Liverpool Thread

The are some problems with Mkhtariyan's move. He is owned by third party people and not only by shakthar. Also these third party people that have a cut on him are all fucking gangsters and the president of the armenian federation has a give cut on him.
I dont know how bad we want him but now these is going to drag. Also I dont know if the 22M we were talking about were only for the 50 %

yeah I hear so

and 50% 22M ? thats way to much , 22M should be 100% plus maybe few more Millions for those gangsters :SMUG:
The are some problems with Mkhtariyan's move. He is owned by third party people and not only by shakthar. Also these third party people that have a cut on him are all fucking gangsters and the president of the armenian federation has a big cut on him.
I dont know how bad we want him but now this is going to drag. Also I dont know if the 22M we were talking about were only for the 50 %

Don't get how this kind of thing is still legal tbf, sportsmen/women shouldn't be owned like commodities anymore. They should be contracted to the club they play for, and them alone.
In that part of the world, stranger things happen UJ. But, yes i agree people shouldn't be owned by other people...look also to Falcao, Tevez and Masscherano...

Of course this is also due to the crazy values of those players.
This is very common in Argentina, where every owner of a club is a gangster. They try to own percentages of the players by pulling some tricks.
Erik Lamela for example, that amazing player I was saying here two years ago we should have bought instead of Downing, was owned by some of River's directives. How did they do that ? They created a firm "to paint" the stadium. As River's directives they hired that firm and paid them with percentages of players.
The guy that was president of River at that time and that was 80 % responsible for River's lost of category in 2011 now cant even walk on the streets. Every time someones sees him he gets abused, in the last elections he went to vote and after being seing by some fans he got insults, spits, attacks on his car.
@ Liverbird good post there.
I think Liverpool are getting younger players that will adapt for the future. I`m sure once July and Aug. hits that will put players on the left over shop window. A Cazorla type is always around July/Aug. waiting to be snapped up :) I think Jovetic might be that type if Suarez leaves .
Yeah, I agree Im surprised we dont seem interested in Jovetic. Ok, there are the likes of Arsenal and Juventus that can offer CL football (though both clubs are more interesting in negotiating something difficult to negiotiate in my opinion, than triggering his clause), but he is exactly the type of player that would fit perectly to BR style of play. His release clause is similar to the money was reported about Mkhtariyan.
so Mignolet deal its done , I wonder whats gonna happen now with Reina and him on team .... I guess it will be like Tottenham last season , Reina gonna start and get half of season than Mignolet other half , or maybe Reina whole season ? :)

I just dont wanna see Reina on bench , it will be sad to see him on bench !
The ban only effects EPL.

I think this depends on if the country's FA that Suarez eventually goes to decides to uphold the ban or not, I remember Barton was still under threat of ban when leaving for Marseille although I don't remember the eventual result of it.
so Mignolet deal its done , I wonder whats gonna happen now with Reina and him on team .... I guess it will be like Tottenham last season , Reina gonna start and get half of season than Mignolet other half , or maybe Reina whole season ? :)

I just dont wanna see Reina on bench , it will be sad to see him on bench !
No way Mignolet would have accepted the deal if he hadnt had assurance that he was going to be the 1st choice. Reina is going to be sold. 10M from him and off the wage list is a good deal
No way Mignolet would have accepted the deal if he hadnt had assurance that he was going to be the 1st choice. Reina is going to be sold. 10M from him and off the wage list is a good deal

well you can talk and promise whatever you want before you get a deal , when a deal is done its still manager who decide who to start match :-P

and who's gonna buy Reina ? Valdes will be 1 more year with Barca ...
Liverbird i think the same but why would he said this in first interview?

"I've been in big competitions wherever I've been - in Belgium with the national team and in Sunderland with Craig Gordon and Keiren Westwood, who are international goalies. Now it's the same again with Pepe and with Brad.

"It's only a good thing - to be competitive and to train as hard as you can, it can only bring the best out of you.

"Pepe is an experienced goalkeeper who has proven a lot over the years. I'm looking forward to working with him, the same as I am with Brad and the goalie coach."
Pipa, please dont feel insulted by what Im going to say, but you seem so naive sometimes. Things said to the press dont mean anything.
look i do believe Reina will be gone, but why say such words now? if he knew he will play n. 1 wich almost all believe, he would not mention the competition. becouse maybe he has no competition...

btw, the first interview:

i would think the club already knows what players will be gone just isnt official... for obvious reasons... it is much better than to let the other clubs know what players we need to replace to overpay, just like we did with Carroll in need to replace Torres.... this is the oposite now.

my feeling tells me we already replaced both Reina and Suarez with Mignolet and Aspas. Obviously Carroll with Luis Alberto and Carra with Toure. But i´m not sad, it´s great buisiness becouse this is all about buisiness and getting as much out of the deals as possible.

Mkhitaryan and top class CB next please.

excited about the next season already.
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He was asked directly what did he think about the competition with Reina. What was he going to say ? "You know dude, there is really no competition, I already placed my bet about which week that guy is leaving".
ok ok i get your point.. :D i think it is a good signing, so far we clearly replaced the players that i written above..

Mkhitaryan would be a cherry on cake.

still we need a top CB to start in first team.
Mignolet was assured by Brendan Rodgers himself that he will be the number one GK, otherwise he wouldn't have gone to Liverpool. That is what is manager told the Belgian press.

Is this true ? I don't know.

Does it sounds probable ? Highly.

The reason why Mignolet went to a bigger club is to be the number one GK in our national team. That is also the reason why Courtois refused to go to Chelsea although Mourinho wanted him in London. Why would Mignolet go to Liverpool without being sure of playing each match ?

Mignolet is a fantastic GK, but unfortunately for him Courtois is the best Belgian GK ever and will be one of the best in the world (there are already - foreign - people who consider him now the best of the world, just look at his save in the Coppa del Rey final...fantastic).
I'm worried that we don't seem to be strengthening our defence. It's great that we're getting some fresh new attacking talent, but it means naff all if we can't defend...
Mignolet was assured by Brendan Rodgers himself that he will be the number one GK, otherwise he wouldn't have gone to Liverpool. That is what is manager told the Belgian press.

Is this true ? I don't know.

Does it sounds probable ? Highly.

The reason why Mignolet went to a bigger club is to be the number one GK in our national team. That is also the reason why Courtois refused to go to Chelsea although Mourinho wanted him in London. Why would Mignolet go to Liverpool without being sure of playing each match ?

Mignolet is a fantastic GK, but unfortunately for him Courtois is the best Belgian GK ever and will be one of the best in the world (there are already - foreign - people who consider him now the best of the world, just look at his save in the Coppa del Rey final...fantastic).

i don´t mind Belgium using Courtois as n.1 most of the time... the less Mignolet playes for NT, the less chance he will get injury and doesn´t start for the club team. and after all, only ability matters, so if he is good, the Belgium NT boss has some nice problems to solve... :)

I'm worried that we don't seem to be strengthening our defence. It's great that we're getting some fresh new attacking talent, but it means naff all if we can't defend...

we replaced Carra with Toure...questionable are Skrtel, who doesn´t want to go and his sallary is big, + his deal is still untill 2015 i think.. and the position of our youngsters and Coates...i´m sure we will sort this out as next... we have to.










Stevie visiting an orphanage in Portugal.
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Shaktar signed another brazilian wonderkid and apparently our guy was seen in London today. Cant wait until it is official.
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