Football Manager 2009

Top of the league Cardiff 1
7th Placed Bristol City 2

brunnoce you're a bloody genius :)).

I took what you said on board, and just tried to make myself really difficult to break down, and then playing long ball counter attacking football, with a strong striker holding the ball up, and the other striker a pacy one, who can run with the ball. We even went 1-0 down and were 1-0 down at HT, but I stuck with it and we grabbed a very late win :)).
Top of the league Cardiff 1
7th Placed Bristol City 2

brunnoce you're a bloody genius :)).

I took what you said on board, and just tried to make myself really difficult to break down, and then playing long ball counter attacking football, with a strong striker holding the ball up, and the other striker a pacy one, who can run with the ball. We even went 1-0 down and were 1-0 down at HT, but I stuck with it and we grabbed a very late win :)).

great to hear it helped!
seems like my 3 hour reading of the FM tatics bible was worth it after all! :LMAO:
the thing with that "bible" is that now i know how implement my real football knowledge into the game, before that i didnt really understand how each slider worked inside the game engine and how that would afect our tatics after all, now i know many sliders are tricky in this game, the mentality beeing the top one imho, i aways thought messing with it was like a manager telling his player: "Brunno, u gota focus on atack!" that doesnt say much, and thats how i saw it, now i know and understand why FM/CM always had so little formation possibility compared to PES , FIFA manager or FIFA where u can move your players in whatever place in on the formation screen.

In FM from what i understood, the mentality, close down, forward runs slidfers will open that formation board for u, u can definatly put your players anywhere in the board too... i can cleary see in the macth engine a diferet positioning between a player that i set as a CM with mentality 15 and a CM with mentality set to 5, that with the ball...without the ball close down is what rules from what i gathered, meaning if u set it low ure asking your guy, stay back, dont go after the ball, position yourself!
on thing that i find really important is that first topic of the "bible" where they show diferent kinds of managers, strick or loose... that for me is the first thing to think of, what kind of manager u are... i found out that im a strick authoritarian manager :LOL: as oposed of beeing brazilian, i dont want my team to play "joga bonito" "samba" or anyoff that circus stuff..i wanna play strick, simple, eficient style of, unless i have a amazing talented or cerebral player in my team i give all of them creativity 2...thats right, i want them to follow what we "talked" about in the lockeroom. Offcourse that all comes down to the players u have..great example is what i said some days ago that i just found out cahill as a cm can play amazing with the free role setting IF he has someone playing behind him, covering him up, so he can leave gaps without hurting your defensive system/shape too much...

So from that standard, whenever i manage with lower league teams, i aways try to keep as simple as possible, since its barely impossible to aply anykind of fancy moves and such with low technic players... on the other hand u can use a lot of the physical part of the game since u can find great athletes in any division, in any league... which brings us down to the kick and run style of play...

thats just how i see things, ofcourse tehre are other "theories" a lot better than mine, but im really happy with how things are working so far...
Tell me something Brunnoce, can you go into more detail about mentality? Does it alter a player's mindset or does it alter their positioning (i.e. all midfielders on the same mentality keeps them in a straight line)? Can you try to describe what it does exactly, in as much detail as possible? Because I'm really struggling to understand it myself.

When I read the tactics bible it seems to say it's about positioning, so e.g. use rule of one to keep players close enough to eachother to perform simple passes. But whenever I use any of their advice the players are always in bad positions, too far apart and leaving too many gaps for the opposition players to waltz through. If I use my own rules and keep the mentality the same for nearly every player, they play a lot better...
yeh CB, from what i understood and what i see in the game its like 80% about positioning and only 20% about mentalily(im just inlustrating with this %)
thats the main reason i said mentality is the trickest slider of them all...
befor taht i would never ever set a striker to 9 mentality, now sometimes i find my self setting strikers downt to 6 or 7, cause i really need them to get back and help improve the midfield-attack connection, which is the hardest part of this sport imo.

so , ure right imo when u said: "(i.e. all midfielders on the same mentality keeps them in a straight line)"
mentality helps u tweak players position, i think thats a fair thing to state, specially with the ball, when ure without the ball, like ive mentioned many times, close down is what counts more.
but u gotta keep in mind every player in this game has its individualitis, some will obey u more, some wont, than from those who wont, some have more atacking tendecies(off the ball>positioning) and others are the oposite, so all in all, to keep it simple, lower the creativity cause than at least u can know for sure that what u asked is beeing applied in the picth, than u can judge if its working or not.

when u leave up to players(high creativity) will never know if a terrible tatic colaps is down to your fault or down to the players fault.
i like giving a bit of creativity for my key players, but imo they must have a high work rate and composure stat, otherwise they will become "sleepy" players like fenerbahce's alex for instance, which is a player that plays 1 outof 10 games well, but offcourse when he does, he will destroy the game, i rather have him in a 6 out of 10 macth 7.5 rating form than 2 out of 10 9.0 rating... i like regularity. like i said i dont want/need my team to play well, i just like winning :LOL:
so, i celebrate 1x0s wins all the time, 3 points is what counts.
( i guess im wacthing too many everton macthes :LMAO: )
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about playing short or long passes, its a complicated subject imo, this is how u dominate a game or get dominated imo..

