FIFA 23 Discussion Thread (Console Versions)

I'm sorry I'll be THAT guy again, I can understand some people having fun with the game, what I can't understand is how someone that seeks a somewhat sim offline experience can tolerate issues like the Cpu AI not crossing the ball. Don't tell me with your sliders you see crosses because I checked every single stream and the cpu in rare occasions will just try a laughable semi low/med cross to one of their players in the 6 yard box. In every other instance they do they same thing all over again when they're on both wings/sides.
How many patches EA released so far? Two? Is it that difficult to code the cpu to cross the ball? Why a strictly offline player would pay £70 for this and not go back to PES 21 or FIFA 16/17 where despite the flaws you see more fundamentals of the sport recreated? Is there a fetish or something to torture ourselves? This game is not football. Even this video you've posted is just atrocious. Defenders hitting invisible walls, crab walking like psychos, GK flying for a save from a shot that was at least 3m away from his right post, cpu going clear towards the user goalie and attempts a pass straight to the defender.

It's like you didn't read my post at all. I bolded it for you in the quotes below.

The second part I quoted and bolded is key too. It's FIFA. You're in a FIFA 23 thread. I'm not playing FIFA 16 and PES 21 anymore. Drove those games into the ground and loved every minute of it.

The reason I can tolerate it is because at times they do cross, and it surprises me. Just like in FIFA 15 when the CPU would send a long ball, or in FIFA 14 when they would take a shot from distance. Those were rare occasions. They were gameplay fundamentals missing, yet it was just as enjoyable. FIFA 16 was a breath of fresh air, especially with the variety in play. There are moments in which those elements do occur this year - and that's a positive to those who like the game.

For the rest of your points. Great, good complaints. Relative to FIFA 23 - What do you want to do about it? That's the difference. You be that guy, fine. It's a role many have played and many have done diddly squat to influence the devs and project managers above them. I used to play that role as well, and if any of it worked - we wouldn't be complaining about gameplay and animation fundamentals. Yet, here we are. At least there's an attempt, no matter how great or small in your eyes, to get the game playing in some sort of playable fashion. You want to really complain and fight about it - then take it to those who actually matter and can actually make a difference in the code for the masses.

One thing I want to mention is that this year's FIFA produces a lot of variety in gameplay. I just don't see why it can be considered as bad as FIFA 21. I think we've really forgotten how bad some of those "dribble-dribble-pass" versions of FIFA played. How every pass was a short one, or a pass into-stride constantly, no resistance felt, zero pressure from the defensive line to the forwards, zero center-back covering out wide, incredible GK animations. What we are left with though are some poor design in gameplay fundamentals of course: man-marking, no marking from the central midfielders, line integrity issues, absent-minded jockey from the CBs on slow gamespeed, lack of crossing from CPU, driven passing, tiki-taka at the top of the box.

Here's a great game from Hapa. Where a lot of it looks good, there are still issues as mentioned. FIFA is all about sacrificing and choosing which one of those issues you are okay living with - and which you aren't. Back to the original thought though, and the concept of both variety and resistance are very much present.
For the rest of your points. Great, good complaints. Relative to FIFA 23 - What do you want to do about it? That's the difference. You be that guy, fine.
I find this such an odd response. "You be that awkward guy, fine". That's a really weird and slightly stinky attitude.

It's almost accusing people of being purposefully awkward because the game has terrible issues that you even admit yourself are there, so how the hell can you be so, and I hate to say it, condescending?

(Yeah, no game is perfect - all games have flaws - but they're not as fundamental as the ones EA have introduced with the 1v1 gameplay shift, culminating in this year's game, IMO. No sliders or settings I've tried have removed the wide-open "two passes and you / the AI are in on goal" midfield - reflected in the sky-high xGs if you're playing the unmodded game on a decent difficulty level - and that, in my opinion, is game-breaking. I've also provided video evidence of this, but this has been seen as somehow trolling, so I won't do that again.)

I get the frustration if you're enjoying the game and you're frustrated reading that others aren't. But it works both ways:

Every "wow look at this" video I see, I click it, and before the brilliant goal or whatever it is I'm supposed to be looking at - I see the first ten seconds of skating, terrible positioning / players ignoring the opposition completely, ping-pong passing, and the weird fast-forward/slow-mo player animations... or match stats that show the only thing keeping the scoreline down is a mega-high shot error slider or something...

