FIFA 23 Discussion Thread (Console Versions)

I understand your interpretation, but having the necessary parameters for building a good game didn't exactly result in anything other than two trashy e-sports games. It's only their current state that matters really. I will be dead before any imaginary potential is realized in football games.
Yes, gameplay choice and things practically unlockable to programs are something else. Then "current state" matters only : i totally agree. But some takes more time to resolve issue due to X factors.
But well, there's still a lot of work but i see one game going in the good direction (still not enough, to beta/alpha-ish), the other on the wrong since 3 years, not 6 months just gameplay vs CPU talking (as it's what's matter to us).

But i wouldn't put a penny about the solidity of the other game engine, but i don't forget it was pretty fast rushed to be released in time.
Some stuffs could be locked and even with trying the result should be worst. So : i don't even care + no way to play offline. I put a cross on both (perhaps only one may satisty me IF, but with IF like ball physics and offline, same shit as the "potential" interpretation)

Still, i'm interested as a football game fan. But play retro now, and not so retro later.

You can play offline on FIFA 23 through, but the biggest difference with FIFA 22, even if it was end-to-end gameplay, was the challenge, that's what keep me a month (with very small session) with that game, and one patch / probably an error / got toned down agility (not really inertia but lookalike) which wasn't even on the Vanilla version. It gives me some envy to retry it more seriously... Until they released a "back to shitty future" patch.

The issue is we can't choose the patch version, well they bring back others things than gameplay so it's logic : but just a choice of gameplay balance and keeping the rest like it is. A bit complicated to do so, as all is one-in-all.

Well about the easy CPU I think it should be a bit resolved on the next patch, way too much people complains about it.
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You can never take what people, any people, say as gospel. The consensus opinion on this site about, e.g. PES 2021 is that it's average or poor, but I have played it for ridiculously many hundreds of hours since release and consider it the best pure PES game ever made on the PS4 generation, and almost up there with the Golden Age PS2 instalments. Yes. PES 2021. And no amount of telling me that I shouldn't think so (complete with detailed arguments, and maybe diagrams) can ever change that. So you never know. FIFA 23 is pretty poor for me. I think it'd be a good football game for gamers who don't really like football, which is the evil genius of EA. They always go for that exact market, most of the time, with seasoned footy gamers almost flukily getting a good FIFA at times (FIFA 16 et al).
Agreed I think I've played it for more than 2000 hours now. Mainly exhibitions lol
My apologies to staff and members for my 'outburst' earlier I am prone to kick-off now and then, but I have to say give the game a minute it's just come out, also what's up with a bit of constructive criticism? There are members who point out the glaring issues and there are some who just troll it because that's what they do. I find it better than 22 even if it's for more animations because that's the fucking least they can do. With the sliders, I'm giving it some, and on the release date, I haven't had enough of it. I played 22 right up until the trial release of 23 only because it's the only thing that resembles our great game.
It’s all good, I’m a moany old git to be fair and it’s probably annoying for you guys who enjoy this game.

The thing is, I’m desperate to enjoy FIFA 23. I love how responsive it is compared to 22. But sadly, that’s where the positives end for me. There’s just so much wrong with the game that it’s difficult to know where to start.

For you peeps who are enjoying it, I’m pleased for you. I take football gaming too seriously which is why I’m taking a long break from it all now I think! Gaming is supposed to be fun, not stressful.

Agreed I think I've played it for more than 2000 hours now. Mainly exhibitions lol
As much as I get fed up with the game occasionally, I keep coming back to it. FIFA 16 and PES 21 are the only (recent) games I think we will have in sometime that reflect the actual game. I’m happy that some people are finding some enjoyment out of FIFA 23, I enjoyed FIFA 22 until the later patches, but I can’t find any joy in it at all. Scoring at will even on FUMA on World Class is an absolute joke. Why should you have to play a certain style to avoid scoring easy goals? I want to have to fight to get a shot off. I could go a whole half in FIFA 16 and not register a single shot on target.
I streamed for 4 hours last night on a CM I didn't think I'd even start. It was an absolute blast. I saw so many little things that I had no idea this game had ever a chance of producing. This is coming from someone who hated the beta, and mainly hated the gameplay. There's something good under all the crap of default gameplay.
I tried your sliders last night too and also had a lot of fun played a few games, once you get rid of the blitzball feel and crank up a lot of error to force everyone to chill a little, it's great and you actually see more realistic situations instead of the constant laser beam goals.
This is...okay.

