FIFA 22 Discussion (Console Versions)

Gotta get some more games in.... Hopefully its not overdone like PES18. Hopefully there's some middleground.

How are you finding the update. Changes to your sliders? I actually reverted to kinda stock to get a better feel...
Yeah I hope so too. So far, I haven't felt the need to change any of my slider settings since the update.

I feel like the update so far has been a solid one and the movement of limbs etc has settled somewhat compared to the last update. I wouldn’t be confident to bump up acceleration higher to what I’m using though (46/49). I personally like the discrepancy in speed/acc a lot as it helps majorly with physicality and player interactions. I always hate being able to burst by the CPU at will.

If you haven't tried the latest set where I opened up the length and width a little more, I recommend it. I feel like the freedom to play and variety has increased. Game has its faults for sure but I’m back to really enjoying it!

Edit: Just played a great 0-0, Psg v City. 9 shots to 10. 83% pass completion for CPU. It was a good scrappy 0-0 but not a boring one. The thing I like a lot about this game, and something I think is underrated with it is the lack of patterns in the AI. I don’t feel there’s a set approach.
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A big downside of the non-manual passing shows well here, with Mané going for a ridiculous pass to Salah instead of a slight tap over to Firmino. Another downside switching over from manual for me is that World class is way easier - almost too easy. Or maybe that's the new update? I think this game just really doesn't want me to find settings I can settle into.

A big downside of the non-manual passing shows well here, with Mané going for a ridiculous pass to Salah instead of a slight tap over to Firmino. Another downside switching over from manual for me is that World class is way easier - almost too easy. Or maybe that's the new update? I think this game just really doesn't want me to find settings I can settle into.
Had a match vs. ManUnited last night on WC. Felt easier to me after the update. I’m always playing manual.
Difficulty has felt no different to me except the increased shooting error and improved GK. I just wish the AI on professional level would stop warping out of position or dangling a useless leg out to try and tackle. If they could leave professional attack as is and improve the defense, without reducing fouls, that would be the sweet spot for me. Im going to try and reduce my accel to see if that helps with my major issue other wise ill stick with WC and my sliders. I enjoy WC but it is at the expense of a few fouls. I still get some but a lot more on proff
Keepers are definitely making more saves since the update. I’m not sure if the ridiculous goals are still happening, I haven’t seen any for a while. It’s feeling a touch ‘super human’ for my liking at the moment in terms of some of the goals they’re keeping out..
The ball flies ridiculously fast - like a bullet - every 5th or 6th pass, yet most of the time it "feels" like a marshmallow and floats at half-speed when you chip it, or shoot.

It just constantly feels like gravity has been turned off. I do think it's slower overall (I was playing on normal speed, with fast teams, and didn't feel like I needed to turn it down to slow). But I'm also seeing just as much skating. So maybe it's just my perception.
This is a thing that bothered me even since the first build, the ball physics seem wildly inconsistent on default, which you must play on when you play online, you can't ping the ball even with the driven pass & crosses just don't have that dangerous whip.

Everything seems to lob & float for an eternity in the air like they did on FIFA 07. I think it's a deliberate concept to favour defending & give them a chance to react to stuff because in previous games, even the best user with the best defenders can't cope with the chaos of constant blitzball. But as usual the so called concept goes to fast in the other direction.
Maybe this will be shock, but i put gk abillity in sliders on 15 (both User and AI)
I dont want super-humans from PES in my games.

But I also increased shot error and decreased shot power -- so it evens out when it comes to number of goals scored.

Even with 15 gk abillity, they still make great saves --- specially top gk's.
Maybe this will be shock, but i put gk abillity in sliders on 15 (both User and AI)
I dont want super-humans from PES in my games.

But I also increased shot error and decreased shot power -- so it evens out when it comes to number of goals scored.

Even with 15 gk abillity, they still make great saves --- specially top gk's.
Don't know how much those sliders work. I've put both mine & the CPU goalkeeper to 99, and it feels like the CPU keeper is miles better than mine
So, I've decided I'm going to give it another go.

If/when I see the first goalkeeping flap, I was this thread burned down.

If you don't mind me asking @Miku, and without going too far off piste, how and why does one split time between the east of Scotland and Indonesia? 😄
I have made many matches since the update.
I have tried to play on slow. Very good!
A very Big match between Brentford versus Liverpool! 0-0 After 120 minutes🤘.

Another great match : Lyon Vs Lille

And a large Victory versus RB Leipzig

But PSG detroyed me. The high pressure was to high for
So, I've decided I'm going to give it another go.

If/when I see the first goalkeeping flap, I was this thread burned down.

