FIFA 23 Discussion Thread (Console Versions)

Maybe if "pro players" realize (they won't) that this lack of physics and ball passing through legs/feet is actually jeopardizing the gameplay things could change.

Look how this "amazing" last minute goal happens only because of the ball doesnt make proper contact with the player left leg and pass through his right leg allowing the passing.


It's so f* broke...

i would be so pissed if i'd lost a match because of that...
Well, personally after what, two weeks(?) since releaseI have found real peace with this game thanks to @Matt10 's sliders and me just not being that overly familiar with FIFA's gameplay over recent years. Did play the entries, but more as an afterthought after months of PES and while I didn't mind them, they never properly hooked me.

This has.

It does help (and can only speak for myself here) that I partition myself off from the wider, more public part of the discussion with this and indeed eFootball. I am absolutely certain if I watched any number of videos, especially those from FUT players, the game would look foreign and hideous to me, but thankfully with controller in hand and just focussing purely on my experience of the game I am having a huge amount of fun playing it, with of course my own list of caveats as to why that it is so.

I just need a game's core to properly engage me these days. When it comes to a sports title I need to bin off considering stats in relation to the real world and even what the AI is/isn't doing in some regards. I am currently doing a career mode in which I am the lowest scoring team in the top 6, but also the least leaky when it comes to conceding. I simply have not experienced any crazy scorlines. A 4-0 drubbing at the hands of RB Leipzig and me steamrollering Union SG in the UEFA Cup 4-1 away (after falling behind) the closest to high scoring games I have encountered. Maybe if I look at the stats the number of shots on goal by the AI will seem a bit askew, or the xG will be silly, but I see no point in measuring my experience with these stats if my moment to moment experience is ticking more boxes than it isn't.

Sliders I am thankful for, and thankful for folks like Matt, but it is a double-edged sword. Maybe I/we could do with them not being a feature so as we can truly see what the developers intention is and have to deal with it. By that I mean engaging with what their ideas are, or just writing it off. Maybe the series needs to have the balls to commit to one way of playing for all, and we make our minds up. You have to admit that if they did do that life would be a hell of a lot easier for those not in my position with the game currently; would make it so easy to just move on as well as not feel compelled to snipe at other players on twitter or whatever. Don't mean to have a go at folks on that, but, seriously, simply no pointin winding yourself up over how others are enjoying the game.
@Mako88 Another year of this core gameplay and no customisation options strong enough to give me sim options, is another year I have no game to play.

I get your point, but this is the first year that FIFA is a hard "no" for me. I've given the trial five hours (and two updates) plus all the slider combos I can think of, and it's just horrendous - in my personal opinion. The furthest thing from football imaginable. The furthest thing from "fun", even. I won't bother repeating why.

But clearly it's not like that for everyone - hence why a game as big as FIFA could offer more than one gameplay style, rather than serve one audience and continue to lock me (and others like me) out.

Glad you're enjoying it, but that shouldn't be a reason for EA to make a game for you and nobody else but you. And the FUT players, obviously. Choice is never a bad thing - it's easy to make the most arcadey, physics-free megafun goal blaster ever. So why not take that gameplay and bolt a few realism switches on there. Then you can use them, or not, but at least it's an option.
I do see your point, completely @Chris Davies , but just thinking from the perspective of my own mental health more than anything here. And I do not say that lightly.

I'm simply of the opinion now that being locked out if a developer goes all in on one way to play for all would likely help me moving forward; be that for the year or more.

I do think I might very well reach a point in which certain things will grate too much (later rather than sooner, hopefully, as every game has that point that you reach, including reaching a stage where a game might as well be Matrix code) and my fear is I start messing with sliders, so my engagement with the game would no longer be switching it on and enjoying it, or not, but trying to 'fix it'.
I'm enjoying matt's sliders but the game is still a slog. It's just the lack of movement for me. The AI has been an utter disgrace for years. If I keep my eye on the man on the ball and the player I'm up against, the game can look good. If I so much as look over the other side of the pitch it's just statues.

I was screaming at my right back to make a run before when I was holding the ball up on the wing, I had to almost turn back and run towards him in order to trigger some sort of movement.

Also, saw a post about Richmond getting more facescans today while so many real players still don't have them.

Also also, where's the city ground for Forest? I miss the days where once a game was released on cartridge or disc, that was it. It had to be finished. Now they can just release broken shite and patch it when they see fit. They'll make a song and dance about the stadium in February like it's something we should be grateful for.
Yes, it a very bad période for simulation fans. We can see some nice actions in the game but the core game should be massively improved.

