Ligue 1

Re: Ligue 1 Orange 06/07

Yeah I know Chris.

I just said that post above so Don who hasn't perhaps been following him in Ligue 1 doesn't get the wrong impression from your post regarding how he's doing.

Ok, cool.

I see, thanks for that. I'd imagine that Ribery would, like Malouda, flourish a bit more consistently at a club like Lyon too.
Yeah exactly.

That's why he was very keen to join them even despite interest from clubs like Arsenal, Bayern, etc. but I never could see it happening anyway with the sorta hatred Pape Diouf obviously has for Jean-Michel Aulas (Lyon chairman).

Thankfully OM managed to keep him for now which I'm happy about (even as a neutral) and when he does leave eventually, I'm sure Pape will do everything he can to make sure he moves anywhere BUT Lyon.

Regarding what you said, that's very true and it makes a lot of sense too.

Sadly OM with as many great FANS as they have, don't have a great squad.

They have ONE real geniune world-class player in their team (Franck) and one other VERY GOOD but under-rated (in terms of world reputation) player in current captain Habib Beye and the rest of the squad is a bunch of mediocre/decent players for the most part (many of whom shouldn't to be honest be playing for a club like OM but are...) with exception of a couple of young good prospects for FUTURE like Nasri...

On the other hand Lyon have 7-8 Ribery's hands down (By Ribery's here I mean WORLD-class players) and even their bench is much better than most team's A teams. The quality depth they have can only be matched in Europe by Chelsea and Barca.

So there's so much that Ribery (as ONE man) can do in a somewhat mediocre team. In the early part of season, he inspired them with his great form to being on top of the table and winning back-to-back matches... but there's only so much one can do....

Where as Lyon can get the goods collectively every week from a number of world-class players (Cris, Malouda, Coupet, Juninho, Toulalan, Tiago, Kallstrom, Wiltord, Fred, Abidal, Benzema, Alou Diarra) and the list goes on.... and have so much firepower that we've seen time and time again this season, them trailing first but coming back to win the match.

If OM and PSG are EVER gonna be serious about challenging for title, they need to stop signing and playing 'mediocre' players and getting more quality ones. Cuz while their reputation and fan-base is big both in France and world-wide... their playing squad is not necessarily any better than other clubs which they deem below them such as St. Etienne, Monaco, Lens, Lille, Rennes, Bordeaux, etc.

They just talk the talk... but they DONT walk the walk.

To see evidence of this, take a look at the Ligue 1 table for the past decade and see where these two have finished often.
Re: Ligue 1 Orange 06/07

PLF said:
On the other hand Lyon have 7-8 Ribery's hands down (By Ribery's here I mean WORLD-class players) and even their bench is much better than most team's A teams. The quality depth they have can only be matched in Europe by Chelsea and Barca.


Where as Lyon can get the goods collectively every week from a number of world-class players (Cris, Malouda, Coupet, Juninho, Toulalan, Tiago, Kallstrom, Wiltord, Fred, Abidal, Benzema, Alou Diarra) and the list goes on....

I also like Lyon, and it's ok you do too lol, but to be honest, of the ones you listed, the only WORLD CLASS PLAYERS imo are Cris, Malouda, Abidal and Juninho. That are the players that would make it in the first squad of most/all A-teams of course.

But to say Toulalan, Tiago, Kallstrom, Wiltord, Fred, Benzema or Alou Diarra are all WORLD CLASS PLAYERS!!! is just weird, and a bit fanboy-ish if you ask me;) . I noticed this before, by saying that every player is a world class player, or the best at his position in the whole world and stuff like that, it's ok you think that way, but a 'IMO' after it would be better, then just Claiming they are lol.

Though some of them don't get the respect world wide, that they should, they arent world class players.

For me personally that also isn't the main strenghth of Lyon, cause they dont have all these so called "BIG NAMES", but they are a great team, also in-depth, great team spirit and with the few "Big Names" they got, it's the perfect combination.

I just hope they can make that 'last step' in the Champions League this year, (and not go out like the Milan game last Season).
There are only 2 teams that I want to win the CL this year, Lyon(cause they're just great) and Barca(cause I Support them, if I didnt Lyon would definitely get my support.)