...and I just think, how low we've all sunk. To accept this. It blows my mind, it truly stuns me. But clearly these issues aren't big enough to put everyone off, and I wish I was one of those guys.

I just find "you can't fix it, so just buy it and put up with it" is a bizarre thing to say to someone. It's a politician's answer, "there's nothing I can do about this so stop annoying me about it and make damn sure you keep paying your taxes".
I find this such an odd response. "You be that awkward guy, fine". That's a really weird and slightly stinky attitude.

It's almost accusing people of being purposefully awkward because the game has terrible issues that you even admit yourself are there, so how the hell can you be so, and I hate to say it, condescending?

(Yeah, no game is perfect - all games have flaws - but they're not as fundamental as the ones EA have introduced with the 1v1 gameplay shift, culminating in this year's game, IMO. No sliders or settings I've tried have removed the wide-open "two passes and you / the AI are in on goal" midfield - reflected in the sky-high xGs if you're playing the unmodded game on a decent difficulty level - and that, in my opinion, is game-breaking. I've also provided video evidence of this, but this has been seen as somehow trolling, so I won't do that again.)

I get the frustration if you're enjoying the game and you're frustrated reading that others aren't. But it works both ways:

Every "wow look at this" video I see, I click it, and before the brilliant goal or whatever it is I'm supposed to be looking at - I see the first ten seconds of skating, terrible positioning / players ignoring the opposition completely, ping-pong passing, and the weird fast-forward/slow-mo player animations... or match stats that show the only thing keeping the scoreline down is a mega-high shot error slider or something...

...and I just think, how low we've all sunk. To accept this. It blows my mind, it truly stuns me. But clearly these issues aren't big enough to put everyone off, and I wish I was one of those guys.

I just find "you can't fix it, so just buy it and put up with it" is a bizarre thing to say to someone. It's a politician's answer, "there's nothing I can do about this so stop annoying me about it and make damn sure you keep paying your taxes".
Which football games are the most realistic/have the best AI then? Either modded or vanilla. Not the most fun, the most realistic. Is it FIFA 16 and PES21 on PC?
I find this such an odd response. "You be that awkward guy, fine". That's a really weird and slightly stinky attitude.

It's almost accusing people of being purposefully awkward because the game has terrible issues that you even admit yourself are there, so how the hell can you be so, and I hate to say it, condescending?

(Yeah, no game is perfect - all games have flaws - but they're not as fundamental as the ones EA have introduced with the 1v1 gameplay shift, culminating in this year's game, IMO. No sliders or settings I've tried have removed the wide-open "two passes and you / the AI are in on goal" midfield - reflected in the sky-high xGs if you're playing the unmodded game on a decent difficulty level - and that, in my opinion, is game-breaking. I've also provided video evidence of this, but this has been seen as somehow trolling, so I won't do that again.)

I get the frustration if you're enjoying the game and you're frustrated reading that others aren't. But it works both ways:

Every "wow look at this" video I see, I click it, and before the brilliant goal or whatever it is I'm supposed to be looking at - I see the first ten seconds of skating, terrible positioning / players ignoring the opposition completely, ping-pong passing, and the weird fast-forward/slow-mo player animations... or match stats that show the only thing keeping the scoreline down is a mega-high shot error slider or something...

...and I just think, how low we've all sunk. To accept this. It blows my mind, it truly stuns me. But clearly these issues aren't big enough to put everyone off, and I wish I was one of those guys.

I just find "you can't fix it, so just buy it and put up with it" is a bizarre thing to say to someone. It's a politician's answer, "there's nothing I can do about this so stop annoying me about it and make damn sure you keep paying your taxes".

I'm not accusing, I am agreeing with him - he wants to be that guy - fine - what is he doing about it, Chris? Complaining? Great. Go for it. I'm not saying don't complain - but what's being complained about are things that can't be fixed. Like attacking low-hanging fruit. I mean you're in a FIFA 23 thread - there's going to be plenty of fruit for all. It's an easy target. Shall we all complain together around a campfire until we are content with the number of complaints? Very much like the British sitcom W1A isn't it? Sorry, mate, too many threads throughout Evo's lifetime have had that. So when the complaints come in about the unfixable, it just seems all a bit pointless doesn't it?

