Yeah I didn't fall in love with 4. It just felt so depressing and a pain to run, drive and aim/shoot.

5 fixes all of those things. There is still some long drives to point A then back to point B but they're not repeated back to back. The characters also chat a lot during these missions either to passengers or on phone.
Also - love that if your in mid conversation and crash, the characters will stop to shout and then go back to the conversation.

Running doesnt have that horrible feeling 4 and Red dead had where it was like moving a boat on water. You're off to the left slightly when entering a door and end up bashing into the frame and having to walk away and try again. Gone.

Shooting is much better too. Option to use free aim or have assisted help. Feels more like max Payne.
Driving is the best they've ever done. Cars have real grip to them and they're not spongey like in 4, but they're also not stiff blocks.

I hate Trever though. He's just horrible and I'm not getting any enjoyment using him. I'm only using him when I have to and its putting a real downer on the game for me. I've done every mission that's available at the moment for the others guys but have some left on Trever that I need to do before I can advance on.... But it's just really turning me off. I sit and think "ohh ill put gta on... Oh wait.. Hmmmm".
Very interesting:

GTAV SSD vs HDD PS3 comparison

the first start of the game (meaning before north yankton) was almost a tie, but later on, from xmb to ingame, ssd beat the hdd twofold.

I have also noticed higher framerates.. I don't know how to measure the fps on a ps3, but it really feels like a substancial improvement.

Gonna try this myself today, have two SSD's in my PC and can easily make do with only one of them (windows install one).
Grove Street fo' life:

The game feels absolutely massive, I decided to go out for a jaunt on a motorbike and left the city. The landscape just kept going and going. Ended up in a small town somewhere and accidentally falling out of a cable car :(

For what it's worth, I think the game is beautiful. Went on a rollercoasters at what's basically Santa Monica Pier and the lights from the city on the ocean looked amazing. In fact, the ocean water physics are amazing in themselves.
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Does anybody know of a way of finding addresses for places.

I invested in one of the postal companies and want to go and destroy the others vans/headquarters etc can you go on the in game Internet to find such things? (I'm not going to be able to play it again until tonight, so thought somebody could tell me :)) )

And thanks jay I thought I tried out all of the buttons when in the cable car? But obviously not :PP
The first time the game instructs you to 'press square at the edge to dive' I ran towards the edge but pressed square too early. My "dive" was my guy tumbling out of control screaming his head off and then belly flopping into the water. Looked hilarious.

Also love running towards someone and then jumping so you sort of diving cross body them or end up leaping and kneeing them in the face
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I should be doing the missions but I can't stop running around and punching people whenever I load the game up.

The first punch on the run is absolutely brutal.

Random dudes keep starting on me just because I walk too close to them, the inhabitants of Los Santos are touchy!

On a different note, has anyone managed to get away from a three-star wanted rating? I'm finding it impossible!
I was standing in front of some woman and she told me not to stare at her tits and buzz off. I kept standing there and she picked her phone and dialed 911. Good right hook on her chin and it was nighty night... :D

Can't wait to get some scuba gear to explore the underwater world and find sunken treasures.
I found a boat with some scuba gear but I didn't have a clue where to go? Everywhere I went there wasn't much to see (I didnt go to many places though)
I honestly thought I could wait some months for a potential PC version of this, my mistake was reading this thread, had to run out and buy it just now :P

Walking down the street when I heard sirens. Looked around and saw a police car chasing some other car. So I went and joined in and ended up getting the police after me. My plan was to wait for the robbers to die then pick up any cash they dropped but as I got in their car it was classed as GTA and they came after me..

Anyway, got 4 stars and accidentally backed myself into a corner.. A cliff edge. Just then a cop car comes flying towards me, I shoot the driver in the head and the car span sideways skimmed past me and flew off the edge. I got up and looked over just in time to see it bouncing and rolling in a fireball.

I then got smashed into from behind by another car flying at me killing me instantly and sending me flying off into the sky,

Walking down the street when I heard sirens. Looked around and saw a police car chasing some other car. So I went and joined in and ended up getting the police after me. My plan was to wait for the robbers to die then pick up any cash they dropped but as I got in their car it was classed as GTA and they came after me..

Anyway, got 4 stars and accidentally backed myself into a corner.. A cliff edge. Just then a cop car comes flying towards me, I shoot the driver in the head and the car span sideways skimmed past me and flew off the edge. I got up and looked over just in time to see it bouncing and rolling in a fireball.

I then got smashed into from behind by another car flying at me killing me instantly and sending me flying off into the sky,

That is awesome! Ha! Ha!
What a freaking amazing game, I've played so many hours but little of the story. i prefer just cruising the streets of los santos.

Took a boat trip around the coast and stumbled onto a place cslled inhumane labs - immediate 4 stars and I got mowed down by 2 choppers and what seemed like an army
Does this require an online code?

we already have one copy in the house hold, wondering if we could take it in turns and use the same one just at different times on different consoles?
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