FIFA 23 Discussion Thread (Console Versions)

I have scored and conceded quite a few goals now, where the whole defense takes several step back inside the box, while an attackers has the ball and can shoot free of any pressure. They sometime go behind the goalkeaper like on the first video (visible on the replay at 0:45)

Also on the second video, the attitude of Modeste before getting the ball (brain dead) and that silly drag-back just before taking the shot are really soul less.

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Seriously whoever came up with the pitch wear idea needs to lose their job. I'm playing at the Emirates in March and it's like a Sunday league pitch in winter.
It's so thick, the last day of the season on career mode and the pitches are awful.
I could just about understand it if they got worse around winter, but to make them get progressively worse throughout the season is beyond thick.
Please....why not just give us the option to turn it on or off.

Edit - not to mention the fact if you have a cup game your pitch is magically fine!
I have scored and conceded quite a few goals now, where the whole defense takes several step back inside the box, while an attackers has the ball and can shoot free of any pressure. They sometime go behind the goalkeaper like on the first video (visible on the replay at 0:45)

Also on the second video, the attitude of Modeste before getting the ball (brain dead) and that silly drag-back just before taking the shot are really soul less.

He back-peddled so much, he became the second goalkeeper.
I have scored and conceded quite a few goals now, where the whole defense takes several step back inside the box, while an attackers has the ball and can shoot free of any pressure. They sometime go behind the goalkeaper like on the first video (visible on the replay at 0:45)

Also on the second video, the attitude of Modeste before getting the ball (brain dead) and that silly drag-back just before taking the shot are really soul less.

There's a file in the gameplay files where you can adjust this.... but the problem is, just like most of the issues with this game - it's not dependent on the ball, the position or the danger, it's simply got to do with the yards from goal.

The 'zonal defence' is just that, it's based around areas and not context (ie, modern PES). This is the programming that we're dealing with. You might fix one aspect for one particular problem, but then you will have an infinite number of other issues that present themselves within a game because there's no real logic.
Seriously whoever came up with the pitch wear idea needs to lose their job. I'm playing at the Emirates in March and it's like a Sunday league pitch in winter.
It's so thick, the last day of the season on career mode and the pitches are awful.
I could just about understand it if they got worse around winter, but to make them get progressively worse throughout the season is beyond thick.
Please....why not just give us the option to turn it on or off.

Edit - not to mention the fact if you have a cup game your pitch is magically fine!

I must admit I love it like it is! Green grass everywhere is boring ;)
I must admit I love it like it is! Green grass everywhere is boring ;)

That's fine you love it like it is, but it's not realistic. That's why they should give us the option to turn it on or off. That way we are all happy and it's a really simple solution.
Of course they do.
Its not developers who were shouting that AI is helping too much and that there should be less and less AI support year after year.
Its not developers who came up with 1v1 "skill gap" shite.
Its eSport and FUT players who bullied them into it.
The skill gap argument is literally the cringiest argument I’ve heard from FUT players. At this rate EA is going to have to introduce wanking into the game to “widen the skill gap”. Imagine the conversation:
Average person: wanking has got to do nothing with football why is it in the game?
FUT player: maybe it is not if you don’t like wanking go play offline matches. But online if you remove wanking from the game everyone is just going to be the same it is meant to be competitive
What a bizarre post.
Yeahhhhh I thought the same thing...

I think I agree with the core point (that FUT players demand that the gameplay is manipulated in ways that are a million miles from football, for the sake of making it a 1v1 eSport experience) but... Very, very strangely put...
Yeahhhhh I thought the same thing...

I think I agree with the core point (that FUT players demand that the gameplay is manipulated in ways that are a million miles from football, for the sake of making it a 1v1 eSport experience) but... Very, very strangely put...
…remember that voice recognition video you once posted!? 😉

so the tech was ready years ago…!
Had a game tonight. One was plenty.

Why haven't they taken out the "AI randomly jumps off the ground and breaks your leg from behind" code yet? Whatever you think about the gameplay, surely we can all agree this is absolutely stupid:


Two red cards for the AI within 15 minutes. But the worst thing by far? I promise you, it made no difference to the gameplay. The AI's accuracy and possession stats didn't dip, and my ability to penetrate them was unchanged.

I dare say you could make do with two in defence, midfield and attack (one marked by the 1v1 assigned player, the other free as a bird). I'm deadly serious.

Why's that? Because the opposition players will never block a pass or position themselves to do so (only marking the ball carrier). So, what difference does it make if you've got three unmarked pass targets or one? The answer: there is no difference.

But I played on. Desperate to find something positive.

Then, a ball that was hit for a player 30 yards away was controlled by my defender from point-blank range:

For this to happen, ball physics just don't matter. It's like the ball is made of metal, and all the boots are magnetic - which is honestly about a three-console-generations leap backwards, in terms of the dumbification of physics.

Not only that, but the defender would need the abilities of a ninja (and be able to see through time) to stop it dead.

