Future Winning Eleven: PS3!!! discuss

Nice one thomas, to prove my point on the quality of the menu here is one i mocked up in 15 mins..


Lol we won't see him posting more pictures now he knows that we know it's FAKE wuhahahahahahah

I don't get people, why make a fake screenshot all this trouble for nothing. GET A LIFE DUDE!!!!!
What are the chances out of all of us YOU find the original pic? You are known with making fakes ;) FAKER! :lmao:
Plus the fact that the link you posted is French, and you happen to be French. Oh what a coincidence eh ;)
WAIT WAIT ! i hope you joke ???
Try google images = PES6 360

Look all my post about that, i always says it's a fake and bad fake and i can't do a menu in video
You have to be fair to the lad, if it wasnt for the in game screenie and some detective work from TG, his scheme was quite a good one.

At least after all this we can be back to being sure that the ps3 version wont look like shit again.

Until the next conman comes along!!! :D

Well done :applause:

Even if some of us more or less knew it, its good to finally have it confirmed so the "belivers" can put this behind them. Man, those menu-screens is the uglyiest presentation ever, not even Konami could sink so low, no way in hell.
Well done :applause:

Even if some of us more or less knew it, its good to finally have it confirmed so the "belivers" can put this behind them. Man, those menu-screens is the uglyiest presentation ever, not even Konami could sink so low, no way in hell.

i hope we get the official ones next week and they turn out to be worse than the fakes...:)
Yep definitely fake. Look at the spot were al the people stand, they removed the people with photoshop or something look at the gras.


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the music in that video is shocking!
How sad have you got to be to go through all that trouble? How can you be bothered making so many fake screens and then even making a fake video with your own fake fucking music?! Jesus Christ, if it wasn't for the work WENB are doing then I'd have no faith left in the internet community.

He had me totally fooled.
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i can't wait for the end of next week, after i have seen all the new screens and read all the new info on pes7.

roll on next week!
Good work uncovering it Thomas, you're another member of the community that makes it all worthwhile.
hey people
i got a NEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW screenshot from konami today
what do u think about the graphics??:8): :8): :8):

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