Why does it stun you that we've accepted this? Do I need to fight for another 20 years? Everything is stacked against the sim FIFA gamer right now. The sooner one can accept that the sooner they can move on and start working towards answering the question of whether or not they want to play FIFA 23. After that, it's about troubleshooting and finding whatever avenues (mods, sliders, etc) are in play to them.

How else am I supposed to respond? You want to label it as a politician, I just call it diplomatic. Because honestly, Chris, what am I supposed to say? "Well, I'm sorry you don't like it, I am." - I'll be happy to do that from now on if that is what I'm supposed to say. If you want to attack the low-hanging fruit, congrats - go for it. I mean, just because it's not mentioned in every single post doesn't mean its existence is denied.

It's like I'm supposed to have this mentality of "if you don't point out everything, you stand for nothing". Give me a break.
I find this such an odd response. "You be that awkward guy, fine". That's a really weird and slightly stinky attitude.

It's almost accusing people of being purposefully awkward because the game has terrible issues that you even admit yourself are there, so how the hell can you be so, and I hate to say it, condescending?

(Yeah, no game is perfect - all games have flaws - but they're not as fundamental as the ones EA have introduced with the 1v1 gameplay shift, culminating in this year's game, IMO. No sliders or settings I've tried have removed the wide-open "two passes and you / the AI are in on goal" midfield - reflected in the sky-high xGs if you're playing the unmodded game on a decent difficulty level - and that, in my opinion, is game-breaking. I've also provided video evidence of this, but this has been seen as somehow trolling, so I won't do that again.)

I get the frustration if you're enjoying the game and you're frustrated reading that others aren't. But it works both ways:

Every "wow look at this" video I see, I click it, and before the brilliant goal or whatever it is I'm supposed to be looking at - I see the first ten seconds of skating, terrible positioning / players ignoring the opposition completely, ping-pong passing, and the weird fast-forward/slow-mo player animations... or match stats that show the only thing keeping the scoreline down is a mega-high shot error slider or something...

...and I just think, how low we've all sunk. To accept this. It blows my mind, it truly stuns me. But clearly these issues aren't big enough to put everyone off, and I wish I was one of those guys.

I just find "you can't fix it, so just buy it and put up with it" is a bizarre thing to say to someone. It's a politician's answer, "there's nothing I can do about this so stop annoying me about it and make damn sure you keep paying your taxes".

I think he meant you be the guy who wastes his energy getting annoyed about things you cant fix.

I didn't read it to be necessarily a dig. Just that it's a role people have played and given up on...that if he wants to take it on, do so. It may help but it probably wont.
I think he meant you be the guy who wastes his energy getting annoyed about things you cant fix.

I didn't read it to be necessarily a dig. Just that it's a role people have played and given up on...that if he wants to take it on, do so. It may help but it probably wont.
Oh well. I'm not wasting any energy. Matt is wasting his energy and spending hundreds of hours by trying to fix a game that in its core is beyond repair.
As Chris said, I don't like the diplomatic, politician style responses from Matt and for sure I'm not accepting the argument to take it to the EA. I take it to the EA by not paying them Matt. You splashed 70 dollars again to them. The ship has sailed.
Also Matt, the cpu AI is not crossing the ball with your sliders. I'm not blind or an idiot.
Oh well. I'm not wasting any energy. Matt is wasting his energy and spending hundreds of hours by trying to fix a game that in its core is beyond repair.
As Chris said, I don't like the diplomatic, politician style responses from Matt and for sure I'm not accepting the argument to take it to the EA. I take it to the EA by not paying them Matt. You splashed 70 dollars again to them. The ship has sailed.
Also Matt, the cpu AI is not crossing the ball with your sliders. I'm not blind or an idiot.

Not wasting energy at all, glad you know me so well though. Spending a good amount of time with friends that are testers with different approaches, but know the sample size and variation towards improving the game where we can. I didn't spend $70. I spent much more than that because my two boys want to play FIFA 23 and learn about sliders as well. They're not allowed to play FUT, just Career Mode. I'll let them know you're offended by them for even trying to play the game longer than 5 minutes. Next time, I'll teach them how to boycott, which is very much like the life lesson of pouting in a corner until you get your way.

