FIFA 22 Discussion (Console Versions)

Last night fired up Fifa from curiosity, game updated to latest patch. After 2 minutes I switched it off. I am done with this game. Fired up pes 2021 and felt limititaions in gameplay right away but the game felt like playing football.
I think we have to understand that football games will never be like playing football anymore like in the past. It`s out of mind to think that there is not a game that represents most popular sport in the world as it should.
Last night fired up Fifa from curiosity, game updated to latest patch. After 2 minutes I switched it off. I am done with this game. Fired up pes 2021 and felt limititaions in gameplay right away but the game felt like playing football.
I think we have to understand that football games will never be like playing football anymore like in the past. It`s out of mind to think that there is not a game that represents most popular sport in the world as it should.
slightly adjusted sliders again after the patch and its great, difficulty level seems slightly tweaked so dropped down to professional in my career, keepers massively improved , loads of fouls, AI defense on professional feels a bit tougher. Everyone wants different things but to me PES 21 feels like a 10 year old game compared to NG FIFA in terms of movement and variety especially against the AI
Variety is not only a seal of quality in all ways : when it's due to the massive amount of impossible stuffs (without respecting the reality of physics law) there's in Fifa...
It's incomparable.
Fifa 98 got also more variety in terms of all you can do on the patch than ISS pro, for taking an example. But it's nowhere near following the realism of what you can really do in football. The game was much more restricted than all Fifa on PS1, even PS2. Even ISS 3 got 32 directions if you play with the stick : more variety... But nowhere better for that reason.

I agree not everything should be totally following those law as it's a 90 > 12 minutes (not only physics, but also footballistic : about stuffs a player can do with ease or not as it's technically difficult), but Fifa 22 is, at least for me, trowing out completely the 2 mentionned stuffs.
There's tons of others way to follow the rules for having a football feeling than what Fifa purpose (off thread : PES 21 is much righter to me in terms of choice of what you need to "compromise" to reduce by 9 a game and keep a football feeling)
Variety is not only a seal of quality in all ways : when it's due to the massive amount of impossible stuffs (without respecting the reality of physics law) there's in Fifa...
It's incomparable.
Fifa 98 got also more variety in terms of all you can do on the patch than ISS pro, for taking an example. But it's nowhere near following the realism of what you can really do in football. The game was much more restricted than all Fifa on PS1, even PS2. Even ISS 3 got 32 directions if you play with the stick : more variety... But nowhere better for that reason.

I agree not everything should be totally following those law as it's a 90 > 12 minutes (not only physics, but also footballistic : about stuffs a player can do with ease or not as it's technically difficult), but Fifa 22 is, at least for me, trowing out completely the 2 mentionned stuffs.
There's tons of others way to follow the rules for having a football feeling than what Fifa purpose (off thread : PES 21 is much righter to me in terms of choice of what you need to "compromise" to reduce by 9 a game and keep a football feeling)
Like i said people want different things,, i went back to PES in 17 and stuck with it until 21. Without turning this into a comparison thread i would take fifa 22 NG and its faults over any of those games by a mile ( and post PES 21 patch PES 17 is the best of the bunch by a long way)
I really don't understand the love for PES 2021 aside from the mods. I tried to love it, but every time I play it I find it to be one of the most one dimensional, restrictive games of football I've ever played.

I know FIFA 22 NG has it's ridiculous animations, movements etc, but for me personally I feel like I can actually play football more than I can when I play PES 2021. My brain needs to use more 'football' than 'game' compared to PES (2021).
It's more up to you to create "dimensions" in PES 2021. Because it's really realistic in terms of law physics and football logic.
You have to control yourself the game and what will happens and not the opposite (such as Fifa "variety/bad randomness... Bad because it's totally random and not related to what you do with the pad and what's happen on the pitch. If the computer decide that the pass will be missed, you can do whatever you want : it will be.

Stats are completely generated differently. Precision in PES is not related to randomness. For example, Dribbing is the number of touches a player can do in a certain perimeters / related with others parameters like others stats, speed etc.