I read a lot of complaint about crosses. And yes if you didn't "force" with sliders or modding on pc, you didn't have centers/crosses in a football game. That's insane!

I will always try to create fun sliders, I will never give up. I'm a fan of football and we deserved a better game on vanilla. This year, Hypermotion brings us some very good animations but sometimes all the good stuff disappears with high speed.

And yes like before, I want to have a switch option to choose between arcade or simulation.

We can't play a foot game without crosses, fauts, red card, midfields, marking, freekicks, good stamina Logic, etc...

I have found my way to enjoy thé game, i Hope everybody could find their own

I will post some games if people want to in the sliders topic. I really appreciate the comments on my videos.

Take care and we are all a football tribe!
Guys, sorry if this has been mentioned before.

Two days in a row now I’ve gone back to FIFA and when loading the game it opens up as if I’ve never played it before (ie giving me the welcome screen showing my difficulty, favourite team etc)

It also completely defaults my sliders, audio/visual settings etc.

I’ve tried re-loading my profile etc but doesn’t seem to work.

My saved game (career) is still there but again, the sliders etc within it are linked to the main settings so have all defaulted.

What’s causing this?
Guys, sorry if this has been mentioned before.

Two days in a row now I’ve gone back to FIFA and when loading the game it opens up as if I’ve never played it before (ie giving me the welcome screen showing my difficulty, favourite team etc)

It also completely defaults my sliders, audio/visual settings etc.

I’ve tried re-loading my profile etc but doesn’t seem to work.

My saved game (career) is still there but again, the sliders etc within it are linked to the main settings so have all defaulted.

What’s causing this?
PS5/Series X/Pc or one/PS4?

File settings this year are shit. Like the beta.

You have to uninstall the game completly. You have to reinstalled it. Start the game and load a career file, save your settings, sliders, strategy. Save it in another file. Quit. Restart the game and your settings should be there🤞
PS5/Series X/Pc or one/PS4?

File settings this year are shit. Like the beta.

You have to uninstall the game completly. You have to reinstalled it. Start the game and load a career file, save your settings, sliders, strategy. Save it in another file. Quit. Restart the game and your settings should be there🤞
PS5 - sorry, should have mentioned.

What a mess! Thanks for explaining.
There is something about how the players position their hips a bit backward that just looks silly. Surely none of the players wearing those capture suits were running like that, did they? Also in FIFA22 players used to do skating, but now, on some player turns with the ball, it actually feels like they are skiing.
I'm selling my copy on eBay. I can barely get through a game without it crashing on a replay.

Not only that, but the difficulty settings are absurd. World Class is far too easy, but if you bump it up to Legendary suddenly every opponent knocks it around like prime Barcelona. I lost 8-6 to Bolonga as Juventus. At home. Arnautovic scored 4 by himself.

Serves me right for giving them another chance. I'll stick to PES 2021 with whichever of you wonderful people make the best patch this year.
My defensive style is jockey/contain. It's pointless on Legendary or higher. Might as well put the controller down and wait for kick off.
Nothing new there unfortunately. We all know these issues. The most disappointing thing is that this game is still getting generally good reviews by the gaming journos. If any of these issues were in the other game (which ofc has its own flaws) it would be torn in pieces by the reviewers. The other game even when sometimes was heading in the right direction didn't get any appraisal resulting to poor sales which affected to a degree the future development.
Played as Manchester United v Liverpool in the league last night on pes 2021. It was an extremely physical game with the AI constantly fouling my players. Really enjoyed the new new drawer. Before I start a league on FIFA is there anything similar when you play against rival teams? As in there is a lot more physicality
Played as Manchester United v Liverpool in the league last night on pes 2021. It was an extremely physical game with the AI constantly fouling my players. Really enjoyed the new new drawer. Before I start a league on FIFA is there anything similar when you play against rival teams? As in there is a lot more physicality
Gotta be honest here… the moment I feel the FIFA physics the most, is when I put the disc in my PS5 console! 🤷‍♂️
Explain this to me:
This is one of the replies to above tweet, where everybody cries that F23 is too realistic and they want it faster.

How come they want the same Fifas that we do (prior F17), describing the old ones as Arcade, while we describe the old ones as more Sim??

Thats why I have said before that Realism might mean different things to different people.

And do you know why they feel like old Fifas were Arcade and more "fun"?
Because AI was not fucking braindead.
Because there was more runs, more dynamic and therefore - they felt like it was faster.
And all WE had to do was to slow it down with sliders and game speed.