Chris talks about being stunned in accepting this game, yet I'm actually more surprised by how much negativity there is towards the individuals who are trying to enjoy what we're given. I'm not mad that you don't like the game, or hate it even more with our sliders, so why are you so bothered by my accepting it for what it is? Am I flaunting fixing the game anywhere? Please, tell me if I do. Am I posting slider titles with "100% Fixed Gameplay, OMG, Fixing the CPU Crossing - Check it OUT!" - No. But should I in order to be called less like a politician?
@Matt10 - firstly, this is all just a discussion. Apologies for my frustration that's clearly evident in my words, I'm not trying to be an asshole here (and for the record I absolutely don't think you are either), it's frustration at the situation. You're not saying the game is perfect (in-fact you always clarify that it isn't), so I realise that having to preface everything you say with "it's not a sim but" must be annoying.

I just find it hard to put myself in your shoes here:

Everything is stacked against the sim FIFA gamer right now. The sooner one can accept that the sooner they can move on and start working towards answering the question of whether or not they want to play FIFA 23. After that, it's about troubleshooting and finding whatever avenues (mods, sliders, etc) are in play to them.

"A football game playing like football is important to me, so let's see, is FIFA close to football - no, so now I'm going to buy FIFA 23 and" ... that, to me, is maths that just doesn't compute. I just can't get myself there. You can make a bad thing better, but to buy the bad thing in the first place... I just can't help but feel it's why we're in this mess - all of us buying a game we know is pretty much anti-football from day one.

(But I'm also not stupid enough to think that you or I not buying the game will make any kind of a dent in sales. FIFA will never sell badly, ever.)

Clearly there is another side to this debate, where to not play a football game is madness, and we should all buy it to enjoy the good stuff (and there is undoubtedly good stuff in there, I've seen some shot physics I've never seen the likes of before).

But regardless, to go back to the start; you came here to post a clip and say "it's all about what variety can be squeezed from the game", someone disagreed with you, and the only reason I replied is because you telling someone who can't enjoy the game to "not be that guy" is (unless I have misunderstood you) pretty much the same thing as someone telling you that you shouldn't enjoy the game.

I mean:

Am I flaunting fixing the game anywhere? Please, tell me if I do.
No, you're not flaunting fixing the game, but you posted a clip in here, and someone responded with their thoughts. That's what a forum is, right?

I think there's a strange double-standard (not from you, but in general) where people enjoying the game "aren't allowed to enjoy the game" if people post their criticism. Which would make this an echo chamber of approval. Yet those who do love the game will often say this place is toxic... while talking about what they love about the game. Those who love it find the constant criticism boring, but those who don't, well they daren't say they're not enjoying it, or they're trolls.

That said, there is a line and that is the personal stuff. Which brings me to this:

Oh well. I'm not wasting any energy. Matt is wasting his energy and spending hundreds of hours by trying to fix a game that in its core is beyond repair.
@fear, if you're only here to insult people, you're not going to be around much longer. Have some respect for someone who gives back to the community with his slider work and his discussion. I don't like FIFA either but he's not wasting his time doing something he enjoys.
Which football games are the most realistic/have the best AI then? Either modded or vanilla. Not the most fun, the most realistic. Is it FIFA 16 and PES21 on PC?

Fifa, when it was good, got the team aspect of football (positioning/tactics/ai) mostly right and took shortcuts when it came to animations/physics. PES (and I'm excluding the classic PS2 games that everyone knows and likes), gets the feel on the ball close to perfection a lot of times, but ai/tactics and positioning ruin most of them. At least they can thank pes14 for that 'feel' as it was the last time konami tried to make a realistic game overall.

So, easily Fifa 16 and PES 14 for me. You might think they're no fun or not perfect but it's the closest both came to a realistic game of football. I do think many people find these games not much fun (PES 14 especially).
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Hey @saturator

Gave your sliders a try yesterday and have to say they were pretty enjoyable games, don't know why but I've been stuck in a funk with 23 that half of my goals are me doing quick passes in the box until i get a shot in (although 90% of my gametime has been in FUT). I need to test more to see if I get more open chances and variety. Gonna adjust and see if I can start a CM with your sliders as base.

On another note, I turned '22 yesterday and it def has way less skating than 23.
Wow it's damned hot here.
Nobody deserved that. Only EA should be kick in the ass!
Matt and myself tried, yes I said tried to make the game better or less bad, choose the answer you like.

We are passionnate people, we love the pitch, the sweat, the beautiful game and we are clearly fed up with FIFA. No fault, no cross, no midfield, no stop from GK, it's enought!!!

