Football Manager 2009

Yeah there is some dodgy results known again have to say.

But one thing i really like in 09 is the amount of regens and newgens that are created and some really cracking players coming through teams with good youth academy. Much more then FM08 my scouts are picking up few every few months 17-18 year old some of them have 20 on some stats already.

Not going to spoil names though as never know might get them but here some pics if want to have look.

Ryan Kemp first up Phelan had stiffy over this guy said most exciting player to come through youth setup in years.

Lucio Marchi let go from Ac Milan so snapped him up says has potential to be as good as Wayne Rooney.

James Law bought guy start of this season from Everton under 18's as can see very nice stats considering age potential to be as good as Ronaldo apparently.

Steven Osman another who come up through youth setup already called up to England U21 7 caps already potential to be next Foster.

Guillaume Morel signed from Sochaux Montbeliard looks good and potential to be as good as Fletcher.

Few more in team but thats enough to post for now.

Im addicted to looking for them im in 2011 on game only started really few seasons ago searching but some great talent. Best places look are Arsenal Everton etc Under 18's to Reserves click players screen and then click contract can see who hot prospects are. And watch out for scouts assignment reports or make them do searches in UK central europe etc some really cracking youth players to be had game produces alot now.
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I'm getting bored of the game. I smell the same cheap "cheats" as in other titles. The game is done in a way they try to balance the result.

The thing is, I've played 7 months with barcelona. I have more than 16 chances per game, and I'm lucky if I score 2 of them. I'm talking about very very clear chances, not simply shots from 30 yards. Eto'o particularly can hit a melon. He's scored 5 goals out of what... 100 chances? The way they have made your strikers totally stupid I can't understand. To top it all, my opposition (no matter what team is) simply scores about 50% of their chances. So at the end, even if I'm 1st, I don't feel the game is treating me fairly. And when I smell unfairness in a "simulation" game, the thing is over.

The last stab was watching my team loose 5 - 1 against Olympique even if I had 18 chances and they had... 10. A lot of shots straight to the top corners, too many 1-1s that they can score and my bloody strikers can't (even if their stats are really high. We're tlaking about Messi, Etoo, Henry...). Then I remember how this game "raises" difficulty when you play quarter finals of the Champions or when there is a "difficult" opponent, then your team is made of butter and if you try to play a little offesnive, you're dead. I don't mind getting some matches lost if I'm unlucky, but ALWAYS being less luckier than my opposition, that's uber crap.

At this time, I've checked my ratio of chances-scoring is below 10%. My opposition has an average of 4 shots agains me and 50% of them are goals. It's not a matter of tactics, but a matter of how the game is coded. I should be able to play offensively and score more goals because of it, and that way conceding wouldn't look so stupid (3 of my 3 draws have been in the 90th minute having my team created more than 15 chances and my opposition scoring in their 1st or 2nd shot in the game in the last minute).

I wouldn't mind drawing and losing lots of times if my team wasn't playing well, but when your ratio of chances against the opposition is an average of 16 - 4 to say something, you know your team is playing fabulously well. In fact, most of my wasted chances are really easy shots inside the area that they will miss fro some reason or got straight to the keeper.

Maybe this game must be played with lower teams to have some feel of real simulation. Anyone feeling that way with good teams?

I had a similar thing with Yakubu in last year's version...he couldn't hit a cow's arse with a banjo at a certain time...i kept on thinkering with the training and with his role in the team and he really got on fire for the second part of the season after new year...he ended top scorer....

So, what i'm trying to tell you: you obviously are doing something wrong. It's too easy to blame it on the game...try something...maybe you are training too hard or you have an unbalanced formation or whatever...just be a litle "humble" (sorry if that sounds offensive, it isn't meant that way) and acccpet that you obviously made mistakes...after all this also happens irl...just ask Jimmy Bullard, the premiership's player who shoots most on goal without scoring...
I had a similar thing with Yakubu in last year's version...he couldn't hit a cow's arse with a banjo at a certain time...i kept on thinkering with the training and with his role in the team and he really got on fire for the second part of the season after new year...he ended top scorer....

So, what i'm trying to tell you: you obviously are doing something wrong. It's too easy to blame it on the game...try something...maybe you are training too hard or you have an unbalanced formation or whatever...just be a litle "humble" (sorry if that sounds offensive, it isn't meant that way) and acccpet that you obviously made mistakes...after all this also happens irl...just ask Jimmy Bullard, the premiership's player who shoots most on goal without scoring...

yeh gerd i agree with u...
also, just like in real life players hit hot and cold streaks so maybe he is just cold atm...
I appreciate your comments, but the thing is he's superb on morale, he's totally fit, I've tried to train him more and less and tried to ask him not to finish with finesse and other options, and at the end, he's got 4 or 5 chances alone against the keeper, or inside the small are, and he misses or shoots to the keeper. There's nothing indicating a "cold streak" and it doesn't matter much if I put Henry instead of him, the striker always misses a lot of chances and my ratio of chances/goals, no matter what I do, is always the lowest on the league.