I love everything up to the dribbling, which is farcical. Still all that insta-reponse turning and stuff removing any sensation of weight to proceedings.

I do also need say for that all of it's flaws eFootball's 'wind up' for shooting and crossing makes more and more sense when playing this. Not a fan of [Input] "OKAYDONE, M8" *IMMEDIATELY*. There is a method to Konami's madness there and EA would do well to take *some* notes, at least. That wind-up found in eFootball gets programmed in to you, thus it makes you work the space a bit more for either shot or cross.

Otherwise...yeah, it's actually okay thus far.
I tried your sliders last night too and also had a lot of fun played a few games, once you get rid of the blitzball feel and crank up a lot of error to force everyone to chill a little, it's great and you actually see more realistic situations instead of the constant laser beam goals.

Glad you gave them a bash. Try Version 3 that just got posted. It just balances out the width and puts a bit more pressure in the right spots. But yes, errors have to go up, just to humanize both the user and CPU. Creating those 50/50 balls is an incredible thing. The game can handle it, and makes for a lot of fantastic interactions.
I streamed for 4 hours last night on a CM I didn't think I'd even start. It was an absolute blast. I saw so many little things that I had no idea this game had ever a chance of producing. This is coming from someone who hated the beta, and mainly hated the gameplay. There's something good under all the crap of default gameplay.

Stream video:
Man this ain’t it. Appreciate the video but I can’t get pass the user defenders doing nothing similar to FIFA 22. Watch the video and only pay attention to the players you don’t control, it‘s really bad and ultimately will lead to frustration the longer this game is played as it does every year lol, at least for me it does. 🤣
It's time for some goals mates!

FUMA/WC/sliders/8 minutes/Series X-PS5

A miss shot

CPU can score beauty

Payet FK master

Flying Sanchez

The french touch

Power Sanchez

OM Suarès

Gerson power leftfoot

Suarès again

Prince Harit

Long shoot from Foncier

Celtics powaaa
Great goals mate! I saw some screamers from cpu too and I watched them over and over again. What impress me is when you close the passing lanes ai desperatelly wants to find a way to the goal and when they see that there is no space they find the way to shoot from 20+ meters. I like this aspect of the game very much and I hope they don't screw up with the patch.
Btw does anyone know if we can somehow download other commentary languages? My version has English, Polish and Russian but It will improve the authenticity with German, Italian, Spanish and French.
Just because I definitely not expect to buy a PS5 and I have a feeling that the coming games won't have offline gaming at all, I decided to buy FIFA 23.

Maybe not a catastrophic experience, that a lot in here thinks. That being said I've scored 8 goals at World Class. Still hope that a patch combined with sliders could make it playable in Career Mode.

I would say that I can see that low expectations actually helps a little.. Don't expect that much from it anymore.
Man this ain’t it. Appreciate the video but I can’t get pass the user defenders doing nothing similar to FIFA 22. Watch the video and only pay attention to the players you don’t control, it‘s really bad and ultimately will lead to frustration the longer this game is played as it does every year lol, at least for me it does. 🤣
It's only frustrating if you expected something else. This is the design, unfortunately, and we make the best of it. We're not working on sliders to re-code the game, we're trying to get what small semblance of attitude towards defending the ball carrier we can. It definitely doesn't frustrate me anymore. You should've seen me in FIFA 21 though, now that was on a whole other level of frustration. FIFA 22 and 23 the midfielders actually wake up and don't warp away is amazing. They actually wake up enough to get numbers behind the ball, and they will track back to a certain point - and that point is at least in the box rather than staying stagnant at the top (especially on crosses).
If if this game is enjoyable and last night I saw some ok snippets you can’t ignore the patching process which can destroy a game you bought every few weeks.
I can't enjoy this game, as tried to play it how would expect to play a football game and won 2-0 with 73% possession.