EA dont seem to understand the biggest problem that Fifa has now - you cannot make a good football game without AI.
AI equally needed offline AND online.

And that is why I keep saying - If EA stopped listening to FUT/E-Sport clowns, who have no fucking idea where the problem lies, and created a proper football game with all the basics and decent AI - online crowd would appreciate it as much as offline.

Their biggest problem started when they listened to the ones shouting for less AI in a team sport game.
Explain this to me:
This is one of the replies to above tweet, where everybody cries that F23 is too realistic and they want it faster.

How come they want the same Fifas that we do (prior F17), describing the old ones as Arcade, while we describe the old ones as more Sim??

Thats why I have said before that Realism might mean different things to different people.

And do you know why they feel like old Fifas were Arcade and more "fun"?
Because AI was not fucking braindead.
Because there was more runs, more dynamic and therefore - they felt like it was faster.
And all WE had to do was to slow it down with sliders and game speed.

EA dont seem to understand the biggest problem that Fifa has now - you cannot make a good football game without AI.
AI equally needed offline AND online.

And that is why I keep saying - If EA stopped listening to FUT/E-Sport clowns, who have no fucking idea where the problem lies, and created a proper football game with all the basics and decent AI - online crowd would appreciate it as much as offline.

Their biggest problem started when they listened to the ones shouting for less AI in a team sport game.

Yep, i dont get it too

Actually Fifa 12-17 where waaay more close to simulation than the new ones...

For me it is a huge proof that these people dont even know what they are talking about. They also dont like the game (like us), but they are complaning with a wrong perspective
Turning was always fast in older games, I'll give him that. Because animations were simpler and were using fewer frames. Although I do think they belong to an asylum if they think they're slow now. Has he not seen "agile dribbling"?!

Ping pong passing made its debut with fifa 18. Driven passes did not exist before 16, and even in 16 an overhit pass was not controlled instantly. The ball bounced in the air, so even if the pass was fast you were then losing some time controlling it. Another thing that got dumbed down for those morons in 18.

Pace (which is a different thing to "speed") was not fast in any game with decent AI / positioning / an actual midfield, although end to end moments existed in all games, modern fifa did not "invent" end to end football, it just got rid of everything else.

So in summary, don't waste any time trying to make sense of what fut people are saying. I'd rather chat with a flat earther than a fut player.
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Explain this to me:
This is one of the replies to above tweet, where everybody cries that F23 is too realistic and they want it faster.

How come they want the same Fifas that we do (prior F17), describing the old ones as Arcade, while we describe the old ones as more Sim??

Thats why I have said before that Realism might mean different things to different people.

And do you know why they feel like old Fifas were Arcade and more "fun"?
Because AI was not fucking braindead.
Because there was more runs, more dynamic and therefore - they felt like it was faster.
And all WE had to do was to slow it down with sliders and game speed.

EA dont seem to understand the biggest problem that Fifa has now - you cannot make a good football game without AI.
AI equally needed offline AND online.

And that is why I keep saying - If EA stopped listening to FUT/E-Sport clowns, who have no fucking idea where the problem lies, and created a proper football game with all the basics and decent AI - online crowd would appreciate it as much as offline.

Their biggest problem started when they listened to the ones shouting for less AI in a team sport game.
Brilliantly said.
Explain this to me:
This is one of the replies to above tweet, where everybody cries that F23 is too realistic and they want it faster.

How come they want the same Fifas that we do (prior F17), describing the old ones as Arcade, while we describe the old ones as more Sim??

Thats why I have said before that Realism might mean different things to different people.

And do you know why they feel like old Fifas were Arcade and more "fun"?
Because AI was not fucking braindead.
Because there was more runs, more dynamic and therefore - they felt like it was faster.
And all WE had to do was to slow it down with sliders and game speed.

EA dont seem to understand the biggest problem that Fifa has now - you cannot make a good football game without AI.
AI equally needed offline AND online.

And that is why I keep saying - If EA stopped listening to FUT/E-Sport clowns, who have no fucking idea where the problem lies, and created a proper football game with all the basics and decent AI - online crowd would appreciate it as much as offline.

Their biggest problem started when they listened to the ones shouting for less AI in a team sport game.

Atleast we are all in agreement that FIFA from FIFA 17 and downwards are better games than the ones after FIFA 17.
Is anybody else struggling to find a happy medium with the difficulty this year?

World Class feels a bit too easy but Legendary is draining. Feel like each match is a concentration slog of matching the AI and their runs.

…and sometimes no matter what I do the AI will still manage to ping pong their way through my box playing inch perfect passes.
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