FIFA 23 Discussion Thread (Console Versions)

I preordered.
I didn't like the 22 beta, not even the full game at first, but, in time, with sliders, it's absolutely enjoyable. Even the online friendlies on full manual are a blast for me.
There are many things in the 23 beta that I liked, and the things I didn't were mainly the same as in 22 beta.
I probably enjoy the suffering.
on release day…
Yeah, the day 1 patch bogeyman, that legend says he comes at night and ruins a perfectly good game, so more people are compelled to fork out 70 or 90 to get it early with the bogeyman insurance option included, when it's more or less the exact same shit game from 2019.
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is there anyone who enjoyed FIFA 22 not buying 23 after the beta? After going back to 22 i still enjoy it but mainly away from premier league matches
Animations and packaging are really greats in FIFA 23 beta.

On Vanilla, passes speed, midfields/defenders passivity and the CPU high shooting rate are the 3 bigs problems. You can add the lack of crosses too.

I have find the way to decrease the CPU pass speed and high shooting rate.

I managed to switch quickly since FIFA 21 so I have always a player near the ball with my strategy 4-3-2-1.

I can't play FIFA 22 anymore, it feels off when you compare it to FIFA 23 beta.

Last year, patch one added long shoot to CPU and another added faults, so it's hard to stay vanilla
Finger crosses🤞
I'm half expecting to see something saying 'this year, the AI will do things you've never seen before, like CROSS THE FUCKING BALL'

23 will just be another wank-fest of skating & limb breaking physics. If it got any faster, it will be giving Super Kick Off a run for its money and if you haven't played that game, YouTube it.

Buying this is like having a 1.0litre clapped out Corsa but painting it brush gold. It might have some pleasing presentation but ultimately, it's crap.
I'm half expecting to see something saying 'this year, the AI will do things you've never seen before, like CROSS THE FUCKING BALL'

23 will just be another wank-fest of skating & limb breaking physics. If it got any faster, it will be giving Super Kick Off a run for its money and if you haven't played that game, YouTube it.

Buying this is like having a 1.0litre clapped out Corsa but painting it brush gold. It might have some pleasing presentation but ultimately, it's crap.
Couldn’t agree more.

21 and 22 were dross after the updates. Sounds like 23 will be more of the same going from what Beta testers have been saying.

The sooner they ditch Frostbite, the better.
Its the first time for a long time that i'm not waiting for new FIFA. It will be the same as 22 from the vids. Same skating moves, and you say ai is terrible, goal fest etc..
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23 is better than 22 in achieving what they're trying to achieve. Unfortunately, what they're trying to achieve is literally the exact opposite of football. That's not being snarky, that's the fact of it.

Football is a deep, tactical team sport that involves team-building, problem-solving (i.e. build-up play) and good decision-making (when to play it safe, when to take a risk).

FIFA is (now) a streamlined, goal-filled 1v1 eSport, where a footballer's ability doesn't really matter, and another goalscoring opportunity is always just a few seconds away. In-fact, it's so streamlined, you've even got "playable highlights"... It's aggressively tailored to those who have little real interest in football, let's be brutally honest here. It's not far off Fortnite on ice with a picture of a footballer on the box.

...and it will make more money than ever.

Their goal is to make the most addictive 1v1 eSport with the least AI and the most goals possible within the match time, to keep selling the game to the FUT players who need that experience. Meanwhile, the part of their audience who expect a football game... Well, I was going to say "they shouldn't be stupid enough to buy it frankly" (like I always did), but in their defence (and in my defence), EA do repeatedly use the word "realistic" in all their marketing, which feels more duplicitous than ever. "Hypermotion"... I mean, honestly, it feels a bit sickening when you realise you were taken in by it.

If you liked 22 I'm sure you'll love 23, but it feels like one of the most polarising FIFAs ever - in that they've doubled-down on the non-realistic 1v1 stuff (such as "faking" physics to ensure tacklers come away with the ball), added more gimmicks to the gameplay (not just on the pitch - new mattress for your player, anyone?) and moved further away than ever from any kind of grounded, restricted-by-attributes gameplay.

For some, I can only assume, that makes it the "funnest game ever", with teams having 20+ shots per game and all of the "boring bits" like build-up play, and defending, removed. Literally removed, in the case of "playable highlights".