BTW I heard some rumours of Abidal going to Barca at the end of last season(but money was a issue), a while ago I heard it again, do you think we have a chance of signing him this time, or is it just impossible?:lol: for me personally the/(one of the) best leftbacks in the world.
Re: Ligue 1 Orange 06/07

yes according to reports here in France he said he is thinking about his futur and he might go as well stay at Lyon it's 50/50 But he didn't name any clubs where he could go
for world class players i think you 're right only coupet,thiago,juniho,wiltord,malouda,cris and abidal, the others are very good players(toulalan,diarra,squillaci etc)but NO WAY world class yet
Re: Ligue 1 Orange 06/07

Squillaci?? Nah.. not in my opinion.

Wiltord used to be world-class in his peak but despite still being a good player isn't anymore. Coupet is still world-class though and probably has a couple great years of being at the top still ahead of him.

Toulalan is already wonderful but will get better just like Benzema and Kallstrom probably.

Alou Diarra is already probably one of the best DMF stoppers in the world. He has all the right tools and proved it on a consistent basis over two great seasons at Lens. The height, the power, the tackling, the stamina, he has all the right ingredients to be effective at that role. But he too has room for even more improvement of course and to become 'real world class' if he can get in the side and start playing regularly again. I just wish he hadn't moved to Lyon so he could be sure of 1st choice place and get to play more often. Cuz we saw what great improvement he was making from game to game at Lens where he was one of the first names on the team sheet. Obviously he was pi$$ed off about the lack of playing time as well and that's why he went to the media about it a couple of weeks ago and complained...

Yes... if we were to be very strict and talk about only real ABSOLUTE world-class players, yes few would make it to the list. Not only from Lyon though but all other top teams as well... but the fact is guys like Toulalan and Kallstrom and Tiago are already truly excellent players who are proving it each week and even if they're not world-class yet.. they're on their way to becoming that just like how Ribery is great already but I'm sure will get even better hopefully should not any serious injuries happen or etc. ;)
@ni6htmare, it's okay that you like Lyon but DONT call me a fan. If you knew me for long enough, you'd know I can hardly be classified as a fan of any club let alone Lyon. :roll:

Unlike you, I don't like them anymore than I like OM, PSG, Lille, Ajaccio, Auxerre, Barca, Valencia, Real, Juve or any other club.

They're just a side who are often under-rated by the majority of people since they don't play in an extremely popular league in the world and so I often have to point things out about them. The same thing I have to do for a certain number of other clubs when needed.

But don't say bull$hit like ME making fan-boy comments :lol: when I'm not even a fan and you don't even follow Ligue 1 every week to know whether Tiago or Coupet really are world-class or not and don't really know how good Toulalan and Kallstrom are since I highly doubt you watched Nantes and Rennes matches in previous seasons on a regular basis like most of us here have.

You can have your own opinions and that's cool. Everybody is entitled to theirs. :)

But don't come and call someone else's opinions, fan-boyish or any other BS especially when you don't know them well enough. :nono:


p.s. 95% of the time, I do put IMO at the end of my sentences and with a quick view of my overall posts, this can easily be identified. Obviously it'd be dumb and nobody would put "in my opinion" at the end of every single sentence of theirs 100% of the time. :lol:

It's up to the reader's intelligence to realize what one is saying is obviously His or her opinion since there is no actual "World-class Test Measure" for it to be a FACT!! :rolleyes: :lol:
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Re: Ligue 1 Orange 06/07

Hmz..what makes you think I dont follow Ligue1 every week? I may not watch every game, but I see it enough to find certain players world class, or not.
You can't just say

"you don't even follow Ligue 1 every week to know whether Tiago or Coupet really are world-class or not and don't really know how good Toulalan and Kallstrom are since I highly doubt you watched Nantes and Rennes matches in previous seasons on a regular basis like most of us here have."

(btw I DO follow/ed Kallstrom, way before Euro2004, when most people didnt even knew him:lol: .
And for me it's a shame he isnt sure of a spot in the A-team, which he deserves IMO.)

A quote of you fits good with this..

"But don't come and call someone else's opinions, fan-boyish or any other BS especially when you don't know them well enough."