Then I decided to play the game as described by @Chris Davies which is just pass it forward and don't even think about it.
So, I did. I passed it forward to the strikers then played a through ball.
What happened a 7-0 win on WC, which could of been a lot higher had my strikers scored the easy opportunities presented to them.

Some elements have been improved this year like sliding tackles and keepers will now save shots from 20 yards.

But fundamentally this game is very very broken.
It might be OK for online gamers but anyone wanting to play the game as a career mode there is just zero fun.

Same problems as FIFA 22, but this is just the way it is meant to be played and the game will never change.
anyone often encounter the striker red card bug?
I just played 5 games and I already saw twice
the cpu striker just tackled from behind on my own half and got a red card
it was just non senese and annoying
Glad you gave them a bash. Try Version 3 that just got posted. It just balances out the width and puts a bit more pressure in the right spots. But yes, errors have to go up, just to humanize both the user and CPU. Creating those 50/50 balls is an incredible thing. The game can handle it, and makes for a lot of fantastic interactions.
Exactly, I've seen a few over hit passes and crosses which has been nice plus it makes the goal keepers a little more reliable too. Before it felt like the ball was too fast for them or something and they moved out of the way of it like it was on fire or something.
It's only frustrating if you expected something else. This is the design, unfortunately, and we make the best of it. We're not working on sliders to re-code the game, we're trying to get what small semblance of attitude towards defending the ball carrier we can. It definitely doesn't frustrate me anymore. You should've seen me in FIFA 21 though, now that was on a whole other level of frustration. FIFA 22 and 23 the midfielders actually wake up and don't warp away is amazing. They actually wake up enough to get numbers behind the ball, and they will track back to a certain point - and that point is at least in the box rather than staying stagnant at the top (especially on crosses).
I also find remembering to use secondary press (while useless because the COM defender secdondary pressing will only run up to the player but then refuse to do anything else once close enough) helps to at least block those linear straight runs of ball carriers and can force them to turn and pass elsewhere
I gave Matt's v3 sliders a go.

At first, from kick-off, I felt hope. Their defence and midfield covered pass lanes. I was surprised.

Then, from the AI goal kick... It all fell apart.

Look how central everything is from the AI. Look how simple everything is.

Zero build-up play. Even worse, zero wing play. Every pass forwards and through the centre.

They get the ball to the striker within three passes. I get it back, and I do the same thing - why fake build-up play? It's not needed. Then they get a shot off within five passes.

Look how central all the passes are. This is a typical goal.

There may as well only be one midfield and a striker. It's all you need.

It was 5-1 at full-time... and I played on 5-minute halves.

This is on World Class - on Legendary the one-track-mind of central passes and no build-up play is even worse.

This is a random German cup game. I tried with a random Italian cup game and Spanish cup game. Exact same experience, no matter the team (or team style).
Your stats are very good👍. FK, faults. Not bad

I set ref to strict so that makes a big difference, handballs on as well of course, although need to disable for penalties as there's way too many handball penalties again!

What sliders? That actually looks like a very good stats.

I'm not sure if it really helps at this point to share my sliders as I'm still playing around with a lot of stuff, that first friendly was a bit of a fluke and I posted it more as a joke because there's still a fair few issues with how the game plays and the next two friendlies I lost 1-0 and 3-2! Still playing around with the sliders and other settings to try to find a good balance that works for me :)
The sad thing about this isn't even the bug (you'll see) - it's the ridiculous ball physics (a balloon on a string), and the always-perfect ball control (of a high spinning pass).

Billions of dollars of revenue and this is the best replica of football they can do. It's heartbreaking.

The sad thing about this isn't even the bug (you'll see) - it's the ridiculous ball physics (a balloon on a string), and the always-perfect ball control (of a high spinning pass).

Billions of dollars of revenue and this is the best replica of football they can do. It's heartbreaking.

It has become Shaolin Soccer for real! 😂
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