Three days in and I have hardly done any missions or story as it's so much fun exploring and messing about! I try to play it mission based but get distracted by 'what's that over there?' and 'I wonder if I can do that' along with as I drive or move through the city 'wow! I gotta have a go in that car!'

That jaw dropping feeling I had the first time GTA appeared on the PS2 has returned. It's true video game escapism.

It's impossible to play this without a great big grin slapped all over your face!

Its quite addictive just running about lamping people as someone shown.

I can't state how many times I've walked up to people, pressed right on the d-pad to say 'Hi' and in return I get either a 'Hi' back or a ' 'F**K U!' to which i knock that dude dafuk out! It just never gets old!!!
everyone picking this game up at midnight tomorrow? how long do you think the 8 gb install will take to load up, probaby wont get to sit down to play it until tuesday after work
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