FIFA 23 Discussion Thread (Console Versions)

I'm still enjoying the game tbh. My only major gripe, is some women's team are broken and sliders seem not to affect them. I did Norway v China, 10-0 Norway. I did Chelsea v Everton, a little better, but still 10-1 Chelsea after 40 shots from them. Really OP teams that are broken, and until fixed (if), I may keep away from women's matches for the time being, unless a) I'm the strong team & b) it's 2 low level teams (I'm sure I did 2 minor French teams once, and it was ok)
what about a womens team v mans team ? AI v AI - that would be interesting
All the AI do is whack the ball in the top corner no matter what, you never see them with a nice finish in to the bottom corner. Everything is for a visual dopamine hit even if it's against you.

On FUMA you used to be able to steer clear of all the crap and still try and play a nice game of football, but now I feel like if I don't get on board with all the street fighter button combo tricks then there's no point. You can't just beat a man now with a simple side step.

It genuinely feels like an NHL game at times, and the amount of times the AI block passes like the ball is magnetised to them, it's infuriating.

I read the other day someone wrote about how the engine is designed for mini 4 v 4 battles all over the pitch and it really feels that way. Just so static unless you engage in the button mashing.

I admire all the work Matt and the testers do to try and get us a decent game, and it definitely plays better, but my God it really is a horrendous representation of football.
All the AI do is whack the ball in the top corner no matter what, you never see them with a nice finish in to the bottom corner. Everything is for a visual dopamine hit even if it's against you.

On FUMA you used to be able to steer clear of all the crap and still try and play a nice game of football, but now I feel like if I don't get on board with all the street fighter button combo tricks then there's no point. You can't just beat a man now with a simple side step.

It genuinely feels like an NHL game at times, and the amount of times the AI block passes like the ball is magnetised to them, it's infuriating.

I read the other day someone wrote about how the engine is designed for mini 4 v 4 battles all over the pitch and it really feels that way. Just so static unless you engage in the button mashing.

I admire all the work Matt and the testers do to try and get us a decent game, and it definitely plays better, but my God it really is a horrendous representation of football.
I am playing on pc mate and not seeing top corner goals all the time either mate I get a good variety of goals in all honestly
I am playing on pc mate and not seeing top corner goals all the time either mate I get a good variety of goals in all honestly

When they are one on one they always smash it top corner, it's been that way for years.

I'm angry about this game today. This is a company who treat the offline player with contempt. They can't add an option to turn pitch wear off in career mode, can't code in any fouls and put in red card lunges as they can't be arsed to figure it out.

Yet they can implement options like turning off negative commentary for this generation of youngsters who, quite frankly, we are failing implementing shit like that. Absolute disgrace.
Next gen and I can't see any hints of rain unless I'm taking a corner or a goal kick, the weather in general is crap. No fog or anything like that. No atmosphere in general. Not to mention the time of day issue, how long ago did PES manage to implement that? Magically manages to stay sunset for 2 hours
Omg I download the trial for fifa 23 old gen (xbox one) and gameplay is better than nextgen.
Game have balance and no skating.
I forgot that as a Gamepass user Im kindly entitled to the trial.

So here goes, from the guy who is completely indifferent towards F23.

(I played with slightly tweaked @saturator sliders, world class/professional, full manual.)

Its not the worst Fifa we ever had. Its not.
That statement is too harsh IMO. People are looking for different things in football games and for me, personally, F19/F20/F21 were worse than this.
Its basically refreshed F22, with a tiny bit slower pace and weirder ball physics. But its not the worst Fifa ever.

The good:

- Comparing to F22 it feels like AI is slightly more aggressive. I couldnt walk across entire pitch with a defender, so there's that. Unfortunately its still down to the one controlled AI player, as opposed to team pressure.

- New set pieces are cool and intuitive. Me likey R stick spin. Comparing to the old weirdness where you had to move a stick like some Hogwarts magic wand - big step forward.

- It feels less skatey and a bit more grounded, which is big.

- Nets

The Bad:

- I honestly dont know what's this Hypermotion is about. It must be some marketing slogan, coz I really cant see any difference between Hypermotion 2, Hypermotion 1 and No-Hypermotion.
Unless Hypermotion2 translates into this less skatey feeling. In that case - yay!

- Ball physics in F22 was much better. Long balls and curved crosses were savage. Ball had a nice spin to it. I dont know why they felt they needed to mess with it. Now the ball just feels unnatural and weird.

