Speaking to my mates cousin last night, he's a games tester for Sony and he's been on GTA for the last two months!

He told me loads of stuff about the game and some of the features I'd not seen before.

Fire an RPG at a slight angle and it'll skim, including going under cars ;))

He said there's THREE endings, not two as IGN suggested.

He told me some cheats that get unveiled to you when you complete the game, I can't really remember them but one was something like 555-CAR0100 and it gives you the FIB (FBI) car.

Some of the missions are amazing, the story is incredible and the rasta guy is probably the funniest character ever in a game, though he can't understand a word he says.

He did let out a few spoilers about some missions but not massive spoilers but he dispelled the rumour that Nico's cousin is just a figment of his imagination (ala Fight Club) and said Roman is a pretty good character too.

Oh, and he can get me a new PS3 for £200 :)

On another note, he said MGS4 is a better game and is the best game he's ever played. GTA is top notch but MGS has got everything and more. Haze is rubbish compared to Halo. He also thinks PES is better than FIFA so take his opinion with a pinch of salt ;))

Was getting quite excited about MGS4 until you said that :((

anyways this game just looks better and better the more this thread grows, can't wait for Monday midnight :)








Sorry about the quality, Phone cam.
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Rockstar need make a patch for 360 (install on hard drive, if you have it)

I can tell you first hand i have never seen that happen

and like the review said there are both just as good as each other
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That's really disappointing, if I have issues like that I will be getting it swapped for the PS3 version straight away. I'm hoping that guy just has a crapped-out laser in his 360 though, wouldn't be the first time a 360 suffered from hardware failure...
Here is a tour video from a chopper, be warned is on for a while :))

there are a few different routes and this is 1 of em, this just shows how much detail rockstar have gone into with this game

check my vid and tell me if you see any "textures popups", people are just looking for 1 single reason to slate the 360 or PS3 version thats all and some people are falling for it
I can't see that pop-up happening at all, and if so then VERY VERY rare. I very much doubt that would get passed quality control.

Another thing I was told last night was that GTA4 was submitted to Sony for playtesting NINE times! At £50,000 a pop for them to playtest it and get the bug reports back, it'll have cost Rockstar a FORTUNE to submit it to Sony alone that many times, not including however many times it went to MS testing!
JB dont fall for all this console wars bullshit

all people are doin is looking for faults and has found a few that happen once in a blue moon
That popin looks terrible, but its more likely to be a crappy laser/dodgy disctray. Im having similar problems but with the sound atm. Sounds load slowly, they go quiet, etc. So the same would happen with textures being loaded off disc.

Mass Effect suffered from texture pop-in.......wasnt too bad though.
Re-upped to a slightly faster imagehost:


That's really disappointing, if I have issues like that I will be getting it swapped for the PS3 version straight away. I'm hoping that guy just has a crapped-out laser in his 360 though, wouldn't be the first time a 360 suffered from hardware failure...

i read that if you run it on the xbox 360 without the hardrive, you have glitches, but after running it on the xbox with a hardrive it has some glitches like above but it eventually caches to the hardrive and you get none of these glitches, so it loads instantly

alot of people are taking out there hardrives to run this game, because they don't want any proof left over because of xbl, coz they have acquired the game early
1up said:
GTA4 also suffers from those little things that have always plagued the series, such as sudden pop-in of objects in the environment and the occasional repetition of car models in your immediate vicinity.

None of these little flaws take away from Liberty City's breathtaking vistas, incredibly varied scenery, and lived-in look (the PS3 version has the slightest visual edge, plus motion-control support -- but then it's missing Achievements and the eventual downloadable episodes exclusive to the 360 game).

teamxbox said:
GTA IV does an amazing job of streaming the entire world of Liberty City as you play. Despite what some other people who’ve played the game already say, I experienced very little pop-up, something you can usually expect in games without hard load times. In fact, playing the game in a near gold state a week ago, as well as now with a retail copy, my experience has been relatively glitch free. That’s not going to stop the fan boys from fighting over which version is better, Xbox 360 or PS3. Guess what, I choose Xbox 360. I’ll take achievements over a couple higher resolution textures any day.

gamespy said:
For those who have to decide between the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions, we should mention that these flaws are slightly less noticeable in the PS3 game. There are a few other minor differences as well, the biggest being the PS3 game's Sixaxis controls. You can use the controller's tilt feature to perform wheelies on motorbikes or control your helicopter, but it just ends up feeling forced. You're much better off just turning them off and sticking with the default control scheme. The Xbox 360 version, on the other hand, has Achievements and features a more intuitive controller (though that may just be this reviewer's personal opinion). Both versions are excellent, so you really can't go wrong.

gamesradar said:
While the PS3 and 360 versions of the game are functionally identical, the PS3 version sports noticeably smoother edges, along with a warmer color palette that makes everything look slightly more realistic. If you're looking to compare Accomplishments with your Achievement-hoarding friends, though, forget it - GTA IV ignores these half-assed consolation prizes altogether. PS3 owners also have to put up with a nearly eight-minute installation the first time they start the game, which puts the normally slower Blu-ray load times on par with the Xbox 360 version. (That is, unless it's a 360 with no hard drive, which we're told will face much longer loads.)

eurogamer said:
Like the PS2 games before this, though, some of this comes at a cost. We've all read by now about the PS3 install time (look out for a special Face-Off feature next week), but the frame-rate also takes punishment throughout, polluted by Rockstar's unashamed ambition, with noticeable pop-in in places.


Comment in from the staff in the comments section:

""But: PS3 or Xbox360 - which is best? "

Coming next week :0

But lemme just say that one version has framerate problems and the other one has some pop in. So people will complain whatever the version. "

And before anyone has a go at me for consolebashing or anything like that.........I just want the best version so am looking at these things.

So by the looks of things, the ps3 is a slightly cleaner version graphically, the 360 has achievements, downloadable episodes and probably better multiplayer online with live being superior.
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I don't get that problem. The screen flickers during cutscenes now and again, but that's about it.

Had my first 'amazed' experience earlier. Nothing really new about it, it just looked and felt good. Basically, i had the cops on me during a mission, i was going as fast i could the wrong way across the bridge while heaven and hell played on the radio, was amazing!

It was good to see all the other cars moving to leave a bigger gap in the middle of the road to avoid me as i was driving through the middle.
Ouch that pop in looked nasty - though i am used to that shite on the PS2 so its nothing new and wouldn't make me demand my money back and a different version.

- How is the 360 version of multiplayer better online? Does the 360 have different online modes?

I mean other than personal differences such as lag - some people lag on 360 and not on ps3 (like me) and some the other way - I can't see what your getting at.
@ Radiation,

If the comment is aimed at me, I dont know. Im just assuming that there will be generally less lag with live being a better online service.
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