Why have the physics been downgraded so much? Cos if you make an interception, you MUST keep the ball, baby! Or it's unfair! It's nasty! You did a good thing and must be rewarded! These are the rules of eSport! This is the future!

And as if to further prove this, then this happened:

How obvious is it that the game now "has a conclusion and then works backwards", rather than objects interacting with each other in real-time? Again, this just says to me that the code has taken a huge leap backwards in simplicity for the sake of eSports players.

It has been decided that the ball must go somewhere, and that the player must warp around it. If a "goal" has been decided, your player will kick through their own standing leg to ensure they hit it. They pressed shoot, it must be a goal, they must be rewarded. Otherwise, it's injustice.

It's just so hard to swallow, that the game is actively regressing in complexity in every way - AI (see @papinho81's post above), physics, you name it.

It feels like the eFootball method - simplifying everything so that it can be ported to a hundred devices... and yet it's not being ported. It's being dumbed down for no reason.
Had a game tonight. One was plenty.

Why haven't they taken out the "AI randomly jumps off the ground and breaks your leg from behind" code yet? Whatever you think about the gameplay, surely we can all agree this is absolutely stupid:


Two red cards for the AI within 15 minutes. But the worst thing by far? I promise you, it made no difference to the gameplay. The AI's accuracy and possession stats didn't dip, and my ability to penetrate them was unchanged.

I dare say you could make do with two in defence, midfield and attack (one marked by the 1v1 assigned player, the other free as a bird). I'm deadly serious.

Why's that? Because the opposition players will never block a pass or position themselves to do so (only marking the ball carrier). So, what difference does it make if you've got three unmarked pass targets or one? The answer: there is no difference.

But I played on. Desperate to find something positive.

Then, a ball that was hit for a player 30 yards away was controlled by my defender from point-blank range:

For this to happen, ball physics just don't matter. It's like the ball is made of metal, and all the boots are magnetic - which is honestly about a three-console-generations leap backwards, in terms of the dumbification of physics.

Not only that, but the defender would need the abilities of a ninja (and be able to see through time) to stop it dead.

Why have the physics been downgraded so much? Cos if you make an interception, you MUST keep the ball, baby! Or it's unfair! It's nasty! You did a good thing and must be rewarded! These are the rules of eSport! This is the future!

And as if to further prove this, then this happened:

How obvious is it that the game now "has a conclusion and then works backwards", rather than objects interacting with each other in real-time? Again, this just says to me that the code has taken a huge leap backwards in simplicity for the sake of eSports players.

It has been decided that the ball must go somewhere, and that the player must warp around it. If a "goal" has been decided, your player will kick through their own standing leg to ensure they hit it. They pressed shoot, it must be a goal, they must be rewarded. Otherwise, it's injustice.

It's just so hard to swallow, that the game is actively regressing in complexity in every way - AI (see @papinho81's post above), physics, you name it.

It feels like the eFootball method - simplifying everything so that it can be ported to a hundred devices... and yet it's not being ported. It's being dumbed down for no reason.
Hi Chris, I had the same expiriences this week you discribed about the gameplay.

One match against a middle Bundesliga team I was playing with Dortmund. The opponent had two red cards nothing changed by his manager the same pressure against me.
Won this match after a throw in near opponents box and made a goal because of stupid GK AI.

But I'm not sure. I would think these crazy gameplay is not from the release. More than at a timeframe from some weeks ~.

And the endless bugs in the CM. It is redicueles annoiying what €A every year is not doing.

I could spell around in all 10 corners if I had more than 4 in my appartment.

EDIT: It happened again the hypermotion is gone.
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Man alive, the physics/skating...

I know the entirely good intentions behind Hypermotion, i.e. not being limited to a set of animations and allowing more realistic dribbling etc...

But seriously... Just cancel it. It's nowhere near fit for purpose. It's nowhere near ready.

A stiff game with less responsiveness would be 100x better than this (I've just spat my coffee out laughing as I saw the AI do this):

EDIT: Uploaded that video, carried on and less than a minute later...

Goalkeeper changes direction mid-air.

I'm sorry but honestly, this is shameful. This didn't happen on much older hardware. Whatever Hypermotion is adding, it's breaking a lot more.

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To give credit where credit's due, I was genuinely impressed with this little moment (the goalkeeper behaving very realistically) - but I put this down to the change in keepers' vision (and adding a delay in their potential response time to what they see) rather than Hypermotion:

Man alive, the physics/skating...

I know the entirely good intentions behind Hypermotion, i.e. not being limited to a set of animations and allowing more realistic dribbling etc...

But seriously... Just cancel it. It's nowhere near fit for purpose. It's nowhere near ready.

A stiff game with less responsiveness would be 100x better than this (I've just spat my coffee out laughing as I saw the AI do this):

EDIT: Uploaded that video, carried on and less than a minute later...

Goalkeeper changes direction mid-air.

I'm sorry but honestly, this is shameful. This didn't happen on much older hardware. Whatever Hypermotion is adding, it's breaking a lot more.