On Fifa, you can loose the ball with no "physicality" reason : it's more about direction. That why i said "bad randomness". When the CPU have way too much influence on what you're doing, you, well if you're not used too, won't feel why you're lost a ball, miss a shoot or a pass.
On PES You run straight with a player with low dribbling and high speed : the player won't have a misdirections, but a ball pushed too long and his steps won't follow the ball : he's running too fast for his abilities (so he will slow down or "walk" on the ball). On Fifa, you run straight with your stick, the direction will change randomly, that's how stats works since a long time.

I don't know if i'm clear but that why some/we prefers PES : it's follow a logic. Some don't care and prefers the Fifa randomness not related to physics even if it impact the gameplay and most of all : the feeling.

Not really a comparison, but that's one reason why we feel more football on PES 2021 (or other PES) than on Fifa 22 (or other Fifa). Situations and stats are generated differently, and there's more understanding when you miss something or when the ball take a certain direction. Because there's by far less directionnal randmness on PES.

In others words and brief, you found logic in one game of what you're doing and what happen on the pitch that you don't on the other game. Just the feeling while dribbling means a lot: on PES it goes where you asked, in Fifa the ball is pushed with "misses" in directional terms.

Sorry for the O.T., i'm not comparing, and the other thread is dead so don't blame me. I try to explain the "why" at Fifa 22 fans. As it can be hard to understand, when you're so used to play with one game and no more with the other.
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I think we need to face that most of us find both fairly terrible. The constant comparison (which this isn't the thread for) is frustrating, because it's always one or two saying "this one's better", when we've all played it and we all have formed an opinion - and don't need to be told it's actually great and we're just not seeing it. If it was truly a good game, we'd all be saying it. We all want the same gameplay things here - but in the end, we have to pick one thing we want most, because everything around it is so poor.

For me, PES 2021 (even modded to death) has Game Boy level AI. Even with "fluid formations" to try and get the AI players to run the right way when out of possession (which is just LOL for a game released in 2020, PES modders have always done Konami's job for them but it's literally laughable at this point) ... it's like AI players can't see the opposition or the ball. I still find it ridiculous that you have to input your dribble commands in advance because of how unresponsive the game is. Dribbling is next-to-impossible for me (which could be my fault, can't 100% blame the game for that). The "feel" is less like controlling human beings, and more like driving Reliant Robins.

FIFA 22 is almost the opposite in that regard. It feels like controlling a shopping bag in a breeze. You can deform, turn yourself inside out and change direction in a split second no matter where your momentum is and where your limbs are facing. The ball does the same thing - half the time it moves at a normal speed (but barely any friction), half the time it flies like a rocket. At that speed, it would be impossible to trap the ball, yet it stops dead as soon as it arrives at its destination. All this combined with permanent AI tiki-taka, thanks to there being no representation of player attributes (AI or otherwise)... Not to mention the ghost ball, the skating players and 1v1 horseshit...

At best, if you NEED to play a football game, you pick the one that doesn't mess up the stuff that's super important to you. For me, that's FIFA, purely because the AI doesn't pass in straight lines from defence to attack and then do a 180 turn-shot goal. But that doesn't mean it's a good game.
Well, AI is something else. Personnaly, i don't search variety but challenge... I'm replaying very old PES since some month, and the variety is pretty overrated.
But there's challenge. In terms of AI, Fifa got challenge and variety. PES just got challenge, less variety.
Whatever, it's a matter of taste and interest. To me, turning in every direction with zero logic in terms of physics is a big no, same for passing, shooting and all the rest. So to me it's PES.
End of the "debate" for me
Edit: i don't say it on a severe/bad note guys, i don't want to O.T. that thread, but i just wanted to say that there's at least challenge in PES 2021 vs CPU. And yes AI is weird and not super for your teamates, you got a bit of "mastering" the co-teamate runs system.
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I thought this was a clip of PES at first, which tells me FIFA is at least moving in the right direction (I think PES clips always look incredibly lifelike) - but when I zoomed in, the AI pass at 2 seconds which moves at a stupid speed compared to the rest of the passes. That is such a turn-off for me, and I can't "unsee" that during a game, when it's happening every few passes. But other than that, it looks pretty good.

