Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

It is sad that you dont have an opinion of your own.

+1 i think same for u pipa u dont have ur own opinion !

anyway guys we are losing 2-0 vs Hull , anyone is looking match how is going there coz i cant see it !
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Oh my god, you were praising Aquilani during months until yesterday when it was clear that Dalglish didnt want him. Now, you are going to start to criticise him. It is sad that you dont have an opinion of your own.

Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

first of all i was not praising Aquilani, you are the one that praises him..

second, i know he is quality player wich i´m not affraid to say..but this whole discussion was about his possible loan move out again, where you said you have your sources, all except Liverpool official website.. wich is the only official source for me personaly.

You said this is a "genious transfer" while i didn´t noticed any transfer happend.

I don´t need to argue with you or anyone, it´s waste of time for you are obsessed with one player who YOU think is better and the things this club does, or other for YOU not as good players who our manager brings to the team are bad or "fucking" as i might quote Valon, so how to discouse with you guys? there is no chance..

Aquilani playes since his loan return in every match in preseason and he´s one of the best players.. If we sell him, i still support our manager and i would not think that this people are stupid or not good enough to recognise the amazing talent of one player (Aquilani) becouse in players transfers there is much more (i repeat myself again) aspects than just the quality of player and us wanting him to stay.. you (repeat myself again) look on everything from position of Aquilani, how he was treaten bad in Juve, where they don´t wanted him, how he was treaten by Liverpool so far, how Kenny did´t give him a squad number (wich is ridicilous becosue it´s middle of transfer window) etc...

You don´t look on the behind doors things as Rafa´s departure (the guy who bought Aquilai to LFC), Roy´s arrival (The guy who didn´t have a clue and loaned him), the new owners, radical chainges in our policy with players wages, looking to buy young playes to assure bright future not short but long term, arrival of new manager who had never previously worked with Aquilani and who never officialy said anything about this player except "that we should not forget we still have him" few weeks before the start of transfer window...

you guys are hard to talk to and from now i try to not react on your posts..
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

real shame to lose in preseason friendly with a players who play first time in new team together..
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

real shame to lose in preseason friendly with a players who play first time in new team together..

LOL ur just funny , cmon look last season friendly we start in this way if u remember , and its not JUST FRIENDLY like u say and if we lose against real madrid ok but we lose against HULL not so big team we should do better against them even with 2nd team , this lose mean that we have something wrong special defender to take 9 goals in last 3 matchs then u must have something wrong thats sure

also that andy carroll i think its a big mistake i bet kenny will be happy if someone give 20 milion for him now !
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Quote from: royhendo on Today at 06:36:10 PM
Barca got a last minute equaliser to avoid defeat at Dundee United in Guardiola's first game at the helm. His first season was a tatal natmah.

« Reply #6 on: Today at 06:42:28 PM »
Meaningless but can be painful nevertheless.I saw us lose 5-0 to Mainz in 2006.That season was not predicted by that scoreline given we got to Athens.Sitting through it still crappy though.

Missing today: Reina, Johnson, Aurelio, Skrtel, Agger, Gerrard, Meireles, Lucas, Suarez

It's a friendly. Not a cup final. Jeez.
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

LOL ur just funny , cmon look last season friendly we start in this way if u remember , and its not JUST FRIENDLY like u say and if we lose against real madrid ok but we lose against HULL not so big team we should do better against them even with 2nd team , this lose mean that we have something wrong special defender to take 9 goals in last 3 matchs then u must have something wrong thats sure

also that andy carroll i think its a big mistake i bet kenny will be happy if someone give 20 milion for him now !

Have you seen the lineup? have you seen how we play? So what if we loose against Hull, it´s a preseason friendly where the result is last that matters.. Barca almost lost against Dundie United few seasons back in Guardiola first match, preseason friendly..they only draw 0-0, what´s the point? Didn´t we lost against 1. FCK in 2007 5:0 write as if it was a CL final...

You said you don´t see the match, what is mistake on Andy Carroll? you making yourself funny, not me..
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Nooooo, Aquilani could never do any wrong.