You just did the same about me:roll: lol:lol:

And to me some of your posts makes me think that you're a Lyon-Fan, what's ok, it's not a shame to prefer a club to another one. But if you say you dont, I guess you're right and in that case im sorry I called you one.\\:o/
Re: Ligue 1 Orange 06/07

Apology accepted. :)

You can be sure, I'm not a fan of Lyon or any other particular club. Just a neutral lover of the beautiful sport, we call football. A fan wouldn't usually want the club to lose after all but many times this season including in match against Nice, OM and Rennes I've wanted Lyon to lose for different reasons. :p

It's just that like I said, often when people under-estimate a team, I talk about them. This can be about any team and has been if you follow my posts over 2 years. At times it's been about Barca at times about Lyon at times about Werder Bremen and at times about Lille or Sevilla and Steau Bucharest... (anyteam). It's just that when you talk about them in a positive manner, some people automatically want to assume you're a fan. :shock:

But it's okay. I've had it happen to me before as well and being misinterpreted, so I'm a little used to it.

Take a look at this post for example. All I was saying is that group is very inbalanced and kinda unfair since 3 teams in it could potentially win the CL and I still believe that. Then suddenly I'm called a Werder fan? :rolleyes: :lol:

By the way, we just had a very good and comprehensive discussion a few days ago on how I watch football and how my system works (which explains why I can't be a fan of any club) on my thread a few days ago. Whoever is interested in reading that or knowing more about it so I don't have to repeat stuff, can check here.


Regarding, me making a judgement about you without being sure, I'm sorry too.

I just assumed (perhaps wrongly so) that you like all my other Dutch friends don't have good coverage of Ligue 1 either. They tell me they can watch some matches sometimes (usually top ones) but they can't see teams like Nantes and Rennes on a weekly basis like they'd want.

So I assumed it was same case for you.
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Re: Ligue 1 Orange 06/07

Doctors are taking time. He has a last exam during the 1st week of december. If it's ok, he can play.
in morocco we have a strange powder called "illan" wich makes your bones stronger , that's what cisse needs .
it's made from some grains and I can assure you it works . it tastes owfull and we usually mix it with milk . my little bro used to take it after he broke his arm and at that time it was even hard to cut his nails .
I advise any one of you who have weak bones like cisse does to go to morocco and eat some "illan" ;)
Re: Ligue 1 Orange 06/07

I heard that when a player damages so many bones, they insert metal plates onto the bones to make them harder and stronger, as well as aid growth. Totti has one of them metal plates now and seems to be avoidoing all sorts of injuries.
Re: Ligue 1 Orange 06/07

Doctors are taking time. He has a last exam during the 1st week of december. If it's ok, he can play.

cool Tuta. Hopefully Djib will get the all clear in december.

what did you think of last nights game? have no idea how OM didnt concede a goal. was proper nail biting. :)

Not sure why the defending is so poor considering how good it was earlier in the season.
Re: Ligue 1 Orange 06/07

I heard that when a player damages so many bones, they insert metal plates onto the bones to make them harder and stronger, as well as aid growth. Totti has one of them metal plates now and seems to be avoidoing all sorts of injuries.
I'm no specialist but what I know is that when you broke completely a bone like cisse did they screw a platinium bar to your bone and after months (enough time for the bone to be fixed) they have to remove the bar .
I guess it's something like that :

so to me metal plates are not for the bone to become harder but just for it to fix the right way .
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Re: Ligue 1 Orange 06/07

You think Lyon can beat Real in Bernabeu without Fred, Benzema, Wiltord and Govou ?
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Re: Ligue 1 Orange 06/07

Haha Wiltord is out too?!? :eek:

Holy crap man!! This just gets worst and worst for Lyon lol.... :D

You think Lyon can beat Real in Bernabeu without Fred, Benzema, Wiltord and Govou ?
Under normal circumstances, I'd say yeah even in Barnabeu, they should be able to do it.

But this time I doubt it. Lyon will have a tough time in my opinion with all those main forwards out and the un-tested Bettiol probably getting a chance somewhere in the 90 mins and the inconsistent-just came back from injury, John Carew. They'll probably be lacking firepower from forwards unless these two players try to make most of this limited chance they have.