but i dont think mentality is the priority here, i think it all comes dowm a lot more with team width/quality of your players/picth conditionin /picth size and specially how the oposition team is handling u. you would need to wacth the full macth to really see that, but u can also notice on the stats board..

supose in a macth against a team of your team level ure trying a long ball style and u just cant keep the ball, meaning the oposition has over 65-70% of the posession, be sure that theyre waiting for your team, meaning they arent pressing, theyrent binting the bait, theyre just waiting u to loft the ball so with their players positioned back, they can fight equaly for this lofted ball and once in posetion they are keeping the ball, thats what the stats show, so u can be sure that they are problaby short passing around u, with low tempo, just waiting for that defensive mistake or a great individual play from one of their players; this cenario could very well explain how theyre playing at the moment. in this particulary situation is ok to have little posession(not as much as 40% agasint 60%) since thats in a way what uve planned for, the problem is if they are winning most of the lofted balls u wont get break aways , so u wont score.
I would say to counter this u need to bring their team foward since u need those gaps in their defence, to do that i would start short passing with very low tempo and my team still positioned back(we supposely dont have good players to try to pass them around since we adopted the long pass style to start off) , this will change things a bit, make them run after the ball again and than they will problaby start pressing and bringing their team foward again and when that happens ull see cause ull problaby lose most of the ball possesion again, and than its time to go long ball once again, its a cat and mouse game, like any other sport, u have to change your style and anticipate a lot of times so the other team will also have to adapt...if u keep playing the same way all of the macth, theyll just start trying changing things until they find a solution to overcome your style(offcourse i am talking solo on a equlibrated macth, 2 teams of the same level)

i hope i made sense in this huge text :LOL:
its a bit complicated to write all of this not on your mother language
Good job man. Give us more if you want.

np, just trying to help really....
not sure this things will work well for everybody(i really hope not, cause there is no magical formula to win in real football)
im just addicted to this game atm...i aways loved FM/CM but not as much as now that i (*think)really understand whats going on. im gonna start diferent leagues from all over the world just too see how diferent styles affect diferent leagues.
I'm not sure what to make of the FM Bible, I used it for my Playoff games and these were the results:

Bristol City 0-2 Forest
Forest 0-1 Bristol City

So overall I'm out :((. I think maybe my tactics were OK, but just the fact my strikers are useless cunts is making me lose matches week in week out. The home leg we completely bossed it and had 3 clear cut chances and 0 goals, 12 shots but only 4 on target, that's just shocking. First half of the season I was on fire, Trundle was fit and scoring goals. Then he started picking up a few injuries, and the team couldn't cope, as he was our main goalscorer. The simple fact is, if you don't score goals, you ain't gonna win football matches. Massive striker clearout in the summer for me. Maynard has been extremely disappointing, Beattie was a waste of time, Helguson pitched in and was alright. Daly looks like a waste of money, Plummer and Brooker are pretty crap. I'm going to sell probably all of them and let the loanees go back, then will focus on buying 2 more very good strikers.
well tim, i cant help u on this i guess..

but i think thats the beauty of football, it aint a exact cience, as oposed as most sports the better team wont aways win...
just to cheer u up yesterday i had a awfull macth against birmingham on my second everton season, lost 3x0 away, but still my team is a lot stronger than theirs, the stats proved that as they had about 8 shots 4 on goal, and i had 13 and 7 on goal...but my shoots just didnt go in whereas theirs were clinical, they stunned me by scoring 3x0 on the first 35 mim...than it was pretty much over.

offcourse i got mad as hell with that macth, but i also know that is a possible thing to see in real life football, and thats what makes it the best sport ever.(i guess in my FM world Wenger felt the same way about mmy team when i knocked them out of the uefa cup last season! :LOL: )

btw, next macth i lost home to aston villa 0x1 :( (first home lost in the season) i was rocking before those 2 macthes , won 7 in row, but now seems im gonna hit a slump.
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Ok guys. I have my main Fulham game that I play at home. I'm looking to start a new one for work. I want a team an England that has a couple of Americans on it. I know of the teams in the EPL but I might be looking for a team in the Championship or a team in the EPL (besides Fulham) that might be in the bottom half. Help a brother pick a team please?
Ok guys. I have my main Fulham game that I play at home. I'm looking to start a new one for work. I want a team an England that has a couple of Americans on it. I know of the teams in the EPL but I might be looking for a team in the Championship or a team in the EPL (besides Fulham) that might be in the bottom half. Help a brother pick a team please?

Erm here are all the USA folks in the championship, Personnaly I would go with Reading

- Paul Rachubka
Cardiff - Eddie Johnson (On Loan from Fulham)
Reading - Marcus Hahnemann, Bobby Convey
Sheffield Wednesday - Frankie Simek
Southampton - Kyle Davies
Watford - Jay DeMerit
Thanks Joe. What about USA folks in the bottom half of the EPL?