- Strict referees? From 5 matches I played it looks like they were only strict towards me. On few occasions I was cut down like a christmas tree and he didnt even whistle.

- But the absolute worst for me is that this game is simply... unexciting.
I had no satisfaction from a goal, or a well executed play. It just feels dull.
Like a turn based game. AI player makes some moves, I intercept, now I make some moves and so on. It doesnt feel organic, it doesnt feel fluid, its just a dull experience.
And its all down to AI thats just inactive, predictable and boring.

Sad to say I actually had more fun and satisfaction with this mutant that Konami has spawned...
I forgot that as a Gamepass user Im kindly entitled to the trial.

So here goes, from the guy who is completely indifferent towards F23.

(I played with slightly tweaked @saturator sliders, world class/professional, full manual.)

Its not the worst Fifa we ever had. Its not.
That statement is too harsh IMO. People are looking for different things in football games and for me, personally, F19/F20/F21 were worse than this.
Its basically refreshed F22, with a tiny bit slower pace and weirder ball physics. But its not the worst Fifa ever.

The good:

- Comparing to F22 it feels like AI is slightly more aggressive. I couldnt walk across entire pitch with a defender, so there's that. Unfortunately its still down to the one controlled AI player, as opposed to team pressure.

- New set pieces are cool and intuitive. Me likey R stick spin. Comparing to the old weirdness where you had to move a stick like some Hogwarts magic wand - big step forward.

- It feels less skatey and a bit more grounded, which is big.

- Nets

The Bad:

- I honestly dont know what's this Hypermotion is about. It must be some marketing slogan, coz I really cant see any difference between Hypermotion 2, Hypermotion 1 and No-Hypermotion.
Unless Hypermotion2 translates into this less skatey feeling. In that case - yay!

- Ball physics in F22 was much better. Long balls and curved crosses were savage. Ball had a nice spin to it. I dont know why they felt they needed to mess with it. Now the ball just feels unnatural and weird.

- Strict referees? From 5 matches I played it looks like they were only strict towards me. On few occasions I was cut down like a christmas tree and he didnt even whistle.

- But the absolute worst for me is that this game is simply... unexciting.
I had no satisfaction from a goal, or a well executed play. It just feels dull.
Like a turn based game. AI player makes some moves, I intercept, now I make some moves and so on. It doesnt feel organic, it doesnt feel fluid, its just a dull experience.
And its all down to AI thats just inactive, predictable and boring.

Sad to say I actually had more fun and satisfaction with this mutant that Konami has spawned...
Did you try the game without slider sets?!

Reg. hypermotion: watch a fifa 23 match on switch for example, you’ll see the difference.
i can not unsee this. 🤷‍♂️😊

With the sliders I’m currently using, I really like the low shot count on both sides (around 10-15 per match) and the realistic/low scores I’m getting! To score a goal feels rewarding to me.
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Reg. hypermotion: watch a fifa 23 match on switch for example, you’ll see the difference.
This is the saddest thing. IMO, it only makes the game worse. Without it, there's no freakish animation speed ups/downs and limbs kicking through limbs. The thing that's supposed to make the game more realistic, makes it infinitely less realistic. IMO.

I would much rather have a small set of repetitive animations than a machine-learning-based system where, literally constantly, at any point on the field, someone will be doing the physically impossible (whether that's simply skating, or an animation playing in 2x speed to ensure it finishes in time to receive the ball, or bending limbs the wrong way, or limbs ghosting through each other, or an infinite number of physically impossible things).
This is the saddest thing. IMO, it only makes the game worse. Without it, there's no freakish animation speed ups/downs and limbs kicking through limbs. The thing that's supposed to make the game more realistic, makes it infinitely less realistic. IMO.
Could be me, but I’m trying not to mix topics here.
he said, he did not notice HM! I wasn’t talking how well it was implemented!

In short: older games animations look more wooden to me, compared to the HM ones! Show me 2 clips and i will tell you wich one is “enhanced„ by HM!
In short: older games animations look more wooden to me, compared to the HM ones! Show me 2 clips and i will tell you wich one is “enhanced„ by HM!
Exactly, because one will be wooden, and the other will be alien (with the primary goal of instant responsiveness in situations where you couldn't, as a human being, instantly respond). I have absolutely no interest in playing as shapeshifting aliens, but the online guys insist on it.