Replace "Aquilani" by "Dalglish" and you get a pretty accurate description of what the mentality in this thread is.
Well, i hope both Liverpool and Aquilani fare well the upcoming season.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I think you'll find it's the opposite, people too quick to jump on Dalglishs back and blaming him for Aquilani wanting to return to Italy.

It's strange that people prefer to side with Aquilani being blameless rather than trust a manager who's been there and done it. Quite unbelievable.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Well as Liverpool fans i dont see why we should be negative about Kenny. He turned us around last season.

Maybe some will question his transfer dealings, but Kenny knows how to get the best out of players. A couple from the past spring to mind Ray Houghton signed from oxford united as a virtually unknown, look how good he turned out to be. Another one John Barnes, always a talented player but Kenny made him a force to be reckoned with. And also kenny has won the premier league before, so i trust his judgement.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Replace "Aquilani" by "Dalglish" and you get a pretty accurate description of what the mentality in this thread is.
Well, i hope both Liverpool and Aquilani fare well the upcoming season.

Can you really blame us for being that? Thanks for the hope, we're bursting with optimism now that everything is into play.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Well as Liverpool fans i dont see why we should be negative about Kenny. He turned us around last season.

Maybe some will question his transfer dealings, but Kenny knows how to get the best out of players. A couple from the past spring to mind Ray Houghton signed from oxford united as a virtually unknown, look how good he turned out to be. Another one John Barnes, always a talented player but Kenny made him a force to be reckoned with. And also kenny has won the premier league before, so i trust his judgement.

I don´t question his transfers a single bit so far.. of course i don´t agree with the price all the time, but mostly you have to look at many things with this players transfers.. and our targets this season were the oposite of Hodgsons just for example.. Many people don´t realise we could have end up with Carlton Cole instead of still very young Carroll.. price in todays football is difficult to judge, Premier League is very expensive league, but so far i would not chainge anything we did managed to do, except we could have bought Jones, but what can we do if players prefeur to play for other teams..?

+ for those who say we could have got less expensive alternatives to those we have now, it´s no need to tell, but we have owners who are rich and experienced in field of sport already with other franchise, and their plan from there they want to apply on LFC as well, their team, Boston Red Sox won the title after many years in baseball...
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I'm looking forward to seeing more of the Carroll-Skrtel set piece routine. I'm intrigued...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Of course i understand why Liverpool fans have such a big trust in Dalglish. I got to admit that i'm a bit of a fan of Aquilani...i was looking forward to see him week in week out in England...

Seems a more attractive player than Adam, but Adam might be a good transfer.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

but there is not written it´s becouse of Dalglish, of course he´s the manager, but the whole club is in chainge of looking at players salary, money spend on players who are young and those will stay at club for long, or are still good possibility to sell them again if they flop or won´t be good..becouse they are Premier league proven despite their age..

people mention why we do transfers we do, they keep speculating, but it was comolli who said officialy that how the club is going to make transfers in this summer, they said everything to clear things up, yet people still moan everytime about why not this and this players instead of Adam, Henderson etc..

Maybe the club don´t want to risk it with Aquilani health, maybe they don´t trust him to be a valuable squad member, maybe he has problem to aclimate, maybe his wife has problem (see Mascherano), maybe he would want to play in Italy before world cup.. and so on..

also there is nothing even slight official anouncement from LFC or Dalgslish that Aquilani won´t be part of our squad next season.. and even if so, who are we to moan about the price, while our owners are spending like we never spended before (in terms of buying our FIRST targets, rather than the second or third - well except Jones, who choosed United) This is a big difference of things from previous summers...Aquilani was bought by Rafa to replace Alonso, BUT he would never bought him if Barry wouldn´t sign for City.. yes Rafa wanted Barry instead of Aquilani. Is Barry better player than him? NO. Would Barry made a biger difference after Alonso departure? YES.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

robbohuyton Gareth Roberts
Aquilani loan on the surface bizarre but while he's looked good at times, question is why has no club offered to buy him in two years?

robbohuyton Gareth Roberts
And why are LFC seemingly so desperate to get rid when KD has seemed quite willing to give players a chance?

