Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Apparantly the 360 is the "cool" machine that mature gamers buy in Japan. (I read a story about it in Edge magazine months ago.)
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

I was the same when I first got the Xbox, now a PS2/PS3 controller gives me actual pain in my thumbs after five minutes because, ergonomically, the sticks are actually in an awkward place.

I wonder if that was an intention...
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

I'm so used to the PS2/PS3 controller now I fundamentally couldn't play it on the 360 box

I thought that but now i have got used to it the 360s pad is by far the best pad out there

especially for car games with the triggers for accel and brake. Oh yeah and FPS are awesome to play with this pad becuase your fingers are just naturally in the right place for everything
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

yep i know this but considering the game was almost supposed to be out now.
The GTA franchise has a history of real bad graphics and with this being the first next gen game.

But i have preordered and this game is brought to you directly from Edinburgh, Scotland gotto keep the faith.
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Real bad graphics? I never felt bothered by GTA graphics, specially San Andreas, where we had improvements from other versions.

As for me, I'm sticking to the PS3 version all the way. Many people say that it runs smoother in X360, but the game isn't even out yet, for crying out loud! Besides, I really doubt it, seeing how PS3 has superior hardware :)
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Apparently the framerate still needs work.
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

1 I did NOT say it runs smoother on 360... I am referring to OTHER games...

2 All this so called extra power under the hood of the PS3 has done NOTHING thus far.... Its been a year.

Agreed mate. You should ebay you PS3 whilst they are still worth something mate, I did!
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

I won both systems having just recently re-bought a 360.

Personally they both have their own merits.

PS3 has shown it's potential recently with Uncharted and Burnout which looks excellent on the PS3 as it was develped on it and then ported to other systems also the games line up for the next 12 months look very promising.

360 has a superb back catalouge of games, just started Bioshock and am really enjoying it. The only drawback is thus far Microsoft have not been very forthcoming about games that they are planning to release this year, but I am sure that they will sort this out in the next month or so.

So in a nutshell for me both systems have their merits and drawbacks and for me personally I like both of them.
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Well im defo a PS3 hater after the past month or so with one. The framerate is awful, the controllers haven't improved and the graphics seem a little more stretched and sketchy to me.

I have recently flogged it and bought a new laptop at half price! Cheers Sony!
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

I like em both too, DJ and Mike are just PS3 haters.
Jay, I am by no means a hater and yes both machines do indeed have their own merits (I am in the middle of shooting a documentary on them). But for me the 360 thus far has shown MORE than the PS3 has. Yes on paper the PS3 has all that power and has Blu Ray which cannot be ignored. But until we see something absolutely Mind Blowingly Brilliant that the 360 ISNT capable of then all that power means nothing.
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Well im defo a PS3 hater after the past month or so with one. The framerate is awful, the controllers haven't improved and the graphics seem a little more stretched and sketchy to me.

I have recently flogged it and bought a new laptop at half price! Cheers Sony!
You have noticed the things I have noticed too.... I really want the PS3 to be brilliant but at the present time I cant see it happening.

ANYWAYZ BACK TO GTA!!! (im bad for going off topic). Lets hope this one has some of the best bits of the previous games and that the Episodic Content on 360 will keep the game going for sometime to come :)
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Personally I have nothing against the PS3 other than it's an absolutely worthless purchase (IMO) there are no PS3 exclusives that interest me and there are many more 360 exclusives, also PS3 versions of games have suffered from more problems than the 360 versions.
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Wow, talk about a PS3 hater! :D

I didnt have any intention on starting a PS3 vs X360 battle, but... Placebo, that gotta be a joke about it being a worthless purchase, right?

Firstly, BluRay has nearly put an end to that "format war", now that HDDVD lost the exclusives... So from now on, as a DVD player, X360 will be closer to being useless

Secondly, talking about exclusive, how about MGS4 for a exclusive title? I'm a great fan of the series, and for me it was reason enough for buying a PS3

And DJ, I'm not dissing X360 in any way. And didnt say that the 'extra power' on PS3 has made wonders. But PS3 came a year after and the hardware superiority is simply there, thats a fact. So what I meant is GTA would have no reason to be inferior on PS3. Thats all!
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Rentboy... Point taken lets discuss GTA IV and NOT 360 vs PS3.... I dont care about how much power on Paper the PS3 has. Thus far it has shown poorly running games that the 360 runs smoothly.

