Kitserver 8 (Support discontinued, people! So please no new threads on this issue!)

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Re: Kitserver 8

BIG JUCE, we need GDBMANAGER to write the config,plz

you can sort of use the previous year GDB Manager (7) - the kit preview and font/numbers will not look right, but other than that, it will create the config.txt files correctly.
Re: Kitserver 8

Ãfter installing the official patch 1.20 from konami I cant install kitserver 8.10!
I'm getting wrong exe file!
Anyone has the same problem?
Re: Kitserver 8

Juce i was taking a closer look yesterday at the diferences of the new lod setting u gave us...
i noticed that the untucked shirts dont show up in the wide cameras as i mentioned...but if u go to the replay mode, and set the camera to wide it does show up!?!? do u think konami ripped the "untucked shirts" from the game? and only put them in the replay generation? or do u think this might be solved with an improved lod mixer(higher lod)?

thanx m8
Re: Kitserver 8

Juce, thx for your efforts , but i have a strange problem, it seems with the new KS , the AFS2FS.dll is not working anymore, i used the GDB and it works, but it seems it had disabled afs2fs module, i.e priorty to Kserv.dll , i'm not sure but this is what i have now

PS: Arsenal Kits are in GDB/Uni folder with its map

Below you can find also a copy of my config.txt

debug = 1

angle = 30

dll = zlib1.dll
dll = libpng13.dll
dll = afsio.dll
dll = kserv.dll
dll = afs2fs.dll
dll = camera.dll
dll = lodmixer.dll

aspect-ratio.correction.enabled = 1
controller.check.disabled = 1
lod.check1 = 0
screen.height = 900
screen.width = 1440

Thanks to advise

Re: Kitserver 8

grey kit like that (with lighter shade rectangles instead of numbers) is an indication that you have an entry in your map.txt file, but for whatever reason, the kitserver fails to load the images (kit.png, font.png, etc.) - maybe the images are missing, or wrong format. Can you post your pes2009.log?
Re: Kitserver 8

thank you for this realease juce!!
however, i wish we could see the untucked shirts from wide camera

yeh, im with u...
im sure juce will solve this though ;)
he is the master, thats his thing!

i can confirm that u already can see the untucked shirt from wide camera on replays with this new maybe its a begining already.
Re: Kitserver 8

hi juce...thx one's more for your fantastico work.
But i've got the same blueblood's problem.My option file is not recognized anymore,the kits from img6 in kitserver nor.
Re: Kitserver 8

yeh, im with u...
im sure juce will solve this though ;)
he is the master, thats his thing!

i can confirm that u already can see the untucked shirt from wide camera on replays with this new maybe its a begining already.

its a great thing but, doh!
even if kitserver enables the new option, how can an editer set the untucked to the players since there's no such option in the game?
Re: Kitserver 8

its a great thing but, doh!
even if kitserver enables the new option, how can an editer set the untucked to the players since there's no such option in the game?

yeh, unfortnatly the option is not in the game, but at least we will have a little bit more player diference ingame... its nice when u can see a player like c.ronaldo with untucked shirt in the game, looks a lot more real, and althought we cant choose this, i think its better than aways everybody looking the same in the macth.

now said that, i fully agree with u, and i bag konami to bring this option back to the edit mode...fabregas, messi, ronaldo, ronaldinho,rooney,etc, etc etc, look completly unrealisitc with tucked shirts, its annoying
Re: Kitserver 8

grey kit like that (with lighter shade rectangles instead of numbers) is an indication that you have an entry in your map.txt file, but for whatever reason, the kitserver fails to load the images (kit.png, font.png, etc.) - maybe the images are missing, or wrong format. Can you post your pes2009.log?

Thanks for your reply ;)

I guess i found the problem , you were right , the map.txt was for all teams ,whereas i have only used the kits for arsenal, too bad i had installed the patch 1.2 , when i saw your reply it was already done :OH:, even I put back pes2009.exe v1.1 , it could not load the option file that i had relinked all the bins in cv06.img with clubs and teams. (no way back) :( so I guess I have to wait for the new release of KS that will support V1.2

Warm Regards
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