Kitserver 8 (Support discontinued, people! So please no new threads on this issue!)

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Re: Kitserver 8

don't worry he'll be back : )

without Juce... i will play fifa on 360 next year (i think). Fifa gets better and better on "consoles"... and pes gets more worsed...

Without a lod-mixer... pes looks realy bad... without kitserver... the game is like a fantasy-soccer-game.

Its like... pes is dying without juce. But its ok... he worked hard... and so much users here and on the whole inet.. are crying "my kits and bla bla"... i think its to much for one person. The Konami-updates etc... i think its no more fun for him, like in the past... to give support.

Thank you Juce! Incredible work...

:CRY: Thx for Lod-Mixer - i will miss you. This Release of LOD-Mixer is not perfect... but good enough to play with it... and not with the crappy konami-default setting.

Shame on Komani!
Re: Kitserver 8

I would ask if Juce can release the code as open source somewhere, maybe in the already existing kitserver site. I am pretty sure many will look at it and juce would be free to do what he want without seeing kitserver go down.
Re: Kitserver 8

I would ask if Juce can release the code as open source somewhere, maybe in the already existing kitserver site. I am pretty sure many will look at it and juce would be free to do what he want without seeing kitserver go down.

Good plan.

I was going to ask about that.
Re: Kitserver 8

Well, it would be a really good idea to upload all the sources somewhere, so someone could continue his work. juce`s knowledge about PES editing is a really big thing, shouldn`t be wasted...

Support for juce.
Re: Kitserver 8

Thanks Juce!!!:)

Anybody know if the kits will eventually show up on the replay gallery, kinda sucks to score a nice goal and have the default kit show up instead :/
Re: Kitserver 8

I would ask if Juce can release the code as open source somewhere, maybe in the already existing kitserver site. I am pretty sure many will look at it and juce would be free to do what he want without seeing kitserver go down.

Re: Kitserver 8

I would ask if Juce can release the code as open source somewhere, maybe in the already existing kitserver site. I am pretty sure many will look at it and juce would be free to do what he want without seeing kitserver go down.

I suggested this already (this thread, page 30) but it went largely ignored :THINK::)
Re: Kitserver 8

What about Robbie, the other man behind the project? I have seen his name too as a creator

I don't intend to continue neither... as you may have noticed, I contributed only some small things to Kitserver this year (2008). I focus on my studies and a couple of other projects now.
Re: Kitserver 8

Very bad news!!!:(:(:(

I just hoped to have a faceserver!!! PES without faceserver isn't a real PES!:(

I hope to see U soon Juce!!! We all need you!

yeh i agree hopfully someone else makes a faceserver but anyways thanks juce and robbie for making pes even better :WORSHIP:
Re: Kitserver 8


I suggested this already (this thread, page 30) but it went largely ignored :THINK::)


I think if he is going to discontinue his work on kitserver he should release it as open source. I think everyone knows how much work he/they have put into kitserver, and it would be a shame to see it stop being developed. Hell, I'll learn how to program just to keep this project going :)
Re: Kitserver 8

juce have already explained why they wont release the source and why the source itself would be pretty useless for us.

it's in C++ and assembler. We could open the source code, but it's been discussed before, and both Robbie and I think that it doesn't make much sense, and would be next to useless for PES community. Yes, some parts of the code are reusable and would be handy for future releases, but most of the work is actually not reflected by the source code. 10% of the work is writing the code to hook on particular places of the game to load kits, faces, etc.. and 90% - is finding those places. With each new version of PES, usually these 90% have to be done again from the very begining. (It wasn't the case with PES6, because it was so similar to PES5, but that's an exception)
I understand the open source sentiment. In fact, i had thought about it carefully, and discussed with Robbie as well. Both of us came to the same decision that it will be of no benefit to PES community to open up the source. (I've explained why earlier in this thread in more detail)

Also, think about it this way: most of the value in the source code is only relevant to a particular version of the EXE. Those are various memory addresses and some theories on how things work internally. It's one thing to look into the EXE and figure out things under debugger and use that information for patches and such, and it's a totally different thing to actually publish that information open to everyone. That may not even be legal in some countries, i don't know... I could blank out all those numbers in the source, and then open it up, but what use would that be? Yes, you will see how kitserver manages different tasks, and so for, but hardly that's interesting to anyone.
Re: Kitserver 8

after Konami update, emblems are in cv0f.img: 1169 and 1170.
If you use kitserver, you can probably just make a new folder "cv0f.img", and copy the files like this:

cv0a.img/unnamed_5.bin --> cv0f.img/flags_1169.bin
cv0a.img/unnamed_6.bin --> cv0f.img/flags_1170.bin

First of all, thanks for all , juce.

I've made those changes exactly like described by Juce and i still have the same problem....:

No correct emblems with Burgum patch 0.5
(Arsenal is still north London,Bundesliga teams with eredivisie emblems...,etc...)

I've reinstalled also d3dx9_27.dll file and directx9...doesn't help.

I am on Windows XP, with Official Konami patch 1.2,Crack nodvd 1.2,Burgum patch 0.5 (had same problems with previous Burgum's 0.4,0.35,etc...) and Kitserver 8.1.2

Could anyone replace Juce and help me ?
Any idea ?

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Re: Kitserver 8

Hi juce, first of all thanx for the great work u did :D
I just wanted to make you know that the kitserver 8.1.2 is not compatible with AtiToolTray...wich is very useful too to edit pes setting (refresh, overclocking etc.) Pes crashes if the kitserver is installed and the atitooltray is open, so all the times i have to close the atitooltray to start pes (and loose my pes profile settings) or i've to disinstall kitserver...
Is there anything that i can do to solve this problem? or do we need a new kitserver to fix it?

Thanx again
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Re: Kitserver 8

juce have already explained why they wont release the source and why the source itself would be pretty useless for us.

Fair enough. We don't all read every thread ;)

I think the possible legal worries would be enough for me not to release the code as is. 2 things the code (- numbers) would provide though, would be a consistent format for developing kitserver and familiarity for users, rather than say someone starting now who would be creating a whole new app, which would then have to provide all the functionality of the current kitserver.

Anyway Kitserver is still a fantastic app (which improved pro evo 6 no end for me) and I hope you do decide to carry on with it at some point in future.

Many thanks to Juce :WORSHIP:
Re: Kitserver 8

Thank's for all effort juce & Robbie ....for all ...i hope your good luck in all step of your life. thnx pes glory.
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