Plus Real has been finding a bit of form and confidence lately and will be definitely looking for some revenge! ;) like this ---> :ram: :D

Capello no doubt knows about Lyon's current striker crisis situation and will be telling his team, this is the perfect time to finally score a win over the club and get their personal revenge for past 3 results of the two teams, not to mention increase their chance of topping the table which is pretty important on its own. :p

So overall for the first time in a while, I don't expect a Lyon win (probably a loss or maybe a draw this time) but it's definitely possible still cuz the remainder of the team (apart from the forwards department) is still the same quality set of players (Though Cacapa is also out but Squillaci is better anyway even if not as experienced) and with guys like Malouda and Juninho in, you can still keep a draw and maybe score one in dying minutes or from a CK (guys like Alou Diarra or Cris) and even get a win.. so who knows.... we shall wait and see. :)

It'll be interesting to see Houllier's tactics and starting 11 for this match though. He should definitely change the normal formation system around with so many forwards out and play a different formation this time with a very strong and packed diamond-like midfield consisting of playing all of Alou Diarra, Tiago, Toulalan and Juninho and Kallstrom getting some minutes as a sub or as a starter instead of one of them with Malouda as only WF (instead of the usual two WF's) and Carew as CF.

But anyways, I hope to see some good football from both sides regardless of the circumstances and hopefully it'll be a good entertaining and clean match and may the best team on the day win. :)

p.s. Lyon needs a new striker now and there's lot of speculation going around as to who that'll be. A lot of different names being thrown around as to who they'll eventually go for when window re-opens....
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Re: Ligue 1 Orange 06/07

it's more than speculation , they said in OL TV that they ARE looking for someone . too bad chamakh got injuried as well , they were keen on him not long ago :(
Re: Ligue 1 Orange 06/07

I'm sad about the fact that Marouane got injured Pogoss but happy if that will keep Lyon from going for him.

Chamakh is a talented young player with good potential and the only way he'll reach that potential hopefully is if he plays in the starting 11 very regularly. That probably won't be the case when Fred and Benzema are back from injury and so I wouldn't want to see Chamakh being wasted on the bench half the time. :/

I'm okay with that happening to Carew because he's not a very gifted player overall. He's good for the backup role of a club like Lyon or starter 11 of a weaker team. But Chamakh has much more potential than Carew and can become a great player one day. So I personally would be sad to see him go to Lyon. [-X

So unlike you, if this injury keeps him from not being looked at by Lyon, instead of being sad about it like this --> :( , I'm gonna be happy about it. :)

Cuz I would hate to see a good talent like him possibly go to waste... :(


p.s. If Lyon had managed to keep hold of P.A. Frau, they would've found him useful at moments like these.

But I can totally understand why Pierre-Alain wanted to move in summer and not stay anymore. I would have done exact same thing if I were him :) and not waste my limited-in-years footballing career on the bench of some team 90% of the time and only play in rare moments like this :roll:, despite being a decent player.

That's why I support Frau's move to PSG! Good for him! :thumbup:
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Re: Ligue 1 Orange 06/07

PLF you think player like Ben Arfa can start or Kallstrom in the front ?

exemple :

Malouda----------Kallstrom (or Ben Arfa)

EDIT : Strange l' speak about a player named Rémy --->
LYON : Coupet - Réveillère, Cris, Squillaici, Abidal - Toulalan, Juninho, Tiago - Malouda, Ben Arfa (ou Rémy), Carew.
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Re: Ligue 1 Orange 06/07

PLF you think player like Ben Arfa can start or Kallstrom in the front ?

exemple :

Malouda----------Kallstrom (or Ben Arfa)

EDIT : Strange l' speak about a player named Rémy --->
It's Loïc Rémy, a promising forward from Lyon's Center Of Formation. Made his senior debut in the Coupe de La Ligue v PSG. And most recently made his L1 debut against Sedan last Saturday.
Re: Ligue 1 Orange 06/07

I'm sad about the fact that Marouane got injured Pogoss but happy if that will keep Lyon from going for him.

Chamakh is a talented young player with good potential and the only way he'll reach that potential hopefully is if he plays in the starting 11 very regularly. That probably won't be the case when Fred and Benzema are back from injury and so I wouldn't want to see Chamakh being wasted on the bench half the time. :/

I'm okay with that happening to Carew because he's not a very gifted player overall. He's good for the backup role of a club like Lyon or starter 11 of a weaker team. But Chamakh has much more potential than Carew and can become a great player one day. So I personally would be sad to see him go to Lyon. [-X

So unlike you, if this injury keeps him from not being looked at by Lyon, instead of being sad about it like this --> :( , I'm gonna be happy about it. :)

Cuz I would hate to see a good talent like him possibly go to waste... :(


p.s. If Lyon had managed to keep hold of P.A. Frau, they would've found him useful at moments like these.