In real life you can have this scenario now and then, but having it in EVERY match... that smellls to cheating by the engine, really. Any other tip??
I appreciate your comments, but the thing is he's superb on morale, he's totally fit, I've tried to train him more and less and tried to ask him not to finish with finesse and other options, and at the end, he's got 4 or 5 chances alone against the keeper, or inside the small are, and he misses or shoots to the keeper. There's nothing indicating a "cold streak" and it doesn't matter much if I put Henry instead of him, the striker always misses a lot of chances and my ratio of chances/goals, no matter what I do, is always the lowest on the league.

In real life you can have this scenario now and then, but having it in EVERY match... that smellls to cheating by the engine, really. Any other tip??

i really dont know what to do than m8, only wait i would say , other than that the only thing i can say is that im yet to see these kind of cheats in this fm09 *knocks on the wood* ....
i hope my game keeps playing clean to me.
I had an 11-game unbeaten streak just now with Spurs, winning 7 games including at home to Liverpool & Chelsea. I've just played Sunderland who are 19th and missing their main 2 strikers.

I was 4-nil down by half time by their unstoppable force.
This game is really stupid sometimes - in an online game with some mates I was 5th in the Championship after 10-15 games, only losing one or two, winning most of them, then for seemingly no reason I never won one of the next 12 league games and they played like twats. During that 12 game run though, I beat Portsmouth on pens at Fratton Park in the Carling Cup with a good display.

Then I decided I had to shake up the tactics and formation - now I play 5-4-1 with long ball tactics/deep defending/counter attack away and 4-1-2-1-2 at home with shorter passing and have a record of WDWWDW in the last 5 games.

This game is so random sometimes, and the home advantage is way too exaggerated.

I'm Cardiff in the Championship by the way.
Yeah, it's always been like that when I've played FM, mentioned it in here earlier in the year. "Tactic cracking" has been denied by SI for years but it's blatant.

Like you say, you'll go 10-15 games without losing more than one or two, then you'll hit a patch where suddenly all of the highlights are of the opposition and you can barely score a goal. When you make a drastic change (like you have now, changing to 5-4-1) you'll be back on a good run for a while, then after 10-15 games you'll need to change formation again to "keep things fresh". Teams don't play a different formation that often in real life, and when they do they won't stick to it for 10-15 games. It's not realism.

It's way too predictable, and yet in the cup matches it turns around completely - you find yourself beating a team like Fulham or Everton, and then in the next league game you're getting smacked 5-0 by Scunthorpe.

Even now I'm at that point where I'm thinking I have to change formation to ever stand a chance of winning again. Really daft.
It really is daft, but I have to say that I never had the problem on FM 07 and it was nowhere near as bad on 08 (first time I noticed it).

I even got a couple of Premiership strikers and a decent midfielder on loan to see if that would bring back the goalscoring, but no, they played just as bad as the players I had (despite having superior attributes).

The game is supposed to be a realistic simulation, that is far from it.
The game is supposed to be a realistic simulation, that is far from it.

Before i start my argument, let(s be fair and say that i'm still playing the demo §i will have the full game as a Christmas gift from my kids). So maybe i should not discuss this.
but Rob and Chris, you are playing with Cardiff and Tranmere...with all respect, those teams are hardly world beater, so what do you do as a manager irl: you adapt your tactic to an opponent.

I haven't got the CM/FM experience of you guys (certainly not Chris who has played this game much more than i...) but last year i was quite successfull with Everton and that was because i constantly tinkered with my tactics... i changed formations quite a lot...and i think that is what you do irl unless you are the manager of an absolute world class team (and even then...).

I'm not judging FM09 since i'm stil playing the demo (and i'm mightily annoyed by the injuries), so maybe the game is a disappointment...but do not agree with Rob when he's calling what he describes as irrealistic.

Rant over and sorry...
Tranmere have used three different formations over the last two seasons, and even then they will only use their "alternate" formations for a couple of games a season (for example, when playing the top three/bottom three). They don't stick to 4-4-2 for 15 games, then 4-3-3 for 15 games, then 4-5-1 for 15 games, which is what you (well I) have to do in FM.

