Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Benitez would be a second Dalglish.
Martinez and Rodgers will face the same troubles as Hodgson.

Liverpool's next manager will desperately need very quick success, otherwise he will be in trouble unless both club and manager immediately communicate about one transitional season (which would be reasonable IMO).

PLF, you mention Van Gaal. He did good with clubs like Ajax, AZ and to a certain amount Bayern. He has also had some spectacular failures: Barcelona and the Dutch national team. I don't think he is the manager Liverpool need.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Frank De Boer is being linked as well....
I would think he will be good too.......
Was a great Dutch player.....and will command respect in the
dressing room....something I am not sure AVB can do.....
see all the Chelsea players talking negatively about him.
..I am sure the likes of Lampard, Terry, Cole....would have given inside
knowledge of AVB to Gerrard/Johnson.....which could have trickled to FSG.

De Boer has won 2 titles at Ajax......with 65% win percentage...
I think we should go for him......he can help us get good youngsters
from the Dutch league....and he already knows Suarez and Kuyt....
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

I can't remember which one of them is the very serious one, Ronald or Frank. I remember watching on TV a few years ago one of them saying the other is very serious compared to him. I think Frank is the more "laid back" one. Not sure though.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Frank is the serious one and he's also a serious asshole.

BUT he was a great player and I had no doubt given his personality, experience and leadership, he would make a great coach too. And although it's too early to say still, it seems he's already a very good coach and can have a big future!

Won't be surprised to see him linked to Barca if Tito Villanova doesn't get off to a good start.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Frank is the coach and Ronald is the youth coach.
I was also thinking along these lines, but i have a feeling that De Boer wants to manage Ajax in the CL. He will not come to Liverpool.

Edit: just saw your post PLF: yes he is a serious asshole, but like you said: a promising coach.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Yeah he's probably got one eye on the Barca job in the future and they would want him back and give him a chance if Vilanova doesn't do well.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

De Boer has already said no to Liverpool.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Poor Liverpool turned down by managers..

AVB or Capello then? I really can't see Martinez there if these two want a shot.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

De Boer has already said no to Liverpool.

Where did you find this?
I thought he said he needs to think about it.

AVB is also apparently in no hurry....he is going to be very picky
wanting to see what the project is....etc...

Capello would be great.....but won't he want a lot of transfer funds?

Rafa may not be the answer...since he was tainted by that one bad
season.....but I feel he is less risky than Dalglish since Rafa
has recently been managing...unlike Dalglish who was out for 12 years.

So it looks like Martinez....but the season-ticket holders may
stop coming to matches if that happens.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

If de Boer has already said no too, that's 3 so far with Brendan Rodgers and Jurgen Klopp having politely rejected the offer as well.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

The Liverpool job has to be the hardest out there. The owners expect nothing less than a top 4 finish and the coach has to see the funds as he can't achieve it with the current squad. You'd expect them to be very picky.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

The Liverpool job has to be the hardest out there. The owners expect nothing less than a top 4 finish and the coach has to see the funds as he can't achieve it with the current squad. You'd expect them to be very picky.

Agreed....AVB is probably weary of being sacked again...

Martinez is probably the only manager who may be willing to take
the job...given that he has nothing to lose.

We really need a top executive team......we can't afford a spending
spree like last year...where we spent big money on mid-table players.

I think FSG has to give a new manager time to start something new....
with expectations on progress ....and not top-4 in the first season.

But teams like Newcastle came so close to in a way
we can't blame FSG for expecting top-4....because on paper Liverpool's
signings were better than Newcastle's signings...

Just hope and pray that FSG get the next appointment right....
one more mistake...and Liverpool will be mid-table for a long time.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Where did you find this?
I thought he said he needs to think about it.

Tony Barrett ‏@TonyBarretTimes
Reports in Holland say Frank De Boer wishes to stay at Ajax.

carrie baird ‏@carriebaird
Frank de Boer is not going to Liverpool.

carrie baird ‏@carriebaird
De Boer: "I am honored by the request (LFC), but I only just started with Ajax"

Liverpool Holland ‏@LiverpoolFC_NL
#LFC have approached F de Boer but he respectfully declined the offer. "I want to remain loyal to #AFC and finish the project I started"
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Thanks Dags.....I just saw the news on SkySports website...

I read somewhere that Martinez prefers Aston Villa...

At this rate....every one will turn down Liverpool...

and FSG will be begging Rafa to come back....

Hope we don't lose Rafa too.....
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

The problem Liverpool have got is that approaching the likes of de Boer and Klopp won't work because they're just starting out on exciting projects themselves and have the CL already.

We're a big risk to a potential manager. We've just sacked a manager who, despite winning a cup and reaching a final, was still sacked for finishing 8th. The new manager will be made aware that cups aren't any kind of priority and 4th is the minimum requirement.

Now if you were interested, you'd want to make the squad your own. How much can you sell the unwanted players for? It's rumoured that the board will give the new manager £30m, will that be enough for a manager to overhaul the squad to make it what he wants?

It's a lot of pressure, and I'm not sure many managers will want to risk leaving their current (stable?) position to take such a risk that could lead them to being sacked if they don't hit 4th place?

