HTC Mobile Phones Thread

That's the American Football one that's on the iPhone? I thought that was pretty good if it's the same game.
anyone else got this problem?

Sending a photo via gmail to anyone..used to it just sits in the outbox till i switch my phone off and on...??
I finally got the official screen protector and its made my screen look brand new again.
Yeah, I'm considering it. Don't wanna wipe my phone though. I remember when I flashed my HD2 I had to back up everything first. As far as i know there's no backup app for the desire
Saw someone mention that FroYo is due next week, might be worth waiting a bit longer.
I've ordered another one from a seller on Amazon, I'll post the link when I get home.
I've ordered another one from a seller on Amazon, I'll post the link when I get home.

Cheers. Any tips for prolonging the battery usage after charging? Seems to drain fast even on standby.

I am new to smart phones, so maybe it is normal.
In the evenings i turn off the mobile internet through the power options widget. One it saves the battery by not connecting and two I don't get woken up by those stupid emails i sometimes get.
Obvious power saving options, turn off wi-fi, bluetooth, gps. Switch to GSM rather than auto 3g or 3g
Battery life is absolutely woeful on the Desire. Not too much of a problem now I have in car charger adaptor for the built in kit, but still very bad.

Also, does anyone else's Desire keep fucking up? That's the only way I can put it really... It just literally won't work, can't send txts, can't make or receive phone calls and can't connect to internet. I turned it off for about 45 mins and when I turned it back on it worked. It's done that twice now since I've had it... Also it says the Messages service has to be forced closed as it's unexpectedly closed or something, which then deletes all my messages!? Pretty poor software really I think...
Just used tethering with my hero and laptop, works like a dream.

I have just got a house in southend and it will take around 4 months to do it up before we live in it and install the internet. so when I am there weakends doing it up, I can now surf the web on my computer :DD I am a happy bunny!
Shocking, you're meant to be there working! ;)

Got to have a little break at some point :))

Need some relaxation after smashing my hand with a hammer all day, trying to take off all the skirting board in the house :ROLL:
Feck me.

I am liking my new desire, but...

I got it on Friday, farted aound with it not to excess over the weekend, then received a text from 3 on Monday sayingI had neared my "unlimited" internet usage.

The battery was draingin pretty bad over the weekend to, so I am thinking it has been connecting and downloading whilst on standby.

Anyone know where you can see how much data you have downloaded? I cant find it anywhere.

3 say that I used 350Mb over the weekend, but I only downloaded a few apps to try and surfed a few pages.

I am thinking about sending it back and getting a different contract as 500 Mb is hardly unlimited.

Oh, and I only just found out I can switch off the mobile internet when I close switch it off. But then it wont alert me when I get email?

Am I just doing it all wrong?
Yeah I have a ocunter that lets me know what I have used (3g watchdog I think its called). I have set a limit of 200mb a month (as I heard that might be what unlimtited web usage packages go up to on 02?)

I think the most I have done is about 40% of that. At the moment I am on 65% as I have been using while in Southend with no other internet.

I basically have everything turned off, then I put my mobile internet on every few hours and update my e-mails etc.
O2's usage is 500MB as well, Bob.

I dont think thats quite right.

According to this article on well respected tech website Cnet:,39029453,49304219,00.htm

The fair usage policy for O2 is unlimited. Technically its meant to be 8GB per month but since no one will ever reach that unless they are doing something extraordinary. They received this information direct from O2. On Orange the fair usage policy is 750MB per month.

This is in regards to the iPhone tariffs available from both providers and its unlimited internet facility. Im not sure if it is the same for other tariffs on the same network but if you have the internet package I assume it would be. :)
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