Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread

Skrtel Sent off will bring its own problems, was it a straight red? Whose likely to replace him Carragher? Would be worrying times if you lost Agger to City
Re: Liverpool Thread

The good thing to happen will be that there will not be much pressure on Liverpool or Rodgers after a result like this. Especially seeing the next 5 fixtures. Maybe the expectations will be lower and that can only help. But we need players who can score goals. Borini needs to be near the goal, not wide where he will not cause much damage. Suarez misses chances and carries the weight of the entire team and it shows because he is always trying to make things happen. We need someone to come in who can score goals and have the opposing defenders to worry about. Because at the moment it's only Suarez who carries any danger.
Re: Liverpool Thread

That's not how it works Mathew, lose convincingly to City, beaten by Arsenal (who the media will spin are a shadow of themselves) and fail to beat Sunderland and he'd be nearly out the door depending on United/Liverpool.
Re: Liverpool Thread

This is what Liverpool do tho. Do badly against the lower teams but raise their game against the better sides.

First game of the season, Rodgers ain't getting sacked after a few games, not even close.

'pool will do alright.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Rodgers won't get sacked, not expecting that. He has the right ideas but he still needs to get a few more signings. Also he needs to be flexible in changing things, dropping big names if needed. I feel Suarez and Borini need to switch positions. With Assaidi coming in for Downing, just to see how he does. Gerrard has to be nearer the front-three.
It will take time for Allen and Lucas to form a good understanding. Remember Lucas is just back from a long-term absence, and Allen is new.
But for me the main problem is up-front, where things need to change.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Rodgers won't get sacked, not expecting that. He has the right ideas but he still needs to get a few more signings. Also he needs to be flexible in changing things, dropping big names if needed. I feel Suarez and Borini need to switch positions. With Assaidi coming in for Downing, just to see how he does. Gerrard has to be nearer the front-three.
It will take time for Allen and Lucas to form a good understanding. Remember Lucas is just back from a long-term absence, and Allen is new.
But for me the main problem is up-front, where things need to change.

we need a predator like huntelaar to put the chances away,he would easy score 20-25 goals in that team with the players around him
Re: Liverpool Thread

we need a predator like huntelaar to put the chances away,he would easy score 20-25 goals in that team with the players around him


Re: Liverpool Thread

that was a nightmare, i barely watched untill the end...

not just a nightmare by our players who might think this is still pre season and lacked any fighting spirit, especially Gerrard who is a CAPTAIN and should lead the example, but nightmare also for the referee who should be ashamed.. i don´t want to blame ref, but this was just not normal, i hope the club will appeal for some explanation for his decisions and the decisions of his line referees...

only positive thing about today was Joe Allen, he looks very good..

not looking forward to next matches without Agger in our defence...

what we do with Carra - Coates is becoming a bad joke, sort it out finally Brendan, is it more important Carra get´s his LFC record or what?! damn.

we need a CF and LB ASAP, or we might regret not buying them in just few months.

EDIT: i spare my words about Downing, looking decent in pre season, back to his old in regular season... i will not even mention Cole, who ads ZERO to the team, but his purchase is not Rodgers fault, and selling him with his wages and contract is almost impossible..thanks Roy.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

Cole, who ads ZERO to the team, but his purchase is not Rodgers fault, and selling him with his wages and contract is almost impossible..thanks Roy.

I'm pretty sure it was Purslow who handled the contracts etc, it'd be him that gave him the daft wage.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Id blame it on Dalglish, most of his signings have been horrendous. Rodger's really hasn't brought that much in but nothing screams poor or even great.
Completely agree. Dalglish may have fucked us for the next 3 seasons because of the disaster he made last year.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Carroll really is never going to fit into this system. The sooner he is gone the better. We really need someone up front to take the load off Suarez. I hope Dempsey comes in, because even Gerrard is not going to be very reliable given his injuries and lack of form. We need cover at left-back also.

Don't understand why the liverpool fans towards the end were singing "Dalglish" ? Rodgers is not going to be the next Hodgson. He has the right ideas and atleast give him time till Christmas. Things will get better.
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Re: Liverpool Thread


when i saw this on tv i though, wtf do i care that much if the players don´t care at all...

i have mixed feelings about this top sport and i think i need break from it...

i go watch my local team once again, i stoped some time ago and focus more on my local hockey team, but i think i go to the football stadium once in a while...

modern football sucks, i was in love with different LFC, different players in a better age in past, when they still cared...
Re: Liverpool Thread

Thing is, who signed adam, carroll, downing, Henderson? All midtable kind of player.

Dalgish has a lot to answer for but some Liverpool fan refuse to see this.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Thing is, who signed adam, carroll, downing, Henderson? All midtable kind of player.