We all became mad, agressiv because the game is not what we all expected. But please, be nice for dreamers like Matt, myself and others who search the Graal to bring a touch of fun in that fucking broken game!

We knew that shit will never became gold. But we tried that it's smell less.

You can said my videos are not football but if only some people enjoyed my work, they diserved my blind devotion and i will continue to try.
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Wow it's damned hot here.
Nobody deserved that. Only EA should be kick in the ass!
Matt and myself tried, yes I said tried to make the game better or less bad, choose the answer you like.

We are passionnate people, we love the pitch, the sweat, the beautiful game and we are clearly fed up with FIFA. No fault, no cross, no midfield, no stop from GK, it's enought!!!

We all became mad, agressiv because the game is not what we all expected. But please, be nice for dreamers like Matt, myself and others who search the Graal to bring a touch of fun is that fucking broken game!

We knew that shit will never became gold. But we tried that it's smell less.

You can said my videos are not football but if only some people enjoyed my work, they diserved my blind devotion and i will continue to try.
I might not be playing the game, but I appreciate what you and @Matt10 are doing for the community regardless. Thank you, both of you (and an extra "thank you" should go to @Matt10 for raising the big issues for years on the beta forums, to try and help all of us - if only EA gave a damn about us).

You're 100% right, the frustration should never be aimed at each other, and I'm so disappointed every time I boot the game I can fall into that trap too easily.

It's just so frustrating that we (nearly) all seem to agree there are big fundamental issues and that (as you say) we are all fed up with FIFA, and we're stuck trying to make it better every year. I don't see how that cycle breaks until something they care about happens (e.g. sales drop). But it will never happen, and the only message EA will ever get is "everyone loves FIFA". So I'm left here looking like a bitter old man, replying to videos and going "don't you see X Y and Z"...
@Matt10 - firstly, this is all just a discussion. Apologies for my frustration that's clearly evident in my words, I'm not trying to be an asshole here (and for the record I absolutely don't think you are either), it's frustration at the situation. You're not saying the game is perfect (in-fact you always clarify that it isn't), so I realise that having to preface everything you say with "it's not a sim but" must be annoying.

I just find it hard to put myself in your shoes here:

"A football game playing like football is important to me, so let's see, is FIFA close to football - no, so now I'm going to buy FIFA 23 and" ... that, to me, is maths that just doesn't compute. I just can't get myself there. You can make a bad thing better, but to buy the bad thing in the first place... I just can't help but feel it's why we're in this mess - all of us buying a game we know is pretty much anti-football from day one.

(But I'm also not stupid enough to think that you or I not buying the game will make any kind of a dent in sales. FIFA will never sell badly, ever.)

Clearly there is another side to this debate, where to not play a football game is madness, and we should all buy it to enjoy the good stuff (and there is undoubtedly good stuff in there, I've seen some shot physics I've never seen the likes of before).

But regardless, to go back to the start; you came here to post a clip and say "it's all about what variety can be squeezed from the game", someone disagreed with you, and the only reason I replied is because you telling someone who can't enjoy the game to "not be that guy" is (unless I have misunderstood you) pretty much the same thing as someone telling you that you shouldn't enjoy the game.

I mean:

No, you're not flaunting fixing the game, but you posted a clip in here, and someone responded with their thoughts. That's what a forum is, right?

I think there's a strange double-standard (not from you, but in general) where people enjoying the game "aren't allowed to enjoy the game" if people post their criticism. Which would make this an echo chamber of approval. Yet those who do love the game will often say this place is toxic... while talking about what they love about the game. Those who love it find the constant criticism boring, but those who don't, well they daren't say they're not enjoying it, or they're trolls.

That said, there is a line and that is the personal stuff. Which brings me to this:

@fear, if you're only here to insult people, you're not going to be around much longer. Have some respect for someone who gives back to the community with his slider work and his discussion. I don't like FIFA either but he's not wasting his time doing something he enjoys.

Never, Chris, will never think you're an asshole (you know I don't swear either), and we've always been good friends. These are discussions, and at times get heated - as they should. I can handle it and welcome it. In the end, we're just passionate as a community - it's why I've been here for almost 20 years.