For me, the beta was the biggest dumbing-down of a game that I've ever experienced, to the point that I was honestly shocked (and frankly, furious at the guys who insist that sliders render it worth the asking price - it's an insult to try and force the game to be acceptable, and in my opinion, that can't be achieved).

Thankfully, a lot of other beta players agreed on their feedback forum, so at least I know I'm not alone. But that doesn't really mean anything, does it?

Because if this is their direction, what is the point in providing feedback? There truly isn't any point. All you can do is buy it, or not buy it. For the first time in a very long time, I'm not buying.

Only one football game gets more realistic each year and that's Football Manager, so as much as I'd rather it was a control-the-players football game, that's where my free time will go this year.
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23 is better than 22 in achieving what they're trying to achieve. Unfortunately, what they're trying to achieve is literally the exact opposite of football. That's not being snarky, that's the fact of it.

Football is a deep, tactical team sport that involves team-building, problem-solving (i.e. build-up play) and good decision-making (when to play it safe, when to take a risk).

FIFA is (now) a streamlined, goal-filled 1v1 eSport, where a footballer's ability doesn't really matter, and another goalscoring opportunity is always just a few seconds away. In-fact, it's so streamlined, you've even got "playable highlights"... It's aggressively tailored to those who have little real interest in football, let's be brutally honest here. It's not far off Fortnite on ice with a picture of a footballer on the box.

...and it will make more money than ever.

Their goal is to make the most addictive 1v1 eSport with the least AI and the most goals possible within the match time, to keep selling the game to the FUT players who need that experience. Meanwhile, the part of their audience who expect a football game... Well, I was going to say "they shouldn't be stupid enough to buy it frankly" (like I always did), but in their defence (and in my defence), EA do repeatedly use the word "realistic" in all their marketing, which feels more duplicitous than ever. "Hypermotion"... I mean, honestly, it feels a bit sickening when you realise you were taken in by it.

If you liked 22 I'm sure you'll love 23, but it feels like one of the most polarising FIFAs ever - in that they've doubled-down on the non-realistic 1v1 stuff (such as "faking" physics to ensure tacklers come away with the ball), added more gimmicks to the gameplay (not just on the pitch - new mattress for your player, anyone?) and moved further away than ever from any kind of grounded, restricted-by-attributes gameplay.

For some, I can only assume, that makes it the "funnest game ever", with teams having 20+ shots per game and all of the "boring bits" like build-up play, and defending, removed. Literally removed, in the case of "playable highlights".

For me, the beta was the biggest dumbing-down of a game that I've ever experienced, to the point that I was honestly shocked (and frankly, furious at the guys who insist that sliders render it worth the asking price - it's an insult to try and force the game to be acceptable, and in my opinion, that can't be achieved).

Thankfully, a lot of other beta players agreed on their feedback forum, so at least I know I'm not alone. But that doesn't really mean anything, does it?

Because if this is their direction, what is the point in providing feedback? There truly isn't any point. All you can do is buy it, or not buy it. For the first time in a very long time, I'm not buying.

Only one football game gets more realistic each year and that's Football Manager, so as much as I'd rather it was a control-the-players football game, that's where my free time will go this year.
I have exactly the same feelings on the vanilla of the beta. It's the first Time i saw on a FIFA game 36 shoots on goal with Liverpool vs City, with Virgile who has 90 GEN... and the online will be an unreal fest goals. They put latency on goal keeper interventions, even on FUMA on vanilla. OMG

But yes, I don't listen to all the bad buzz because I was on holidays when it started and I have the luck to made 90 matchs on FIFA 23 beta.

The vanilla one looks exactly like the official videos : no GK, no fault, no pressing, kick and rush style, no crosses. 100% shit, i haven't other world to stay polite. It's crap.

So After 5 longs games with scores like 2-10/4-9/ 6-7, i tried some sliders.
And bim no more crazy scores.
But yes we don't have to do this. Sliders should be like an equalizer. So Céline Dion will never sound like Metallica! Even with more bass or tremble or medium !

Sliders help but the core code of the game should be access on real football actions whom included inertia, faults, crosses, freekicks, a clever strategy of the CPU.