You say you have to change formation depending on your opponent but I would disagree that this is neccessary - look at all of the football books and magazines that have that debate. If you've got the best 11 (and I have compared to the majority of sides) you should win the game, the majority of the time. As Rob said, he's brought in some good/great players and they play just as poorly as the ones he already has. I have this all the time, I'm experiencing it now, I've brought in [name censored for those who don't want to know] on loan, he has far better stats than all of my strikers put together, yet after a season he's scored one or two tap-ins and missed the easiest opportunities you've ever seen. The worst striker I have scores every 3-4 games if you play him, [name censored again] is scoring on average once every 15 games.

I think SI deserve a lot of credit but at the same time I can't defend them on the above because it's happened to me for as long as I can remember playing CM/FM, and I've read all advice on the situation every year to try and make the game more enjoyable and less frustrating. I've never managed it.

Censored name was Beattie
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Before i start my argument, let(s be fair and say that i'm still playing the demo §i will have the full game as a Christmas gift from my kids). So maybe i should not discuss this.
but Rob and Chris, you are playing with Cardiff and Tranmere...with all respect, those teams are hardly world beater, so what do you do as a manager irl: you adapt your tactic to an opponent.

I haven't got the CM/FM experience of you guys (certainly not Chris who has played this game much more than i...) but last year i was quite successfull with Everton and that was because i constantly tinkered with my tactics... i changed formations quite a lot...and i think that is what you do irl unless you are the manager of an absolute world class team (and even then...).

I'm not judging FM09 since i'm stil playing the demo (and i'm mightily annoyed by the injuries), so maybe the game is a disappointment...but do not agree with Rob when he's calling what he describes as irrealistic.

Rant over and sorry...
It is unrealistic - I go to the majority of home games at the Ricoh, and we don't have to change system every few weeks because teams adapt to/suss out our tactics, it just doesn't happen.
You shouldn't have to change every game to counter the opposition every game, you should be able to boss the game and play your own football if you have the better players (and Cardiff have one of the best squads in the Championship)

If we're on a good run, we don't suddenly go really crap even though we are using the same players and the same formation/tactics, forcing the manager to completely rethink his gameplan/team selection.

I always look at my team, and set up my tactics to play to their strengths. Why should I have to play a style/formation which doesn't suit the team just because the game has decided to make what your team is supposed to be good at really crap.

I don't like losing, but if I do then I want it to be for football reasons, not AI bullshit reasons because the game decides you're overachieving or something...
I agree with you, rob, and my rant some posts above shows the "cheats" in true form.

Yesterday I tried to play the same match 10 times. By the way, I play Barcelona (I know it's a good team and I was planning on playing a lesser team, but always at the start of the game I want to play my beloved club and sack the players I don't like, like Bojan or Martín Cáceres).

So, I have a big team and my players play fabulous, averaging 16 chances per game and my opposition averages 3. Most of my chances are CLEAR ones, and some are long range efforts (I've got Touré and Keita with good long shots). Normally, my strikers act like dumb and seem unable to score, so my average result is winning by only 1 goal. So, the engine is lowering my goal scoring in order to balance things. And I hate it, because it's not a matter of being realistic or not, but a matter of fairness. And this game is as fair as was PES making your passing crap when needed.

In the domestic league (I've completed 2 leagues) I've found that this "balancing" is quite strong towards the end and I face serious problems winning the 19th team even if my number of chances is more or less the same. And all this without changing formation / style of play.
The away matches are harder no matter what you do or how you play.

Now, the big problem is in the big cups. So, in the Champions League I had really ridiculous things happening. I was Barcelona against Juventus. I played this round 6 times (12 matches) in order to see the trend. And what a trend. No matter what I did, at the end Juventus was almost always qualifying, my team had at least 1 red card (even if I changed my tackling settings and other parameters), at least 2 injuried, and eveytime I scored away, Juventus drawed in less than 10 minutes (that happened EVERY TIME). Overall, my strikers couldn't score even sitters, while Juventus would score in 70% of the shots.

And finally, no matter the competition, eveytime the match reaches the 80th minute, the team that is losing WILL HAVE a chance to draw. A clear one. Being my team almost unable to score twice in a match, that happens so many times. I reach the 80th minute and my opposition (that most of the times had not shot in all the match) will have 2 clear chances, even if I had 70% of possession, no matter what. Now you can say it's "realistic" because a losing team may attack more in the last ten minutes, but that doesn't mean they WILL HAVE chances. I find it very annoying, because my team shot 17 times and at the last minute I risk losing it all. And that happens too many times so it gets annoying, not "realistic".

Overall, it's an unbearable experience for me right now and makes what could be a very good game into something I don't want to play.