GarethMcKenna Gareth McKenna
by robbohuyton
@robbohuyton Smashing player, intelligent ball use, very positive and injury problems seemingly behind him yet Juve preferred ageing Pirlo??

Fair points there.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

guys i wish Suarez and Torres have played only one single match together....
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

guys i wish Suarez and Torres have played only one single match together....

well it was exactly meant like this..i realise i said wrong when i said we used Torres money to buy Suarez, wich is not true..since we bought Suarez even before Torres handed the ransfer request.. Suarez was meant to be supporting Torres, and he was the top player Torres wanted us buy all the time, speaking of how we don´t buy world class players..

but Torres was impatient, he wanted to win the league immediately, that´s why he choose Chelsea.. He didn´t wanted to wait becouse he had injury and he though this is last chance for big move..

Suarez was bought by NESV before we knew Torres will be sold and before we knew we will recieve 50 mil. pounds

Therefore you can see Suarez basicly was our first transfer of new owners.. the fact we got so much for Torres don´t mean we were not able to spend and that we bought Suarez and Carroll from Torres and Babel money.. we bought Suarez from our own pockets with the idea of linking him with Torres in future. Carroll came unexpected as much as Torres unexpected departure, but Carroll at that time was wanted also by Chelsea, if i remember well.. they wanted to buy him and Dalglish admired him before as ideal target man for his strenght, height, power and experience despite havign only 21. That´s why we bought Carroll as our first thought as replacement for Torres, also we bought him becouse if we had not, other PL clubs would definetly.. The price was so high becouse Newcastle didn´t had to sell, but also becouse he is a very possible revenue player.. the time we had to buy him was to small and we definetly needed replace Torres... so we should not look on any other why and ifs by mentioning Carroll transfer, he is our player and he has a big future with us long term, Torres has it, but becouse of him only short term... Carroll could end up being much more valuable for our team than Torres, and he don´t need to score more goals than him for being so..
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Aquilani is very close to Fiorentina on loan with Liverpool paying part of his wages. He will be Montolivo's replacement. Guess he really wanted to leave afterall.

I was surprised he choose Fiorentina but they will have a very decent squad and linked with Cassano. Aquilani,Gilardino, and Cassano will have a good chance to go to the Euro's.
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

if this happend i realy want explanation from the player or club why this happens if true.. becouse there is no single indication from LFC side we didn´t want him to be part of our squad..
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Damn!! Like Gerd and many others, I was finally really looking forward to seeing Alberto play every week and shut some people up in England who doubt him and show them just how awesome he is! :/

But I guess Fiorentina move is a good one for him. Montolivo will be gone... who better to replace him with!
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Liverpool have like 9 center midfielders now. Aquilani might spend a huge part of the season on the bench. Fiorentina is a safer choice before the Euro's. They can make his move permenant for 8mill next season according to reports. His price keeps going down.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

i know we have many CMs, but Aquilani for me is more an AM or center midfield who´s more attacking role in 433 than the two DM..

with Gerrard latest injury he won´t make it in time for start of season i think.. Meireles also knocked... Aquilani would be second name for me in midfield after Lucas personaly.. we want to loan out either Spearing or Shelvey,

i don´t count with Poulsen and Joe Cole but, the second looks like staying.. then there is Coady, who might get chance..

My point is, Aquilani would be most talented of those midfielders, so there must be another reason why he would eventually move than the fact he is not good enough..wich imo is not the case..
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Fair points there.
Not really. Juve had and has to make a lot of changes in the squad. Aquilani would cost have cost them 12M plus his contract. Pirlo agreed a less contract than the one Aquilani has and probably Juve paid him some fee, but no 12M.
With that said, Marotta (chief executive of Juventus) still wanted Aquilani but Conte didnt (as he also didnt want the signing of Pirlo, but was made by Marotta before his arrival so he had nothing to say).
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