My strategy who sometimes failed it's to slow down the game to let AI has time to create/choose the right animation at the right time. If you succeed, you can see the new animations, nice ball physics, inertia, crosses.
In a frenetic game, you can't see that. You Can reach the other goal in 3 laser passes even City genius K De Brune can't do.

When you play NBA 2K23, 2K likes micro transactions, but they offer an impressive basket game after a 2K22 who was the worst of the serie. Monster gameplay with marking a lot of money it's possible. I Hope EA will be inspired by this 2K23.
Everything I've heard and seen of NBA 2K23 looks amazing. It's always looked good but I'm reading everyone's views and impressions of 2K23 and the words "more of a simulation than ever" come up time and time again - they've even introduced a dribbling "stamina bar" to stop people dancing through defenders over and over again, so it seems like it's not just FIFA that seeks to empower people with that kind of bullshit (despite both fans of the sport and gamers seemingly hating it).

I've tried to get into it before and I just can't. I just hope football gets a comparable game in my lifetime.
Off: Once again, NBA2k art team has done a TERRIBLE work. Weak textures (worst than 2k22), zero inovations, poor uniforms, unrealistic designs. But inexplicably I'm LOVING THE GAME. The animation team was so competent that it's making me ignore the weak points.

Gameplay >>> Art
23 is better than 22 in achieving what they're trying to achieve. Unfortunately, what they're trying to achieve is literally the exact opposite of football. That's not being snarky, that's the fact of it.

Football is a deep, tactical team sport that involves team-building, problem-solving (i.e. build-up play) and good decision-making (when to play it safe, when to take a risk).

FIFA is (now) a streamlined, goal-filled 1v1 eSport, where a footballer's ability doesn't really matter, and another goalscoring opportunity is always just a few seconds away. In-fact, it's so streamlined, you've even got "playable highlights"... It's aggressively tailored to those who have little real interest in football, let's be brutally honest here. It's not far off Fortnite on ice with a picture of a footballer on the box.

...and it will make more money than ever.

Their goal is to make the most addictive 1v1 eSport with the least AI and the most goals possible within the match time, to keep selling the game to the FUT players who need that experience. Meanwhile, the part of their audience who expect a football game... Well, I was going to say "they shouldn't be stupid enough to buy it frankly" (like I always did), but in their defence (and in my defence), EA do repeatedly use the word "realistic" in all their marketing, which feels more duplicitous than ever. "Hypermotion"... I mean, honestly, it feels a bit sickening when you realise you were taken in by it.

If you liked 22 I'm sure you'll love 23, but it feels like one of the most polarising FIFAs ever - in that they've doubled-down on the non-realistic 1v1 stuff (such as "faking" physics to ensure tacklers come away with the ball), added more gimmicks to the gameplay (not just on the pitch - new mattress for your player, anyone?) and moved further away than ever from any kind of grounded, restricted-by-attributes gameplay.

For some, I can only assume, that makes it the "funnest game ever", with teams having 20+ shots per game and all of the "boring bits" like build-up play, and defending, removed. Literally removed, in the case of "playable highlights".

For me, the beta was the biggest dumbing-down of a game that I've ever experienced, to the point that I was honestly shocked (and frankly, furious at the guys who insist that sliders render it worth the asking price - it's an insult to try and force the game to be acceptable, and in my opinion, that can't be achieved).

Thankfully, a lot of other beta players agreed on their feedback forum, so at least I know I'm not alone. But that doesn't really mean anything, does it?

Because if this is their direction, what is the point in providing feedback? There truly isn't any point. All you can do is buy it, or not buy it. For the first time in a very long time, I'm not buying.

Only one football game gets more realistic each year and that's Football Manager, so as much as I'd rather it was a control-the-players football game, that's where my free time will go this year.
Wow, you should put it as a game review on all the websites.
At least people like us would have been warned to stay away.
I played some FIFA 11 and 12 for the first time in a long time tonight. The foot planting on both of those games are a million miles better than what we have now.....and so is the positioning!
I remember those two games feeling like something from another planet in terms of realism and technology. It's crazy to think each year football's surely can only get better. Who would've thought 12 years later we'd see such a regression on such basic fundamentals.
I played some FIFA 11 and 12 for the first time in a long time tonight. The foot planting on both of those games are a million miles better than what we have now.....and so is the positioning!
I remember those two games feeling like something from another planet in terms of realism and technology. It's crazy to think each year football's surely can only get better. Who would've thought 12 years later we'd see such a regression on such basic fundamentals.
I've said this a few times in the last few weeks, but (I've never let that stop me before)...

