Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread

Regarding the red card, I absolutely think it was deserved. Both yellows were instances where Materazzi clearly held back or tripped Torres after Torres had beaten Materazzi. It's one thing for defenders to go in strong when trying to win the ball, but defenders that employ this dishonorable method of cheating deserve every yellow they get.

And to be fair, it's not like Carragher and Hyypia don't do this once in a while. They deserve their yellow cards as well, on occasion.

Sometimes, defenders are smart to risk getting a yellow by taking down their opposition attacker... if it prevents a goal scoring opportunity, then a yellow card may be worth it. But certainly not worth doing so far from goal, when you already have a yellow as Materazzi did.
Re: Liverpool Thread



Re: Liverpool Thread

Regarding the red card, I absolutely think it was deserved. Both yellows were instances where Materazzi clearly held back or tripped Torres after Torres had beaten Materazzi. It's one thing for defenders to go in strong when trying to win the ball, but defenders that employ this dishonorable method of cheating deserve every yellow they get.

And to be fair, it's not like Carragher and Hyypia don't do this once in a while. They deserve their yellow cards as well, on occasion.

Sometimes, defenders are smart to risk getting a yellow by taking down their opposition attacker... if it prevents a goal scoring opportunity, then a yellow card may be worth it. But certainly not worth doing so far from goal, when you already have a yellow as Materazzi did.

ummm no, one instance torres barely got touched, he should have received the yellow
Re: Liverpool Thread

" my point is that enjoy the good times and as frustrating as it is; bear with the bad times because at the end of the day; you'll always love your club with all your heart. :) "

very very well said Plan M :)
Re: Liverpool Thread

Shirt pulling is techically touching even if you merely grab a lose bit of the shirt!
how many times do we see that week in and week out on corners in england, and i never hear any of you say a thing about that.. but all the sudden the italians are cheating bastards... i mean really, it warranted a warning then a yellow
Re: Liverpool Thread

oh c'mon guys 'r u still arguing about that? let's be honest, it was a ridiculous mistake. materazzi didn't even touch torres on the first yellow card. fernando simply let himself falling down.

but it doesn't really matters. as many of u said, even before matrix red card, inter was playing bad... really bad, and liverpool was in control of the game. we'll never know it for sure, of course, but i'm pretty confident liverpool would have won the game even if materazzi wouldn't have been sent off.

but please don't tell me it was a foul. if that was a foul, than every match in premiership would end with 4\5 red cards.

moreover there were also some wrong ref calls in inter favour (as vieira's handball in box).

i didn't mean to start an argument, by saying that materazzi shouldn't have been sent off. neither i meant to bring down liverpool's merits (at all).

in the past 2 years materazzi became a totally different player (and this is said by a man who didn't like materazzi at all) and this is something everybody follows serie a knows pretty well.
he became a pretty good cb (he was awful; no technique, no sense of position, no timing, no vision) and he changed his bad attitude too.
but still he usually pays the consequence of his "historic reputation". every time a player falls near matrix, the refs don't have any hesitation...

this is pretty said, if u ask me. and after reading some guys here repeating "the usual song"... materazzi the cunt, materazzi the dirty, i thought it was fair to remark what would look abvious to any neutral observer.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I agree with you lo zio!

If it had been Cordoba (for example) commiting both 'fouls' then I think there would have been one yellow card shown at the most. Materazzi's reputation definitely proceeds him and it's a bit sad really. A bit like the Ronaldo diving thing, obviously he doesn't dive EVERY time.. but try telling that to some people!

I'm guessing most of the people calling Materazzi cunt probably don't even watch Serie A so aren't really in a position to comment.
Re: Liverpool Thread

how many times do we see that week in and week out on corners in england, and i never hear any of you say a thing about that.. but all the sudden the italians are cheating bastards... i mean really, it warranted a warning then a yellow

Ok mate, i feel you really want an answer to why 'matrix' was sent off. lets keep all other reasons and facts aside, because you dont seem to want to buy any, and say that it's the kind of image 'matrix' has created for himself over the recent past. He's got no one to blame other than himself. Now even if he's innocent, refs will penalize him.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Ok mate, i feel you really want an answer to why 'matrix' was sent off. lets keep all other reasons and facts aside, because you dont seem to want to buy any, and say that it's the kind of image 'matrix' has created for himself over the recent past. He's got no one to blame other than himself. Now even if he's innocent, refs will penalize him.

and thats wrong, plain and simple.. utterly ridiculous if that is why the ref gave him two yellows
Re: Liverpool Thread

ummm no, one instance torres barely got touched, he should have received the yellow

In the one instance he was "barely touched", Materazzi clipped his heels from behind. Torres, running at full speed trying to dribble falls over. Not a big mystery. It's a foul.

