I'll be waiting until Digital Foundry's review of the two versions side-by-side tomorrow before deciding PS3 or 360. Think it's going up online at 11am.

Everywhere you read online, one forum claims PS3 is sharper etc, the other claims 360 is
Astrid's protecting it for me :)


I told her she's too young to play though ;)
Argh! I've got to get this - cant resist it!

We (me and the missus) kind of agreed (as funds are tight) that I should only look at getting 1 new game at the moment and given I have very little time due to the baby and working, that FIFA would be the better choice as I can dive in and out of that without too much time commitment.

But.... its GTA-freakin-FIVE bitches!
Digital Foundry at Eurogamer award PS3 as the best version, but really by such a small difference as to be barely worth the effort. Fair play Rockstar!

Got the PS3 version in the end, queues in Game were massive.
12 people in the queue at 9am this morning. They said they had easily over 100 last night.

Someone ahead of me actually asked for GTA eye vee!
You can also take photos with the in-game camera, and selfies! :LOL:

We so need a separate thread for those. Especially Trevor infront of people he's murdered.

Michael here at Rex's Diner
Anyone know where any secret cars/ Radio controlled car missions are like in other games?

Also is there hidden packages/pigeons?
Cheers i had that for GTA 4 and never really used it.

i jsut want to know if they are in the game though, not exactly where they are.

And if there are random weapons dotted around the maps as they used ot be.

Also are there any pay and sprays? Been playing since Saturday and not seen one
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