That's not next-gen either, which makes me wonder if the next-gen version is a bit of a scam.

I thought this was a clip of PES at first, which tells me FIFA is at least moving in the right direction (I think PES clips always look incredibly lifelike) - but when I zoomed in, the AI pass at 2 seconds which moves at a stupid speed compared to the rest of the passes. That is such a turn-off for me, and I can't "unsee" that during a game, when it's happening every few passes. But other than that, it looks pretty good.

That's not next-gen either, which makes me wonder if the next-gen version is a bit of a scam.
Agree, FIFA never looks quite right in clips.

In regards to that pass, the balance and implementation for under and over hit pass errors on FIFA is so out of whack.
Turned this on again for the first time in a while (PS5) and it’s…boring. Hats off to you if you can play this everyday but I just get no emotions from it.

The AI is dross. Ping pongs the ball around. I’ve lowered the CPU pass speed to 10 (!) but it still gets this weird boost and it speeds up regardless of what sliders I use.

I’m back to FIFA 20. Despite its flaws, it’s still a lot of fun to play and has more variety than FIFA 22.
Turned this on again for the first time in a while (PS5) and it’s…boring. Hats off to you if you can play this everyday but I just get no emotions from it.

The AI is dross. Ping pongs the ball around. I’ve lowered the CPU pass speed to 10 (!) but it still gets this weird boost and it speeds up regardless of what sliders I use.

I’m back to FIFA 20. Despite its flaws, it’s still a lot of fun to play and has more variety than FIFA 22.
Still plays pretty good ,a bit baffled about ball physics (ball rolling on the grass) after playing a lot of Pes lately ,but no deal breaker.
Standings in the end table is hard to swallow for me ,team 1+2 ends up with very few losses and few draws.
But a solid game mate ,if you're not to worried about rosters 15 is still (for me as a console player) probably the best ,both from a team mate ai/ball physics and toughness/smartness from the CPU ,the way they chase a draw/win when needed at the end of games is still unmatched in FIFA ,same for protecting a lead ,still look ok too.
Have fun regardless
I think we will evolve when EA splits the gameplay into two modes (Simulation and Competitive) They have already created options for Competitive control, but lack slides and settings for simulation.

Update 1

Update 7

Hypermotion has a lot to evolve, EA mentioned in a presentation that the technology will be explored for another 10 years or so, but I'm afraid of the reception of the innovations in front of the Ultimate Team community 😐
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what system is this on? ive played a full season and a bit on PS5 and watched a lot of replays and have never seen this, not saying it doesnt exist but how many replays do they watch in detail to find something like this? or is it common and im just not looking hard enough
Happens to me every game too on Xbox Series X. Great goals are ruined, and it felt like cheating.
Some heavy slider twaeks after last update but loving them and .my career mode

I've often wondered if you have some magic sliders that fix the goalkeepers, ghost ball, skating etc. - cos you say you don't see it. If anything, I'm seeing more of it in this clip than I ever have - just one example with a sound effect for good measure:

I'm glad it doesn't impact your enjoyment of the game but I just cannot ignore this stuff. No game is perfect, but it's part of the fundamentals - play with the sliders to fix the speed, and you end up with Scooby-Doo-running. Reset the sliders and everyone's Usain Bolt. Apply that to literally every part of the game (e.g. pass speed, shot speed)...
I don't notice it until it's pointed out to me in these short clips , maybe I'm too engrossed in the game. But I'm thankful it doesn't bother me that much . Like I've said before evey football game released so far and forever will have it's tradeoffs and these will be different for different people . I'd take this all day long over pes 21 ai rrepeatitvs attacks , but someone else may not . At the end of the day fifa ticks a lot of boxes for me
I don't notice it until it's pointed out to me in these short clips , maybe I'm too engrossed in the game. But I'm thankful it doesn't bother me that much . Like I've said before evey football game released so far and forever will have it's tradeoffs and these will be different for different people . I'd take this all day long over pes 21 ai rrepeatitvs attacks , but someone else may not . At the end of the day fifa ticks a lot of boxes for me

To be fair I kinda get your point,

I sadly don’t have a gaming pc, so I do have to make do with whatever’s out on console and despite its many many many faults there is a lot to like and just enough in this to keep me going.