If you don't mind me asking @Miku, and without going too far off piste, how and why does one split time between the east of Scotland and Indonesia? 😄
Born and raised in Scotland, married in and living in Indonesia 😋
Fast, slow, whatever the slider settings - It just feels like there’s no separation between player and ball in this at all.

I wish Id clipped it, but I’ve just watched Federico Bernadeschi perform what can only be described as a breakdance style manoeuvre whilst his foot ghosted through and absorbed the ball.

A final breaking point, I think

This, and the follow-ups which show the promises they have gone back on to give the FUT kids their "ultra responsiveness", is so frustrating.
what system is this on? ive played a full season and a bit on PS5 and watched a lot of replays and have never seen this, not saying it doesnt exist but how many replays do they watch in detail to find something like this? or is it common and im just not looking hard enough
what system is this on? ive played a full season and a bit on PS5 and watched a lot of replays and have never seen this, not saying it doesnt exist but how many replays do they watch in detail to find something like this? or is it common and im just not looking hard enough
I have been playing game from its release on PS5, and this happens a lot to me.
what system is this on? ive played a full season and a bit on PS5 and watched a lot of replays and have never seen this, not saying it doesnt exist but how many replays do they watch in detail to find something like this? or is it common and im just not looking hard enough
Happens every single game to me without fail. If you don't notice it, that's great, but if I ever see something and think "what just happened", I'll check a replay.
Yeah - at LEAST once every game I have to stop and check the replay because something looked completely ridiculous. The replay only ever confirms that it’s actually worse…the ball ghosting through/sticking to limbs like the player’s performing voodoo.

I know all this is supposed to appease the FUT crowd… but when was the last time you ever saw one of them actually praising a FIFA? They’re almost always whining histrionically about something.

At least those of us that play these games offline are striving to get to a point where we can actually enjoy the game, instead of constantly calling for mechanics that are optimal for ‘owning the n00bs’ or ‘rats’ or…whatever they call em.

I really really want to enjoy this game (to the point where I’m envious of those that can) because everything else in it is superb… but for me it’s just a complete chore to play, especially when you’ve got all this nonsense to shatter the immersion almost from the moment a ball is kicked.
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I know all this is supposed to appease the FUT crowd… but when was the last time you ever saw one of them actually praising a FIFA? They’re almost always whining histrionically about something.
That's spot on ,every year ,regardless of whether it's FIFA/NHL/NBA 2k that side of the community is stating that "the game/defending" is broken.

I just wish that EA had the balls to release a game that looks and plays like a game of football ,the FUT crowd would complain anyway ,but still buy it and play it.
But shareholders aren't that interested in this ,that's why it is what it is
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2nd in div one with Bolton , won pre season tournament giving me an extra couple of million for transfers , 3 new players in ..English Championship awaits . Looking at my life/work schedule I doubt I'll get enough games in to make it to premier league before 2023 comes out :)
Happens every single game to me without fail. If you don't notice it, that's great, but if I ever see something and think "what just happened", I'll check a replay.

I'm the same. Notice them on full speed on Tele camera and I have to take a look. It always looks way worse in slow motion.

Thing is, I'd consider myself way more generous than most. I could swallow a little bit of sliding and maybe even a bit of clipping. Stuff in the 'that's a bit silly' bracket, like it used to be, as opposed to today's 'are you fucking kidding me' fare.

I think that something's gotta give, not to make the game ultra-responsive, but to expedite the flow of the game to allow that condensing of 60 (sic) minutes of football to 15 or so. I also assume - with little to no grasp of how video games are made - that's it'd be really fucking difficult to eliminate it all. I stand to be corrected.

But right now it's at an unacceptable level, especially the number of times the ball passes through a player's foot. Foot. Ball. If you can't nail down that relationship then you're in trouble.

Bigger picture, I'm surprised EA cede to the competitive crowd, as FIFA pretty much is football gaming. They could reskin FIFA 12 and call it If You Buy This You're a Prick 23 and who's going to stop them? Certainly not another game, and given how little censorship there appears to be over FUT they'd probably get away with that name too.
This game can be strange, all of a sudden almost over night it seems to have gone a bit quicker and more difficult. I thought it was a night thing last night but felt the same this morning. I had to slow it down a bit more and drop to professional. Still enjoying it but there felt like a sudden shift
This game can be strange, all of a sudden almost over night it seems to have gone a bit quicker and more difficult. I thought it was a night thing last night but felt the same this morning. I had to slow it down a bit more and drop to professional. Still enjoying it but there felt like a sudden shift
Same here. Played quite a bit since the patch came out (Series X) early last week but over the weekend the game felt faster.
Same here. Played quite a bit since the patch came out (Series X) early last week but over the weekend the game felt
Slowed down again this afternoon to a point I've had to increase sprint and passing back up ...really odd .. professional is still more difficult.though and keepers still pretty good
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