Also, I don't know if I want to show Cdub up by using Reading.

Not many in the Premier League

Aston Villa- Brad Friedel, Brad Guzan
Everton - Tim Howard
Fulham - Clint Dempsey
West Ham - Jonathan Spector
I'm not sure what to make of the FM Bible, I used it for my Playoff games and these were the results:

Bristol City 0-2 Forest
Forest 0-1 Bristol City

So overall I'm out :((. I think maybe my tactics were OK, but just the fact my strikers are useless cunts is making me lose matches week in week out. The home leg we completely bossed it and had 3 clear cut chances and 0 goals, 12 shots but only 4 on target, that's just shocking. First half of the season I was on fire, Trundle was fit and scoring goals. Then he started picking up a few injuries, and the team couldn't cope, as he was our main goalscorer. The simple fact is, if you don't score goals, you ain't gonna win football matches. Massive striker clearout in the summer for me. Maynard has been extremely disappointing, Beattie was a waste of time, Helguson pitched in and was alright. Daly looks like a waste of money, Plummer and Brooker are pretty crap. I'm going to sell probably all of them and let the loanees go back, then will focus on buying 2 more very good strikers.

Told ya that you would lose, the games fixed
Not sure I want a challenge. I haven't been able to win the league or anything in FM (starting with FM 08). I actually won the championship with Fulham in 08 but that was right after we went down and I had the same players.

Do you think Everton or Aston Villa is a worse team in this game?
Everton are stronger team because they are just generally solid through out but you will struggle after a season because of the lack of money

Villa are a good team and if you can get them ticking you will do very well because they are strong going forward, they aint so good defending though
yeh, coopz is absolutly right...

info about everton(could be spoiler):
i won the uefa cup and still only got 10m(euro) from the board... :(

also important to mention is that the team has no depth, specially on the Defense.. ull only have 3 "usable" DCs as rodwell is still too young imo to cover for long periods...

but all in all its a good solid team, but u must keep them healthy(cahill, saha are injury machines, arteta and yakubu do get injury often too)

About villa i can only imagine they get toons of money after a season, cause they bought almost every good estern european players(1, 2, 3) there was plus 4(blah!) and 5 who had an amazing first season his defualt team in my save.

player names as follow:
Thanks guys. I'll have to wait a couple of days before I make my decision. Had to do some work last minute and I won't get back to my work FM until either Friday or Monday. Booo..
Ah yeah brunnoce i forgot about Evertons depth that's the main reason not to be them :LOL:

You can get by the first season and do well but come the second when your players are ageing and want to leave and there is no where near enough money to strengthen then you will struggle. Even at the start you struggle to get 2 players to each position and it only gets worse
Ah yeah brunnoce i forgot about Evertons depth that's the main reason not to be them :LOL:

You can get by the first season and do well but come the second when your players are ageing and want to leave and there is no where near enough money to strengthen then you will struggle. Even at the start you struggle to get 2 players to each position and it only gets worse

thats pretty much what dieng here to keep arteta,yakubu and cahill in my team...and evan if i sell them for lots of money i wont be able to bring players of their level cause everton's influence seems to be very low as players dont want to come tehre... maybe its evan realistic since moutinho and tiago snubbed everton this past summer.
If you've got Serie C as a playable league then you might as well stop fucking playing now :MAD:.

Fucking useless cunts at SI. Do they even fucking bother getting people to playtest the game? Seriously, do they? Or do they just say to people that they have done. It's so fucking incompetent a fucking chimp could do a better job at making a stable game.

Fucking rip off merchants. I will DEFINAETLY be pirating the game next year, and I don't give a fuck who knows it. It's not worthy of charging people for this shit.
I was just playing Preston away, they were top of the league and flying, so I set my team up to play a very defensive 5-4-1 with long ball counter attack football, I thought that would be my only chance with my best player out injured and them being so good.

Anyway, I managed to nick a flukey goal with a deflected cross, 1-0, they then went on the attack and played some of the best football I have seen on any FM game, creating chances for fun, they then went on to grab 2 goals and it looked like I was going to lose with 60 minutes gone.

I then thought, i'll fight fire with fire and go on the attack myself, I changed to a sort of attacking 5-3-2 (3 CBS, 2 wing backs, 3 centre mids, 2 strikers) and brought on a striker who I had just signed a couple of weeks before on a free.

The change was immense, I was putting them under all the pressure for the last 30 minutes, and the striker who I brought on scored two well crafted goals, one in the last few minutes to grab a 3-2 win which looked unlikely through the majority of the game.

That's why I play FM, even through all the bullshit and unrealistic stuff in the game, moments like that are what make the game.

That striker was Carlos Ruiz, the best player who was injured is Ugur Yildirim
Is there a Weegie update out for FM09? And what other stuff should I implement before starting a brand new game that has been released since the release day? And what is the FM Weegie website? Ta
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