If you have some video evidence showing it was a dive, please link it. I only watched the game coverage and the replays during the broadcast and neither looked dives to me. Both yellows looked like the classic "defender gives the opposing forward an illegal nudge or grab after the defender is beaten" that you see week in and week out. If not dives, then yellows are deserved.

If you have video showing it was a dive, I'm interested. Otherwise, I'm believing what I saw on TV, they were fouls.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Well. You played well (or amazing by your current standards) but it would've been completely different had Inter gone straight for you. Maybe it's not the Italian way, but they should've known you lot would be up for it. Still, I'd say you're definitely through to the next round, cause you won't lose 3-0 in Milan.

I just hated people saying Benitez' choice to put Kuyt on instead of Crouch was justified by his goal, thats bullshit, Kuyt is USELESS!
Re: Liverpool Thread

In the one instance he was "barely touched", Materazzi clipped his heels from behind. Torres, running at full speed trying to dribble falls over. Not a big mystery. It's a foul.

If you have some video evidence showing it was a dive, please link it. I only watched the game coverage and the replays during the broadcast and neither looked dives to me. Both yellows looked like the classic "defender gives the opposing forward an illegal nudge or grab after the defender is beaten" that you see week in and week out. If not dives, then yellows are deserved.

If you have video showing it was a dive, I'm interested. Otherwise, I'm believing what I saw on TV, they were fouls.

Here is the best video I could find, start watching at the 5 minute mark (or so) for the two yellows (they are back to back in the highlights).

First one looks like Torres beats Materazzi for pace, and then Materazzi clips one foot into the other. Typical beaten defender move, deserves a yellow.

Second one Materazzi is once again beaten by Torres, and Materazzi grabs him from behind to slow him down. Obvious yellow.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Well. You played well (or amazing by your current standards) but it would've been completely different had Inter gone straight for you. Maybe it's not the Italian way, but they should've known you lot would be up for it. Still, I'd say you're definitely through to the next round, cause you won't lose 3-0 in Milan.

I just hated people saying Benitez' choice to put Kuyt on instead of Crouch was justified by his goal, thats bullshit, Kuyt is USELESS!

see matherto, stop looking for excuses as to why we won.all u gave above are lame. so inter are gods eh? IF they wanted to go at us, they would at their leisure?? stop crapping.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Well. You played well (or amazing by your current standards) but it would've been completely different had Inter gone straight for you. Maybe it's not the Italian way, but they should've known you lot would be up for it. Still, I'd say you're definitely through to the next round, cause you won't lose 3-0 in Milan.

I just hated people saying Benitez' choice to put Kuyt on instead of Crouch was justified by his goal, thats bullshit, Kuyt is USELESS!

I don't think Kuyt is up to par either, but there is almost no choice that he has to start with Torres. Unless Rafa is going to change his general attacking strategy this season (two forwards) then he's pretty much stuck with starting Kuyt.

Everyone can see that the only two dangerous forwards Liverpool has are Crouch and Torres. In a big game, if Rafa starts them both, then there is no one on the bench that can come in and make a difference (unless Babel starts playing forward instead of out wide)... the only way for Rafa to be able to make an impact late in the game with a sub is to have Crouch come on (because Torres must start).

So Kuyt gets to start because of his own inability to be a danger man late in the game.