Regarding purchasing FIFA, yeah, I honestly didn't think I'd get there. Never did I think I'd get there or even hear from individuals that you and I both know that would ever enjoy it to the levels they have. Maybe I'm just tired from FIFA 21 and 22? Even though those are two years difference in iteration, in the troubleshooting world of sliders (and everything else attempted), that felt like a lot longer. Maybe going into FIFA 23, and after playing the beta, I knew what we were getting into - and we'd give it a good go before giving up. The results have surprised me, and it's been the scary kind where some of the things happening in the gameplay are happening inadvertently - as in, not by design.

The video clip I posted was to illustrate just those two things, pressure, and variety. Fear comes in and posts about CPU crossing - then further pushes negativity. I didn't even bring that topic up in regards to the clip. The irony is there's a cross from the CPU at 2:29 of the video clip, but yeah I get the complaint.

I even posted a somewhat pros and cons list so I can reassure my objective approach. You're right, I feel like very often I have to preface with "it's FIFA".
@Matt10 - firstly, this is all just a discussion. Apologies for my frustration that's clearly evident in my words, I'm not trying to be an asshole here (and for the record I absolutely don't think you are either), it's frustration at the situation. You're not saying the game is perfect (in-fact you always clarify that it isn't), so I realise that having to preface everything you say with "it's not a sim but" must be annoying.

I just find it hard to put myself in your shoes here:

"A football game playing like football is important to me, so let's see, is FIFA close to football - no, so now I'm going to buy FIFA 23 and" ... that, to me, is maths that just doesn't compute. I just can't get myself there. You can make a bad thing better, but to buy the bad thing in the first place... I just can't help but feel it's why we're in this mess - all of us buying a game we know is pretty much anti-football from day one.

(But I'm also not stupid enough to think that you or I not buying the game will make any kind of a dent in sales. FIFA will never sell badly, ever.)

Clearly there is another side to this debate, where to not play a football game is madness, and we should all buy it to enjoy the good stuff (and there is undoubtedly good stuff in there, I've seen some shot physics I've never seen the likes of before).

But regardless, to go back to the start; you came here to post a clip and say "it's all about what variety can be squeezed from the game", someone disagreed with you, and the only reason I replied is because you telling someone who can't enjoy the game to "not be that guy" is (unless I have misunderstood you) pretty much the same thing as someone telling you that you shouldn't enjoy the game.

I mean:

No, you're not flaunting fixing the game, but you posted a clip in here, and someone responded with their thoughts. That's what a forum is, right?

I think there's a strange double-standard (not from you, but in general) where people enjoying the game "aren't allowed to enjoy the game" if people post their criticism. Which would make this an echo chamber of approval. Yet those who do love the game will often say this place is toxic... while talking about what they love about the game. Those who love it find the constant criticism boring, but those who don't, well they daren't say they're not enjoying it, or they're trolls.

That said, there is a line and that is the personal stuff. Which brings me to this:

@fear, if you're only here to insult people, you're not going to be around much longer. Have some respect for someone who gives back to the community with his slider work and his discussion. I don't like FIFA either but he's not wasting his time doing something he enjoys.
Chris, I'm not insulting Matt and our discussions go back many years at OS also. I've already said here I respect his work with the sliders. The "wasting your time" is a response to the whole EA devs argument and the way each of us thinks how to send a clear message to them about the state of their game.
I'm also a long standing member here at EvoWeb and I've never insulted anyone.
Never, Chris, will never think you're an asshole (you know I don't swear either), and we've always been good friends. These are discussions, and at times get heated - as they should. I can handle it and welcome it. In the end, we're just passionate as a community - it's why I've been here for almost 20 years.

Regarding purchasing FIFA, yeah, I honestly didn't think I'd get there. Never did I think I'd get there or even hear from individuals that you and I both know that would ever enjoy it to the levels they have. Maybe I'm just tired from FIFA 21 and 22? Even though those are two years difference in iteration, in the troubleshooting world of sliders (and everything else attempted), that felt like a lot longer. Maybe going into FIFA 23, and after playing the beta, I knew what we were getting into - and we'd give it a good go before giving up. The results have surprised me, and it's been the scary kind where some of the things happening in the gameplay are happening inadvertently - as in, not by design.

The video clip I posted was to illustrate just those two things, pressure, and variety. Fear comes in and posts about CPU crossing - then further pushes negativity. I didn't even bring that topic up in regards to the clip. The irony is there's a cross from the CPU at 2:29 of the video clip, but yeah I get the complaint.