Especially considering I’m on series x (so no option files) there’s just a lingering emptiness to Pes 21. Even though it gets a lot of the fundamentals spot on, the atmosphere is hilariously drab, the unlicenced kits are bland and even though i can stomach the lack of just dont feel 'confronted' by the ai - only cheated by it on the higher levels.

Fifa at least feels a bit more chaotic and I guess, alive? Even if, at times it goes all Tekken-ball. Spending an hour or so tweaking the sliders certainly beats a lifetime of manually editing the teams, kits and tactics in Xbox Pes.

That said, you have to concede that they need to get a hold of this guff.....F972C962-1B99-43C8-A906-0CA04F9D73DB.jpeg
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To be fair I kinda get your point,

I sadly don’t have a gaming pc, so I do have to make do with whatever’s out on console and despite its many many many faults there is just enough in this to keep me going.

Especially considering I’m on series x (so no option files) there’s just a lingering emptiness to Pes 21. Even though it gets a lot of the fundamentals spot on, the atmosphere is hilariously drab, the unlicenced kits are bland and even though i can stomach the lack of just dont feel 'confronted' by the ai - only cheated by it on the higher levels.

Fifa at least feels a bit more chaotic and I guess, alive? Even if, at times it goes all Tekken-ball. Spending an hour or so tweaking the sliders certainly beats a lifetime of manually editing the teams, kits and tactics in Xbox Pes.

That said, you have to concede that they need to get a hold of this guff.....View attachment 149687
Yeah well said man. Those animation, skating, clipping issues are terrible. No doubt, and as you said EA really need to try and sort them out. Unfortunately the reason they’re there in the first place is probably the bigger issue and the reason that fixing them is unlikely..

However, like you, I’m still able to enjoy the game. Despite its obvious faults, the AI, overall behaviour and freedom to play on 22 NG is actually quite good this year as a base. I haven’t been able to say that for a number of football games now.

The skating etc, is awful, but nothing new to frostbite FIFA. What is new is the improvement in AI behaviour, general positioning, lack of patterns, team movement. As I’ve said before, if the only thing ‘hypermotion’ has brought is that team movement, then for me personally it’s still a major positive. It has dramatically reduced the awful 1v1 that is still a huge problem on CG.

Ball physics while still not perfect, are much better than they’ve been on FIFA before in my opinion.

While sliders can’t fix a lot of the issues, it can help correct some and overall I find the greatest ability of sliders is to adjust behaviour and balance. For example I don’t see tika taka anymore (very rarely, if ever). I don’t see ridiculous pass completion %, I don’t see the ball flying around too crazy much. I do see some very nice midfield battles, realistic save and shot counts and realistic overall possession zones. I’ve had to go into team tactics for the tactical adjustment fix, and while I definitely shouldn’t have to do that, if it’s fixed something that I found broken then I’ll take it. Maybe my bar has been lowered by years of this, but I kind of just got into every football game expecting to have to tinker these days. I know sliders have helped in these areas because I was having those issues prior and it’s taken me a long time to find a balance that has helped a lot of those problems.

While the running animation can take a little too long to engage, I feel I’ve found a good balance with sliders and I find physical interactions and and a reduced ability to burst by defenders have definitely improved as a result of sliders.

I’m not really a big mode player, I just like to play one off games for the most part as I just enjoy switching off and relaxing with the gameplay more than anything else, so maybe that contributes to it.

I definitely still have issues with the game. Defenders are still tracking runs too deep, goalkeepers, ridiculous animations and I’d love if the midfielders came and engaged a little more often, etc.