Granted, I could take a lesser team and I would found it more realistic and wouldn't notice so much this things. But I know these balancing things are there. I don't care what the developers say, the cheats ARE IN (now I remember when people said there were no cheats in PES... what a laugh).
I appreciate your comments, but the thing is he's superb on morale, he's totally fit, I've tried to train him more and less and tried to ask him not to finish with finesse and other options, and at the end, he's got 4 or 5 chances alone against the keeper, or inside the small are, and he misses or shoots to the keeper. There's nothing indicating a "cold streak" and it doesn't matter much if I put Henry instead of him, the striker always misses a lot of chances and my ratio of chances/goals, no matter what I do, is always the lowest on the league.

In real life you can have this scenario now and then, but having it in EVERY match... that smellls to cheating by the engine, really. Any other tip??

Step back now, you're the manager...Bench him and bring another striker in, why keep playing him if he doesn't do what you as a manager wants him to do? Grow some balls, bring someone else in, if who you bring in doesn't produce a bulge in the onion bag after 3 or 4 games bring your now pissed off former striker who's been knocked down a peg or 2 back in to the foray and watch him try to prove his worth to you.
Step back now, you're the manager...Bench him and bring another striker in, why keep playing him if he doesn't do what you as a manager wants him to do? Grow some balls, bring someone else in, if who you bring in doesn't produce a bulge in the onion bag after 3 or 4 games bring your now pissed off former striker who's been knocked down a peg or 2 back in to the foray and watch him try to prove his worth to you.

You're absolutely right and I also thought about the idea, but the negative part is that I had also tried the "bench" weapon and despite it, my ratio of chances / goals is always very poor. I've tried playing Henry, Bojan, Eto'o and Messi up there, with not solid differences in the relationship of chances/goals. I signed a header-beast to try a different approach, then the difference is he was missing headers, not shots. And that's all.

That doesn't mean I don't win, but most of the matches end up 1-0 or 2-1 with my team having more than 15 chances, and it was annoying me. Now I decided to stop playing it, because there is no practical reason and no way to change this as I see it. Any comments are appreciated, really.
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Exactly, all you can do in the manager game is set up the tactics to get the best out of your team, and sign players with suitable attributes to what you want them to do.

You can't get your striker who has 16+ finishing to stop fucking up easy chances, you can't stop your player taking pointless shots at goal even though he has <10 long shots (even with the long shot slider all the way down), you can't stop your target man with 16+ heading to stop heading every chance wide or over. It has absolutely nothing to do with tactics/sliders.

Benching players doesn't make them come back better to prove their worth, the AI isn't that good, they either get unhappy/unsettled and want to leave or just play the exact same when they come back.

Almost every goal in the match engine is coming from a defender just standing still and watching the ball go past, a shot the keeper should have saved or a flukey goal direct from a cross. There are some which look realistic but they are few and far between.
The defender standing still thing is just an animation though isn't it?

I agree the game is frustrating at times but think about it.. it's just a game, it's not real. In real life there are hundreds, probably thousands of minute factors that will affect the result of the match, most of which are impossible to take into account in a game. I don't know what exactly SI's formula is when it plays the games or how random the results are etc but I can't imagine it's very easy for them to do without having these obvious flaws in.

I probably haven't explained my point very well as usual but I hope you can see what I'm saying!
Yeah I see what you're saying, maybe i'm being a but too harsh on the game, it's just that when these problems weren't on previous versions then it's just frustrating.
Yeah, I completely agree the game seems to get more frustrating every year but I just think, the more complex and deep they make it, the harder it is to keep it realistic.

Another point actually, just an example, when Ramos took over at Spurs and won the Leauge Cup and then signed some good players during the summer, they still played really badly and he got the sack. Now if that was you on FM you'd be fuming that the game was fixed and that with such a good team you shouldn't lose nearly all your games at the start of the season! But that's what happened in real life and very few people would have predicted that so maybe to an extent the game is realistic.
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the weakness of the 3d match engine is you can now see what was basically a trusted system of words before, inherently its the same match engine as always, the words are still the same, theyve just made it move... complaining about animations for example, is not something you would do if you played without them, you'd just accept the goal as a goal..
the weakness of the 3d match engine is you can now see what was basically a trusted system of words before, inherently its the same match engine as always, the words are still the same, theyve just made it move... complaining about animations for example, is not something you would do if you played without them, you'd just accept the goal as a goal..
Yeah, only now that they've tried to accomodate for the two, things will happen that wouldn't happen before, such as (and this one is really doing my tits in now) defenders stopping dead with the ball for 3-5 seconds and letting the opposition come in to smack the ball home. Had that three times in three matches, twice it was the same player so I swapped him out and the next game it was someone else. My point being, whether you watched that in 2D or 3D, it would be just as inconceivable.

To be totally honest though I'd rather that they "took the risk" and moved to 3D than kept it how it was, now that you can see what's going on it will only get better as time goes by.
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