Wow the skating on the second video🤪
Yeah, Hypermotion has been pretty poor overall. Especially as you adjust values that just can't sync, or have enough time to sync up. Hypermotion has too many moving parts, and in the typical fashion of EA, it's feature-heavy but as @papinho81 illustrates: soulless. It looks great for screenshot purposes, and maybe YouTubers can use these in their thumbnails, but in terms of actually in motion, it suffers greatly - ironic as that sounds. The desperate attempts for animations to sync up are just that type of a game that's designed for online first.

The reason we see clipping is because it's the end result that matters to the online user, while we're here as offline players jumping into the slow-motion film room and wondering how this game made it past the testers. As a software tester in my day job, I'd say they probably aren't even allowed to discover bugs but just stick to the dev notes and acceptance criteria. If they are any bit of an agile-based crew, those release windows are probably less than 2 weeks at a time, so bugs just get pushed back or clipping like that is not considered severe enough.
That's fine you love it like it is, but it's not realistic. That's why they should give us the option to turn it on or off. That way we are all happy and it's a really simple solution.
You can turn it to 0 and you can up the colour of green on the pitch.
You can turn it to 0 and you can up the colour of green on the pitch.

Not in career mode as far as I'm aware. That's just in general settings and it doesn't take effect in career. Totally kills the authenticity of everything when every pitch is a mud bath in the prem. Horrendous.
am not sure if they had the time wth the World cup DLC to fix what is broken with the gameplay
but I am pretty sure they will release about 20 minimum updates about this game
defense is completely broken
am not sure if they had the time wth the World cup DLC to fix what is broken with the gameplay
but I am pretty sure they will release about 20 minimum updates about this game
defense is completely broken

They won't fix the defence, the game is broken on purpose as it is what the online community want.
Defending is all about 1v1 and because of this it won't be fixed and will only get worse going forward.
@Chris Davies aww man your videos had be sniggering in the office, thankfully no one asked what at, as if I tried to articulate what was so funny and why it's a bad thing, they'd look at me like I believe in Alien conspiracy theories and that I'd need to get laid more often.

Honestly, the problem is that this is tolerated world wide, by enough people and no one sees what the fuss is about, that's why it's still there and never gets adressed, because there's not enough outcry and people can still score goals, so who cares.

But you're right, we're back to tethered and pre determined scenarios too give the illusion of being organic and like it happened for a physical and gravitational reason, but no. The sequence must play out no matter the contrary.
I'm sorry but honestly, this is shameful. This didn't happen on much older hardware. Whatever Hypermotion is adding, it's breaking a lot more.
Yeah, I think you're right. A lot of things are wrong in that video, plain wrong.
Starting from the skating (because, you know, when a "shoot" command is given the character must shoot immediately even if it means disrupting any animation already in progress, otherwise it wouldn't be fair and the typical online player would immediately complain that "EAids are helping my opponent!!!1!!1!11!!1!") to the keeper's reaction...

You know what, though? A handful of friends of mine have the game (PC/PS5) and insist on saying that it's a Hell of a game and that I'm a fool for not willing to buy it. One of them even said "it's the most FIFA 16-ish game I can remember since FIFA 16 itself" even if from what I've seen it's night and day with that (at least in terms of how football is portrayed).
Not in career mode as far as I'm aware. That's just in general settings and it doesn't take effect in career. Totally kills the authenticity of everything when every pitch is a mud bath in the prem. Horrendous.
It does actually, once you set it, it will be like it in every game even online seasons. Try it. I cracked on year after year to get pitch wear, just like mud on kits, way back as far as 08, so I enjoy it, pal.
It does actually, once you set it, it will be like it in every game even online seasons. Try it. I cracked on year after year to get pitch wear, just like mud on kits, way back as far as 08, so I enjoy it, pal.

I will try it thanks. I'm all for a bit of pitch wear, just in context. It kills all immersion playing on a pitch with hardly any grass on it in May, simple as that!

The latest Title Update will soon be available for the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PC, Stadia, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One versions of FIFA 23, and it will include the changes below.

General, Audio, and Visual

Made the following changes:
  • Added the FIFA World Cup 2022™ experience.
    • To learn more about the FIFA World Cup 2022™ experience, check out our Pitch Notes.
  • Removed the previously existing Brazil team from Kick Off, Tournaments, Online Friendlies, and Online Seasons.
    • The Brazil national team, featuring players competing in the upcoming FIFA World Cup 2022™, can be used in the FIFA World Cup 2022™ experience.
  • Updated some commentary lines and celebrations.

Addressed the following issues:
  • In some cases, Training Center Focus Areas did not update to take into account the selected Controller Settings preset.
  • Addressed multiple stability issues that could occur.

Thanks to those who’ve provided feedback. Throughout the course of the FIFA 23 season, we'll provide you with more information and updates if and when they become available. Be sure to follow @EAFIFADIRECT on Twitter and the EASF Tracker for the latest updates.

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