in 15 matches and have lost that 'fear factor' of a few seasons ago. But, have Fergie. Which adds at least 10 points to a season.

Spurs - Excellent, excellent first XI, not sure about depth. Also don't have the 'know how' of winning tight league races (and a history of losing them).

Liverpool - Solid first XI, and most importantly, no distractions of Europe. Might be offset by an FA Cup run, but realistically will only have 1 match a week in the run in. Could be the difference maker.

Newcastle - Not had an injury of note to date, can't last forever. Not a lot of depth at all under that first choice midfield. Can't see it lasting.

I'd predict the big 4 will be the same as last year tbh.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Pipa, i agree with you on your assessment of the current situation...Liverpool will be OK, but this season they will not reach a CL's place...i'm pretty sure of that.

To me both Manchester clubs, Chelsea, Arsenal and Spurs are certainly better than Liverpool and right at this moment Newcastle is a better team too (but i think Newcastle will not continue to win point like they do now...).

My point is that Liverpool fans are not objective about Dalglish: they expected to become contenders the moment Dalglish took over (of course not for last season, but certainly for this season). Now they don't criticize Dalglish because he is Dalglish...any other manager who "created" (inadevertendly) the same degree of expectation would have been slaughtered by now...

You can't have it both ways Gerd (although I do agree with your general point). The fans trust Dalglish and it's why they aren't having a go now. The expectations and lack of hysteria from a majority has the same base, they/we think Dalglish is the right guy for the job and will give him time.

It will be interesting to see how the reactions go if it turns out as bad as Hodgson. But really, with a couple of cm's here and there most of the games would have been won this season.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

To me (and of course who am i???? Mr Nobody) the big mistake Dalglish makes is his stubborness concerning Caroll. Last year Liverpool were a very versatile team.
Now with Caroll, they only play one sort of football. On top of that Caroll is not the most mobile player in the world, the way Liverpool are playing (in attack) is quite predictable. Defensive Caroll is not the first defender, he's not mobile enough to do that. And that is (hypothetically) talking about the Caroll in his Newcastle form and confidence. The Caroll i see now is a shadow of the Newcastle Caroll (and to be honest, i did not rate that player very high, he was a good promising player nothing more).
I guess Dalglish is convinced about Caroll's potential and plays him against better advice, so that he can gain confidence...but with him Liverpool are predictable and less fun to watch as the team who was playing very good football at the end of last season (i remember a fantastic match where Maxi scored an hattrick...we haven't seen that Liverpool this season and by the way, what about Maxi...why does he never play?).
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Carroll has only played in the lesser matches so far I think, besides the Everton one. And if there are teams he should be performing against it's the ones he has been playing. But then, against Norwich he was really dangerous when he came on and nearly got the winner anda lot of people thought he should have been playing earlier atleast. I don't think anybody is sure whether Carroll will or won't work. Both are trying to find the right balance....not sure it will happen tbh. I think Carroll is a worthwhile player to have in the squad/team depending on the opposition, but a lot of the time I would prefer Kuyt to be upfront and linking up with Suarez, both are more intelligent and create more chances.

I posted this on the other page, but neither Carroll or Suarez are poachers, and the way the team has been playing I think they need one tbh. Suarez pulls wide, back, well everywhere besides the 6yr box, and Carroll is around the area knocking balls down. Neither get's right infront of goal to dive onto a cross or tap a loose ball in. And neither are a finisher that only needs one chance. You saw it in the Swansea match, Carroll had quite a few good headers knocking the ball back into space around the penalty spot and there just wasn't anybody there, let alone trying to get on the ball. Suarez was somewhere else entirely and the midfield of Adam and Lucas never get close enough to the area to be an attacking threat in those types of open play. Torres would be there, and Owen. Bent would probably also be there. And Inzaghi, etc. Gerrard isn't likely to be able to be there a lot these days either, so it's really looking like an issue atm.

As for Maxi, he's lost out to Downing and then Bellamy.
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