Future Winning Eleven: PS3!!! discuss

I dont think that because it couldnt be patched version on ps3
not yet anyway

Or it is a movie playing on ps3,
but even though it looks like something real

The graphics dont blow me away if real, but the functions amazing
could be the way to compensate for lack of licenses.
man i hate to say but i gotta go to sleep (bloody work ) cu guys tomorrow evening .... night everybody ;-)
the graphics in the menu are ok, the menu looks a bit still

in-game graphics from the picture are terrible.

i would love for this to be true, i really hope it is but my gut feeling is that its not. betas are still not available and you would have to be pretty far in konami to get your hands on anything like that, you would risk your job
music is shit, but sounds like a normal pes game.

why is the edit mode not spelt with a capital E at the top, but it is in the others?

in the pc version there are only 9 options to choose from, in this one, there are 13 options.
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i tried to make my mind up, just listening to the sound then - i didnt have sound on the first time.

I still cant make my mind up, the sound does sound crappy and cheesey, but then that could add to the authenticity of the video cause pes games have always had cheesey menu music.

The button noise (the noise when moving from one option to another) sounds slightly different tone to the pes6 games, but very believeable that they would keep the sound, just change it a little for the new game.
One word. Fake. Common sense, if anyone seriously had the game he'd jump straight into a friendly game pick teams and play. Then show us around the new modes etc. Going into edit mode only proves this is a fake. It does look patched.
OMG Thomas you're spot on! So stupid I didnt realise sooner.

Check out the shorts, its the Italy home puma shorts. The goalkeeper? Coupet. So that means its Italy vs France. Even check out Coupet's kit. Its Adidas.

Like I thought, its the 360 version from last year.

yay! well done.

the goalie can't be robinson with a head of hair. lee young-pyo normally plays LB, why put him in RB? 35mins gone in the 1st half and 6 players sent off already? nah

case closed!


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lol it is ture ... LOOK MAKELELE AND SAGNOL LOL NOW WE KNOW THEY R FAKE I AM GONNA sleep with my mind at rest lol
i think someone mentioned this before but the blue light for the disc in the PS3 drive is off. check the picture thomasgoal was talking about

well spotted about the italy thing
OMG Thomas you're spot on! So stupid I didnt realise sooner.

Check out the shorts, its the Italy home puma shorts. The goalkeeper? Coupet. So that means its Italy vs France. Even check out Coupet's kit. Its Adidas.

Like I thought, its the 360 version from last year.


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Guys, guys, GUYS!

This is a fake! That's why I posted a picture of Milli Vanilli, the big pop hoaxers from way back.

The menus look terrible, even by Konami standards. The fonts, the designs, the look of the arrow on the Stadium edit mode.

The in-game graphics are so bad that if they are true we should
all pack up and go home, forget about Winning Eleven.

Remember folks: 18 months development on this game. Has Seabass resigned and been replaced by someone who has lost 75% of their eyesite in a terrible accident?

No. A fanboy who has been on this site and knows how much hype there is for this game has put this together. They had some decent guesses for features, stadium editors etc. But a few simple bits of information would confirm a genuine industry insider.
I know because I have spoken to one, as have the guys on the podcast obviously.

That's enough.

If Konami reveal pictures of this quality next week for PS3 version, then no doubt
Halle Berry will also turn up at my door, butt naked apart from a Liverpool top.
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Thats good enough for me TG - good work mate.

See, at last someone who can say its fake and at least back up his claims with a reason and proof.

Not just 'Its fake - Coz..........'
Hey - is it me or did they remove some players as well????

Looks like evidence of the cloning tool used in the top right hand corner
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