I guess I’m lucky in the sense I can enjoy the game still…and I haven’t been able to simplify it down to just that for a number of years in a football game.
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Right this thread is more crowded and its the same game as pc anyways.
How do you guys play this offline?! I can run straight through the opposition and score on Legendary, not to mention same for the AI.
And im already on modified sliders.
Yeah well said man. Those animation, skating, clipping issues are terrible. No doubt, and as you said EA really need to try and sort them out. Unfortunately the reason they’re there in the first place is probably the bigger issue and the reason that fixing them is unlikely..

However, like you, I’m still able to enjoy the game. Despite its obvious faults, the AI, overall behaviour and freedom to play on 22 NG is actually quite good this year as a base. I haven’t been able to say that for a number of football games now.

The skating etc, is awful, but nothing new to frostbite FIFA. What is new is the improvement in AI behaviour, general positioning, lack of patterns, team movement. As I’ve said before, if the only thing ‘hypermotion’ has brought is that team movement, then for me personally it’s still a major positive. It has dramatically reduced the awful 1v1 that is still a huge problem on CG.

Ball physics while still not perfect, are much better than they’ve been on FIFA before in my opinion.

While sliders can’t fix a lot of the issues, it can help correct some and overall I find the greatest ability of sliders is to adjust behaviour and balance. For example I don’t see tika taka anymore (very rarely, if ever). I don’t see ridiculous pass completion %, I don’t see the ball flying around too crazy much. I do see some very nice midfield battles, realistic save and shot counts and realistic overall possession zones. I’ve had to go into team tactics for the tactical adjustment fix, and while I definitely shouldn’t have to do that, if it’s fixed something that I found broken then I’ll take it. Maybe my bar has been lowered by years of this, but I kind of just got into every football game expecting to have to tinker these days. I know sliders have helped in these areas because I was having those issues prior and it’s taken me a long time to find a balance that has helped a lot of those problems.

While the running animation can take a little too long to engage, I feel I’ve found a good balance with sliders and I find physical interactions and and a reduced ability to burst by defenders have definitely improved as a result of sliders.

I’m not really a big mode player, I just like to play one off games for the most part as I just enjoy switching off and relaxing with the gameplay more than anything else, so maybe that contributes to it.

I definitely still have issues with the game. Defenders are still tracking runs too deep, goalkeepers, ridiculous animations and I’d love if the midfielders came and engaged a little more often, etc.

I guess I’m lucky in the sense I can enjoy the game still…and I haven’t been able to simplify it down to just that for a number of years in a football game.
You talked about the positioning of the team, I think this aspect is the most positive aspect of Hypermotion. I feel that EA has reduced some frames in the animations to favor high responsiveness. The driving with the ball is very strange.
Blah blah blah…

It’s the same crap they’ve fed us for years, this time it’s called ‘Hypermotion’. At the end of the day, the game will be catered towards FUT players. It doesn’t matter how much they try to spin gameplay mechanics and new presentation, the game will be a mess.

FIFA is garbage and will continue to be for as long as fantasy card pack opening games bringing in revenue.
I've often wondered if you have some magic sliders that fix the goalkeepers, ghost ball, skating etc. - cos you say you don't see it. If anything, I'm seeing more of it in this clip than I ever have - just one example with a sound effect for good measure:

I'm glad it doesn't impact your enjoyment of the game but I just cannot ignore this stuff. No game is perfect, but it's part of the fundamentals - play with the sliders to fix the speed, and you end up with Scooby-Doo-running. Reset the sliders and everyone's Usain Bolt. Apply that to literally every part of the game (e.g. pass speed, shot speed)...
No offence intended here @hitmanuk but in my opinion that footage is hot garbage. Perfect passes being pinged across the box in a lower league fixture? No thanks!

edit: I didn’t mean to quote Chris! :LOL:

Every good change in this direction will be swallowed by the fut zombies in a patch or two, or even just after the beta. Don't even know why they bother with this pompous talks anymore when all the market they care about goes in the opposite direction. It's probably just a marketing thing to hook people out of the loop with big words or something on the same vibe. It's all meaningless if they don't create a separate modality for it, and it doesn't seem like it's in their mind at all.
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