If it was just every now and then that something crazy happened, I wouldn't be too disheartened. But you can truly watch a few seconds of any clip and see a player "warp" from one animation to another in a heartbeat etc., like physics aren't even a part of the game. But scarily, I really don't think they are (certainly not as much as they were in the past).

Last time I played, I saw this affecting ball physics for the first time. The ball was "sucked" to the ground at record speed, in order for my attacking player to be able to knock the ball around a defender (as opposed to the defender being able to charge into the ball as it was in the air). That for me is a hard "no" - and like I say, I can't watch any clip (even the best clips around) without seeing so many things that make me feel ill. That's why, IMO, it's without exaggeration the worst FIFA of all-time.
Did you try the game without slider sets?!
I did not, because I couldn't play any Fifa without sliders. I didnt want to waste time and start of the negative experience. Even F16, which I adore, I had to tweak it coz it was way too fast..
If I saw 22 Sonic the Hedgehogs I would have turned it off instantly...

With the sliders I’m currently using, I really like the low shot count on both sides (around 10-15 per match) and the realistic/low scores I’m getting! To score a goal feels rewarding to me.
I didnt have crazy scorelines, or many shots. That wasnt the issue. It just felt like goal scoring opportunities were coming too easy. I could easily exploit inactive and uninterested AI if I wanted to.
Quick dash down the wing, few small dribbling moves, one long pass behind the defense - it just felt unrewarding. And when I was putting the difficulty up - it wasnt really affecting AI defensively, just offensively, making the game completely unbalanced since I was on FUMA.
Last time I played, I saw this affecting ball physics for the first time. The ball was "sucked" to the ground at record speed, in order for my attacking player to be able to knock the ball around a defender
Is it Hypermotion or is it fucked up ball physics in F23 tho?
I havent seen players skating, glitching and twitching, probably coz I had Slow Game Speed, very slow dribbling and all other ways where I could ground the bastards a little bit more...
Yet the ball still acted like a Lunatic.
At some point I wanted to flick a ball behind me and start running and the ball just shoot out like ping pong.
Another time I was throwing it with a goalie and it went like a bullet.
Im not convinced that Hypermotion and ball physics is a related issue.. but I dont know to be honest..
Im not convinced that Hypermotion and ball physics is a related issue.. but I dont know to be honest..
Whether it's *techincally* linked to Hypermotion or not, it's linked in the fact that they're both done to achieve the same thing... Instant responsiveness at the cost of all realism, i.e. the ball travelling at physically impossible speeds so that every pass gets to its target, no matter how stupid your decision was as a user... e.g. there is zero punishment for trying to hit an 80 yard pass with a player whose passing ability is 0. Because it'd be "boring" if you had to think about what you were doing.

It's "glitchy" now because the rules of physics that used to apply in older FIFAs are being torn down year after year. This is why it's the worst of all-time for me, because this is a new low, and if you chart what's happened to the gameplay since 21, you can see their end-goal is a physics-less cartoon game for insta-fun silliness.

Look at the headers that can practically travel the whole length of the pitch with absolutely no momentum on the ball as it approaches the player heading the ball).
Exactly, because one will be wooden, and the other will be alien (with the primary goal of instant responsiveness in situations where you couldn't, as a human being, instantly respond). I have absolutely no interest in playing as shapeshifting aliens, but the online guys insist on it.

If it was just every now and then that something crazy happened, I wouldn't be too disheartened. But you can truly watch a few seconds of any clip and see a player "warp" from one animation to another in a heartbeat etc., like physics aren't even a part of the game. But scarily, I really don't think they are (certainly not as much as they were in the past).

Last time I played, I saw this affecting ball physics for the first time. The ball was "sucked" to the ground at record speed, in order for my attacking player to be able to knock the ball around a defender (as opposed to the defender being able to charge into the ball as it was in the air). That for me is a hard "no" - and like I say, I can't watch any clip (even the best clips around) without seeing so many things that make me feel ill. That's why, IMO, it's without exaggeration the worst FIFA of all-time.
You probably know I’m a huge replay fan! So ive seen at least the amount of head exploding animation transitions you have. And Ive seen really bad stuff!
in the end, and you guys had that nailed down just a couple of comments ago, it’s what you make of it/if you can except/if you can tolerate…
I did not, because I couldn't play any Fifa without sliders. I didnt want to waste time and start of the negative experience. Even F16, which I adore, I had to tweak it coz it was way too fast..
If I saw 22 Sonic the Hedgehogs I would have turned it off instantly...