My preference would be AVB, followed by Rafa. After that, not too sure. Martinez plays football the right way and could work if we get a good DoF above him. Remember the manager role is changing so they become head coach.

On the other hand, there's some good reasons to join. We've got global appeal, some very good players at the club, although we're not in the CL, we're in the EL, we have an excellent youth system and a stadium upgrade/move hopefully on the horizon. It'd be a challenge but if a manager is able to win the league with Liverpool, they'd get immense recognition for it.
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Good read that. Thanks for that.

About player power, it's all about Fenway. If they give AVB full support, then nothing will matter. Plus player power at Liverpool isn't similar to Chelsea's. They have players like Drogba, Terry, Lampard. While you guys have... Gerrard? In comparison, them three are top performers and fan favourites at Chelsea. At Liverpool, Carragher hasn't been that great for a while and fans are "ok" with seeing him leave I think. Gerrard, well, I think he's on the same track but fans are still supportive of him plus I think he can still play a role for a year or 2. Plus like some have said here that the team tend to play better without him. So that might actually help AVB if he ever keep Gerrard on the bench. The rest of the team aren't really on the same level imo, player power wise.

So yea, it's up to Fenway and their future project, and what kind of power and trust they're willing to put in AVB. I also think this position now suits him well.

Also, I believe you guys do have good players to do the job, but the execution isn't right, nor the motivation.

I like the way this guy thinks. Hope he does get the job. Would love to see all that in action.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

While i agree that Martinez is the present hype, why wouldn't he be a good manager? I think it is very difficult to judge a manager if he's in the job for a limited amount of time. If i'm not wrong Martinez has coached two clubs until now: Swansea and Wigan. He was lauded for the good football he played with Swansea and he has got bad and good periods with Wigan.

It could be that he is a top manager in the making, it could also be that he is nothing more than the hype of the month. Time will tell.

If i were Martinez, i would go for Villa and not for Liverpool. Things can only get better with Villa after Mc Leish and the dire football they played.

Liverpool on the other hand, they are indeed still a massive club with global appeal and are (IMO) one of the most attractive clubs one could work for. The problem is that what appeals to most people, is also the biggest danger: the fans.

You've got this massive club with a unique bunch of fans who see Liverpool as some sort of religion. That is absolutely wonderfull if things are working out well. But the expectations will be sky high after 3 disappointing seasons and i don't think the new manager will be able to deliver immediately. IMO the club needs a massive overhaul and immediate success is very unlikely. The fans might accept this from a big name manager, but not from a novice. I hope i'm wrong, but Liverpool might find it hard to find a new manager.
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Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

Agree completely Gerd. :))

Unless a manager is appointed which the fans 'accept' from the off they won't get very far because it will still continue to be a bit of a struggle with the current crop.

A clear out is needed.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

I personally think its Rafa he has some left over business he is rumoured that he still lives in liverpoolmas well as going into pubs to see and speak to fans.

He of course did bring us alonso, mascahrano and Torres
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

He of course did bring us alonso, mascahrano and Torres

+ Agger, Skrtel, Benayoun, Babel, Johnson, Reina, Riera, Aurelio, Fowler, Kuyt, Bellamy (first time), Shelvey, Aquilani, Luis Garcia, Lucas..
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

I wouldn't really say he 'brought' Fowler.. Fowler was already finished then.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

AVB for all his tactical brilliance......does not seem like a good
man manager...

People say we have less big names.....

But the only way for coaches like AVB or Klopp to succeed is
to use young hungry players....who will do anything the coach
asks them.....they need players who respect the coach
and will go through brick-walls for them.

AVB will ask them to play an intense high-pressure game pressing
high up the pitch......

If he comes in the only way he can succeed will be to sell
the older and big name players
and rebuild a younger squad.....

that will be his "project"....

Rafa.....I don't think he will come unless AVB declines....
Martinez....I believe he is better off at a club where fans
will respect him......which is something he will not get at Liverpool.
Although Suarez has just come out and backed Martinez.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

People saying AVB can't handle big name players, he did okay at Porto didn't he?

Falcao, Hulk, Moutinho, Guarin and Varela are pretty well known and I'm sure there were a few "personalities" in the Porto team that he managed.

If all managers were banished for having one bad patch with a team, there'd be hardly any managers left in football. Pardew was hardly a glowing success, then he goes and turns Newcastle around in some style.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

People saying AVB can't handle big name players, he did okay at Porto didn't he?

Falcao, Hulk, Moutinho, Guarin and Varela are pretty well known and I'm sure there were a few "personalities" in the Porto team that he managed.

If all managers were banished for having one bad patch with a team, there'd be hardly any managers left in football. Pardew was hardly a glowing success, then he goes and turns Newcastle around in some style.

I have a point.
Re: Liverpool Thread(I've Had Enough!!)

I figure a few people don't use Twitter (for some odd reason), and most news stories break there before hitting websites so it's worth pasting info in here for people. Also some good articles etc.

Do any of you listen to "The Anfield Wrap" podcast? Just listening to the latest one and it's a very good listen so far, some ver good points and discussion regarding the manager situation.
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