Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

They are taking Messages for one of the Talk Radio stations in GTA4.

Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

E3 2007: Sony Responds to GTA Exclusives

During our chat with Sony's head of game development, Phil Harrison, earlier today, EGM's Dan Hsu asked about whether Sony had any plans to combat the exclusive downloadable content headed to the Xbox 360. Here's what Harrison said:
"As the head of the [internal Sony] studios, it's hard for me to comment on the third-party relations, so I don't know the details of that -- we deliberately keep those separate -- but we have a great relationship with Rockstar and we're actually working closely with them on a number of initiatives, so I do know some things that are going on, but I'm not able to share those with you now."

What those initiatives are -- whether this could mean the Xbox 360 episodic content is a timed exclusive, or that there is other content headed to PS3, or something else entirely -- remains to be seen. But there you have it; something is in the works.
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

After reading all the news on this I decided to re-purchase GTA San Andreas (for the Xbox, compatible with 360). I'm having such a great time on it - I'd forgotten just how good GTA is. I've not played any "next-gen" games since buying it, actually.

On the PS2 version I gave up after the stealing lyrics from the rap star mission - just finished that on the Xbox and I just can't stop playing it. I can't begin to imagine how good the next-gen version will be.

Something I've just realised though - people say "they're going too 'realistic' now, if they make it 'too real', it's not going to be as fun"... In GTA San Andreas you have to eat to live, you have to do weights to keep fit, you have a girlfriend to look after... It seems to me like the path to "realism" started in GTA SA.
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

It does indeed, I play it on VGA. It really is brilliant, I can't believe I've overlooked it for the last however many years. Makes me wonder if Killzone is any good too, as I said in the PS3 thread...
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

It is amazing. :D I've been playing it all day, it really sucks you in. :D

I did have something wierd happen in one of the clubs though, all the colours went really bright and I couldn't move, pausing etc. still worked fine though so I just loaded a save.

Just did the mission with Big Smoke and the Russians and now I've gotta steal some rhymes for OG Loc. :p
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

"my name's OG-LOC, i'm GANGSTA"!!.. i swear is it me or does he's voice sound like a girl's ??
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

OG-Loc is brilliant, "OG-Loc is in the place, if you don't like it I'll stick a gun in your face" :D
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Rockstar rep says 'complete experience' only on 360 - plus new screens and details

It's no secret that the long-ago announced downloadable episodes for Grand Theft Auto IV will be exclusive to the Xbox 360 version of the game. According to Rockstar Games spokesman Hosi Simon, however, there won't be any consolation prizes for those who choose to buy the PlayStation 3 edition instead. When asked during a preview of the game (which you can read about here, if you haven't already) whether there would be any advantage to owning the PS3 version that could rival the 360's exclusives, Simon said, "not that I can think of."
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

^ even though you would expect me to milk this info for all its worth and say stuff like "I told You So" I wouldnt read much into that. They are only referring to the exclusive downloadable content which MS purchased. The game will be just as smooth on PS3 id imagine.
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

They are not referring to smoothness, they are basically admitting that there will be no additional content on the PS3. Hence from a story perspective, the 360 has the complete experience.
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

SHITTTTTT. Just when I'd finished San Andreas and was looking forward to the next one.

Oh fuck, that's such bad news.

EDIT: Link doesn't work.

EDIT 2: The Take 2 Games site says "Coming Soon from Rockstar Games for Xbox 360, North America, Fall 2007", and the official GTA IV site still says 16th October 2007...
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Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Is there anything in the new XBOX360 mag about GTA4, dunno why but I saw army people with a massive alien thing out of the ground with the guy from the trailer, and something said about alien forces, probs combined two games though and read it wrong haha!

Second quater as in Spring?
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