How was that a team order? Mclaren told BOTH drivers to slow down and save their fuel. o and when hamilton overtook the safety car he got punished fair and square so whats the problem?Hamilton has gotten punished for that SC incident. how can you not see that. are you asking for more punishment? what would be justified? kicking him out of f1 will justifiy hesitating in overtaking the SC car yea?
You're seriously so biased it makes me wonder why.
So, Hamilton advances the SC and instantly wins 50 seconds to Alonso who was just behind him and YES, he respected the SC. Oh, and it lets Hamilton mantain his 2nd position after pit stop.
Not only that, but Alonso and Massa, who were 3rd and 4th, are forced to change tyres due to SC strategies and reappear in the 8th and 9th position.
Don't forget Hamilton had a broken part in the rear, so if he had stayed AS HE SHOULD behind the SC he would have had a LONGER pit stop than Alonso for sure. So, at best, by RESPECTING the rules, Hamilton would have been 9th after pit stop, right AFTER ALonso.
But what happens? The pathetic comissioners of the race DON'T say anything about it until 20 LAPS later! By that time, Hamilton has already a margin of almost 30 secs with the 3rd. So, the commisioners, it what constitutes a very dangerous show of biasing, apply a "penalty" of 25 secs (a drive through).
So, 20 laps later, he has a penalty that actually makes no effect at all, as he comes back to the race in the same 2nd position.
Great, great. If he had the 25 seconds penalising just the lap AFTER doing the ilegal action, he would have been 15th or 16th in the race because of the SC. But no, they decided to wait and penalize him when it would not make any effect.
It was a pathetic and biased decision. I dare you won't find any "strange" decision like this one by the commissioners towards any other driver.
Yeah, great, that's justice. Come on dude, if you find this decent then you're a cunt as well as Alonso and Hamilton.
I already said I hate Alonso, and I hate Hamilton because he's like a spoilt kid that is allowed to do things no one else is allowed. You, obviously, can't remember how he cut through a chicane to gain positions and went unpenaliszed as well.
Be a little more "objective" with things. We can discuss about Vettel and you may be right in certain comments, but trying to defend Hamilton's behaviour in Valencia is NOT an option.