In this game, he took his chance very well... but it was only the extra attention applied to Crouch (two men) that allowed Kuyt to be open. Still, credit to him for making sure his shot got deflected to beat the goalie. That's just savvy.
Re: Liverpool Thread

and thats wrong, plain and simple.. utterly ridiculous if that is why the ref gave him two yellows

Being a C.Ronaldo fan you would say that ;)

I didnt know about Matarrazi's improvement as Lo Zio mentioned. However what goes around comes around. If anything it should stay that way imo, not to harm him or Inter but to show an example to youngsters that if you cheat it will only harm you in the long run.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Being a C.Ronaldo fan you would say that ;)

I didnt know about Matarrazi's improvement as Lo Zio mentioned. However what goes around comes around. If anything it should stay that way imo, not to harm him or Inter but to show an example to youngsters that if you cheat it will only harm you in the long run.

yes this is a great example to youngsters, just like in real life, you commit a crime, your punished for it, you go to jail, serve your time to society, get out and your still treated like a criminal... your sure your not from texas? :)
Re: Liverpool Thread

how many times do we see that week in and week out on corners in england, and i never hear any of you say a thing about that.. but all the sudden the italians are cheating bastards... i mean really, it warranted a warning then a yellow

exactly. these bloody liverpool fans canta dmit unfair justice. the referee was clearly on your side throughout the game. i fucking hope inter dump these scums out of the competition and thats coming from a english supporter.

the first tackle was a foul but a yellow? LOL you got to be kidding me there were worse tackles then that and never recieved a yellow and what was gerrard doing diving like a complete muppet all the time in teh 1st half
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Re: Liverpool Thread

On our side? What about the CLEAR handball from Viera right in front of the Kop? And sorry, I've seen the match, and on both incidents Materazzi clipped Torres from behind. First wasn't a yellow, 2nd was a clear yellow. If you can show me a video that Torres dived, I would admit it. But on both occassions there was contact
Re: Liverpool Thread

exactly. these bloody liverpool fans canta dmit unfair justice. the referee was clearly on your side throughout the game. i fucking hope inter dump these scums out of the competition and thats coming from a english supporter.

the first tackle was a foul but a yellow? LOL you got to be kidding me there were worse tackles then that and never recieved a yellow and what was gerrard doing diving like a complete muppet all the time in teh 1st half

Right, he was our side. I see. Why do you blind buffoons just see the materrazi side of the story, and not the other side wherein vieira handled the ball. Things leveled themselves out in the same game. So shut up,and if you want to contribute something, do it objectively.
Re: Liverpool Thread

yes this is a great example to youngsters, just like in real life, you commit a crime, your punished for it, you go to jail, serve your time to society, get out and your still treated like a criminal... your sure your not from texas?

But thats the whole point though, most of the time these players don't get punished and benefit from it. So taking your example and actually making it valid it would go like this:

You commit a crime, another, another, another and get a warning, another, another, another and get a fine. And another, another, another and get sent to prison. Once out you start again commiting crime after crime. Eventually you get correctly labelled as a criminal in the media. You continue and commit another crime and another and then people start noticing you and recognising you and you can't go to the local shops for a packet of sigarettes without people looking at you suspiciously and even from time to time accusing you wrongly. You continue with some petty stuff but on the whole you have learnt your lesson but still people don't trust you.

Now to me that is fine. :D Not from Texas though.
Re: Liverpool Thread

" my point is that enjoy the good times and as frustrating as it is; bear with the bad times because at the end of the day; you'll always love your club with all your heart. :) "

very very well said Plan M :)

Thanks mate :)
Re: Liverpool Thread

Even if the ref was on our side, a bit of justice for 1965 no? :D

the ref was not on your side, mate ;). he damaged inter and liverpool with his wrong calls (i can't understand why he didn't give liverpool a penalty for vieira's handball).

i just wrote that note about materazzi (wich was a pretty little and irrilevant note, compared to the lenght of the post and the other points made) just to say i'm sad for him: he will miss the 2nd leg, and this is not fair :roll:

btw Peter i remember a few days ago u were talking about the italian fans not loving liverpool fans.....
well, one thing is for sure, most of the italian fans will adore u from now on :lol:

the ibra-materazzi quarrell, cordoba out for the rest of the season, the first loss in the last 30 matches (and what a loss!), the nerazzurri fans blaming the coach for the conservative attitude.......
u can be pretty sure the rossonero side of milano is praising the reds right now :mrgreen:
Re: Liverpool Thread

Let's just hope it will affect Inter's league performance, and Roma and Juve can come up to challenge for the title :)

PS What a cunt Ibrahimovic is! Blaming another player for the loss!
Re: Liverpool Thread

Inter won't give up the league after losing one match - it will make them even more determined.
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