Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

When i was a kid, i absolutely loved Dalglish and this at a time that i was a big Man Utd fan...but Kenny was something special.

Those were times...people actually supported clubs who lost matches then...

Oh somebody in hre called Hazard the next Messi: that is very, very exagerated.

Speaking about young Belgian players, i wonder why Tibaut Courtois is never mentioned when speaking about transfers.
Courtois is the 18 year old keeper of Champions Racing Genk and he is something absolutely special.

I have been a GK myself and we've always had very good keepers in Belgium (Piot, Pfaff, Preudhomme for example), but this one is the best i've ever seen at such a young age. IMO he can become one of the best GK's in the world. I've never seen a GK who is so calm at such a young age as this guy. He made is debut as a 16 year old and now at 18 it's as if this guy is 36 years old in terms of composure. Really impressive.
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

JimmyRiceWriter Jimmy Rice
Kenny says there is a 'distinct possibility' that Alberto Aquilani could come back to #lfc for next season.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I think Juve would've paid the first option fee if Pirlo hadn't been available for free this summer.

So it looks like he's definitely coming back to Anfield.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

JimmyRiceWriter Jimmy Rice
Kenny says there is a 'distinct possibility' that Alberto Aquilani could come back to #lfc for next season.
What does mean distinc possibility ? Is the same than saying clear possibility ?
I have no doubts that, given a proper chance, he would be the most important midfielder of our team after Gerrard.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Pretty much, it's pretty much saying there's a good chance he's going to be back at Anfield next season.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

he deserves another chance, under Kenny...

somehow i feel if he will try 100% he would fit in our team amazing with how we play under Kenny..
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

When i was a kid, i absolutely loved Dalglish and this at a time that i was a big Man Utd fan...but Kenny was something special.

Those were times...people actually supported clubs who lost matches then...

yeah i hated him cos he was that good, but that team was excellent, hence my own personal rivalry with lfc...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Yep, would be great to have him back imo, think the team will have a very strong spine with Gerrard, Meireles and Aquilani rotating between 3 spots with Spearing as back up for Lucas.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Yep, would be great to have him back imo, think the team will have a very strong spine with Gerrard, Meireles and Aquilani rotating between 3 spots with Spearing as back up for Lucas.

or Meireles..i see more CM in Spearing than DM..he often goes to attacking position and also want´s to shoot often if there is posibility..
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I hope it's true! Can't wait to see him in Liverpool jersey next year! It's like a big new signing. He's got unfinished business @ Anfield and in England. Glad to see the Juve move is falling apart it seems... most likely they'll get Pirlo.

Now whether Milan or Roma make a move for Aquaman or not, it's a different story but for now it seems like a good possibility he'll be back and I for one am delighted about that.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Another poor result today, but still a great turnaround to a poor season. And now we can rebuild in the summer, clearout the dross and bring in some quality. I'm glad we don't have the distraction of the europa league so we can concerntrate on challenging in the top 4 and maybe win one of the domestics.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Still not sure whether not having to play EL is a good thing. I guess league succes (CL spots) and maybe a cup would do. Still, being able to play the reserves and youth teams and keeping the club's ranking up would also have been good. Liverpool are still the 5th highest ranked team in Europe.

Either way, atleast this season is over, can only get better...
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Europa league for me is everything than distraction...

i´m sad we are out of any european competition next season..

i expect our team to perform even better in domestic league due to this fact..

very much things need to be chainged in right way before new season..

starting with quality team and team depth..
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Started the season with Hicks, Gilette and Hodgson. Finished with Henry, Werner and Dalglish.

I'm very pleased with the finish and as I said earlier, I can see reasons to and not to be in the EL. As it is, I'm happy that we'll be able to cencentrate on the league and get back into the CL without playing on a Thursday then again on Sunday.

Going to be a very interesting summer and I suspect today was the last we'll see of the likes of Cole and Aurelio.
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Yeah, it should be happy times at Anfield, On the field matters are the topic. Would be nice to see you challenge next year Dalglish V SAF would be tasty

Hopefully Owen can show off his Premier league medal to Jamie also :))
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Yeah, Owen realy deserved the medal for this season..
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Nice to see Stevie among traveling KOP..


Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Now reading "Epic Swindle", I'm only on page 39 but it's embarrassing how poorly our club was run under Moores and Parry, complete amateur job :(

The last section alone is bad enough. Saying that Moores decided to sack Houllier, the rest of the board agreed. The next thing on the agenda was meeting with Houllier to go over the season and discuss plans for next season. And they did. Despite just agreeing to sack him, they actually sat there and went over the season, then spent the next two hours discussing how he'd put things right at the club!

When asked why Moores hadn't sacked him yet, he said he couldn't do it that week because he'd invited Houllier's family to the Lake District, he didn't have the bottle to actually tell him and a week later, it was Parry who had to do it.

It also mentions that people wanted to buy things from the online store. But if stock ran out, it needed someone in the Liverpool shop to manually update the online store to say there was still stock. So even though the warehouse was full of shirts, if this one particular batch ran out at 6pm, nobody in the world could buy a shirt until someone noticed when they got to work the next day at the shop!

Unbelievable and really shows up how poorly we've been managed in the board and how our commercial side was pretty much non-existent. No surprise that we haven't won the league for so long really.
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

apparently we've all but done a deal for charlie adam.waste of space if you ask me.considering we already have a classy midfielder on our books which was ridiculously loaned out.7mill?real disappointing decision by management staff
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

we need depth in squad..i welcome him, he´s fighter, international player in best years, good in premier to play in whole midfield..

i would be happy if he join us..
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

If Comolli and Kenny think he's good enough, I'm happy with that and any other signings. Not saw anything about Adam but I've read Friedal is pretty much a done deal.

It's silly season now though with everyone claiming they know stuff, pinch of salt time.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Brilliant at set pieces and a decent player good signing for you lot IMO, Aquilani as 1st choice and Adam for cover is very good
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Brilliant at set pieces and a decent player good signing for you lot IMO, Aquilani as 1st choice and Adam for cover is very good
Probably going to be Adam 1st choice, and Aquilani sold for a ridiculous amount to Juventus or Milan.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I hope Adam doesn't move somewhere that he's cover. Classy player deserves to be playing.

Worth noting his skill with set pieces and that he's left footed. Pretty handy that.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

I don't think Adam has it in him to be a regular starter in a top 6 team tbh.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Not sure either, although I think he could do well at a big club. Depends on how he handles the pressure and how much expectation is created. It's all very well hitting hollywood balls and only completing 50% of them for a lower team that doesn't have a much higher completionrate but when you need 70/80% as an average it's another matter. Not sure what his stats are tbh. But for 7mil I think it's a worthwhile gamble.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I Just Can't Get Enough!!)

Yeah I don't think so either but he'd be very good as cover and that would get him 20-25 starts a season which he should be happy with.
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