GTA IV... so this episodic content.... does it mean like an extension to the storyline or something completely different.
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Rentboy... Point taken lets discuss GTA IV and NOT 360 vs PS3.... I dont care about how much power on Paper the PS3 has. Thus far it has shown poorly running games that the 360 runs smoothly.

GTA IV... so this episodic content.... does it mean like an extension to the storyline or something completely different.

DJ, its funny how you put an end to the discussion and right after you express another piece of biased personal opinion on that matter.

So the X360 version will feature exclusive DLC (wich might as well be a pair of trousers indeed), plus lots of adrenaline with the prospect of getting the Red Ring of Death. Mind to keep your towels nearby ;)

Back to GTA IV (for real now) I was wondering about the cast of voice talent. I haven't found much info on this yet...
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

I would hope the episodic content will be worth while, as the new mass effect content seems to be totally seperated from the main story.

GTA/rock* will have to look at how they do it, as a lot of people, and ps3 owners especially, will expect a decent ending to the game, while people who are looking forward to the extra content will also want a decent story for their extra money.

I would expect it to be more along the lines of an extra mission/story that doesnt effect the main story and would therefor be pretty generic. Mass effects "lets go sort out some planet with some other species" is pretty lame imo.

@ rentboy, placebo's comment of the ps3 being a pretty worthless purchase is his opinion and is probably based on the fact that he said there are no exclusive games he likes and probably isnt bothered about bluray. So for him, like me, the ps3 just isnt worth a purchase......yet. Thats not being a ps3 hater, thats just looking at what you want from a games console and what each console gives you for the money.

Firstly, BluRay has nearly put an end to that "format war", now that HDDVD lost the exclusives... So from now on, as a DVD player, X360 will be closer to being useless

Secondly, talking about exclusive, how about MGS4 for a exclusive title? I'm a great fan of the series, and for me it was reason enough for buying a PS3

So the ps3 is a worthy purchase just to end a hd war? I thought it was a games console first and foremost. As for the 360 being a dvdplayer, why would you bother. Its a pretty pointless argument, the 360 was never intended to be a vessle to sell that format. And with the dvd format long estabelished it also means that there was no extra cost for the consumer to "risk" which was the case with the ps3 and the bluray. Had it not gone well sony and the ps3 owners would have been screwed through no choice of their own.

And again the exclusive argument, I liked mgs 1 but got bored with 2 with all the cutscened and have been bored with it ever since. So again that's not an argument to convice placebo or me that the ps3 is a worthy purchase based on the fact that at some point in the future a game will come out of which nobody knows how good it is.

So you still havent actually presented any arguments why the ps3 is worthy for us.

I wish rock* would show some more gamesfootage! 26 pages and there has hardly been anything to discuss :D
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Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Thanks for your reply tik... Rentboy I am not biased at all.. I own both consoles and im disappointed with the PS3 thats all mate. Face facts thus far its been anything but a £300 odd pound games console.

Back to GTA. yes Jay knowing some of these games developers the extra content will be a new pair of Levi's or a pair of Nike Trainers that make Nico run faster!
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

So you still havent actually presented any arguments why the ps3 is worthy for us.

Relax, mate. I'm not a Sony salesperson (although I do feel right now like a Sony spy among Xbox fanboys).
I'm not trying to convince you lot. Do as you like...

Those are arguments that based my own choice. They're as personal as anyone else's.

On a side note, the format used by X360 (HDDVD) is not an estabelished format as the standard DVD. Let's not confuse things. Microsoft's choice for this format over BluRay was a risk taken and is still is more than ever, considering that BluRay started winning the battle.
Proof of this was a statement by a Microsoft spokesperson admitting the possibility of equipping future X360 units with BluRay. We'll see later this year what happens.

As for the material revealed by Rockstar, I also expected more. Sometimes I still doubt it will be released this April. A few trailers and screenshots is not enough
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