I just can't believe that we went from the original consoles with primitive football games ... to modern consoles that threw everything at making the game engines deeper, with realistic real-time physics ... to super-modern consoles, where "gAmEs ShOuLd Be GaMeS", the physics are faked for "fun" and every player can dribble like Neymar. It is staggering to me.
I've said this a few times in the last few weeks, but (I've never let that stop me before)...

I just can't believe that we went from the original consoles with primitive football games ... to modern consoles that threw everything at making the game engines deeper, with realistic real-time physics ... to super-modern consoles, where "gAmEs ShOuLd Be GaMeS", the physics are faked for "fun" and every player can dribble like Neymar. It is staggering to me.
not really staggering , they just weigh up which model makes more money and go with that. Online gaming which in principal sounds great has killed the need to invest in realism and single player modes as those modes don't sell to the online players. Even if 50 million people world wide wanted realism if 51 million want 40 yard bangers by every player they will go with the majority as it will generate more revenue. I think its that simple. On top of that out of the disappointed 50 million people 40 million will still buy it and moan about it for 12 months - rinse and repeat
I've said this a few times in the last few weeks, but (I've never let that stop me before)...

I just can't believe that we went from the original consoles with primitive football games ... to modern consoles that threw everything at making the game engines deeper, with realistic real-time physics ... to super-modern consoles, where "gAmEs ShOuLd Be GaMeS", the physics are faked for "fun" and every player can dribble like Neymar. It is staggering to me.
It's slightly dystipic isn't it. As technology & our wisdom & understanding of it is greater then ever, we've hit this plateu regarding vision & ambition.

You look beyond games and out into the real world too. We should have flying cars, synthetic fuel & augmented body parts & no more cancer. Yet the only thing that seems to trivially advance every year is smart phones, their gimmicky cameras & maybe Internet speeds, which are more than good enough and shouldn't really be a priority.
I am just waiting the nextgen at pc. At xbox series x, which I play 22, the game dont that the balance of the pc gameplay. I am not hyped about it this year. The game from the beta I have watch looking very fast. The reason I wanna play its the 11 vs 11 mode and the crossplay.

P.S. Always try the game first at the trail!!! Dont preorder it!
The fact that it's taken on a mobile phone and zoomed in (to avoid the watermark with the user's gamertag on it) says to me it's the beta. As does the fact that the defenders do absolutely nothing.

As does the ball being the Ligue 1 ball despite the teams being EPL teams (because without manually selecting the ball in the beta, you'd usually get the fake EA ball by default, so he's obviously just chosen his favourite non-fake ball).

EDIT: Actually, the watermark appears around the 55 second mark. Definitely the beta.

Looks lovely when you isolate a ton of clips and merge them together. When you see an entire match that finishes 9-7, not so much.

To be honest, I couldn't tell what the point of that video was. It has some parts that look good, the finishes by Lewandoski etc... but then some parts that ruin the game.
Hello friends. I apologize for posting this post here. But anyway, it is related to sports games.

The review of the NBA 2K23 ( PS5 Version ) game is my hand. I leave you only a part of walking, running, animations of this amazing game. The integration of animations and the switch of animation one to animation two in this game is wonderful. The design of game animations has been developed in line with a realistic simulation game.

The problems of the foot planting part are surprisingly not seen in the game, and in the last two versions, the animators have tried very hard in this part to reduce the problem of slipping animations in this game to the lowest possible level.

The powerful graphic engine Eco-Motion Engine, which is an exclusive engine of the studio "Visual Concepts", is one of the most advanced graphics engines in the sports game sector in the video game industry.

Visual Concept Studio is one of the best gaming studios in the sports games sector in the game industry. With their masterpiece basketball game, they were able to remove and finally destroy the NBA LIVE game.

This is the sad and disastrous situation of football games in the game industry. This football game is a shame. Unfortunately, there is no other football game available for us to experience. PES series that died forever. And this is the embarrassing situation of the FIFA series.

View attachment NBA 1.mp4
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Hello friends. I apologize for posting this post here. But anyway, it is related to sports games.