I even posted a somewhat pros and cons list so I can reassure my objective approach. You're right, I feel like very often I have to preface with "it's FIFA".
Matt you misunderstood my post. I'm not pushing negativity any further, there's a lot already for the game, it doesn't need mine. I've posted my personal opinion about crosses and I clearly said there is the odd, rare occasion they will cross because of the work you've done with the sliders. Because in vanilla game they will NEVER cross. This is not enough for me and it's my opinion which I posted with all respect to your work despite the fact criticising certain aspects. And I think I'm alright to criticise? In the end we all have the same target/vision regarding gameplay.
I might not be playing the game, but I appreciate what you and @Matt10 are doing for the community regardless. Thank you, both of you (and an extra "thank you" should go to @Matt10 for raising the big issues for years on the beta forums, to try and help all of us - if only EA gave a damn about us).

You're 100% right, the frustration should never be aimed at each other, and I'm so disappointed every time I boot the game I can fall into that trap too easily.

It's just so frustrating that we (nearly) all seem to agree there are big fundamental issues and that (as you say) we are all fed up with FIFA, and we're stuck trying to make it better every year. I don't see how that cycle breaks until something they care about happens (e.g. sales drop). But it will never happen, and the only message EA will ever get is "everyone loves FIFA". So I'm left here looking like a bitter old man, replying to videos and going "don't you see X Y and Z"...
We are all in the Titanic my friend, there is no more captain on the boat. The water is hear but i will never give up.
The frustration, that's exactly the good world to describe FIFA since si many years!

We sometimes saw the light and a patch kills all our hope. It's a neverending fight!
For me the main issue in here (and Im sorry if someone posted this within last few replies) is that bigger picture created by some is a false illusion that F23 is a good football game.

EA people, reading posts that say...
- here's a new set of sliders. We are in a very good place now
- never happens to me. You are all imagining all the issues
...might start to assume that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the state of this game offline and we will never get any improvements.
Only when someone pushes people to a corner and posts clear evidence of obvious flaws - they admit that yeah - there are plenty of issues.
But we should absolutely be talking about them. And fight for changes together. Not wasting time arguing.

I have been on official Fifa forum, Chris was, Matt was, we were trying to reach out to Fifa devs, we were in contact with Fifa devs, sending detailed feedback and clips. To be honest - Im not sure myself what else we can do for them to care.

But saying that game is best Fifa in years definetely isnt the way to go. They need to keep hearing about the issues until they are sick of it and finally do something for us - CM players.
i didn't give up, never!

I have some fun to play with my last sliders. Crosses are there, no doubt.
On lower teams like D4, because of a high error rate, i've seen some strange ball physics.
But it's playable

English D4 : Bradford Vs Gilligham - FUMA -Champion- sliders V3

D2 french : St Etienne Vs Bordeaux - FUMA -Champion- sliders V3

Seria A classic : AC Milan Vs Atalanta Bergame - FUMA -Champion- sliders V3

The scotisch classico : Celtics Vs Rangers - FUMA -Champion- sliders V3
The main football gaming forums always pointed out flaws of the game and didn't stop after they were discussed once. I truly believe this is one of the main reasons why PES did quite a good comeback after the shocking arcardey 2016/2017 releases.

So whenever you encounter shaolin movement, pilotfish turning or a completely absence of crossing, you should feel free to shout it out regardless if anyone (or yourself) did it before. Give game developers a chance to read it!
For me the main issue in here (and Im sorry if someone posted this within last few replies) is that bigger picture created by some is a false illusion that F23 is a good football game.

EA people, reading posts that say...
- here's a new set of sliders. We are in a very good place now
- never happens to me. You are all imagining all the issues
...might start to assume that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the state of this game offline and we will never get any improvements.
Only when someone pushes people to a corner and posts clear evidence of obvious flaws - they admit that yeah - there are plenty of issues.
But we should absolutely be talking about them. And fight for changes together. Not wasting time arguing.

I have been on official Fifa forum, Chris was, Matt was, we were trying to reach out to Fifa devs, we were in contact with Fifa devs, sending detailed feedback and clips. To be honest - Im not sure myself what else we can do for them to care.

But saying that game is best Fifa in years definetely isnt the way to go. They need to keep hearing about the issues until they are sick of it and finally do something for us - CM players.
Mate, I'm just tired of having to constantly give feedback to EA. Been doing it for too long, and it never gets anywhere. Look at the beta. I've said it before. I got the most XP in EA beta forum for FIFA 21 and Chris was way up there for FIFA 23. What did we end up with?

