Killzone 2

Re: Killzone 2 PS3

I like that BODYCOUNT is focused on a good K/D ratio rather than just most kills. It should play like Rainbow 6 where people go around in squads to back each other up, people use mics to chat and everyone thinks about what they're doing instead of running around on their own blasting rockets off everywhere and throwing grenades.
Re: Killzone 2 PS3

The maps look great and they seem to have tweaked the three that were in the beta.
Re: Killzone 2 PS3

I like that BODYCOUNT is focused on a good K/D ratio rather than just most kills. It should play like Rainbow 6 where people go around in squads to back each other up, people use mics to chat and everyone thinks about what they're doing instead of running around on their own blasting rockets off everywhere and throwing grenades.
was in here that i heard that you cannot turn off friendly fire?
Re: Killzone 2 PS3

I'll pick this up in a few weeks. I've learnt my lesson about paying £40 for a game only for it to drop to £20 in a couple of weeks.
Re: Killzone 2 PS3

will it really drop to £20 within a few weeks dags? i highly doubt it

Second-hand, yep. It'll be £20 on AVForums in a few weeks once people have completed the single-player and don't want to do online.

Not in a major rush for it, still got loads of other games to play so I'm happy to wait for it to get cheaper.
Re: Killzone 2 PS3

did you pre order it? how much will it be in shops?

Yeah I thought I'd take my chances at getting early if they're posting all their orders with the EU date. Hopefully I won't be the unlucky one who gets nothing until the following week.

My local gamestation will no doubt be selling this for £44.99. They put all the big name games at that price and it's probably because they're the only game store in the town. It could be £49.99 now woolies has gone as well.
Re: Killzone 2 PS3

any chance of HMV and likes selling this for less then £40? im sure it will be worth £40 though but at this current economy, every penny counts
Re: Killzone 2 PS3

Asda n co are your best bet for under £40 in-store.

Do you have any games that you can trade in?
Re: Killzone 2 PS3

If you trade that in at HMV or CEX then it should knock it down to around or close to £30.
Re: Killzone 2 PS3

Watched the gametrailers review. Never bothered with Killzone 1 but this looks like fun. Will get it when it goes cheaper, Im sure we will see a 20pound offer somewhere after awhile.
Re: Killzone 2 PS3

Prepare for slow downloads as the entire world jumps onto the European PlayStation Store to download the demo. Damn yanks are going to steal our bandwidth! SCEE's servers are going to get KILLZOWNED. :D
Re: Killzone 2 PS3

Yeah Feb 5th usa demo for those who pre ordered over there and a EU demo for us and anyone who has an EU account
Re: Killzone 2 PS3

Is is too technically impossible to update the store first thing in the morning?

5pm is a silly time, especially when you tell people before hand.
Re: Killzone 2 PS3


Excellent time to dust off PS3
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