The review of the NBA 2K23 ( PS5 Version ) game is my hand. I leave you only a part of walking, running, animations of this amazing game. The integration of animations and the switch of animation one to animation two in this game is wonderful. The design of game animations has been developed in line with a realistic simulation game.

The problems of the foot planting part are surprisingly not seen in the game, and in the last two versions, the animators have tried very hard in this part to reduce the problem of slipping animations in this game to the lowest possible level.

The powerful graphic engine Eco-Motion Engine, which is an exclusive engine of the studio "Visual Concepts", is one of the most advanced graphics engines in the sports game sector in the video game industry.

Visual Concept Studio is one of the best gaming studios in the sports games sector in the game industry. With their masterpiece basketball game, they were able to remove and finally destroy the NBA LIVE game.

This is the sad and disastrous situation of football games in the game industry. This football game is a shame. Unfortunately, there is no other football game available for us to experience. PES series that died forever. And this is the embarrassing situation of the FIFA series.

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This looks great. I really wish that 2K will buy the FIFA license next year and produce a football game with that animation engine. It could have amazing potential if you judge it from the fact that from what it seems they're not afraid to go heavily towards the simulation route and ignoring the arcady lovers arguements like ''but it's too realistic to be fun'' who try to keep technology behind with their bullshit..

Of course they don't have the same experience when it comes to create a football game and it's very different than creating a basketball game (well..if you judge from FIFA..not so and probably their first attempt won't have the most amazing outcome if you set the bar so high and expect identical results like their basketball game..but still i think they could deliver something very impressive. And it's probably the only company in the world right now with the knowledge, technology and money to do it..I hope that these greedy fuckers in the FIFA corporation won't demand a too crazy amount of money to give the license because maybe that could stop 2K from reaching a deal..But if you think about it..who else could do it..? They're surely the number one candidates..And from what the FIFA corporation has communicated..they surely want to keep selling the license for video games to be produced.

Another reason is that 2K already killed EA's NBA Live and i'm sure that they'll be more than happy to kill EA Sports FC also.
This looks great. I really wish that 2K will buy the FIFA license next year and produce a football game with that animation engine. It could have amazing potential if you judge it from the fact that from what it seems they're not afraid to go heavily towards the simulation route and ignoring the arcady lovers arguements like ''but it's too realistic to be fun'' who try to keep technology behind with their bullshit..

Of course they don't have the same experience when it comes to create a football game and it's very different than creating a basketball game (well..if you judge from FIFA..not so and probably their first attempt won't have the most amazing outcome if you set the bar so high and expect identical results like their basketball game..but still i think they could deliver something very impressive. And it's probably the only company in the world right now with the knowledge, technology and money to do it..I hope that these greedy fuckers in the FIFA corporation won't demand a too crazy amount of money to give the license because maybe that could stop 2K from reaching a deal..But if you think about it..who else could do it..? They're surely the number one candidates..And from what the FIFA corporation has communicated..they surely want to keep selling the license for video games to be produced.

Another reason is that 2K already killed EA's NBA Live and i'm sure that they'll be more than happy to kill EA Sports FC also.
I think it all starts with passionate football fans that those who are building a new game must be. They are the base for a good game. If the attitude isn’t there, the knowledge of the sport and all its aspects… then it’s not gonna be good.
It's slightly dystipic isn't it. As technology & our wisdom & understanding of it is greater then ever, we've hit this plateu regarding vision & ambition.

You look beyond games and out into the real world too. We should have flying cars, synthetic fuel & augmented body parts & no more cancer. Yet the only thing that seems to trivially advance every year is smart phones, their gimmicky cameras & maybe Internet speeds, which are more than good enough and shouldn't really be a priority.
Very off topic, but you are bang on. Its almost like they were trying to dumb society down and keep the blinds on.
I sound like conspiracy theorist now.. :LOL:
Hello friends. I apologize for posting this post here. But anyway, it is related to sports games.

The review of the NBA 2K23 ( PS5 Version ) game is my hand. I leave you only a part of walking, running, animations of this amazing game. The integration of animations and the switch of animation one to animation two in this game is wonderful. The design of game animations has been developed in line with a realistic simulation game.

The problems of the foot planting part are surprisingly not seen in the game, and in the last two versions, the animators have tried very hard in this part to reduce the problem of slipping animations in this game to the lowest possible level.