But I can totally understand why Pierre-Alain wanted to move in summer and not stay anymore. I would have done exact same thing if I were him :) and not waste my limited-in-years footballing career on the bench of some team 90% of the time and only play in rare moments like this :roll:, despite being a decent player.

That's why I support Frau's move to PSG! Good for him! :thumbup:
that's what I was thinking at the time they talked about his transfert in lyon but seeing how ricardo uses him this season I've changed my mind . I think he's got more to learn even being in lyon's bench wich is of course what would happen if he goes there .
Re: Ligue 1 Orange 06/07

Yeah Clerc can play as an attacking SMF or WF so that's maybe what Houllier will do. He's done it before.

PLF you think player like Ben Arfa can start or Kallstrom in the front ?

exemple :

Malouda----------Kallstrom (or Ben Arfa)

EDIT : Strange l' speak about a player named Rémy --->
It's Loic Remy like roti said. He's tall and has decent technique but his 1st touch isn't so good. Kinda slow to get off the mark as well but decent speed overall. I think Bettiol has more chance of playing than Remy though since he's been impressing in reserves. We'll see however....

Regarding the formation above, I don't like that Thomas.

I say CHANGE the formation! Why play the same formation as always when you don't have the players for it anymore? :-s

Kallstrom isn't a WF (doesn't have the pace for it either) and playing as a RWF is not Ben Arfa nor Clerc's main position either though I'm sure both can do a decent job there probably.

I say for this match at least, put Alou Diarra AND Toulalan BOTH!! Then put Tiago and Juninho in a diamond midfield like formation as well!! That'll be an amazing midfield that'll be too much to handle for most teams not to mention VERY hardworking and energetic!

Then you can have Malouda as LWF and Carew as CF.

That's what I'd do... but I doubt me and Houllier think too much alike. :mrgreen: :lol:
Re: Ligue 1 Orange 06/07

lol... WHAT A GAME by CArew!! :eek:

He looked like he was in a PLAYGROUND toying with the Madrid defenders that way..... :lmao:

Big John CERTAINLY sent All Lyon fans, Houllier and JMA a BIG message today!!!

If only he could perform like that most weeks though and not once every 6 months... :rolleyes: :lol:


Such stupid decisions by Houllier though. Lyon did clinch top spot but they threw away a won-game at Barnebeu which would've been a great achievement especially with all those injured players....

But Houllier made ONE sub and TOO late!! :roll:

It made no sense! :-k
As soon as Juninho got a yellow, he could've been subbed for a fresh Kallstrom. Kim could also have come in for Tiago and Alou Diarra should've come in for Toulalan or Tiago much earlier.

Not only would he have helped defend the lead better but he could've been a BIG BIG dangerous target for all those FK's and CK's Lyon had.

Quality FRESH player >>>> Quality tired player. I think that's a pretty simple thing to understand. :lol:

I'm personally very disappointed with Houllier's LACK of SUB uses and finally using it too late!! [-X
But a good performance from Lyon overall anyway....

You don't have an amazing bench NOT to use after all. This is one of Lyon's biggest strengths (The quality of their depth) and Houllier did NOT make proper use of it today. [-X


Sometimes it makes you wonder though. Imagine if Lyon had a REAL world-class coach like Mourinho... can you imagine JUST how f'n great the team would be then? :shock:
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Re: Ligue 1 Orange 06/07

Thats the thing about Carew. Hes random. With Roma he'd have these incredible Ballon D'Or performances, then he'd be the biggest lump of shit ever. Same with the national team.
Re: Ligue 1 Orange 06/07

in morocco we have a strange powder called "illan" wich makes your bones stronger , that's what cisse needs .

The healing was fast, no problem with his bones. But the muscles all around have to be "trained" and fit again. That's why he's taking a while to come back.
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Re: Ligue 1 Orange 06/07

Wooo no penalty are you sur mate??:roll:
If that one wasn't a penalty i don't know what it's a penalty!
it wasn't a penalty . I'm talking about the one the ref gave of course , not about the 2 he should have given in the first half .
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