Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

I just wish they were out now, during the break in the football seasons.
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

But then it wouldnt be up to date with all the Summer Transfers And it gives them more time to work on the game. It gives konami a chance to program proper AI that doesnt cheat and go mental and gives EA chance to tighten things up a bit and make the shooting better :)
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Am I the only one who is slightly underwhelmed by what has been shown so far?
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

You pessimist Wrighty!
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Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Am I the only one who is slightly underwhelmed by what has been shown so far?

I kinda agree, having said that they haven't really shown anything with regards to features etc. Personally I think they should just have Niko walking around the city for 45seconds set to music, that would be more impressive than trailer 2, which in all honesty looked a little "off".
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

You pecimist Wrighty!

Pessimist ;)

Seriously though they really have shown me nothing that doesnt make me think that I havent played it many times before
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

They arent showing us much on purpose. Hopefully it will make us appreciate the game more and it will turn out to be fantastic!
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Am I the only one who is slightly underwhelmed by what has been shown so far?
No, I am as well. I really want to see some of the new features in action now.
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

No, I am as well. I really want to see some of the new features in action now.

they'd be totally stupid showing off all the new stuff in such an early stage.

this is just teasing, not more. expect a lot more, or did rockstar EVER let you down?

i can't remember a single time.
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

they'd be totally stupid showing off all the new stuff in such an early stage.

this is just teasing, not more. expect a lot more, or did rockstar EVER let you down?

i can't remember a single time.

I thought the Manhunt was pretty shit.
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

I didnt like Manhunt much either I must admit.
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

New info (lots of it) from GamesTM magazine
* Times Square is called "Star Junction"
* Few people were on the streets in the demo that Games™ played (this could be attributed to early code)
* Niko can use his cell phone to call for weapons - Games™ say that Niko calls his associate Little Jacob, a Caribbean arms dealer, the conversation ends with Jacob telling Niko to meet him in an alleyway in Rotterdam Hill
* The player can call a taxi cab to go to a destination and view the ride in first-person or use trip-skip to speed the experience along
* On one mission, Niko must retrieve a memory stick with sensitive data on it from a person identified as McReary. The problem is that McReary is standing with a group of people and Niko doesn't know who he is, so he takes out his cell phone and calls McReary. When the now-revealed target pulls out his cell phone, Niko walks up and puts a bullet in his head.
* Missions can supposedly be "interrupted." This suggests that multiple missions can be done at the same time and that some will span several days
* Niko received a call in the demo, which concerned a "shady lawyer" by the name of Goldberg, of Goldberg, Ligner & Shyster. On this mission, Niko must upload his resume to Goldberg, Ligner & Shyster's website, get an interview, and kill Goldberg. In this mission, Niko purchased a $2000 suit from a clothing store called "Perseus," then ventured to the law firm and talked to the secretary over the intercom, before being let in. Niko then went to see Goldberg and promptly killed him. This caused the secretary to trigger the alarm and Niko to receive a 3-star wanted level.
* The "TW@" internet café from GTA3 is present but this time you can surf the web (which is "huge" and "very important," according to Rockstar)
* Any crime committed will give you a wanted level
* The star rating will create a visible search area on the radar, which, if escaped, will dissipate the wanted level
* The police radio returns and you can hear the police talking about where you were last spotted as in previous games, only this time, the police will know exactly where you are at because every street it named
* There is a clothing store called "Perseus" where suits can be purchased
* The draw distance is "unreal"
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

I thought the Manhunt was pretty shit.

I've always thought Manhunt was shit, I don't understand why some people say they like it.

Smuggler's Run wasn't great either, Midnight Club isn't exceptional, but decent.

Table Tennis was actually pretty good for what it was.
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV












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Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

Thanks man. Your a great asset to the community on here:applause:

Up to date info all the time, can't fault ya!
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

I posted it up there 1st!
but still great work with the new screen shots thomas!!
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

This might sound daft to alot of people. But with the new realistic look, i want to be able to do alot of realistic stuff not connected with the story. Like go to a casino to play poker, go to the fair to ride a rollercoaster and stuff like that.
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

wow peter moore just said that the trailer footage for the first two trailers was footage taken from the 360 build!!!!!!
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

If thats the case thats odd. Why would they do that? isnt the PS3 the Lead SKU for this game or like myself and LemonJelly said earlier are they building this game on the so-called low denominator (360)?
Re: Grand Theft Auto IV

From the Take Two Video Conference.

8:50AM PDT: "The most anticipated title of the year." To be honest, this is a tough call to make. Master Chief would obviously argue otherwise. They're going to show us the first public live demo of the title ever. They're crunching some GTA numbers, which are understandably impressive. We're watching the two trailers. Trailer one we're all familiar with. The familiar sights and sounds of Koyaniquatsi meets GTA fill the auditorium. "Perhaps here, things will be different." Something tells us that ain't gonna happen, friend.

8:53AM PDT: Now, "we're all looking for that special someone." We forgot how great looking that second trailer was. Now, they're going to show us a "morsel" of the game. Two Rockstar devs take the stage. The music is a placeholder, so they ask that we not mention it. They've never shown a game to an audience this large before it's release. They remind us that it's a work in progress, so we'll be nice. Something tells us it will impress regardless.

The titles shares all key players from earlier GTA games. This consistency should ensure that the title meets expectations. With GTAIV, they're looking to "create the defining next generation action adventure." They show Niko starting in Star Juntion (Times Square). This is not a rags to riches story, "it's a rags to slightly better rags story."

The game looks like a work in progress. There's some strange clipping with NPCs, and a notable lack of pedestrians. Niko jumps into a car and we're off! There are some definite framerate issues and fill-in, but it's early! The previous GTA games (remember, consistency!) were always smooth. The lighting is incredible! As the sun rises, there's a very distinct atmosphere. It feels like a cold New York City morning. We need a bagel and some coffee.

8:59AM PDT: Niko breaks out his cell phone and calls a buddy for some firepower. (Voiceovers aren't in yet). And that's all they're showing, no shots of the promised firepower. We need to find a buddy we can call for firepower but we'll settle for bagels and coffee right now.

9:00AM PDT: Take Two is back on stage thanking the various folks in the corporate family who made this all popular: Rockstar, 2K, etc. And we're out!
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