The powerful graphic engine Eco-Motion Engine, which is an exclusive engine of the studio "Visual Concepts", is one of the most advanced graphics engines in the sports game sector in the video game industry.

Visual Concept Studio is one of the best gaming studios in the sports games sector in the game industry. With their masterpiece basketball game, they were able to remove and finally destroy the NBA LIVE game.

This is the sad and disastrous situation of football games in the game industry. This football game is a shame. Unfortunately, there is no other football game available for us to experience. PES series that died forever. And this is the embarrassing situation of the FIFA series.

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Yeah, those look nice but it falls apart a bit when there a 2 teams on the court. 🤷‍♂️
just saying…
This looks great. I really wish that 2K will buy the FIFA license next year and produce a football game with that animation engine. It could have amazing potential if you judge it from the fact that from what it seems they're not afraid to go heavily towards the simulation route and ignoring the arcady lovers arguements like ''but it's too realistic to be fun'' who try to keep technology behind with their bullshit..

Of course they don't have the same experience when it comes to create a football game and it's very different than creating a basketball game (well..if you judge from FIFA..not so and probably their first attempt won't have the most amazing outcome if you set the bar so high and expect identical results like their basketball game..but still i think they could deliver something very impressive. And it's probably the only company in the world right now with the knowledge, technology and money to do it..I hope that these greedy fuckers in the FIFA corporation won't demand a too crazy amount of money to give the license because maybe that could stop 2K from reaching a deal..But if you think about it..who else could do it..? They're surely the number one candidates..And from what the FIFA corporation has communicated..they surely want to keep selling the license for video games to be produced.

Another reason is that 2K already killed EA's NBA Live and i'm sure that they'll be more than happy to kill EA Sports FC also.

It's all very nice and such to think that 2K would make a better "FIFA' but I don't think you're taking into account that the FIFA license is essentially just a name. EA will still have the biggest teams & leagues exclusively. There's no way a 2K FIFA with no licenses is going to compete. At all. We have seen that with PES in the past. There is absolutely no hope of 2K 'killing' EA Sports FC. None at all.
It's all very nice and such to think that 2K would make a better "FIFA' but I don't think you're taking into account that the FIFA license is essentially just a name. EA will still have the biggest teams & leagues exclusively. There's no way a 2K FIFA with no licenses is going to compete. At all. We have seen that with PES in the past. There is absolutely no hope of 2K 'killing' EA Sports FC. None at all.
In terms of overall I agree without licences it won’t properly ‘kill’ the game that has them. For those of us who want sim gameplay and who are watching the direction of both games over the last few years though, I think licences are becoming even less of a concern than ever. Just give us good fundamentals and we’ll be happy at this point.
In terms of overall I agree without licences it won’t properly ‘kill’ the game that has them. For those of us who want sim gameplay and who are watching the direction of both games over the last few years though, I think licences are becoming even less of a concern than ever. Just give us good fundamentals and we’ll be happy at this point.
Oh I agree. I’d take an unlicensed game with a good edit mode & stadium creator with proper sim gameplay. The only thing that is an issue is that they’ll have to sell enough to make it worthwhile to even produce. Licenses are definitely prohibitive of that unfortunately.
It's all very nice and such to think that 2K would make a better "FIFA' but I don't think you're taking into account that the FIFA license is essentially just a name. EA will still have the biggest teams & leagues exclusively. There's no way a 2K FIFA with no licenses is going to compete. At all. We have seen that with PES in the past. There is absolutely no hope of 2K 'killing' EA Sports FC. None at all.
Yes licenses are important for the offline crowd. But 2K also has a lot of money and could attract many licenses. For the online crowd which is the vast majority and where the big bucks are coming from..they don't really care about licenses. They're playing with fantasy cartoony kits and badges that they get from packs and they name their teams whatever they want. No one of them gave a fuck that Juve was called Piemonte Calcio and now they're makes no difference to this crowd.

So yeah if 2K makes a much better game than EA's one then they will attract the huge online crowd even if they have less licenses. Of course they won't kill EA's game with their first attempts but it could happen in the future if the quality difference between the games is too big. NBA 2K also didn't kill NBA Live in 1-2 years but in the long run.
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