Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

when comes the pc version out?

just kidding, ;)
okay, that sucks, because let's assume it will be june for consoles, it shouldn't be there before christmas 08 (!!) for pc.
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Who can get bored of GTA?

If i have had enough of the missions or killing people i go for a cruise :)

I can't put my finger on what it is. For me I want to able to go inside EVERY building and want there to be people there. I realise that's a bit too much to ask.

Anyone read about the game due for end of 2008 called 'The Outsider'? It's made by a few of the team which make the GTA games. That will be "the one" apparantly - you can visit EVERY building and talk to EVERY person. Sounds amazing.
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Anyone read about the game due for end of 2008 called 'The Outsider'? It's made by a few of the team which make the GTA games. That will be "the one" apparantly - you can visit EVERY building and talk to EVERY person. Sounds amazing.

I saw the trailer and blurb for the outsider, reminds me more of a Splinter Cell Conviction (which I'm also looking forward to) than a GTA to be honest, and the problem with the outsider is that it promises much but all we've seen is a couple of screenies and a short trailer, it was due for release this Autumn but they were never even signed to a publisher as I recall. The guy behind it David Braben is the genius that created Elite so it's possible the game could be amazing, or it could be a turkey, only time will tell......
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV


Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Not bad at all... Thought they might have changed the style a bit though, theyve had this design since GTA 3! Cant wait to see more of this game, its one of the biggest ones im looking forward to.... Now what system to get it on?
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Why PS3 when 360 is the only version that will get additional content? Plus the PS3 has a history of performance issues compared to the same game on 360.......
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Why PS3 when 360 is the only version that will get additional content?

What? That makes no sense, why would Rockstar give the 360 additional content and PS3 not?
Well, hopefully the game doesn't suck big hairy ones then.
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Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

@ Velocity, because MS paid 50million for it!

Oh wow, no sh*te? lol
Well, like I said, hopefully the game turns out to be something special.
Vice City made me a fan.
Never got into San Andreas.
Hopefully GTA4 stirs things up for all of us, especially me! Less content or not. :roll:
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

GTA never fails to impress

The new Rainbow 6 and GTA are the games im really looking forward to next year
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

PS3 for me. Dont give a toss about additional content the game will be massive anyway.

MS are gonna charge ALOT for it to recoup the $50milion paid.

No thanks.
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Dont know about that GTA III shifted more PS2's than anything sony did and won the console for them and Microsoft are banking on it doing the same for the Xbox brand
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

I aim to please Placbo, i aim to please.

Im getting the game on the PS3, Microsoft have really p*ssed me off lately.

It's my way of "showing them".
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

I would rather them delay the game for it to be perfect rather than release it full of bugs.
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Of course but it's taking the piss now. I'd rather they didn't set a date at the beginning, the other big games just say "ETA 2007" or whatever rather than OFFICIALLY announcing the date as October 19th 07, then March 08, and now if rumour is to be believed October 08... Just keep it to yourselves instead of getting our hopes up you bastards. No need.
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