Future Winning Eleven: PS3!!! discuss

i hope they do that too and the new eye toy allows you to map your whole body into a game.
Adonis and Suffy, Great podcast mates, appreciate the hard work and the timing (4am lol). I don't know about other members here really but it was clearly obvious when you said you can't reveal news that would risk your relationship with Konami yet you tried to indirectly give us hints, people should be able to read between the lines. To me this podcast did contain news i was waiting for. Its actually sad that some members on here are being tools.

Instead of being wankers, appreciate the time and effort Adonis and Suffy put into this so they can bring us exclusives on our plates and save us from scouring the net for just bits and pieces.

What more do you want eh? Look at where WENB is at the moment, that should mean something. WENB is slowly becoming, if not already, PES/WE fans' #1 source of reliable information.

"So all the hype was to tell us news will be out next week? what a waste of time" Oh shut up already. Don't act like you knew info and screenies were going to be released next week, NO ONE knew, it was all speculation. The fact that they made it 100% positive is actually great. If you don't like it then why not do some effort and get the news yourself?

Do you prefer not knowing when PES/WE info would be out and just wishing and speculating? Or do you prefer a reliable source giving you exact dates/time/info on anything related to PES/WE? I'd obviously go for the 2nd choice because it sets my mind to ease and not having to feel lost in speculation.

Anyway i'd like to thank Adonis and Suffy again for all the time and effort plus the shit they have to go through ;)
Still doing my "spread the word" job. Alot of lost souls out there need guidance ;)

P.S. I'm not being harsh on anybody and got no grudges against no one. All i ask is appreciate, be positive, and flush ignorance out of your systems becuase its a sickness ;)
1 luv! (Goddamn this is a long post :p)

Kudos for the Shoutout! \\:o/
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how about setting up a donation scheme and members of evo web can donate any amount of money towards a PS3 for you to review the game?

like £2 from everyone would make a difference.

what do u think suff and adonis?
create a thread , create the thread lami as u good in intriduciotns then everybody sign ??
Guys, I can´t understand how somebody can really say that he wasn´t excited after listening to the podcast. I mean it´s very clear that Konami would not tell some fans all indepth info before their official press release, but they let out very good hints and news on release / presentation dates. I think it´s great that two fans mananged to get into the industry and make contacts to the right people. Keep it up, guys. I can´t wait for the news to become official and see screenshots.

Regarding the beta version, I think if Konami is allocating the copies, then even a donation wouldn´t help. But just like every year, I think it won´t be too long before a new RIOT-post in here.
man my heart was beating when adam was saying '' this is what u have been waiting for '' i was like spit it out m8 lol
FAKEEEEEEEEEE end of story lol even if u look at the PS3 blue eject button it is turned off loool

do not know if that has been posted here before. supposed stadium editor. but the tv set is the same as on the pic above.

do not know if that has been posted here before. supposed stadium editor. but the tv set is the same as on the pic above.

i'm sorry, but why don't you check the previous page before you post? we have been through this in the last few pages and also, there will only be official screenshots next week. so wait a little longer please. :)
lol the guy that did the fake pics said that he has a beta version even on that he is lying coz konami would never let him have the beta coz it will be disrespect for the game to be played on a ''filthy tv'' lol
i dont wanna say somethin stupid but someone b4 said that konami usualyy release first news like 1 month prior to release could it be what i am rhinking or am i dreaming :D?
Hey proweman, just read this post, and I agree, after listening to the podcast they did say that Konami never release info until the game has gone gold. So does that mean ps3 pes7 is going gold next week!!!???\\:o/

Or are just reading too much between the lines:roll:

Adonis and Suff, - great work on the blog and podcasts. Really well put together, especially as this is new to you both!
Kepp up the good work and hope you are allowed a beta version when available! :)
ye ban him lol :P and samba i dont know i think we will have to wait and see this upcoming week ..... so much we wait it i cant believe i just said THIS WEEK LOL
Hey proweman, just read this post, and I agree, after listening to the podcast they did say that Konami never release info until the game has gone gold. So does that mean ps3 pes7 is going gold next week!!!???\\:o/

Or are just reading too much between the lines:roll:

Adonis and Suff, - great work on the blog and podcasts. Really well put together, especially as this is new to you both!
Kepp up the good work and hope you are allowed a beta version when available! :)
Interesting point .. Wishfull thinking as well :) But yeah if Konami follows the tradition of the last years then it means that the game will be released earlier than october, possible end of september...
But what stops them for breaking with that tradition? ;)
when is fifa 08 due for release? maybe it will come out just before or on the same day?
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