Football Manager 2009

im not using the 3d match engine, i normally have just text commentary anyway and no highlights, but what ive noticed in the past and noticed just now when playing is how you will be on the attack, and it will say something like , great chance for your team, and then at the other end, they must score! How does that work on the 3d, does it suddenly change ends!

have been playing for the first time tonight, home advantage is massive, ive won all my home games as newcastle including v man u, and lost all bar one of my away games, conceding 2 last minute goals to lose (as well as missing a pen in the 80th to win!). Also, with the tactics in the demo i found the more i farted about with all the sliders i did i could solve one thing and cause another. this time ive changed nothing, literally nothing from default, maybe a few tweaks for one player, and just played 442.... doing better than i was!
I've gone back to FM08 now, uninstalled 09. Even after tinkering a lot it was getting slower and slower after playing it for a period of more than half an hour, the CPU froze up. Quitting out to load back up would then take longer because the laptop would lag like George Best singing along to his last rites.

FM08 runs like an absolute demon even with added graphics packs, and the gameplay is slightly more fair in my own opinion. Only thing I miss is the Ass Man's feedback during the game. The rest were just pretty frills.
I said to Tim a week ago that FM09 was shocking for memory use despite it appearing no different to 08 on my laptop, what the fuck have SI done to this years game?!
Finished my first season. It was the tightest race ever! There were 5 teams all within a 4 point range for the last 15 games of the season. In the final 4 games, things changed quickly, including Inter losing on the last day, leaving me at 2nd.

They dithered over FM08 aswell so wouldnt be surprised if eventually made a release.
not to go off topic but i remembered EA saying fifa09 Next gen conosle version couldnt be handled in most pc's out their yet now we see that FM09 which runs on most pc's out their is too pwerful then FM09?

Does anyone know how to set it so Arsenal choose Fabregas instead of Gallas as el capitan when I start a new game?? I know it's only a minor detail but I like the game to be as realistic as possible.
Does anyone know how to set it so Arsenal choose Fabregas instead of Gallas as el capitan when I start a new game?? I know it's only a minor detail but I like the game to be as realistic as possible.

Use the editor bundled with the game. Its pretty self explanatory. Youll have to start a new game though.

Sticking with 08 myself. Quite frankly this is crap.
Jonney, there are different reasons for that.

Fifa on next-gen platforms uses a very intense multi-core processing. AI is using a lot of power of next gen consoles. For PC, it's obvious they could code something running well on a very advanced piece of hardware, but the main stream of users wouldn't be able to handle it.

For fm09, I think it's not a case of raw power but the way the interface is designed and the way memory is used in a PC you could use 90% of the ram all the time, swapping with the hard disk and so, and performance is not a target. Consoles can't perform that way, it seems.

It's obvious EA COULD publish a Fifa 09 for PC being exactly like the one in consoles, but it's an investment thay wouldn't benefit from. On the other hand, fm09 COULD run in a console, but they should make a tailored version for next-gen, and I doubt they have the money to do so.

All in all, at the end they both "lie" but they both act logical to their interests and to the reality of the market.

That's in my opinion, of course.
Last three games I've played a 4-4-2 formation in, we've dominated the first half and gone 1-0 up, then we've fell apart in the second half and made ridiculous mistakes, making us lose 2-1. First game the keeper came out half the length of his half to clear a ball that the defenders had covered, second game my centre-back froze and let them smack the ball into the net, third game despite setting the defensive line to ULTRA DEFENSIVE they were standing on the half-way line like dickheads - one through-pass later and it's all over.

That's where I get fed up and I just think to myself, what can you do? You defend and you lose, you stay as you are and you lose, you attack and you lose, these players are at least as good as theirs so what the fuck is going on? Even if the results somehow qualify as realistic (and we're not that bad, we're mid-table), it doesn't make me want to play the game.

I switched to 4-5-1, in desperation, and drew 0-0 twice in a row. Thinking I was clever, I started with 4-4-2 in the first half and switched to 4-5-1 after the break. 1-0 to us in the first half, main striker scored and then missed five one-on-ones with the goalkeeper (didn't even get them on target, if he had then they would have all gone in, no question). Final score, 5-1 to them.

Losing interest...
Usually it's one click to the left, or if we're going for it I'll put it one click to the right. Any more than that and the assistant manager starts bleating about the defense and the midfield being too far apart and we can't have that can we...
That's why they're stood on the halfway line like dickheads then mate :LOL:.

Fuck the assistant manager, he ain't always right, and I'm guessing as you're Tranmere (no offence), that he definately ain't one of the best.
Like I said, I've put them on ZERO and they still do it, you can't tell them if they've got other things in mind - it was the same in FM08.
Yeah but if they're ULTRA DEFENSIVE, but the defensive line is normal, then it's probably gonna fuck em up?
im with tim here...
i dont listen to the ass.manager anymore, and im doing a lot better...
what i do is, if want to play defensiveness, counter attacks ill set my defesne line really low, like 4 or 5(10 is default, 20 is all the way to the right)

if i want to press and play more aggresive ill set it to 16-17 , offcourse i wont do that against teams that are better than me, cause they will just pass the ball around my pressure and will find lots of space to make killer runs all over the place...

now what i suggest u is just play simple low league style, set your defense back (5 or 6) give individual instructions to your Foward/s high ofensive mentaily, so they stay up there, and just play direct/long ball style...make sure ure close down is also low...about 8 or 9 so your players will wait the oposing team to place offensive before start pressuring, this will make them leave gaps in their defense. its like ure setting up a trap for them.
now , make sure u give one of your fowards(the stronger one) a hold up ball instruction and short he will act like shearer-bellamy attack...he will hold the ball and wait for the other striker and the wingers to join him and make runs...
that has worked really well for me when playing against teams that suposely better than my side, and specially when im playing with low league teams, cause usually i didnt have good techinic players to actually try a more passing , dribling i opted for the long conection style.
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Yeah but if they're ULTRA DEFENSIVE, but the defensive line is normal, then it's probably gonna fuck em up?
I said defensive line was set to ultra defensive, not their mentality... It was the same in FM08, so many complaints about it on their forums.
Are you using defensive line and DC mentality in tandem? They should be pretty equal.

not necessarly...
i use a high denfesive line(16 or 17), low defensive mentality(2 or 3) for DCs and also offside trap...

for the second season im having the second best EPL defense(playing as everton, i have baines, jagielka, yobo(or Sall) and neville at my d-line) also in my brazilian league i have the best defence of the first division.
So it works very well for me.

my idea is that i want my defensive line as a hole to push up, just to make my team compact, but i also want my DCs to have a very defensive aproach to the game, stay aways behind my midfielders leting them make the first combat and covering them(i dont use Man marking with defenders, thats suiced imo), never go foward, and try as much as possible to stay as the last man. i like to use offside trap specially cause this helps a lot keeping your defensive shapness since your defenders wont chace oposition attackers trying to make runs, surely this wont work agasint world class attackers such as torres or rooney, so i turn this off against them.

a key thing to make all of this work is to set their close down to very very low, like 2 or 3 other wise they will sometimes try to pressure the oposition MFs and than your defensive system will totally colapse.
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