Dalgish has a lot to answer for but some Liverpool fan refuse to see this.

i didn´t talk about the quality of players in my comment, i talk about the shit commitment and no real care about the result, despite milions of fans care about the club realy much...

don´t talk about Dalglish, he was sacked already, so were two coaches before him...

my comment was about the football in general, how i dislike the things that happend in the game, no loayality anymore...

i enjoy competition and fairness...there is nothing fair in knowing 4-5 teams out of 20 can win a league and the rest is basicly without a chance... i dream about something like wage cut similar as happend in NHL but it´s impossible i think...

i´m just sad what´s happening to football in general, to young players who didn´t do anything and yet demand sallary as kings..fucking over anyone who helped them reach something and turning back to them...

this could go for long but i realy don´t have any more hope...

basicly if our owners knew while buying the club that we need massive amount of money to compete with United, Chelsea, City and other top clubs for the trophy, why do they comment on winning the leaugue with LFC or such similar bullshit...if they realy meant it, where are the big transfers? why did they buy the make money and sell it later?

good night.. :BYE:
Re: Liverpool Thread

Shelvey needs to start playing more and soon. Gerrard played awful again today, as Ive said many times, I think the last time he played well more than two matches in a row was in season 2008/2009.
On the other hand, Shelvey is a terrific prospect and already very good player.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Certainly a terrible loss, but supporters need to keep perspective. Barring an amazing improvement in squad quality, Liverpool have no hope to finish in the top 2 this season. Manchester United and Manchester City have established squads that know how to play together, and have had managerial consistency for several seasons. This season, one of those teams is winning the league, period.

3rd and 4th place is somewhat up for grabs. Player/Manager turnover at Chelsea, Arsenal, and Tottenham give Liverpool a chance to finish in Champions League spot IF Rogers can get the squad to gel and play with some confidence and consistency. However, it's going to take time, probably 2-3 months before the squad really starts playing the way Rogers wants. What's beyond important is that Liverpool pick up points on the way.

To get 4th place, Liverpool have to get 20 wins. Still an achievable goal after today. It's a bit early for gloom and doom.

Everyone knows that the current difference between Liverpool and the top 4 teams from last season is squad quality. There are only 5 players today (at most) that would challenge for a starting place at either Manchester club (Reina, Johnson, Agger, Gerrard, and Suarez). Every other player at Liverpool is deficient in some area whether it be fitness, skill, experience, or consistency.

A lot has to go right for Liverpool to finish top 4 this season. Players like Lucas and Cole have to return to form and contribute consistent performances. Young talent must mature quickly and seize their chances when covering for 1st team injuries and rotation. A defense which over the last few seasons has done well at preventing goals BUT horribly at retaining possession MUST improve for Liverpool to rejoin the big clubs at the summit of the league.

Neither Chelsea nor Manchester City reached the top of the league until after spending the equivalent of a 2nd world countries GDP for multiple seasons. While money can speed up the process, success does not come immediately for any club.

Rogers has a good philosophy and has handled his business well so far. The club looks to have owners with good sense, and I imagine the coffers will open once Rogers proves he can get return on his investments.

Today's lost is already forgotten and I'm looking forward to the next match against Hearts and next weekend's challenge against the champions.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I don't think we should really expect top-4 this season. What we need is for Rodgers is to be given time and freedom to mould the team into what he wants. He was correct when he said we need another 2-3 players.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I think even then I disagree Eaton, not only is it a squad issue but IMO your best team isn't as good as another 5 or 6 sides. You should be finishing 6th at least but you managed 8th last year. I think top 6 would be doing well.
Re: Liverpool Thread

agree with comment above, i realised this watching Tottenham vs. Newcastle, both who i think have better or at least not worse squads than LFC. I´m not even mentioning Manchester teams and Chelsea with Arsenal.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Yeah I agree too, and I'd pick Newcastle for the 4th place, cos' I think they are settled now and even their bench looks stronger with players like Anita and some others.

Liverpool needs a target man, look at Newcastle they have Ba and Cisse both quality players. If we had one of those and with Suarez playing just behind him, he'd score 15-20 goals without a problem.
Meanwhile in Uruguay NT, Suarez manages to create scoring opportunities and even score 2-3 goals in a match because he has Cavani playing in front.
Once this issue is solved I think goals will come and the fans will be happy.
i didn´t talk about the quality of players in my comment, i talk about the shit commitment and no real care about the result, despite milions of fans care about the club realy much...

don´t talk about Dalglish, he was sacked already, so were two coaches before him...

my comment was about the football in general, how i dislike the things that happend in the game, no loayality anymore...

i enjoy competition and fairness...there is nothing fair in knowing 4-5 teams out of 20 can win a league and the rest is basicly without a chance... i dream about something like wage cut similar as happend in NHL but it´s impossible i think...

i´m just sad what´s happening to football in general, to young players who didn´t do anything and yet demand sallary as kings..fucking over anyone who helped them reach something and turning back to them...

this could go for long but i realy don´t have any more hope...

basicly if our owners knew while buying the club that we need massive amount of money to compete with United, Chelsea, City and other top clubs for the trophy, why do they comment on winning the leaugue with LFC or such similar bullshit...if they realy meant it, where are the big transfers? why did they buy the make money and sell it later?

good night.. :BYE:

Mate you just sound like sour grapes.... If pool won three to zero I doubt you would be so upset withyouthwages
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