I didnt have crazy scorelines, or many shots. That wasnt the issue. It just felt like goal scoring opportunities were coming too easy. I could easily exploit inactive and uninterested AI if I wanted to.
Quick dash down the wing, few small dribbling moves, one long pass behind the defense - it just felt unrewarding. And when I was putting the difficulty up - it wasnt really affecting AI defensively, just offensively, making the game completely unbalanced since I was on FUMA.
Got ya! It’s just, I always need the comparison. I’m that guy. 😊 so I always play the regular version before applying sets.
i tweaked 16 as well.

i also know about some exploits… I try to forget about them! And I would never have fun using them anyway. 🤷‍♂️ I try to rely on basic football sfuff, no fancy stuff, even when I know I could exploit!
So it’s basically the same what I just texted Chris! It’s what you can except and what not.

this is not the football game i wish for, but it’s one I can have fun with!
in the end, and you guys had that nailed down just a couple of comments ago, it’s what you make of it/if you can except/if you can tolerate…
That is very true.
And for me, personally, if they left ball physics from F22, or gave it a little upgrade in the right direction - F23 would have been best game from last 3 or 4 (since they started bringing 1v1)
Now dont get me wrong - They're all not good football games, but F23 would have been best out of the bad bunch.
Unfortunately ball physics makes it equal to F22 in my books. Some improvements, but at the cost of few steps back..
i also know about some exploits… I try to forget about them
Its very hard tho.
Im always there, thinking - who am I cheating here? Myself? Im losing 0:1 and I know I can run across almost entire pitch down the wing and no one will stop me, but Im trying not to do this.

It should work the other way - we should be constantly searching for exploits to beat the AI, while playing football, not forcing ourselves to play football, while trying not to use exploits... if that makes sense...
Its very hard tho.
Im always there, thinking - who am I cheating here? Myself? Im losing 0:1 and I know I can run across almost entire pitch down the wing and no one will stop me, but Im trying not to do this.

It should work the other way - we should be constantly searching for exploits to beat the AI, while playing football, not forcing ourselves to play football, while trying not to use exploits... if that makes sense...
I absolutely 100% agree with this, perfectly articulated. I'm not prepared to pretend I need to do any build-up play to get through the midfield, and purposefully stroll around with the ball, passing sideways and backwards, for no reason. Nor am I prepared to handicap myself.

Because as soon as the AI has the ball, they just do what I know I can do - run straight through the open field and shoot...
Its very hard tho.
Im always there, thinking - who am I cheating here? Myself? Im losing 0:1 and I know I can run across almost entire pitch down the wing and no one will stop me, but Im trying not to do this.

It should work the other way - we should be constantly searching for exploits to beat the AI, while playing football, not forcing ourselves to play football, while trying not to use exploits... if that makes sense...
yes! Yes to this! totally get you.
And I know that I’m fooling myself a bit…

edit: and saying this, I could think of this being the case like forever. Never was a football game perfect. Was is the gfx or gameplay. We, I, always wanted more. So I was kinda fooling myself all along. 🤷‍♂️

don’t wanna sound like i want to drift the discussion in some certain direction. I’m not.
Next gen and I can't see any hints of rain unless I'm taking a corner or a goal kick, the weather in general is crap. No fog or anything like that. No atmosphere in general. Not to mention the time of day issue, how long ago did PES manage to implement that? Magically manages to stay sunset for 2 hours
You look at the weather in PES21, especially the dynamic rainfall getting heavier and the very noticeable effect it has on the almost perfect ball physics or FIFA 16 and it’s weather effects and you wonder WTF? EA were doing with this game.
I absolutely 100% agree with this, perfectly articulated. I'm not prepared to pretend I need to do any build-up play to get through the midfield, and purposefully stroll around with the ball, passing sideways and backwards, for no reason. Nor am I prepared to handicap myself.

Because as soon as the AI has the ball, they just do what I know I can do - run straight through the open field and shoot...
That reminds me of the glory days at WENB at the time of PES2016, when people explained that you "have to play the game like it is meant to played" to look realistic.
Anyone have insider info as to when we can expect the next big update? Going to assume it will have the men's World Cup DLC (although I'm waiting for the Haksabanovic face being added tbh)
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