When I say that we're in a good spot with the game, it's with sliders - and to be perfectly honest, that comment/tweet of mine has a target audience who is using the sliders that are being produced. In that post I was also very specific about what gameplay elements were key in feeling that it was the best we've received in FIFA with sliders. The reason is so many of those achievements had not been part of a FIFA game to date. They have been sprinkled here and there throughout iterations of FIFA, but never all at once.

I don't care what EA thinks anymore. Honestly, I don't. They are going to follow the $$, not the feedback from offline gameplay enthusiasts. The only way that changes is in a way that has nothing to do with offline gameplay. It's been like this for a while. As offline players, we just have to hope that one or two "features" inadvertently help the offline experience.
Matt you misunderstood my post. I'm not pushing negativity any further, there's a lot already for the game, it doesn't need mine. I've posted my personal opinion about crosses and I clearly said there is the odd, rare occasion they will cross because of the work you've done with the sliders. Because in vanilla game they will NEVER cross. This is not enough for me and it's my opinion which I posted with all respect to your work despite the fact criticising certain aspects. And I think I'm alright to criticise? In the end we all have the same target/vision regarding gameplay.

I understand where you're coming from. It was just an odd and aggressive post to a topic that I had not even brought up. I'm talking about variety and pressure on the ball, and you come in talking about CPU not crossing. I made a comment about high score lines and how I felt bad that other people experienced it as well.

You are absolutely fine to criticize, but I don't think it's okay to attack as blatantly and throw me into a battle that I didn't even want to take part in. It's like I invited you to my house and try my pot roast - then give me your thoughts - but you instead spent 20 minutes criticizing my wife's Halloween decorations at the front door.

FWIW, I definitely know how to be that guy to criticize things. I mean Asim and Adam from the PES team back then hated me because I'd point out gameplay elements that were missing when they were showing clips of amazing goals. Exhausting.

FIFA as well...goodness. I thought we had something with Tom Caleffi, but again - nothing.

I'm still enjoying the game tbh. My only major gripe, is some women's team are broken and sliders seem not to affect them. I did Norway v China, 10-0 Norway. I did Chelsea v Everton, a little better, but still 10-1 Chelsea after 40 shots from them. Really OP teams that are broken, and until fixed (if), I may keep away from women's matches for the time being, unless a) I'm the strong team & b) it's 2 low level teams (I'm sure I did 2 minor French teams once, and it was ok)
I understand where you're coming from. It was just an odd and aggressive post to a topic that I had not even brought up. I'm talking about variety and pressure on the ball, and you come in talking about CPU not crossing. I made a comment about high score lines and how I felt bad that other people experienced it as well.

You are absolutely fine to criticize, but I don't think it's okay to attack as blatantly and throw me into a battle that I didn't even want to take part in. It's like I invited you to my house and try my pot roast - then give me your thoughts - but you instead spent 20 minutes criticizing my wife's Halloween decorations at the front door.

FWIW, I definitely know how to be that guy to criticize things. I mean Asim and Adam from the PES team back then hated me because I'd point out gameplay elements that were missing when they were showing clips of amazing goals. Exhausting.

FIFA as well...goodness. I thought we had something with Tom Caleffi, but again - nothing.

I'm sorry my post felt like an attack to you. It wasn't my intention. I'm sometimes a bit more straightforward with my posts when trying to refer to several aspects of the gameplay.
As I've already said, I don't want to spoil the fun some of you are having with this game. I've been in the same position with PES 21.
Hypermotion capture sessions are going strong for Fifa 24. Or it's a sport inspired by Fifa:

That completely explains the hips going backward.
I have to say when I play this game, it often feels like that. The main difference is, once you have the ball at the feet, you can do jedi turns.
The animations are so off the place, that others fundamentals, such as positioning, AI engagement, are secondary problems to me. And that alone tells a lot.
I can't believe one of the game main developer could look a journalist in the eye and tells him FIFA22 had sliding issue, but it has been fixed in this one.
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Hypermotion capture sessions are going strong for Fifa 24. Or it's a sport inspired by Fifa:

Take my money now. I would happily pay £60 for a game of this "sport". We need the devs behind the Super Mega Baseball series to start working on this. Proper fun, physics based game with hilarious moments every second. They can implement a balance meter or something to keep your player from falling.
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